A& P II continuous exam questions

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Cubital lymph nodes interrupt the passage of some of the vessels at the __

Carbon dioxide

Besides waste products, which ONE of the following substances is also carried away from the cells of the body by the blood? Carbon dioxide, Water, Oxygen, Protein, Nutrients

Oxygenated, deoxygenated

Blood is bright red in color when .......... (in the arteries) and darker red in color when ............. (in the veins)


Body fluids are slightly alkaline.


Number of spermatozoa per ejaculation can range from as low as 20 million to as high as 300 million per ml of semen volume. Less than 20 million dramatically decreases the likelihood of fertilization.


Initiation and maintenance of an erection

Broad ligament

Is a fold of peritoneum that attaches the side of the uterus and the ovary to the pelvic wall.

The center of the nipple

Lactiferous ducts drain milk from the mammary glands to where?


Leukocytes, also known as white blood cells, are larger than red blood cells and less abundant, with their numbers decreasing during infection.

White blood cells

Leukopoiesis is the process by which ............. are developed from stem cells in red bone marrow. Neutrophils, Red blood cells, White blood cells, T-cells


Lipid metabolism produces: ATP, phospholipids, lipoproteins, thromboplastin, myelin sheaths, triglycerides, and adipose tissue

Parasympathetic nervous system

During arousal, stimulation from which of the following is responsible for erection of the penis?


During puberty, there is a decrease in skin thickness.


During the 5 days of the menstrual phase, the epithelial lining of the endometrium is shed and a combination of blood and epithelial cells and mucus is lost.


During the postovulatory phase, if fertilization does not occur, progesterone levels decline.


Each lobe of a mammary gland contains many smaller lobules, which end in dozens of tiny bulbs called acini.


Each mature spermatozoon contains 46 chromosomes.


Ejaculation occurs


Erection is lost, and heart and breathing rate return to normal


Erythrocytes and neurons cannot metabolize fats or amino acids to provide ATP, and therefore, specifically require glucose.


Erythropoietin produces red blood cells.


Erythropoietin, a hormone that stimulates production of red blood cells, is produced by the kidneys.


Exhalation of carbon dioxide makes the blood more alkaline.

Jugular Trunk

Lymph from the head and neck drains into a thick ............ that runs on the surface of sternocleidomastoid.


Lymph nodes are small bean shaped glands that contain lymphocytes and monocytes.


Lymphatic vessels from the lower limb accompany both the deep and superficial veins from the __

Subclavian veins

Lymphatic vessels from the upper limb accompany both the deep and superficial veins from the hand, ascend the arm and forearm to terminate by draining into the .............

First polar body

In addition to the secondary oocyte, which other structure is produced during meiosis I?


In an average adult, how many liters of blood circulate the body at any one time?


Penis gradually fills with more blood


Plasma concentration of which one of the following substances is commonly used as an indicator of renal function?


Popliteal lymph nodes interrupt the passage of some of the vessels at the ___

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone

Pulses of which hormone stimulate the release of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone from the anterior pituitary gland?


The nerves that relay parasympathetic nerve impulses from the brain to the vagina during the excitement state of the female sexual response emerge from the vertebral column at which one of the following vertebral regions?


The cortex is the internal portion of the thymus and consists of lymphoid tissue.

The fourth stage of aerobic cellular respiration where electrons are transferred to and passed through a series of electron carries and are used to synthesize ATP

The electron transport chain is

Angiotensin II

The enzyme renin raises blood pressure by activating:


The epithelial lining of which uterine layer is shed during the menstrual phase?


The female reproductive cycle is highly regulated by a complex system of hormones

Glomerular filtration

The first event in urine formation is:

2, 4, 5, 1, 3

The following are part of the conduction system of the heart 1. bundle branches 2. SA node 3. Purkinje fibers 4. AVnode 5. Bundle of HIS The correct sequence for impulses traveling through the heart is:

Electron transport chain

The fourth stage of aerobic cellular respiration is:


The glycolysis yields 34 to 36 ATP per glucose

Stratum functionalis

The growth of which layer of the endometrium is stimulated by increasing estrogen levels during the preovulatory phase?

Broad ligament, round ligament, transverse cervical ligament

Which of the following ligaments hold the uterus in place?

Broad ligament and ligament of the ovary

Which of the following ligaments suspend the ovary in the peritoneal cavity?

Increase in heart rate and increase in blood flow to the vagina

Which of the following occur during the excitement and plateau stages of the female sexual response?

The endometrium becomes thicker and the endometrium becomes more vascularized

Which of the following occur during the postovulatory phase of the uterine cycle?

