TestOut Linux Pro practice questions

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Use: usermod -L username to lock usermod -U userName to unlock Use cat /etc/shadow to verify the changes (! indicates account is locked)

Every seven years, your company provides a 6 week sabbatical for every employee. Vera Edwards (wedwards_, Corey FLynn (cflynn), and Bhumika Kahn (bkahn) are leaving today, while Maggie Brown (mbrown), Brenda Cassini (bcassini), and Arturo Espinoza (aespinoza are just returning. The company security policy mandates that user accounts for employees gone for longer than two weeks be disabled. Your task: -Lock the user accounts of those leaving. -Unlock those that are coming back.

Use: usermod -G "" schawla Use cat /etc/group to verify

Salman Chawla (schawla) is no longer part of the sales team and is awaiting reassignment to a new position. In the meantime, you do not want him to have access to sales resources. Your task in this lab is to: _Remove user schawla from all secondary group membership

Use: umount /root/newdrive mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/drive2

The /dev/sdb2 volume is mounted to an uncommon mount point directory: /root/newdrive. You need to remove the volume from the /root/newdrive mount point and remount it to the /mnt/drive2 directory. Your task in this lab is to: -Unmount /dev/sdb2 from /root/newdrive -Mount /dev/sdb2 to /mnt/drive2

Use: rpm -Uv packageName

There is a kernal tools package installed on the server. The IT manager in your organization has asked you to upgrade the package using the new package version kernel-tools-10.21.2015-54.fc21.rpm package, which is located in the /root directory. Your task in this lab is to: Upgrade the kernal tools package using the new package version kernel-tools-10.21.2015-54.fc21.rpm

use cat /root/.bash_profile or vi /root/.bash_profile to view contents PATH

View the contents of the /root/.bash_profile file. What is the last word in the file?

-Use the set command to view a list of variables or use echo $variableName to show each one /root en_US.UTF-8 /bin/bash linux

View the currently set environment variables to find the values below HOME LANG SHELL TERM

Use: chmod g+w /hr/* Use: ls -la /hr to verify

A change in company policy requires users of the hr group to make changes to the files in the /hr directory. Your task in this lab is to: Give the write group permission to the files in the /hr directory(in additions to any other permissions already given).

Use ps aux | more to find zombie processes and record the numbers Use kill -9 #here for each number you find kill -9 1301 kill -9 1570 kill -9 1980

As part of your daily maintenance, you scan for and kill any zombie processes on the system. Your task in this lab is to: -Use the ps aux command to find zombie processes -Kill the zombie processes.

Use: usermod -c "Brenda Palmer" -d /home/bpalmer -m -l bpalmer bcassini Use cat /etc/passwd and ls /home to verify account was modified

Brenda Cassini (bcassini) has recently married. You want to update her user account to reflect her new last name. Complete the following tasks: -Rename the user account to bplamer -Change the comment field to read Brenda Palmer -Change the home directory to /home/bpalmer, moving the contents of the old home directory to the new location.

Use: usermod -G hr userName Use /etc/group

Maggie Brown (mbrown) and Corey Flynn (cflynn) have recently been hired in the Human Resources department. You have already created the two user accounts. Your task in this lab is to: add the hr group as a secondary group for mbrown and cflynn user accounts.

Use: chgrp mgmt1 /hr/personnel Use ls -l to verify

The hr group currently owns the /hr/personnel file; however, the mgmt1 group should own the file to protect employee privacy. Your task in this lab is to change group ownership of the /hr/personnel file from hr to mgmt1.

Use: shutdown h now or halt

The power has gone out in your facility. You have a UPS (uninterruptible power source) that protects your system and provides enough power to allow you to shut down safely. Your task in this lab is to shut down the system immediately using the command line.

Use: quotaon /

To prevent the users from using too much disk space, you have implemented hard and soft quotas on the root directory (/). Today you noticed that the quotas are turned off. Your task in this lab is to re-enable quotas for the root directory (/).

Use: edquota -u -t -press i to edit -Move cursor to space below Block grace period, delete 7 and insert 30 -Same thing below Inode grace period -Press Esc - Type :wq to save and exit Use repquota -a to generate a report to confirm changes

Users have complained that the 7 day default grace period for soft limits is too short. Increase the block and file (inode) grace period for users from 7 to 30 days.

