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True or False. Anyone can wear a wig or hairpiece as long as the color is natural, and the wig meets standards for natural hair.


The Air Corp Tactical School developed doctrine, principles, and philosophy on:

High-altitude daylight, Strategic Bombing.

The Core Values are important to Airmen and Guardians because they:

Provide a moral framework for military activities

The Aeronautical Division of the Signal Corp first used aircraft for a military purpose, mostly for Observation, in:

Pursuing 'Pancho' Villa back into Mexico after he attacked Columbus, New Mexico in 1916

How are the virtues related to the Air Force Core Values?

The virtues are behaviors that demonstrate one truly values the Core Values

In order to serve in the Air Force and Space Force you must abide by the Core Values.


When a senior-ranking officer approaches a large formation:

the person in charge of the formation calls it to the position of attention and salutes the officer on its behalf.

You are at a parade and in uniform. The US flag is about to pass by where you are standing, so you salute:

when the flag is six paces away and hold your salute until it is six paces past you.

What was the US Army unit, founded in 1907 that took "charge of all matters pertaining to military ballooning, air machines, and all kindred subjects", but did not own any airplanes yet?

Aeronautical Division of the Signal Corp

Which of the following BEST describes the Core Value of Integrity First?

A moral compass and foundation for trust

You are standing outside in uniform among others but are not in a formation. What should you do if a senior officer approaches?

Come to the position of attention and salute, just like everyone else

Women may wear the following types of earrings while in uniform:

Diamond, gold white pearl, or silver spherical pierced or clip on earrings.

What are the Air Force Core Values (pick all that apply)?

Service Before Self Integrity First Excellence in All We Do

Prior-enlisted years of service can be used to determine total years of service for officer pay.


The bulk of a male's hair may not exceed..


How many days of leave do you receive per year?


Which of the following is part of an Airman and Guardian's overall compensation?

All of the Above

Which of these elements is taxable?

Base Pay

If you carry an umbrella while in uniform, it should be _____.


What did Brigadier General William "Billy" Mitchell of the US Army's Air Service publicly state how airplanes could protect the United States better than the US Navy, and to prove it:

Bombed and sank the modern battleship Ostfriesland, showed how airpower can defeat sea power.

While in uniform and walking to your vehicle to go home, the national anthem begins to play. What should you do?

Come to the position of attention and salute throughout the song

When reporting to a senior officer, which is a correct procedure?

After dropping your salute, remain at attention (unless told otherwise).

What combatant arm of the Army provided airpower in France in World War I?

Air Service of the US Army

How far can women's hair extend in the back when in uniform?

Maximum bulk of 4 inches from scalp and allows proper wear of headgear. One or two braids or a single ponytail may be worn.

Educational benefits are a form of additional compensation?


Which of the following is an official Air and Space Forces Paper?

Position Paper

Select the correct list of official DAF Papers.

Talking Paper, Bullet Background Paper, Position Paper

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