anth test 3

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A reciprocal situation in which a return of equal value is expected within a specified time limit demonstrates what anthropologists consider

balanced reciprocity

Androgyny is a term that refers to a

combination of both male and female traits

The transfer of information from one person to another is human


An intense comradeship in which the social distinctions among participants in a rite of passage disappear or become irrelevant is called


The study of social power in human society is called

political anthropology

Theorizing race and language together is the project of


A conscious, deliberate, and organized attempt by some members of a society to create a more satisfying culture in a time of crisis is known as a


According to Erazo, negotiating the specific responsibilities and duties associated with territorial citizenship is one of the key sites of enacting


Encompassing pictures of reality created by the members of a particular society are called


Among the Sambia of New Guinea

young men fellate older men in order to grow into adulthood

Witchcraft beliefs, especially witchcraft accusations

-can serve to unify a society -can defend the wider values of a community -can weaken in-group ties

According to anthropologist Daniel Miller, the concept of habitus

-is heavily influenced by our =interactions with material culture gives shape and form to the idea that objects make people

The anthropologist who argued that myths are tools for overcoming logical contradictions that cannot otherwise be overcome was

Claude Lévi-Strauss

According to the text, a central theme in multicultural debates within Europe is

Coming to terms with increasing numbers of Muslims living in countries where Christianity has historically been dominant

If we follow the approach suggested by Donna Haraway's "cyborg anthropology," which of the following statements is the most true for our likely point of view?

Composite masculinities and femininities will become the norm for most societies within the next generation.

According to T. M. Luhrmann, how did members of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship evangelical churches understand prayer?

Congregants have to be trained in order to learn how to pray properly

_______ is being at ease in more than one cultural setting.


Annette Weiner argues that the role of women's wealth in Trobriand society

Could disappear if cash ever become widely substitutable for yams

Critics identify problems with several assumptions of the traditional plural concept of culture in anthropology. Which of the following is NOT one of those problems?

Group members uncritically accept the differences between themselves and other groups.

Sharp offers an example of Sally, a widow in her mid-50s whose son's heart had been transplanted into the body of Larry, a married man in his late 60s. Why, in Sharp's view, did the role of donor mother become so important for Sally and Larry, once they got to know each other?

It helped them deal with the "adulterous" overtones in their relationship. b. It helped them deal with the "incestuous" overtones in their relationship.

Which of the following statements describes the relationship of Mende women toward their children?

Mende woman's principal claim to her husband's land or cash comes through her children.

To the Azande, witches are

Neighbors, Antisocial, Those whose behavior is out of line

In the Calvert case, which involved gestational surrogacy, the court declared that Anna Johnson, who gave birth to the baby was

a genetic hereditary stranger

Kinship relationships based primarily on nurturance are examples of


The kinship tie created by marriage is called


According to Erazo, which of the following statements is true about territorial citizenship in Rukullakta?


Which of the following observations about polygynous families is false?


According to Gill Shepherd, Swahili women in Mombasa

all of the above

According to Rudy Colloredo-Mansfeld,

all of the above

According to Shelly Errington as cited in the text, "art by appropriation" includes

all of the above

According to anthropologist Lesley Sharp, which of the following statements is correct?

all of the above

At the present time, anthropologists are seeing that the plural definition of culture is used by indigenous groups to define themselves.

all of the above

In the 1970s in Guider, Cameroon, how did material culture mediate the practices of everyday life?

all of the above

Kinship terminologies suggest

all of the above

Language, like culture, is

all of the above

Which of the following is an example of ritual cutting associated with initiating girls and boys into adulthood?

all of the above

The French approach to multiculturalism is characterized by the promise to immigrants of

all the rights and privileges of native-born citizens as long as they adopt French culture and language

Robert Fagen proposes that play in animals communicates the message

all's well

As reported in the text, Robbins Burling argues that primate call systems

are organized in a way so different from human symbolic language that it is difficult to imagine a sequence that could convert a call system to language.

Play with form producing some aesthetically successful transformation-representation is a definition of


Daughter" and "son" are examples of

ascribed statuses

The social positions assigned to people at birth are

ascribed statuses

According to the study of gender performativity, we "do gender"

at all times because gender is not something that we "are"

The postmarital residence rule requiring a couple to live with, or near, the husband's mother's brother is called


The ability of native speakers of a language to use words in ways that are socially and culturally appropriate is called

communicative competence

A husband, a wife, and their children form a

conjugal family

The using up of material goods necessary for human physical survival is called


Adam Kuper (quoted in the text) shows how the rulers in apartheid South Africa used the plural concept of culture to

control indigenous African populations

According to Rick Potts (as mentioned in the text), culture

demonstrates continuity between the human and animal realms of behavior

According to William Labov's work in the 1960s, African American children living in urban areas did not perform well linguistically in the classroom because they

felt threatened in the classroom context

The movement to ritual is based on the premise of

lets believe!

The ambiguous transitional state in a rite of passage in which the person or persons undergoing the ritual are outside their ordinary social positions is called


A descent group formed by people who can specify their connections to one another through parent-child links to a common ancestor is a


The ability of native speakers of a language to distinguish correctly between grammatical and ungrammatical sentences is called

linguistic competence

The scientific study of language is known as


Members of a diaspora organized in support of nationalist struggles in their homeland or to agitate for a state of their own are known as

long-distance nationalists

A set of beliefs and practices designed to control the visible or invisible world for specific purposes is called


Speech is spoken language.

make use of a reduced set of sounds

According to Marilyn Strathern, gender symbolism refers to

males with culture and females with nature the categorization of persons, artifacts, and event sequences in ways that draw on sexual imagery derived from the distinctiveness of male and female characteristics

The principle that sacred things are to be touched so that power may be transferred refers to which of the following minimal categories of religion?


The exchange of goods calculated in terms of a multipurpose medium of exchange and standard of value carried out by means of a supply-demand-price mechanism is called

market exchange

The institution that transforms the status of the participants, carries implications about permitted sexual access, the position of offspring in the society and establishes new kin connections is


The postmarital residence rule requiring a couple to live with, or near, the wife's mother is called


The tools, skills, organization, and knowledge used to extract energy from nature are the

means of production

Kelly and Kaplan, as cited in the text, emphasize that the united Fijian nation projected at the time of independence was undercut by

mechanisms of political representation carried over from the colonial period

Clifford Geertz, as quoted in the text, observes that human beings raised in isolation would be

mental basket cases

According to the textbook author's discussion of the term, transgender may be described as

mismatch between a person's gender identity and their gender assignment

A __________ is a historically occurring set of social relations through which labor is organized to extract energy from the environment by means of tools, skills, organization, and knowledge.

mode of production

According to anthropologist Eric Luke Lassiter, does the fact that Kiowas are Christians today show that federal officials and missionaries succeeded in their policies of Western cultural imperialism?


Comparative information on human sexual practices worldwide suggests that


In order to understand the meaning of the sentence, "Who's standing by that building," we need to know the

nonlinguistic context

"Art by intention" includes

objects that are made to be art

According to Daniel Miller, Coca-Cola in Trinidad is

one element in a complex image of what it means to be Trinidadian -part of the way in which Trinidadians approach the contradictions of globalization

For woman marriage to be possible, a society must recognize a distinction between

pater and genitor

Recent court decisions in the United States involving the paternal rights of unwed presumed fathers established that

paternity rights depend on his establishing an ongoing relationship with the child's mother

The postmarital residence rule requiring a couple to live with, or near, the husband's father is called


In today's global art market,

people who make primitive or tribal art are no longer tribal

Every religious system in the world has a customary way of addressing the supernatural. This feature is captured by the minimal category of religion called


The ideas and practices that postulate reality beyond that which is immediately available to the senses are known in anthropology as


Among the Nuer, if a quarrel erupted between members of different minimal lineages, it would ordinarily be resolved when the quarreling minimal lineages recognized that they were all part of the same major lineage. This process is called

segmentary opposition

What are the three stages of rites of passage?

separation, transition, reaggregation

Which of the following terms do anthropologists use to refer to the observable physical characteristics that distinguish the two kinds of human beings, male and female, needed for human biological reproduction?


Which of the following terms have anthropologists used to refer to the observable physical characteristics that distinguish the two kinds of human beings, male and female, needed for human biological reproduction?


According to Evans-Pritchard, Azande commoners did not accuse chiefs of witchcraft because

witches bewitch people they envy, and chiefs do not envy commoners

Which of the following statements describes polygynous Mende households?

wives are ranked by order of marriage

a nonconjugal family consists of

woman + children (no father)

Linguistic context refers to the other _____ that surround the expression whose meaning is being determined.

words, expressions, sentences

Which of the following terms is used by Eric Wolf to refer to the form of social power that organizes social settings and controls the allocation of social labor?

structural power

The actions people take, regardless of their citizenship status, to assert their membership of a state are referred to as peoples'

substantive citizenship

There is a move by some transborder citizenries to call for the establishment of new political forms that represent the realities of their experiences of national identity. These new forms are called

substantive citizenship

Something that stands for something else is a


The synthesis of old religious practices with new religious practices introduced from outside is called


In some religious systems, certain objects or people may not be touched, or else the cosmic power in them may drain away. This feature is captured in the minimal category of religion called


According to Rudy Colloredo-Mansfeld, vernacular statecraft is

the repurposing of state administrative procedures by local communities under circumstances where state institutions are weak, unreliable, or absent

Eleanor Leacock argued that women's subordination to men could be connected explicitly to

the rise of private property and the emergence of the state

Recent research on the creation of pidgins has emphasized

the role of pidgin creators as agents in the process

According to Wilk and Cliggett, which model of human nature pays attention to the way people form groups and exercise power?

the social model

Anthropologists define gender as

the tasks and activities that a culture assigns to each sex

The social positions people may attain later in life, often as the result of their own effort are

achieved statuses

In Nicaragua, Roger Lancaster discovered that

-"Manly men" are expected to be aroused by the idea of sex with a woman -"Manly men" are expected to be aroused by the idea of sex with a cochón

According to Will Roscoe, the presence of multiple genders requires

-A view of physical differences as unfixed or insufficient on their own to establish gender -A view of physical differences as simply less important than individual or social factors in determining gender