Use: shutdown -r +5

You've encountered system problems that require you to reboot the system. You want to inform users that the system will shut down and reboot. Your task in this lab is to send a command to reboot the system in 5 minutes.

Use: chmod 755 /hr

An assistant administrator has been modifying permissions on the /hr directory. You want to quickly change the permissions on /hr to match the permission settings documented in your company's security policy. Your task in this lab: Modify the permissions on the /hr directory as follows: -User=read, write, execute -Group=read,execute -Other= read,execute

Use: chown bcassini /hr/payroll Use ls -l to verify change in ownership

Brenda Cassini (bcassini) is taking over the payroll documentation for Will Adams (wadams). Your task in this lab is to give the bcassini user ownership of the /hr/payroll file.

Use: groups userName to view groups usermod -G groupNames userName Use groups userName to verify

Corey Flynn (cflynn) currently belongs to several groups. Due to some recent restructuring, he no longer needs to be a member of the hr group. Your tasks in this lab are to: -Remove cflynn from hr group -Preserve all other group memberships

Use: chown -R bcassini:hr /hr chgrp mgmt1 /hr/personnel

During a random security audit, you found that ownership (and group ownership) for the /hr directories is set to Will Adams (wadams). For security reasons, you need to change ownership. You want to give ownership to Brenda Cassini (bcassini), the office manager, and you want to give group ownership to the hr group for all files in the directory. Once you do this, though, you have to reset group ownership on the /hr/personnel file to memt1 Your task is to: -Give bcassini ownership of the /hr directory and all of its contents -Give hr group ownership of the /hr directory and all of it's contents -Return group ownership of the /hr/personnel file to mgmt1

After logging into root user use: mv /home/placy/confid_wh /home/bcassini same with other file Use ls -l /home/bcassini to verify

Peter Lacy (placy) has taken an extended leave from the company for personal reasons. However, he was working on a critical project code named White Horse with several other employees. The project leader requested that you move any White Horse documents in Peter Lacy's home directory to the home directory of Brenda Cassini (bcassini). You are looged on as wadams. Your task in this lab is to: -Switch to the root user, using 1worm4b8 for the root user password. -Move the following files in placy's home directory to bcassini's home directory: -confid_wh -projplan)wh

Use: dnf erase packageName

RunSnakeRun.noarch is a Python GUI package installed on the server that your organization is no longer using. The IT manager in your organization has asked you to uninstall the RunSankeRun.noarch package by using the dnf command. Your task in this lab is to: Use the dnf command to uninstall the RunSnakeRun.noarch package.

Use: su -c "passwd schawla"

Salman Chawla (schawla) forgot his password, and needs to access his resources on the computer. Your task in this lab is to: -Change the password for the schawala user account to G20oly04. -Make sure the password is encrypted in the shadow file

Use: -edquota -u schan -Press i to edit -Move cursor to the space below the first soft and insert 1048576 -Do the same for the first hard -Press Esc -Type :wq to save and exit

Sam Chan (schan) has reached his user quota limit. Rather than delete some of his files, he wants more space. Your manager has approved an increase in his quota limit. Your task in this lab is to increase the hard and soft block limits on the schan user account to 1048576 Kb (1 Gb)

Use: dnf install packageName

The IT manager in your organization has asked you to install the pulseaudio-equalizer.noarch package. Your task in this lab is to install the pulseaudio-equalizer.noarch package.

Use: rm -rf wh

The White Horse project is complete. Everything produced under the code name has been backed up and removed from the system. You now want to remove the White Horse directory structure from your system. Your task in this lab is to delete the /home/wadams/wh directory and all of its contents.

Use: quotaoff /

The system is running hard disk quotas for users and groups. Your task in this lab is to disable the quotas on the root directory (/).

Use: rpm -e ddd-C-Debug-2.8.15-3.cd15 Use rpm -q packageName to verify

There is a C debugger package installed on the server that your organization is no longer using. The IT manager in your organization has asked you to uninstall the ddd-C-Debug-2.8.15-3.cd15 package. Your task in this lab is to: -Uninstall the ddd-C-Debug-2.8.15-3.cd15 package -Verify that the package is uninstalled.