Dartos muscle and cremaster muscle

Which of the following structure elevate the testes in response to cold?


Which of the following structure produce human chorioinic gonadotropin during pregnancy?

Hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor

Which of the following substances are secreted from parietal cells in the gastric pits?

Secondary oocyte

Which one of the following structures is released from the ovary upon ovulation?

Seminal vesicles

Which one of the following structures makes the greatest contribution to the volume of the seminal fluid?

Tunic albuginea

Which one of the following structures serves to divide the testis into lobules?


Which one of the following terms best describes the process by which the formed elements of blood develop? Hemostasis, Leukopoiesis, Erythropoiesis, Hemopoiesis


Which one of the following types of tissues best describes blood? Nervous, Fluid, Epithelial, Glandular, Connective


Together, the stratum functionalis and the stratum basalis make up which one of the following layers of the uterine wall?


Type O blood contains antibodies to both A and B antigens


Under the effects of ADH, water is reabsorbed


Vaginal lubrication and engorgement of the clitoris is mainly due to parasympathetic stimulation relayed by preganglionic fibers emerging from the sacral part of the spinal cord


Veins carry blood toward the heart

Vagina, Ovaries, Uterine Tubes

What are female reproductive organs?

Production of hormone inhibin, Structural support, Secretion of antigen-binding protein, Formation of the blood-testis barrier

What are functions of the Sertoli cells?

Eliminate waste; Adjust the composition of body fluids; Help regulate blood pressure; Regulate the volume of body fluids

What are functions of the kidneys?


What are secondary sex characteristics are features and traits that are associated with puberty and sexual development but have no functional reproductive role

Immunity, absorption of fats, and the maintenance of fluid balance

What are the key functions of the lymphatic system?

Testes, Epididymis, Penis

What are the male reproductive organs?

Penis, prostate gland, breasts

What are the secondary sex organs of either the male or female?

Feces, Skin, Urine, Exhaled Air

What is a route for water loss?

Salivary glands, cystic duct, common bile duct, pancreas

What is associated with the accessory organs of digestion?

Lesser curvature, body, pyloric sphincter, fundus

What is associated with the stomach?

Follicular fluid, Antrum, Granulosa cells, Theca externa

What is part of the Graafian follicle?

A bile duct, portal vein, and hepatic artery

When considering the histology of the liver, which one of the following best describes a hepatic triad?

Manufacture of hormones

Which of the following is not a function of blood? Transportation of nutrients, Transportation of nutrients, Transportation of waste products, Manufacture of hormones, Distribution of heat, Hemostasis


Which of the following is not a hormone used in digestion?

Synovial fluid

Which of the following is not a route for water loss?

Vermiform appendix

Which of the following is not associated with the accessory organs of digestion?

Inhibin and androgen-binding protein

Which of the following are secreted by the Sertoli cells?

Dural sinus

A blood filled space that drains blood from the brain is termed a: Meatus, Gyrus, Arch, Dural sinus, Fossa

Blood pressure

A force that drives materials out of the glomerulus and into Bowman's capsule is:

Parathyroid glands

A hormone that increases blood calcium levels is produced by:

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone, Follicle-stimulating hormone, Luteinizing hormone, Estrogen, Progesterone, and Inhibin

Which of the following are the principle hormones regulating the female reproductive cycle?


After ovulation, follicle-stimulating hormone transforms the corpus hemorrhagicum into a corpus luteum.


After ovulation, it is luteinizing hormone that transforms the corpus hemorrhagicum into a corpus luteum.


An increase in vaginal lubrication, heart rate, blood pressure, blood flow to the external genitals, vagina, and breasts, and facial flushing may all occur during these stages.


Around day 14, the presence of luteinizing hormone promotes several changes to the wall of the follicle, causing the mature (Graafian) follicle to rupture, the expulsion of the secondary oocyte, and the formation of the corpus hemorrhagicum.

Week 4

Around which week of fetal growth does development of reproductive system begin?

3, 4, 5, 1, 2

Arrange the following in the correct developmental sequence. 1. Graafian follicle, 2. Corpus luteum, 3. Primordial follicle, 4. Primary follicle, 5. Secondary follicle

2, 1, 3

Arrange the following layers of the uterus in the correct order, from outermost to innermost. 1. Myometrium, 2. Perimetrium, 3. Endometrium

2, 7, 6, 3, 1, 4, 5

Arrange the following stages of follicular development in the correct order. 1. Ruptured follicle, 2. Primordial follicle, 3. Mature follicle, 4. Corpus luteum, 5. Corpus albicans, 6. Secondary follicle, 7. Primary follicle

3, 1, 5, 4, 6, 2

Arrange the following stages of spermatogenesis in the correct order, starting with the division of the spermatogonia. Q. Differentiation, 2. Spermiation, 3. Mitosis, 4. Meiosis II, 5. Meiosis I, 6. Spermiogenesis

7, 1, 6, 4, 5, 2, 3

Arrange the following structures in the correct order, from the testis to the external urethral orifice. 1. Head of the epididymis, 2. Ejaculatory duct, 3. Urethra, 4. Tail of the epididymis, 5. Ductus deferens, 6. Body of the epididymis, 7. Efferent ductules

4, 5, 3, 2, 1

Arrange the following types of white blood cells in order, from most abundant to least abundant.


Which one of the following molecules serves as the principle carbohydrate substrate in various metabolic reactions throughout the body?

Corpus luteum

Which one of the following secretes several hormones including progesterone?


Colostrum is high in proteins, many of which are antibodies to help the newborn fight disease. As colostrum production drops, the mammary glands produce milk, a waterier solution containing protein, amino acids, lipids, sugar, and salts.


Dartos muscle is a thin layer of smooth muscle that covers both testicles.


Dentin and cementum can generate and repair themselves, enamel cannot.


Dihydrotestertone is secreted by the testes, prostate, and adrenal cortex.

Liver and muscles

Glycogen is stored in the:


Glycogenolysis process is stimulated by the hormones cortisol and glucagon.


Granulosa cells on the follicular surface convert androgens into which hormone?


Hemoglobin is composed of the protein globin and an organic heme molecule containing an ionic form of which of the following elements? Oxygen, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium

Ligament of the ovary

Holds the lower pole of the ovary to the uterus.

14 days

How long does the luteal stage usually last in a 28-day-ovarian cycle?

5 days

How long does the menstrual phase of a typical 28-day cycle last?


How many chromosomes do spermatids have?


How many days, on average, does each female reproductive cycle last?


Human chorionic gonadotropin is produced after fertilization, initially by the developing embryo and later by a region of the placenta.


Hypernatremia is the term used to describe a high level of calcium ions in blood plasma?


If a woman does not orgasm, the plateau stage is extended and proceeds directly to the ____ stage.

Fibrin threads

In the clotting process blood cells are trapped in this: Thromboplastin, Fibrin threads, Albumin, Antibody, Anticoagulant


In the first step of glycolysis, which one of the following enzymes converts glucose to glucose 6-phosphate?


In the white pulp, the lymphocytes and phagocytes monitor the blood for foreign antigens.

Thoracic duct

Most of the lymphatic vessels from the abdomen terminate by draining into the __

Prophase of meiosis I

Most primordial follicles are formed at birth and contain a primary oocyte that remains suspended in the ___ until puberty

Vitamin A

Night blindness is due to a deficiency of:


What substance, carried by each red blood cell, determines blood type? Hemoglobin, Globin, Antibody, Antigen

Kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra

Select the correct order of urine flow from its source to the outside of the body


Sodium and potassium ions are positively charged and, thus, are described as anions.


The B vitamins are fat soluble.

Type D antigen

The Rh agglutinogen is known as Rh factor or ............ Type A antigen, Type D antigen, Type C antigen, Type B antigen


The anaerobic phase of metabolism yields how many ATP per glucose?


The aorta is the largest artery in the body


The axillary lymph nodes are so called armpit lymph nodes.


The blood group that has the highest level of compatibility (can receive the widest variety of blood types) is: AB, A, O, B


The blood levels of which one of the following hormones surge towards the end of the preovulatory phase, stimulating the rupturing of the mature follicle and thereby causing ovulation?


The body can transfer heat in the following ways EXCEPT:

Convection; Radiation; Evaporation; Conduction

The body can transfer heat in the following ways:


The carotid arteries supply blood to the: Arm, Groin, Head, Thorax, Heart

Atrial natriuretic peptide

The hormone acts to increase water loss is:

Stimulates development of spermatozoa and stimulates development of secondary sexual characteristics

The hormone testosterone has which of the following direct actions?


The iliac veins empty into the superior vena cava

Follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone

The increasing concentrations of which hormones mark the beginning of the preovulatory phase?

Between the ribs

The intercoastal arteries are located: Below the kidneys, Between the ribs, In the groin, Between the arm and forearm, In the inguinal region


The layer of the tunica intima that is in direct contact with the blood is ............. Lamina propria, Internal elastic lamina, Basement membranes, Smooth muscle, Endothelium


The left atrium is thin walled and receives oxygenated blood from the lungs

Stomach and liver

The lesser omentum is between the:

Progesterone and estrogen

The levels of which hormones dramatically decrease at the end of the previous ovarian cycle, promoting the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus and the subsequent gradual release of FSH and LH from the anterior pituitary gland?