When Michelle Bigenho tried to assist villagers in copyrighting a cassette of their music, she and the villagers discovered that

-Bolivian law did not recognize collective ownership of a creative work -if the villagers did not take individual ownership of the music, it could only be classified as folklore and therefore belonged to the state

According to some Islamic scholars in France, a French civil marriage already meets the conditions for an Islamic marriage because

-Both French and Islamic marriages are contracts -Both spouses must agree to the marriage -The legal requirements imposed on spouses meet the Islamic goal of keeping the spouses together

According to T. M. Luhrmann, members of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship stay with the congregation because

-God's friendship becomes its own reward -they care about transforming their own suffering, not about explaining why suffering exists

Ian Condry's study of hip-hop in Japan showed that

-Japanese artists and fans have adapted hip-hop so that it is Japanese -Japanese hip-hop lyrics emphasize the theme that youth need to speak out for

Which of the following statements about language endangerment do linguistic anthropologists consider correct?

-Many languages with small numbers of native speakers are in danger of disappearing as younger people in the speech community stop using the language or never learn it in the first place. -The spread of "world" languages like English contributes to language endangerment. -Attempts to implement language revitalization have met with mixed success.

Which of the following statements reflects the way anthropologists understand myth?

-Myths may justify past action, explain action in the present, or generate future action. -Myths are tools for overcoming logical contradictions that cannot otherwise be overcome.

many observers have suggested that globalization inevitably undermines the power and sovereignty of nation-states. Why?

-The forces of globalization make weakened states vulnerable to chaos and violence. -National governments are virtually powerless to control what their citizens read or watch in the media. -Nation-states allow migrants whose values may be very different to cross their borders

Some scholars have proposed that play is connected with

-developing cognitive and motor skills involving the brain -exercise -learning

According to Marshall Sahlins, which of the following is a route to affluence?

-producing much -desiring little

According to Hann and Hart, neoclassical economic theory

-replaced the classical view of economic value as an objective property of produced commodities -focused on the subjective calculations of individuals seeking to maximize their own utility

According to Michael Herzfeld, longtime renters in Rione Monti were evicted from their homes primarily because

-the city of Rome no longer respected the view that people had a social right to their homes -wealthy outside buyers had entered the Roman real estate market and began buying and selling properties in Rioni Monti without concerning themselves with who lived there -the Italian constitution had been changed in order to protect the rights of property owners

Which of the following is a topic of interest to political anthropologists?

-the classification and evolution of political systems -the structure and functions of political systems -the modernization of formerly tribal societies

Many anthropologists are not persuaded that cultural imperialism is the only explanation for the spread of Western cultural forms outside the West because

-the discourse of cultural imperialism denies agency to non-Western peoples who use Western cultural forms -the discourse of cultural imperialism assumes that non-Western cultural forms never move "from the rest to the West" -the discourse of cultural imperialism ignores that cultural forms and practices sometimes move from one part of the non-Western world to other parts of the non-Western world, bypassing the West entirely

Marilyn Strathern argues that

-the particular relations between males and females in society are just one example of gender symbolism -people in some societies use gender categories to structure relations between hierarchically ranked groups of all kinds

Research by political anthropologists has led to a reconsideration of

-the political role of the state -the political role of kinship -traditional Western notions about human nature

Janice Boddy learned that to infibulate a female body in Hofriyat meant

-to renew and protect its fertility after giving birth -to make it clean and smooth and pure -to de-emphasize a woman's sexuality and turn women in to "mothers of men"

Michael Herzfeld's ethnographic research in Rome, Italy, and in Bangkok, Thailand, have convinced him that

-under the current regime of global neoliberalism, longtime residents in a place apparently possess no rights that international capital is obliged to respect -there is no necessary connection between localism and racism and other forms of intolerance -the firmness with which the seductions of intolerance are rejected by people in the midst of their own suffering is impressive

Which of the following objects in the village of Hofriyat were associated with the infibulated female body?

-waterbirds -ostrich eggshells -gourds

According to T. M. Luhrmann, members of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship evangelical churches

-were searching for a more direct experience of God -expected God to answer their prayers -the hardest part of prayer training was learning to hear God's part of the communication

When immigrants and refugees from Africa bring traditions of female genital cutting to places like the United States and the European Union, what has been the consequence?

1) Growing awareness has led to public condemnation of the practice. 2) Laws have been passed that criminalize FGM in 15 African states and 10 industrialized nations including the US. 3) Immigrant or refugee mothers in the US who seek to have their daughters ritually cut have been stigmatized in the media as "mutilators" or "child abusers"

According to anthropologist Eric Luke Lassiter, which of the following statements accurately describes how the Kiowa people dealt with Christianity?

1) The Kiowa people "Kiowanized" Christianity 2) Kiowa Christian hymns, sung in the Kiowa language, are as much Kiowa (if not more) than they are Christian 3) Some Kiowa Christians insist that Christianity is not the same as "the white man's way"

African women who are trying to eliminate female genital cutting from their own societies are often not happy when American outsiders like Mary Daly and Alice Walker denounce the practice as a human rights abuse. Why?