Use fdisk -l to display info -Id swap volume by looking for 83 Linux Swap at the end of an entry line 1st 5th 9668 473632 1st 1st

Use fdisk -l to answer the following questions about the partition table. Which physical disk is the swap area on? Which disk partition is the swap area on? What is the beginning cylinder for the swap area? What is the allocated size of the swap area in blocks? Which physical disk is the boot disk on? Which disk partition is the boot disk on?

You have to use path names with the ls -l command to find the information: ls -l /sales/orders ls -l /projects/darkhorse ls -l / bcassini proj bcassini wadams

Use the ls -l command to view detailed information for the following directories and files to answer the following questions. Who is the owner for the /sales/orders file Who is the group owner for the /projects/darkhorse file? Whis is the owner for the /projects directory? Who is the group owner for the /hr directory?

Use: sudo quota -u username command to find quota for a user 18432 20480 500 550

Use the quota command to review the quota information for the wadams user account. Answer the following questions: What is the blocks quota? What is the blocks limit? What is the files quota? What is the files limit?

Use: cat /etc/group bcassini mbrown 513 cflynn

View the /etc/group file to answer the following questions: Which of the following user accounts is NOT a group member of the mgmt1 group? Which of the following users belongs to the devel group? What is the sales group ID? What is the name of the group with the ID of 503?

Use: ln /home/wadams/contacts.db /home/bcassini/contacts_link ln /home/wadams/contacts.db /home/vedwards/contacts_link

Will Adams (wadams) owns and maintains a database file in /home/wadams called contacts.db. The file holds contact information fo rperspective clients. Brenda Cassini (bcassini) and Vera Edwards (vedwards) want access to and add contact information to the file to share the data among the three users. Your task in this lab is to create hard link files to /home/wadams/contacts.db as follows: -Use contacts_link as the hard link name -Create the file in the following directories: -/home/bcassini -/home/vedwards

Use: mkdir /home/wadams/wh or Go to the directory you want to create things in and use mkdir wh then use ls -l /home/wadams/wh to verify

You are preparing to manage a new project code named White Horse. You need to prepare directories for White Horse documents. You are logged in as user wadams. Your task in this lab is to create the following directories inside the /home directory for user wadams: -Create a directory called wh directly inside /home/wadams -Create three following directories in /home/wadams/wh: -plan -research -implement

- Type vi /etc/pref_shell to open vim and create the file -Press the a key to enter insert mode (or ctrl + insert keys) and type the required text -Press Esc key to get out of insert mode -:wq to save and exit

You need to use the vim editor to create a script file to change and export the SHELL environmental variable as the C-shell. Complete the following tasks: -Open the vim editor with a new file named /etc/pref_shell -Add the following lines to the file: SHELL=/bin/csh export SHELL -Save and close the file

Use: ls -l / 12586 Mar 15 2009

You need to view detailed information for the hr directory in the root (/) directory and answer the following questions: What is the directory size? What is the modified date?

Use: ln -s /root/imitator /home/mbrown/imitator_link

Your company uses a proprietary graphics program called imitator that is stored in the /root directory. Maggie Brown (mbrown) needs to create and modify images with the imitator program. Your task in this lab is to create a symbolic link file to /root/imitator as follows: -Use imitator_link as the symbolic link name -Create the file in /home/mbrown

Use usermod -h or usermod --help Assigns a user to a new list of supplementary groups

According to the command help, what does the -G switch do with the usermod command?

Use killall -h or killall --help to find the correct option A: -g

According to the command line help, which switch can you use with the killall command to kill a process group instead of just a process?

Use: tar -xzf /proj_files.tar.gz -C /projects

An employee in another department recently provided several important files for your current assignment. The files are compressed in a tar file. Today you need to extract each file and begin to use the files. Your task in this lab is to extract the files in /proj_files.tar.gz into the /projects directory.