The lymphatic system functions to maintain fluid balance to defend the body against disease by producing and transporting lymphocytes and to digest ............. from the intestine.

Inguinal lymph nodes

The lymphatic vessels of the lower limb drain into the __

Calcium and phosphorus

The main minerals in bones and teeth are:

Urinary system

The main route for water loss is the:


The majority of energy generated from catabolic reactions is used to synthesize which type of molecule?


The medulla is mostly composed of connective tissue.

1 - 5

The menstrual phase usually occurs from days ___


The number 36 in the illustration below represents:

Follicle of cortex

The number 37 in the illustration below represents:


The outer layer of a blood vessel is the pericardium


The outer layer of a blood vessel is the tunica externa


The ovarian hormones estrogen and progesterone are at their lowest levels during the menstrual period.


The parasternal lymph nodes are a string of nodes located medial to the sternum.


The peritoneal cavity is completely closed in females


The portion of the peritoneum attached to the small intestine is the:

Luteal phase

The postovulatory phase of the uterine cycle occurs at the same time as which phase of the ovarian cycle?

Prophase of meiosis I

The primary oocyte within the primary follicle is arrested at what stage of cell division?

Concentrate the urine

The purpose of the countercurrent mechanism is to:


The pyloric sphincter regulates the flow of food into the:


The right lymphatic duct is much shorter than the left thoracic duct.

Seminal vesicles

The secretions of which one of the following causes semen to clot upon ejaculation?


The thermoregulatory center that controls body temperature is located in which one of the following structures?


The thymus is a part of the neuro-endocrine system.

Posterior, anterior

The thymus is located in the anterior mediastinum, ..... to the sternum and .... to the trachea.


The tonsils are three masses of lymphatic tissue surrounding the entrance of the larynx.

Uterine or menstrual

The two major parts of the female reproductive cycle are the ovarian cycle and the ___ cycle.


The ulnar artery is a continuation of the external iliac artery of the pelvis and becomes the popliteal artery


The ureter carries urine from the bladder to the outside


The urethra transports urine from the kidneys to the bladder.


The veins that drain blood from areas supplied by the carotid arteries are the Lumbar, Jugular, Portal, Subclavian, Azygous


These hormones have a negative feedback effect on the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland, inhibiting the release of FSH and LH, which inhibits the development of new follicles in the ovaries.


This is released by the kidneys and stimulates the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells Aldosterone, Epinephrine, Erythropoietin, Antidiuretic hormone, Norepinephrine


This type of lymphocyte functions in the immune response by acting directly against virus-infected cells and tumor cells. Monocytes, Neutrophils, Lymphoblasts, B-cells, T-cells


Thrombopoietin is produced by the liver and stimulates the development of megakaryocytes.


What is the anatomical term for male gametes?


What is the anatomical term for the extensions of the corpora cavernosa that support the penis during erection?


What is the anatomical term for the finger-like extensions on the distal part of each uterine tube that help guide an ovum towards the uterus?


What is the anatomical term for the incomplete mucous membrane that may occlude the vaginal orifice?

Stratum functionalis

What is the anatomical term for the layer of the endometrium that thickens and develops blood vessels to prepare for implantation?


What is the anatomical term for the pigmented ring that surrounds the nipple?

Oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus

What is the correct order a bolus of food will travel through the digestive tract?


What is the medical term for giving birth?


What is the term for the antibody-rich substance secreted from the mammary glands for around 3 days after childbirth?

Corpus hemorrhagicum

What is the term for the follicle after it has ruptured, expelling the secondary oocyte?


What is the term for the narrow neck of the uterus that protrudes inferiorly into the vagina? It has a narrow canal running through it, connecting the cavity of the uterus to that of the vagina.


What is the term used to describe each male spermatogenic cell?


What name is given to the clotting protein responsible for the coagulation of blood? Heparin, Fibrin, Clotting factor XII, Thrombin, Thromboplastin

Width of hips increases, pubic and armpit hair increases, width of shoulders increases

What occurs as part of secondary sexual changes in females?

Larynx; Tongue; Soft palate; Pharynx

What participates in the process of deglutition?


What percentage of the nuclear genetic information required for successful embryological development is carried in the female gamete?

Late follicular phase

What phase of the ovarian cycle occurs at the same time as the preovulatory phase of the uterine cycle?


What singe term describes the reproductive cells of men and women produced in the testes and ovaries?

Mature (Graafian) follicle

What stage of development does the follicle reach by the end of the follicular phase?

A Luteinizing-hormone surge

What stimulate the primary oocyte of a dominant follicle to complete its first meiotic division and the mature follicle to rupture?

A mechanical junction tightly adjoining one cardiomyocyte to another

Which ONE of the following best describes a desmosome?

Closure of the semilunar valves

Which ONE of the following best describes the cause of the second heart sound (dup)? Density differences of the blood after oxygenation; The closure of the semilunar valves; Turbulence of blood flowing through the heart; The contraction of the myocardium; The closure of the atrioventricular valves

Medium veins

Which ONE of the following contains valves to prevent the backflow of blood? Elastic arteries, Medium veins, Capillaries, Large veins, Arterioles

Palatine tonsils

Which ONE of the following does not participate in the process of deglutition?

QRS Complex

Which ONE of the following parts of an ECG trace is due to the rapid depolarization of the ventricular contractile fibers? P wave, T wave, Q wave, U Wave, QRS complex


Which ONE of the following structures contains the contractile elements of a cardiomyocyte? Myofibrils, Intercalated discs, Transverse tubules, Sarcoplasmic reticulum, Mitochondria

CCK, Secretin, Gastric inhibitory peptide, Gastrin

Which are hormone used in digestion?

Thymus gland, lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen

Which are lymphatic organs?

Blood plasma; Cerebrospinal fluid; Lymph; Interstitial fluid

Which fluids are in the extracellular compartment?

FSH, Inhibin, Estrogen, LH

Which hormones are involved in the regulation of the female reproductive cycle?

Cremaster muscle

Which muscle when it contracts brings the scrotum closer to the body to absorb heat, and relaxes, to cool the scrotum down, thus regulating the temperature of the testes?

Dartos muscle

Which muscle when it contracts wrinkles the skin of the scrotum to decrease the surface area and prevent a drop-in temperature?

Enlargement of thyroid cartilage, causing the voice to deepen, Increase in bone density

Which of the following are secondary sex characteristics?

Body fat decreases, sebaceous gland secretions decrease

Which of the following do not occur as part of secondary sexual changes in females?

Dilation of the veins

Which of the following does not help to move blood back toward the heart? Contraction of skeletal muscles, Valves in the veins, Dilation of the veins, Expansion of the chest, Flattening of the diaphragm


Which of the following fluids is not in the extracellular compartment?

Seminal vesicles

Which of the following glands secrete the greatest volume of seminal fluid?

Labia majora and mons pubis

Which of the following have pubic hair associated with them?


Which of the following hormones is produced by the corpus luteum and inhibits the development of new follicles in the ovaries?


Which of the following is a normal constituent of urine?


Which of the following is a protein-digesting enzyme?

10 million

Which of the following is considered an abnormal number of spermatozoa per ejaculation?


Which one of the following best approximates the day on which ovulation occurs in a typical 28-day cycle?

Weak acid

Which one of the following best describes a compound that partially dissociates in aqueous solution to produce a low concentration of anions and protons?


Which one of the following hormones is not involved in the regulation of the female reproductive cycle?


Which one of the following hormones is the primary determinant of the final volume of urine?

Synovial fluid

Which one of the following interstitial fluids occupies the joint capsule space?

Protein anions

Which one of the following ions is usually found at substantially higher levels in blood plasma compared to interstitial fluid?

Production of testosterone

Which one of the following is NOT a function of the Sertoli cells?


Which one of the following is NOT a hormone, but instead serves reproduction by binding to testosterone?

Destroy red blood cells

Which one of the following is not a function of the kidneys?

Primary oocyte

Which one of the following is not part of the Graafian follicle?

Tunica albuginea

Which one of the following is the anatomical term for the layer of fascia that binds the corpora cavernosa together?


Which one of the following is the cellular location where oxidative phosphorylation occurs?

Sodium bicarbonate

Which one of the following is the component of the pancreatic juice that counters the acidity of the chime entering the duodenum?

Minor calyx

Which one of the following is the cup-like structure that surrounds and drains a renal papilla?


Which one of the following is the part of the nephron responsible for filtration of the blood?


Which one of the following is the phase of the male sexual response immediately preceding the release of semen?


Which one of the following layers of the vaginal wall stores glycogen and maintains the acidity within the vagina?

Angiotensin II

Which one of these hormones directly stimulates the release of aldosterone?


Which one of these structures is the last and longest segment of the small intestine?

The removal of pathogens and foreign material from lymphatic fluid

Which statement most correctly describes the main function of lymph nodes?

Corpus luteum

Which structure secretes progesterone during a normal female reproductive cycle?


Which substance allows RBCs to transport oxygen? Hemoglobin, Thrombin, Erythropoietin (EPO), Fibrin

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