1) When outsiders publicly condem traditional rituals like clitoridectomy and infibulation, they may do more harm than good. 2) Outsiders' condemnations of female genital cutting sound too much like the ethnocentric, reductionist critiques of "barbaric" African customs that Europeans once used to justify colonial conquest. 3) Western women who want to help eliminate FGM are likely to be more effective if they pay close attention to what African women who are directly affected by the practice have to say about its meaning in their lives.

In Hofriyat, the ability of an object to retain moisture is likened to its ability to retain fertility, likening a woman's infibulated body to

A dried egg-shaped gourd with seeds that rattle inside it.

Which of the following sets of people belong to the same patrilineage?

A father - his son - his son's daughter

Which of the following people belong to the same matrilineage?

A woman - her mother - her son

In the 1960s, Richard Lee discovered that, in order to find enough food to survive, Ju/'hoansi foragers had to work

About 20 hours per week per person

Hoyt Alverson discovered that U.S. Peace Corps volunteers in Botswana had difficulty with their assignments in part because

Actions that meant one thing to them meant something else to their Tswana hosts

Following a marriage, the kin of the husband and the kin of the wife are linked by


According to Alonso, Mexican nationalist ideology completely ignores the contributions of which group that was part of colonial Mexican society?

African slaves

According to Annette Weiner, the exchange of banana leaf bundles during mortuary rituals in the Trobriands

Allows Trobrianders to represent and affirm the most fundamental relationships in their social system

In the early twentieth century, food production in Tuscany corresponded to which of the following?

An egalitarian model -A model based on large landholdings worked by peasant laborers

The text quotes Michel-Rolph Trouillot, who claims that as the social sciences were becoming established at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century, anthropology was assigned the "savage slot." What does he mean by that?

Anthropologists became the experts on the societies that were being colonized by European countries and the US.

There is nothing inherent in the nature of a large, quadruped, well-suited for long distance running that requires us to call this creature a horse. This illustrates the linguistic design feature of


Which of the following statements accurately refers to one of the achievements of feminist anthropology in the last third of the twentieth century?

Beginning in the 1970s, anthropologists began to examine closely the ethnographic record to determine whether male dominance is a feature of all human societies. b. Sherry Ortner argued that males were universally ranked higher than females because females were everywhere seen as "closer to nature" than males. c. Studies of the roles of men and women within families demonstrated that the very idea of what constituted a family varied enormously, cross-culturally and historically.

The principle that a descent group is formed by people who believe they are related to each other by connections made through their mothers and fathers equally is the principle of

Bilateral descent

The anthropologist who argued that myths serve as "charters" or "justifications" for present-day social arrangements was

Bronislaw Malinowski

The principle based on culturally recognized parent-child connections that define the social categories to which people belong is called


which of the following observations about kinship is stressed by the authors of the text

Different societies have chosen to highlight some features of the universal human experiences of mating, birth and nurturance, while downplaying or ignoring others.

Nonhuman primates cannot communicate vocally about absent or nonexistent objects or past or future events. Thus, their call systems lack the linguistic design feature of


Human languages are patterned at different levels, and the patterns that characterize one level cannot be reduced to the pattern of any other level. Hockett recognized this phenomenon in which of his linguistic design features?

Duality of patterning.

The part of the discipline of anthropology that debates issues of human nature that relate directly to the decisions of daily life and making a living is

Economic Anthropology

Which of the following is NOT an assumption of cultural determinism regarding human nature and human society?

Every set of cultural practices contains fundamental contradictions.

When anthropologist Janice Boddy carried out fieldwork in northern Sudan, what did she learn about genital cutting?

Female circumcision is required to make it possible for a girl to use her fertility.

Which of the following statements about same-sex practices of people with female bodies is FALSE, according to research conducted by Saskia Wieringa and Evelyn Blackwood?

Homosexuality is "un-African."

In the text, Dan Slobin talks about the "thinking for speaking" hypothesis. An example of this would be

In the text, Dan Slobin talks about the "thinking for speaking" hypothesis. An example of this

According to the textbook authors, those who have been clinically diagnosed as having gender dysphoria

Insist that their sexuality should not be made a medical condition

Which of the following distinguishes a bilateral kindred from a lineage?

Kindreds have overlapping memberships, whereas lineages do not.

Governmentality can best be understood as a way to

Manage individuals, goods, and wealth

The anthropologist Roy Richard Grinker found that male village-dwelling Lese householders distinguished themselves from their Efe pygmy trading partners using the same unequal gender categories that they used to distinguish themselves from their wives. This usage is captured by the discussion of gender offered by which anthropologist?

Marilyn Strathern

In the vocabulary of kinship studies, father's brother's children or mother's sister's children are called

Parallel cousins

Nicaraguan men whom Lancaster interviewed about the Sandinistas' New Family Laws in the 1980s

Rejected these laws because they required men to behave in ways that were viewed as "unmanly"

According to Wilk and Cliggett, which model of human nature originated during the Enlightenment and is based on the assumption that individuals are first and foremost interested in their own well-being?

Self-interested model

What is the difference between speech and language?

Speech is spoken language.

Perhaps the most profound lesson we can learn from the Kiowa experience of Christianity is

That the way in which Kiowa Christians have been able to transform what began as an exercise in cultural imperialism into a reaffirmation of tradition Kiowa values challenges the presumption that "authentic cultures" never change.

Linguistic determinism holds that

The grammars of people's native languages determine how they think about the world

The principle which asserts that language has the power to shape the way people see the world is

The linguistic relativity principle

Hoyt Alverson discovered that the Tswana people he talked to in Botswana and the U.S. Peace Corps volunteers he interviewed differed with regard to

The meaning of being alone

What did Boddy's field research teach her about the meanings associated with infibulation in Hofriyat?

The meanings associated with female infibulation are reinforced by so many different aspects of everyday life that girls come to consider the operation a profoundly necessary and justifiable procedure.

To what does the public/private divide refer?

The separation of home and the outside world.

According to John Bowen, as discussed in the text, how are French legal scholars working to craft solutions to the challenges Muslim marriage practices present to French law?

They are making "practical exceptions" to the concept of public order

Which of the following describes the Nicaraguan cochón, according to Roger Lancaster?

They are never the victims of hate crimes. -They are much admired performers during Carnival. -They adopt the "cochón" identity after consistently losing out in the competition for male status.

Symbols can be used as instruments of power when

They are under the direct control of a person wishing to affect the behavior of others -They are used for reference or in support of certain conduct -Some people are able to impose their metaphors on others

Which of the following statements describes the attitude of Mende women toward the education of their children?

They care about their children's formal education because better educated children earn more, and Mende women depend on their children to support them in old age.

According to Janet Dolgin, all the custody cases she reviewed were alike in that they awarded custody to

Those parties whose living arrangements came closest to the traditional U.S. middle-class two-parent family

In Zumbagua, Ecuador, a family is defined as

Those who eat together

According to the findings of the medical anthropologist Emily Wentzell, who worked with male urology patients in Cuernavaca, Mexico, confronting questions regarding their sexual potency, we can best understand their experience

Through showing how these men created new ways of being men in what she calls "composite masculinity"

a form of state in which it is claimed that those people who left the country and their descendants remain part of their ancestral state, even if they are citizens of another state is said to be a

Trans-Border State

A group made up of citizens of a country who continue to live in their homeland plus the people who have emigrated from the country and their descendants, regardless of their current citizenship make up a

Transborder Citizenry

According to Roy Richard Grinker, Lese men

Used the same unequal gender categories for their wives and their Efe trading partners

Enduring kin ties in Zumbagua, Ecuador, are


The German approach to multiculturalism is characterized by the promise to immigrants of

Work and legal protection but not citizenship

Artists in non-Western societies

Work with symbols that are of central importance to their societies

Anthropologists have used the term sex to refer to biological differences between males and females, in contrast to the term gender, defined as

a culturally shaped role for each sex in a given society

According to Gilbert Herdt, a case can be made for the existence of a supernumerary sex or gender if

a culture defines for each sex or gender a symbolic niche and a social pathway of development into later life that is distinctly different from the life plan set out by a model based on male-female duality

When anthropologists distinguished between Culture and cultures, they were distinguishing between _______ and __________.

a defining attribute of human beings / ways of life of specific groups of people.

Marking the play frame can be done by

a dog showing its play face - a referee's whistle - the phrase "just joking"

"Good hunter" or "good gatherer" are examples of

achieved statuses

According to Daniel Miller, for many observers of global consumption, Coca-Cola is

a symbol of the destructive global potential of capitalist consumption

In recent years, political candidates from Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and elsewhere have come to the United States to seek votes from migrants from those countries who have migrated to the United States. According to the text, likely voters (who in some cases can vote in the United States; in other cases they must return to their homeland to vote) can be called

a trans-border citizenry

in recent years, political candidates from Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and elsewhere have come to the United States to seek votes from migrants from those countries who have migrated to the United States. In the terms used in the text, this signals the emergence of

a transborder state

Why, according to some anthropologists, is the concept of cultural hybridity almost a good idea?

a) the concept of cultural hybridity still assumes that two or more non hybridized, original cultures exist prior to the cultural mixing b) the effects of cultural hybridity are experience differently by those with power and those without power c) emphasizing cultural hybridity can hide class exploitation and racial oppression

Intersectionality is a social phenomenon understood by anthropologists as entailing

a. forms of institutionalized oppression organized within interconnected racial, class, and gendered terms b. constraints and opportunities for individual persons in a given society c. recognition that every person has multiple identities that intersect d. all of the above are true

The design feature of language called "openness" refers to the

ability to create new linguistic messages freely and easily

The hijras of Gujarat, India, are an example of a supernumerary sex

based on the surgical removal of genitalia on adult males

According to Gill Shepherd, for Mombasa Swahili women,

being involved in a lesbian relationship diminishes a woman's social rank

Nations are groups of people who

believe they share a set of common attributes

The distinction made between the mother's side of the family and the father's side of the family is called


The state of Freedonia is concerned by the threat posed by its increasingly warlike neighbor, Sylvania. After the latest census figures are considered, the Freedonian government realizes that it will need both more soldiers and more factory output of military materials. The government introduces laws to reward larger families with tax credits, reforms the educational system to increase the number of students in vocational training, and institutes a military draft. According to the text, the government of Freedonia is engaging in


Forms of power preoccupied with bodies, both the bodies of citizens and the social body of the state itself is called


According to Walter Mignolo, detaching concepts like "democracy" and "justice" from their hegemonic "Western" meanings and practices and using them as tools for imagining new, cosmopolitan forms of democracy or justice that take into consider the views of nonelite groups in society, is called

border thinking

The transfer of certain symbolically important goods from the family of the groom to the family of the bride on the occasion of their marriage is called


people who grow up bilingual

can switch readily from one language to the other

An economic system dominated by the supply-demand-price mechanism called the "market" is


The way of life that grew in response to and in service of the "market" is referred to as


Ranked groups within a hierarchically stratified society whose membership is defined primarily in terms of wealth, occupation, or other economic criteria are called


An approach that views human beings and environments as open systems that modify each other is called


The distinction made between kin who are believed to be in a direct line and those who are off to one side is called


Impersonal economic exchanges typical of the capitalist market in which goods are exchanged for cash are called

commodity exchanges

Metacommunication refers to

communication about communication

nuclear family

couple and children

in the vocabulary of kinship studies, father's sister's children and mother's brother's children are called

cross cousins

To argue that "their culture made them do it" is to take the position of

cultural determinism

For some people, blue jeans, McDonalds hamburgers, hip hop, and Coca-Cola are seen destroying local practices. They call this process

cultural imperialism

The idea that some cultures dominate others, and that domination by one culture leads inevitably to the destruction of subordinated cultures and their replacement by the culture of those in power, is called

cultural imperialism

Understanding another culture sympathetically enough so that it appears to be a coherent and meaningful design for living is called

cultural relativism

Sets of leaned behavior and ideas that human beings acquire as members of society, together with the material artifacts and structures humans create and use, is an anthropological definition of


The human condition is distinguished from the condition of other living species by


Consanguineal relationships are connections based on


The Azande use chicken for

detecting witches

Migrant populations with a shared identity who live in a variety of different locales around the world are called


A stretch of speech longer than a sentence united by a common theme is a


Members of a speech community

do not all possess identical knowledge about the language they share

according to Gramsci, power based on physical force is called


Which of the following is an important new kinship status that Sharp found developing among donor kin and organ recipients?

donor mother

To say that culture and the human brain coevolved is to say that

each provided key features of the environment to which the other needed to adapt

According to Roman Jakobson, which of the following is a function of language?

emotive -conative -referential

The process by which human beings living with one another must learn to come to terms with the ways of thinking and feeling considered appropriate in their respective cultures


Marriage within the boundaries of a defined social group is called


The opinion that one's own way of life is natural or correct and the only true way of being fully human is called


The study of language that uses ethnography to illuminate the ways in which speech and social interaction influence each other is called


During the last half of the twentieth century, the countries of ________ were the target of large waves of immigration from all over the world.


According to James Scott, foot-dragging, desertion, pilfering, slander, arson, and sabotage are examples of

everyday forms of peasant resistance

Which of the following does NOT reflect the anthropological understanding of ritual?

exclusively religious in nature

Marriage outside the boundaries of a defined social group is called


Carole Counihan, cited in the text, notes that her younger female interviewees were

expected to work for wages but also maintain the household, including doing the cooking

Families in which several generations live together in a single household are called

extended families

According to Aihwa Ong, the ways in which overseas Chinese business families seek both to benefit from and get around different nation-state regimes illustrates

flexible citizenship

The strategies and effects employed by managers, technocrats, and professionals who move regularly across state boundaries and seek both to circumvent and to benefit from different nation-state regimes are called

flexible citizenship

The bulk of Carole Counihan's data on food and nutrition in Tuscany came from

food-centered life histories from individuals from different generations

A cognitive boundary that marks certain behaviors as "play" or as "ordinary life" is called


The freedom of self-contained individuals to pursue their own interests above everything else and to challenge one another for dominance is known as

free agency

Open-ended negotiation across cultural and political divides can lead to cosmopolitan cultural practices but also to polarization, and tends to be full of conflict and contradiction. Anthropologist Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing refers to this phenomenon as


According to Wilk and Cliggett, the development of neoclassical economic theory was a key turning point in the history of economics because it

gave rise to the divergent theoretical positions on human nature about which economic anthropologists continue to disagree

Which of the following terms do anthropologists use to refer to the cultural construction of beliefs and behaviors considered appropriate for males and females in a particular society?


Individuals' own sense of themselves based on such features of culturally informed notions of "masculinity" and "femininity" is shaped by the historical, economic, political, and sociocultural settings in which they live their lives.

gender identity

The roles, activities, and characteristics that a culture assigns to each sex are known as

gender roles

based on your reading of the chapter, how would you characterize the social tasks and activities that a culture assigns to each sex

gender roles

If the distinctiveness of male and female characteristics can be used to help people think about the nature of social relations more generally, then

gendered forms of inequality can be used to structure relations between different categories of men

A reciprocal situation in which neither the time nor the value of return is specified is identified by anthropologists as a form of

generalized reciprocity

In many small-town cafes in Minnesota (and elsewhere, we are sure), there is a dice cup on each table, used by the morning-coffee regulars to see who pays for the coffee each day. This works because the regulars assume that "it'll all even out eventually." Another phrase for this is

generalized reciprocity

According to Rick Potts (as mentioned in the text), which of following is not one of the elements that form the foundation of culture? A) memory B) transmission C) Genetics D)Selection


Noncapitalist forms of economic exchange that are deeply embedded in social relations and always require reciprocity are called

gift exchanges

In Zumbagua, Ecuador, a woman's biological tie to her offspring is

given equal weight to a man's biological tie to his offspring

The actions taken by many contemporary nation-states to identify the level of terrorist threats, take action to stop them, and institute policies to minimize damage and disruption in the event of a terrorist attack would be considered examples of


The art of governing appropriately to promote the welfare of populations within a state is the art of


The set of rules that aim to describe fully the patterns of linguistic usage observed by members of a particular speech community is called


Those parts of culture that are absorbed in the course of daily pracitical learning are called


According to Gramsci, rulers who provide some genuine benefits to their subjects, spread an ideology that justifies their rule, and nevertheless succeed in protecting their privileges are exercising


David is a college student who knows the different linguistic habits appropriate to his mother and stepfather's home, his father's home, his university residence hall, his anthropology class, his job at an elegant restaurant, and his religious tradition. The term used in the text to describe his complex linguistic knowledge is


A term used by anthropologists that best describes the position that heterosexuality is the only correct form of human sexual expression is


Which of the following would NOT belong to a man's matrilineage.

his daughter

Which of the following would NOT belong to a man's patrilineage?

his sister's son.

The perspective on the human condition that assumes that mind and body, individuals and society, and individuals and the environment interpenetrate and even define one another is called


the exercise of at least some control over their lives by human beings is called

human agency

Anthropological studies of social, political, and economic change provide considerable evidence that

human beings actively and resiliently respond to life's challenges

Many contemporary anthropologists call the contemporary process of intensified globalized cultural mixing


According to Peirce, a mode of signification in which the sign looks like that which it represents is called


A world view that justifies the social arrangements under which people live is called


The research on African American language ideology by Marcyliena Morgan reveals the importance of ___


Complex, variable, and enduring forms of cultural practice that organize social life are called


Complex, variable, and enduring forms of cultural practices that organize social life are called


For the Azande, witchcraft

is a substance in the body of witches

The phenomenon called guevedoche ("testicles at twelve") in the Dominican Republic

is caused by a hormonal defect that causes children to be born with ambiguous genitals

Among the Trobriand Islanders, women's wealth

is exchanged for yams

Gilbert Herdt's survey of the ethnographic literature leads him to conclude that

it is difficult for a society to maintain supernumerary sexes or genders

Families in which brothers and their wives (or sisters and their husbands) live together in a single household are called


Social relationships that are prototypically derived from the universal human experiences of mating, birth, and nurturance are called


The activity linking human social groups to the material world around them is referred to as


The system of arbitrary symbols used to encode one's experience of the world and of others is


Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf believed that

language has the power to shape the way people see the world

A marker of struggles between social groups with different interests, revealed in what people say and how they say it exemplifies a

language ideology

culture is

learned, shared, and symbolic

the rights and obligations of citizenship accorded by the laws of a state make up the concept of

legal citizenship

Patterns according to which distribution takes place, such as reciprocity, redistribution, and market exchange are referred to as

modes of exchange

According to Wilk and Cliggett, which model of human nature is based on the assumption that people's motivations are shaped by culturally specific belief systems and values guided by a culturally patterned view of the universe and the human place within it?

moral model

According to Aihwa Ong, as quoted in the text, one way that wealthy overseas Chinese can avoid the governmentality of a nation-state is by

moving to another country

The term anthropologists use for stories that recount how various aspects of the world came to be the way they are is


Where national identity and political territory coincide:


A sense of identification with and loyalty to the nation-state is called


A movement whose members expect a messiah or prophet who will bring back a lost golden age of peace, prosperity, and harmony is called


Anthropologists consider a reciprocal situation in which parties to the exchange hope to get something for nothing to be

negative reciprocity

The theft of a few head of cattle from your herd by a neighboring group of herders from whom members of your family had rustled a few head of cattle in the past would be an example of which mode of exchange?

negative reciprocity

The economic theory which represented a formal attempt to explain the workings of capitalist enterprise and paid particular attention to distribution is

neoclassical economic theory

The study of the way speakers of a language actually use the language to communicate with one another is called


According to the text, play displays which of the following concepts in linguistics and cognition?


An invisible force to which the Azande address questions, and whose responses they believe to be truthful is called a(n)


Invisible forces to which people address questions and whose responses they believe to be truthful are called


When myths and related beliefs that are taken to be self-evident truths are highly codified and deviation from the code is considered a serious matter, we may call this


When nearly every act of everyday life is ritualized, and other forms of behavior are strongly discouraged, the term used is


When nearly every act of everyday life is ritualized, and other forms of behavior are forbidden, the term used is


In traditional Western thought, the prototype of power in human social relations is based on

physical power

A language with no native speakers that develops in a single generation between members of communities that possess distinct native languages is a


An orienting context that is consciously adopted by the actors, somehow pleasurable, and systemically related to what is considered to be the normal or everyday context is called


A spousal pattern in which a woman may have multiple husbands is called


A form of marriage in which a person may have several spouses is called


Aihwa Ong writes that wealthy overseas Chinese elites are loyal to the family business, not whichever nation-state they are living in. She calls this

postnational ethos

Which of the following is an example of redistribution?

potlatch -Internal Revenue Service -Salvation Army

Transformative capacity is the text's definition of


In recent years, the anthropology of politics has addressed questions about

power and inequality

Linguistic messages can be false, and they can be meaningless in the logician's sense. This highlights the linguistic design feature of


Religious practitioners skilled in the practice of religious rituals, which they carry out for the benefit of the group are known as


The exchange of goods and services of equal value is called


in an example discussed in the text, Elizabeth Chin claims that when African American girls in New Haven, Connecticut give their white dolls hairstyles like their own, they are

reconfiguring the boundaries of race

negative reciprocity


Because play offers different ways of thinking about everyday life, it is said to be


Which of the following is NOT a minimal category of religion, according to Anthony F. C. Wallace?


Critical thinking about the way one thinks is called


The socially recognized ties that connect people in a variety of different ways are called


The social connections linking human beings who engage in different production tasks and who must work together are called

relations of production

Cultural relativism

requires us to take many things into account before we form opinions about other cultural practices

A ritual that serves to mark the movement and transformation of an individual from one social position to another is called

rite of passage

A repetitive social practice composed of a sequence of culturally-recognizable symbolic activities in the form of dance, song, speech, gestures, or the manipulation of objects, set off from the routines of everyday life, and closely connected with a specific set of ideas is known a


According to James Scott, occasional arrests, warnings, legal restrictions, and indefinite preventive detention are examples of

routine repression

In Java it is impossible to

say anything without communicating your relative social position

Part-time religious practitioners who are believed to have the power to travel or contact supernatural forces directly on the behalf of individuals or groups are known as


The Blue people control access to power among the Grugenach people. In the old days, before time began, the Red people had arrived first on the Island, before the Blue people, but they had married their father's sister's daughters, and had so forfeited their rights to power. The Blue people, true to the ways of the ancestors, always married their father's brother's daughters, and so displaced the Red people. This case demonstrates myth being used as

social charter

The patterning of human interdependence in a given society through the actions and decisions of its members is called

social organization

The process by which human beings, as material organisms, living together with other similar organisms, cope with the behavioral rules established by their respective societies is called


A new form of citizenship developing among residents of indigenous territories who have been granted full control and authority over lands that are located within the boundaries of nation-states is called

territorial citizenship

The so-called berdache of many indigenous North American societies is an example of a supernumerary sex

that is a role that apparently had nothing to do with morphological sex anomalies

Which of the following is NOT a form of governmentality that overseas Chinese try to evade?

that of the corporation

Eunuchs in the Byzantine civilization of late antiquity are an example of a supernumerary sex

that was deliberately created by removing a male's testicles before puberty

Marshall Sahlins coined the expression "the original affluent society" to describe

the Ju/'hoansi and others like them

Anthropologist I. M. Lewis compared the social organization of the northern Somalis and the Boran Galla, who live next to each other in semiarid scrubland and herd the same animals. His comparison showed that

the Somali and Boran are quite different in social structure

Genocide is

the attempt to exterminate an entire people

A kindred is composed of

those people linked to Ego through Ego's mother and Ego's father

Liminal, from the Latin word limen, means


the project of raciolinguistics is

to ask and answer critical questions about the relations between language, race, and power

To the question "Why do people X raise peanuts and sorghum?" Malinowski would reply

to meet their basic human need for food

The British approach to multiculturalism is characterized by the promise to immigrants of

toleration in the exercise of their cultural differences as long as they do not disrupt law and order or expect to become British

A Javanese artist makes a puppet of the great mythic hero Arjuna out of water buffalo hide for use in the shadow puppet plays called wajang. This is an example of what the text calls


When nationalist leaders define nationality in a way that preserves the cultural domination of the ruling group but also includes enough cultural features from subordinated groups to insure their loyalty, they are engaging in a process called

transformist hegemony

A nation-state in which the relationships between citizens and the state extend to wherever citizens reside is a(n)

transnational nation-state

A descent group formed by members who believe they have a common (sometimes mythical) ancestor is a


The anthropological definition of cultural relativism requires that we make an effort to _______ the practices of other cultures


In Haiti, gender relations are incorporated into the nature of the state, such that

until recently, women who married foreigners lost their Haitian citizenship

In Sedaka, rich and poor villagers alike agreed that

using combine harvesters hurts the poor and helps the rich

According to Scott, the struggle between rich and poor villagers in Sedaka

was a struggle over work and property rights -was a struggle over how the past and present shall be understood and labeled -was a struggle over the appropriation of symbols

Play communicates about _____; ritual communicates about _____.

what can be; what ought to be

The performance of evil by human beings believed to possess an innate, nonhuman power to do evil, whether or not it is self-aware is called


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