Use: groupmod -n western_sales_divison sales Use groupadd eastern_sales_divison Use usermod -G eastern_sales_division awspinoza Use cat /etc/group to verify

Currently all the Sales people in your company belong to a group called sales. The VP of sales wants two Sales groups: western sales divison and eastern sales division. Your task in this lab is to: -Rename the sales group to western_sales_divison -Create eastern_sales_divison group -Assign aespinoza as the only memeber of the eastern group.

Use: usermod -l bcassini bcasini usermod -d /home/bcassini bcassini? bcasini? Use cat /etc/passwd to verify

Earlier in the day you created a user account for Brenda Cassini (bcassini). When she goes to log on, she can't. You realize that you misspelled her user name as bcasini. Your task in this lab is to: -Change the user account name from bcasini to bcassini. -Change the home directory to /home/bcassini.

Use: userdel -r userName groupdel groupName Use cat /etc/group and ls /home to verify

Linda Blaine (lblaine) and Rhonda Conger (rconger) are temporary employess who have been auditing your organization's financial documents. Their user accounts are members of the auditors group. They have completed their work and have moved on to new assignments. You need to remove their user accounts and home directories, and the auditors group from the system. Your task in this lab is to: -Delete the following user accounts and their corresponding home directories: -lblaine -rconger -Delete the auditors grouprde

Use: rm -f /projects/darkhorse1 ...etc To verify use ls -l /projects

Someone created dulicate versions of three project documents. To avoid version control problems, you want to delete the duplicate files. Your task in this lab is to delete the following files from the /projects directory: -darkhorse1 -camouflage1 -endgame1

Use: userdel -r thaslam use cat /etc/passwd and ls /home to verify

Terry Haslam (thasalm) was dismissed from the organization. His colleagues have harvested the files they need from his home and other directories. Your company security policy states that upon dismissial, user accounts should be removed in their entirety. Your task is to: Remove the thaslam user account and the home directory from the system.

Use cat or vi to view file contents for /etc/shells /bin/ksh

The /etc/shells file contains a list of shells that are available on the current system. View the contents of the file and answer the following question. Of the shells listed below, which are not available on the system? /bin/sh /bin/bash /bin/ksh /sbin/nologin

Use: chmod 660 /hr/* Use ls -la to verify

The /hr directory is used by members of the Human Resources team to keep important employee documents. Over time, you notice that permissions set on each file have become inconsistent. You want to make sure that all files in the /hr directory have the same permissions set. Your task in this lab is to: Configure permissions on all files in the /hr directory as follows: -User and group ownership should have read and write permissions to the files -The other group should have no permissions on any files

-Use: vi /etc/default/grub -Press i -Change third line of file to GRUB_DEFAULT=Windows 7 -Press Esc and then save and exit with :wq -Write changes with grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg -Enter reboot -Select Windows 7

The IT manager has asked you to setup dual boot capabilities on this Linux system so the user can boot to either Windows 7 or Linux, with Windows 7 being the default boot option. There is an external hard drive connected to this system with Windows 7 installed on it. In this lab, you will configure GRUB 2 to add a Windows 7 menu option and make it the default boot option. Your task in this lab is to do the following: -Change the default menu option for GRUB2 boot loader to Windows 7. -Use the grub2-mkconfig command -Reboot and select Windows 7 option from boot menu

- vi /etc/default/grub -Press i to change to insert mode -Change the first line of the file to GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 -Leave insert mode by pressing Esc and save and exit with :wq -Write changes to grub.cfg by entering grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg -Enter reboot to see changes -Login as root

The IT manager in your organization has asked you to change the GRUB_TIMEOUT parameter from 5 seconds to 10 seconds to give the users more time to make a menu selection from the GRUB menu before the default operating system is booted. Once you have changed the GRUB_TIMEOUT parameter from 5 seconds to 10 seconds, reboot the operating system to see the changes made to the wait time from the GRUB menu. After rebooting the operating system, login with the username root and password 1worm4b8. Your task in this lab is to do the following: Change GRUB_TIMEOUT parameter from 5 seconds to 10 seconds -Reboot the operating system to see the changes made to the wait time from the GRUB menu. -Login with the username root and password 1worm4b8

Use: su - rpm -ivh /home/wadams/Downloads/fontconfig-3.10.87-5.fc24.rpm Use rpm -q fontconfig-3.10.87-5.fc24 to verify that the package is installed

The IT manager in your organization has asked you to install the fontconfig-3.10.87-5.fc24.rpm package, which is located in the /home/wadams/Downloads directory. Your task in this lab is to: -Switch to the root user, using 1worm4b8 for the root user password. -Install the package, fontconfig-3.10.87-5.fc24.rpm package, which is located in the /home/wadams/Downloads directory

Use: systemctl set-default rescue.target use systemctl get-default to verify

The Linux sever, that you are the system administrator of, is not functioning properly. To begin your troubleshooting process, you want to set the default target to rescue.target. Rescue.target is a special target unit that will run a base system and a rescue shell. Your task is: Use the systemctl command to make rescue.target the default boot target.

Use: chmod o+rx /sales to browse chmod o+r /sales/* to read all

The Sales team uses the /sales direcotry to store documents related to sales, contracts, and orders. Currently, permissions on the directory only allow the user and group owners to view the contents of the directory. Users who are not part of the group owner are unable to list the contents of the directory. As part of a new company policy to increase teamwork, you want to allow all users to be able to see the /sales directory and list its contents. You also want to let all users open, but not change, any document inside that directory. Your task in this lab is to: -Allow the other group to browse the /sales directory -Modify permissions on all files in the /sales directory to allow members of the other group to view but not change files.

Use: useradd -c "Paul Denunzio" pdenunzio Use passwd pdenunzio and then use desired password Use cat /etc/passwd to verify

The VP of Marketing has told you that Paul Denunzio will join the company as a market analyst in two weeks. You need to create a new user account for him. Your task in this lab is to: -Create the pdenunzio user account -Include the full name Paul Denunzio as a comment for the user account. -Set the password to eye8cereal

Use: groups userName usermod -aG mgmt2,hr schawla Use cat /etc/group to verify

The VP of Sales promoted Salman Chawla (schawla) to Regional Sales director. He will now need the rights and permissions assigned to the mgmt2 and hr groups. You are logged on as root. Your task in this lab is to: -Identify all groups to which the schawla user belongs -Add mgmt2 and he as secondary groups to the schawla user, but make sure the user is still a member of all current groups

Open the ifcfg-ens0 file for editing: vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens0 Press i Change: IPADDR= to NETMASK= BROADCAST= GATEWAY= Press Esc and save with :wq Use to restart: ip link set ens0 down ip link set ens0 up Add gateway address to routing table as default: ip route add default via

The really long question

Use: Ipq Iprm 1

The user bcassini sent a document called baby1 to the printer. The document is a large photo file that is taking up the printing resources. Jobs behind baby1 cannot print. You must complete the following: -Find the baby1 print job job number -Delete the baby1 print job from the print queue.

1194 running 2.3 python

Use ps aux | less to answer the following questions: What is the PID for the hald process? What is the state of the ps aux process? What is the percentage of memory used by process ID 2156? Which command invoked process ID 1857?

Use: requota -a root 10240 9216 20480 wadams

Use repquota -a to answer the following questions: Which user does not have a quota limit? What is the hard block limit for most users? What is the soft block limit for most users? What is the highest set hard block limit? Which user has the highest set hard block limit?

1.2G 2.8G 52%

Use the df -h command to answer the following questions: (Type info exactly as it is shown on the screen) How much space is used on /dev/sda2? How much space is still available on /dev/sda2? What percentage of space is used on /dev/sda1?

Use: cat /etc/passwd | less 509 Robert Cronn 50 /root

View the /etc/passwd file to answer the following questions: What is the UID for the schawla user account? What is the full user's name (GECOS field) for the rcronn user account? What is the primary group ID for the ftp user account? What is the path of the home directory for the root user account?

Use: cat /proc/cpuinfo to find 1993.392 cat /proc/meminfo to find 1010712 cat /proc/version to find

View various files in the /proc directory to find the answers to the following questions. What id the CPU speed (in MHz)? Enter the exact total (including decimal places). How much physical memory does the system have (in kB)? Look for the MemTotal line in the corresponding file. What is the Linux kernel version? Enter the version in the format of n.n.n.n-n.

Use useradd -h or useradd --help Prevents the home directory from being created regardless of system settings

What does the -M switch do with the useradd command?

Use: ls -a /hr .sanford

What is the name of the hidden directory in /hr?

Use: pwd /home/wadams

What is your current working directory?

Use: systemctl enable anaonda.service systemctl disable vmtoolsd.service

While working on your Linux server, you want to enable anaconda.service and disable vmtoolsd.service using the systemctl command. Your task in this lab is to: -Use the systemctl command to enable anaconda.service -Use the systemctl command to disable vmtoolsd.service.

Use: systemctl start bluetooth.service systemctl stop bluetooth.service systemctl restart bluetooth.service

While working on your Linux server, you want to practice starting, stopping, and restarting a service using systemctl command. In this simulation start, stop, and restart the bluetooth.service service. Your task in this lab: Use the sytemctl command to start bluetooth.service Use the systemctl command to stop bluetooth.service Use the systemctl command to restart bluetooth.service.

-Use: systemctl isolate rescue.target to change the runlevel -Enter password for root

While working on your linux server, you want to change to single user mode. You will change to single user mode using the systemctl command and rescue.target. Rescue.targer is a special target unit that will run a base system in single user mode and a rescue shell. Your task in this lab is to: -Use the systemctl command to make resuce.target the current target. -After changing to rescue.target, log back in as root using the password 1worm4b8.

100 K ./.config 40 K

You are logged on as Will Adams (wadams), and your working directory is /home/wadams. Use the du command to answer the following questions: How big is the /home/wadams directory? What is the largest directory in/home/wadams? What is the size of the ./.config/ibus/bus directory?

Use: dnf install cups Ipr /home/wadams/sales to print

You are the administrator of a server and have root privileges. The IT manager asked you to install the cups package to enable printing on the server. Use dnf to install cups. After the installation is complete, print the sales document in /home/wadams Complete the following: Install the cups package Print the sales document in /home/wadams

chmod u+s /usr/bin/xmms

You have a Linux workstation that you use at home for browsing the Internet, playing music. and writing letters. When you run your MP3 player, it sometimes pauses in playback. You have heard that you might be able to alleviate the problem by raising the priority of the program. You decide to set the SUID bit to automatically run the program as root and thereby raise it's priority. Your task is to: Set the SUID bit for the /usr/bin/xmms program. Do not change any other permissions on the file

Use: chmod u-s filePath chmod g-s filePath

You have a Linux workstation that you use at home. You are the only user of this computer. You want to improve security by removing the SUID and SGID from some files. Your task in this lab is to: -Remove the SUID from these files: -/usr/bin/gpasswd -/usr/bin/newgrp -Remove the SGID from these files: -/usr/bin/wall -/usr/bin/write

Use: shutdown -h +15 It is time for a shutdown!

You have informed users that you need to being the machine down at the end of the day perform routine maintenance. However, prior to shutting the system down, you want to give users fifteen minutes to save data and exit the system. Your task in this lab is to shut the machine down as follows: -Use a 15 minute delay before shutting down -Use It is time for a shutdown! as a message to all logged-in users.

-Type in vi /etc/pref_shell to enter document -change csh to tcsh -:wq to save and exit

You have just added a custom script to change and export the SHELL environmental variable as the C-shell. However, you decide to change from the C-shell to tsch. Your task in this lab is to: -Open /etc/pref_shell in vim -Modify the environmental variable line SHELL=/bin/csh to read SHELL=/bin/tcsh -Save changes

Use: modprobe powermate

You just got a new PowerMate input device that you want to use on your computer. You don't think that the PowerMate driver was complied into the kernel of your Linux distribution. Your task in this lab is to insert the powermate module into the kernel.

Use: mount /dev/dvd /media/dvd ls /media/dvd to verify

You need to install a new application from DVD, however, the DVD drive (/dev/dvd or /dev/sr0) is not mounted. Your task in this lab is to mount the DVD-ROM drive to the /media/dvd directory.

Use: tar -zcf /salesbkp.tar.gz /sales

You need to send a backup copy of the /etc directory across the network. