All Inman Questions

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16. Where is lactose absorbed? a. small intestine b. stomach c. pancreas d. liver


48. Which would aid the absorption of an iron supplement? a. cow's milk, eggs b. orange juice, hamburger c. milk, eggs, cheese d. dates, eggs


64. Which of the following can be reversed with vitamin A? a. xerophthalmia b. nyctalopia c. Wilson's disease d. homocysteinuria


7. Carbohydrates listed in order of decreasing sweetness are: a. fructose, glucose, sucrose, sorbitol b. sucrose, glucose, fructose, sorbitol c. fructose, sucrose, glucose, sorbitol d. sorbitol, fructose, sucrose, glucose


80. Ketones are most associated with : a. complex carbohydrates b. simple sugars c. fats d. amino acids


45. Biotin is considered a coenzyme in the synthesis of: a. protein b. carbohydrate c. glycogen d. fatty acids


35. The end product of aerobic glycolysis is: a. acetyl - CoA b. pyruvic acid c. lactic acid d. glycogen


14. The best laboratory value to use in assessing iron status is: a. hemoglobin b. hematocrit c. ferritin d. serum iron


3. Which recipe ingredient should be adjusted if a cake has a crunchy crust and compact moist texture? a. milk b. flour c. sugar d. baking powder


30. In the fed state, the brain uses which nutrient as a source of energy? a. fatty acid b. lactic acid c. glucose d. ketone bodies


34. Glycogenolysis is the: a. catabolism of carbohydrate b. creation of glucose from glycerol and amino acids c. breakdown of glycogen releasing glucose d. creation of glycogen


41. Which hormone regulates calcium levels? a. insulin b. thyroid c. parathyroid d. aldosterone


5. Which pigment does not change color in an acid or an alkaline solution? a. anthocyanin b. chlorophyll c. carotene d. flavones


84. The tartness in fruits and vegetables is due to: a. flavones b. chlorophyll c. anthoxanthins d. tannins


85. When a white sauce tastes starchy and grainy, the likely cause is: a. too much starch b. improper proportions of ingredients c. starch was added before the fat melted d. uncooked flour


94. Dry heat cookery should be used for which cut of meat? a. shoulder b. neck c. brisket d. near the backbone


95. What color do onions turn when cooked in an aluminum pan? a. purple b. blue c. red d. yellow


98. Which nutrient is added for flour enrichment? a. vitamin A b. iodine c. fluorine d. iron


46. Food iron is in the form. a. ferric b. ferritin c. transferrin d. ferrous


70. What is the difference between cake flour and bread flour? a. cake flour has less gluten, weaker gluten, less protein b. bread flour has less gluten, weaker gluten, less protein c. cake flour has weaker gluten, but has more protein d. bread flour has stronger gluten and less protein


75. If linoleic acid replaces carbohydrates in the diet: a. LDL decreases, HDL increases b. LDL and HDL decrease c. LDL and HDL increase d. LDL increases, HDL decreases


79. Evaporated milk has: a. slightly more than half of the water removed b. added sugar c. a fat content of 3 - 6% d. lactose removed


8. The flakiness of pie crust depends on: a. type of fat b. oxidation of fat c. temperature of the fat d. oven temperature


82. What causes egg yolk color to change? a. alteration of the feed provided b. storage length c. shell color d. storage conditions


86. The scientific process by which water makes lettuce crisp is: a. osmotic pressure of water-filled vacuoles b. diffusion c. transamination d. water active diffusion


56. NADPH is: a. essential in the synthesis of fatty acids b. essential in the synthesis of glycogen c. involved in the catabolism of protein d. essential in transamination


58. Which vitamin acts as a coenzyme in transamination? a. pyridoxine b. thiamin c. riboflavin d. vitamin B 12


6. The end products of cellular oxidation are: a. water, carbon dioxide, energy b. carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen c. indigestible fiber, nitrogen d. monosaccharides , amino acids, energy


62. The oxidation of fatty acids forms: a. acetyl CoA b. pyruvic acid c. lactic acid d. oxaloacetate


63. Pantothenic acid, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin are all involved in: a. converting pyruvate into acetyl CoA b. converting tyrosine into phenylalanine c. converting glycogen into glucose d. converting lactic acid into oxaloacetate


67. Iron absorption is enhanced by: a. acidic chyme in the duodenum b. the alkalinity of the duodenum c. oxalates and phytates d. the absence of ascorbic acid


69. Which has the lowest cholesterol content? a. peanut butter and crackers b. yogurt with fruit c. chocolate cake d. roast beef sandwich


87. Four hours after eating you develop nausea, diarrhea, but no fever. The cause may be: a. staphylococcus aureus b. clostridium botulinum c. clostridium perfringens d. streptococcus


89. If linoleic acid replaces saturated fat in the diet: a. total cholesterol including HDL decrease b. HDL increases c. LDL increases d. no change in lipid levels


