Anthropology Test 2

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What is theory of mind?

Ability to recognize presence of mental states. Test this by looking at primate awareness (self-recognition and self and social attribution).

What are Gorillas like?

African mountains and rainforests. Polygynous (one male/multifemale). Vegetarian. Knuckle-walking.

What are Bonobos like?

Central Africa. Multimale/multifemale fission-fusion (male dominant). Primarily frugivorous. Knuckle-walking, with a little more bipedality than common chimps.

What is a Tarsier?

Dry nose, full postorbital closure, nocturnal, eye larger than brain.

What is a territory?

Exclusively occupied by a group and defended by its members; the area of overlap with neighboring groups is small and is a source of conflict.

What is a bushbaby?

Galagonidae, small and fast, nocturnal, unique call, 6 or 7 different species.

What are characteristics of Haplorhines?

Great reliance on vision, all have nails, no tooth comb, fused mandibular symphysis, complete orbital closure, larger-bodied, larger brain to body size, almost all diurnal.

What are the main types of primate social organization?

Group composition, spatial distribution and use, communication, reproduction, altruistic behavior, and intelligence.

Why is there variation in home range size and whether or not a primate will defend a territory?

Group size, food availability, body size.

What are dominance hierarchies?

It is established in multimale, multifemale groups.

What is tactical deception?

It is social manipulation - lead other individuals to believe something that is untrue.

What is culture?

It is specific to a group and transmitted by social learning.

What is mate guarding?

It may be favored by sexual selection in monogamous species.

What is sperm competition?

It occurs in multimale/multifemale groups.

What are some of the characteristics of Old World monkeys?

Live in Africa or Asia, nostrils, two premolars instead of three, all diurnal, some terrestrial, ischial callosites, a variety of sexual swellings and bodily decorations.

What is a Strepsirrhine? What are the characteristics that define Strepsirhines?

Live in Central Africa and SE Asia. Most are nocturnal, tapetum lucidum (thick reflective membrane), unfused mandibular symphysis, tooth comb, large mobile ears and a relative reliance on hearing, scent glands.

What do Gelada baboons look like? Any interesting facts about them?

Medium sized, red chest, big canines, mainly black, longer hair, graminivorous, colored skin on chest, lip-flip.

What are the three groups of mammals?

Monotremes, Marsupials, and Placental.

Where do primates live?

Most in tropical regions. South America, Europe, India, Southeast Asia, Africa, Madagascar.

What are some of the characteristics of Apes?

No tails, Y-5 molar pattern, largest brain to body size.

What is a home range?

Not defended and overlaps with the home range of other neighboring groups.

What is unique about the marmoset and tamarin mating and social system?

One female paired with two or more males. Males are the main caregivers and other offspring help.

Where do primates fit?

Placental group.

What is the ecological model of primate intelligence?

Seem to have a good spatial memory for where food is located. Self-medication. Fur rubbing. Chimps and bitter pith which cures intestinal parasites. Chimps and leaf swallowing.

What is a loris?

Small, fast, VCL, urine-washing, unique call.

What do Capuchin monkeys look like? Any interesting facts about them?

Small, mainly black body, white face. Unusual brains with additional sulci, use tools in the wild to break open nuts.

What do Marmosets and Tararins look like? Any interesting facts about them?

Small, mainly black with white face. Specialized feeding niches, saps and gums, claws.

What do Squirrel monkeys look like? Any interesting facts about them?

Smallest member of the primate group, long tail. Use different calls to communicate, urinate on their hands and feet to leave their mark.

What do Howler monkeys look like? Any interesting facts about them?

Smallish, red hair. Most widely distributed of New World Monkeys. Calls and hyoid (U-shaped bone in the neck that supports the tongue).

What are Orangutans like?

Solitary. SE Asia. Polygynous (one male/multifemale). Vegetarian. Arboreally quadrumanus.

What is an Aye-Aye?

Specialized dentition, re-evolved claws, one long thin finger, hunts by "percussive foraging."

What are Gibbons like?

Territorial. SE Asia. Monogamous (one lover). Mostly frugivorous. Brachiation (using arms to swing).

Why do we study primates?

They are our closest relatives and they're models of human origins.

What are the main types of primate locomotion?

Vertical clinging and leaping, Quadrupedalism, Brachiation, Knuckle-walking, Bipedality.

What are Common chimpanzees like?

West and Central Africa. Multimale/multifemale fission-fusion (male dominant). Omnivores. Hunters: Colobus monkeys, bush pigs, and bush bucks. Fish for termites with sticks.

What is infanticide?

When another primate comes along and kills infants so it can mate with the mother.

What are characteristics of New World Monkeys?

Wide-spaced, oval nostrils, arboreal (live in trees).

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