47. Food iron is reduced in the stomach to the more absorbable form of: a. ferric b. ferrous c. transferrin d. ferritin


52. Protein digestion begins in the: a. mouth b. stomach c. small intestine d. ileum


53. Lactase is produced in the: a. stomach b. small intestine c. gallbladder d. pancreas


66. Which amino acids must be present in a parenteral solution? a. valine, leucine, glycine, alanine b. tryptophan, phenylalanine, threonine, isoleucine c. phenylalanine, methionine, arginine, tyrosine d. lysine, glutamic acid, alanine, glycine


68. Which of the following inhibits gluconeogenesis? a. glycogen b. insulin c. catecholamines d. glucocorticoids


77. When substituting buttermilk for whole milk in pastry: a. decrease the liquid b. increase the baking soda c. increase the amount of butter d. increase the liquid


88. Which hormone greatly influences the BMR? a. the endocrine hormone b. thyroxine c. the growth hormone d. insulin


96. Which cooking method would best convert collagen to gelatin in a bottom round roast? a. grilling it to medium rare b. braising c. broiling d. searing


78. Ground meat will spoil faster than sliced meat because: a. it has more enzyme activity b. it has more fat c. more surface area is exposed d. it has less fat


81. Which best describes sorbitol and glucose? a. sorbitol is sweeter than glucose b. they each provide 7 calories per gram c. sorbitol is absorbed more slowly d. they both convert into fructose


83. Which data is needed to convert weight into volume? a. mass b. temperature c. specific gravity d. pH


97. Which method of bread-making is not as dependent on the length of time the dough sits to rise? a. straight dough method b. sponge dough method c. continuous method d. prime bake method


72. A patient with metabolic alkalosis would have: a. excess excretion of base through the kidneys b. retention of base by the lungs c. excretion of base by the lungs d. retention of base by the kidneys


76. Which is not absorbed directly into the portal blood? a. monosaccarhides b. amino acids c. medium chained fatty acids d. long chained fatty acids


99. What does the term "USDA graded" on meat tell the consumer? a. It assures wholesomeness b. It was free of disease at the time of slaughter c. The meat is fit for human consumption d. It defines quality


50. Cholecystokinin causes: a. contraction of the gallbladder b. peristalsis c. secretion of pancreatic juice d. contraction of the liver


54. Which enzymes are secreted by the pancreas? a. amylase, lipase, cholesterol esterase, trypsin, chymotrypsin b. sucrose, maltase, lactase, aminopeptidase c. ptyalin d. aminopeptidase, dipeptidase


12. Fat produces more calories than carbohydrate because : a. fat has more carbon and hydrogen in relation to oxygen b. fat has less carbon and hydrogen in relation to oxygen c. fat is a larger molecule d. fat is a smaller molecule


19. Acidic chyme becomes neutralized in the duodenum by: a. mixing with bicarbonate and fluids b. mixing with alkaline intestinal enzymes c. mixing with sodium and potassium d. mixing with bile


25. Riboflavin, thiamin and niacin are all involved in the: a. metabolism of carbohydrate b. metabolism of fat c. metabolism of protein d. production of amino acids


27. Which of the following stabilizes an egg white foam? a. an acid b. water c. flour d. salt


29. What may cause EKG abnormalities? a. high serum potassium level b. low serum potassium level c. low serum sodium level d. high serum sodium level


33. Glycolysis is the: a. catabolism of carbohydrate b. creation of glucose from glycerol and amino acids c. breakdown of glycogen releasing glucose d. creation of glycogen


38. A provitamin is: a. a nutrient that can be converted into a vitamin b. a vitamin that can be converted into a nutrient c. the endogenous from of a vitamin d. a man-made copy of a vitamin


40. In the human, vitamin K is affected by: a. anticoagulants and antibiotics b. iodine c. water-soluble vitamins d. gluten


43. Which of the following are synthesized by intestinal bacteria? a. biotin, pantothenic acid, vitamin K b. vitamin E, vitamin K, biotin c. pyridoxine, vitamin E d. ascorbic acid, pyridoxine, vitamin K


49. Bile is produced in the ___ and stored in the ___. a. liver, gallbladder b. gallbladder, liver c. liver, liver d. gallbladder, gallbladder


9. A group of rats being fed gelatin as the sole protein source are not growing well. What is the likely reason? a. gelatin has no tryptophan and is low in methionine and lysine b. gelatin has no methionine and is low in tryptophan c. gelatin has no lysine or methionine, and is low in tryptophan d. gelatin has no arginine


90. Which oil is highest in monounsaturated fatty acids? a. olive b. canola c. peanut d. sunflower


91. Which oil is highest in saturated fat? a. coconut b. palm c. cocoa butter d. butter


92. Which of the following may result in metabolic acidosis? a. decreased retention of bicarbonate b. decreased retention of hydrogen c. decreased retention of chloride d. increased retention of bicarbonate


93. A high protein diet increases the need for: a. riboflavin and water b. thiamin c. water d. ascorbic acid


10. A #10 can holds how many cups of product? a. 10 b. 13 c. 12 d. 5


11. If you replace half and half with whipping cream in ice cream, the effects on the ice crystals will be : a. an increase in size because there is less fat b. a decrease in size because there is more fat c. no change d. an increase in size because there is more fat


13. Research has shown that neural tube defects can be reduced with proper supplementation of: a. iron b. folic acid c. glutamine d. arginine


15. Which is the best flour when making cakes? a. graham flour b. all-purpose flour c. whole wheat flour d. durum wheat flour


18. Which minerals are involved in carbohydrate metabolism? a. cobalt, zinc b. chromium, zinc c. copper, chromium d. iron, zinc


22. How much fluid is lost through insensible losses? a. 5 liters b. 1 liter c. 2 liters d. 3-4 liters


24. The following is an irreversible reaction: a. pyruvic acid into lactic acid b. pyruvic acid into acetyl CoA c. glucose-6-phosphate into glycogen d. glucose-6-phosphate into pyruvate


28. Winterized oil is: a. cloudy when refrigerated b. clear when refrigerated c. cloudy when stored for long periods of time d. clear only if kept at room temperature


32. Gluconeogenesis is the: a. catabolism of carbohydrate b. creation of glucose from glycerol and amino acids c. breakdown of glycogen releasing glucose d. creation of glycogen


37. The hormone epinephrine: a. lowers blood glucose during catabolic stress b. raises blood glucose during catabolic stress c. is secreted from the pituitary gland d. stimulates glycogen production


42. Pyridoxine acts as a coenzyme in: a. iron transfer b. deamination and transamination c. fat transfer through the lymphatic system d. osmotic pressure of body fluids


44. Ascorbic acid aids in healing. Which of the following applies? a. collagen --> hydroxyproline b. proline --> hydroxyproline --> collagen c. hydroxyproilne --> proline --> collagen d. hydroxyproline --> collagen


1. When you check overrun, you are checking : a. excess stock in the storeroom b. surplus soap and rinse aids used in the dish machine c. the weight of ice cream d. total costs of unexpected meals served


100. A cake with a fallen center may be the result of: a. too little fat b. too little sugar c. excess sugar and excess fat d. too little baking powder


2. What is the process by which the water content of a vegetable is replaced by a concentrated salt solution? a. gelling b. osmosis c. diffusion d. retrogradation


20. The colon functions in the absorption of: a. amino acids, fatty acids b. unsaturated fatty acids, electrolytes c. water, salts, vitamin K, thiamin, riboflavin d. glucose and fatty acids


21. To prevent frozen gravy from separating when thawed: a. reheat slowly and stir constantly b. thaw it before heating and stir constantly c. prepare it with modified starch d. cook it longer before freezing to stabilize the gravy


4. Why do egg whites beat more easily at room temperature? a. the pH is increased b. the protein is denatured c. the surface tension is lower d. the surface tension is higher


51. Which enzymes are involved in protein digestion? a. ptyalin, lipase, sucrase b. amylase, lipase, trypsin c. pepsin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase d. trypsin, lipase, amylase


57. The following are required for the conversion of pyruvic acid into active acetate? a. thiamin, NAD, oxaloacetic acid b. oxygen, pantothenic acid, vitamin E c. thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, NAD d. pantothenic acid, oxaloacetate, citric acid


59. Glucocorticoids are: a. thyroid hormones b. pituitary hormones c. adrenal hormones d. parathyroid hormones


61. Fats enter the blood as __ and leave the liver as _ a. phospholipids, chylomicrons b. chylomicrons, phospholipids c. chylomicrons, lipoproteins d. lipoproteins, chylomicrons


73. Which foods should be washed just before serving? a. plums and grapes b. peaches and carrots c. strawberries and mushrooms d. apples and celery


74. Which government agency inspects and grades meat? a. FDA b. DHHS c. USDA d. Department of Commerce


17. Considering the following smoke points of various fats, which would be the best to use for frying? a. 300 'F b. 325'F c. 375'F d.400'F


23. An amino acid that cannot be produced by the body is: a. alanine b. glycine c. tyrosine d. tryptophan


26. An increased plasma pyruvate level is an indication of: a. iron deficiency b. riboflavin deficiency c. excess carbohydrate ingestion d. thiamin deficiency


31. In starvation, the brain uses which nutrient as an energy source? a. fatty acids b. lactic acid c. glucose d. ketone bodies


36. Protein-bound iodine (PBI) measures: a. nutritional status b. toxic levels of iodine c. deficiency of epinephrine d. level of thyroxine being produced


39. The formula for producing the active form of vitamin D is: a. vitamin D3 converting into 7- dehydrocholesterol b. ergosterol converting into calciferol c. cholesterol converting into calciferol d. 7 - dehydrocholesterol converting into cholecalciferol


55. Which conversion requires glucose- 6 -phosphatase? a. glucose into liver glycogen b. glucose into pyruvic acid c. pyruvic acid into lactic acid d. liver glycogen into glucose


60. Glucocorticoids: a. convert glucose into protein b. convert fatty acids into glucose c. convert glucose into fat d. convert protein into glucose


65. Fresh meat contamination comes mainly from: a. botulism b. staphylococcus c. clostridium d. salmonella


71. Vitamin A is involved in: a. growth and development b. blood clotting c. growth of bones and teeth d. development of tissue and skin


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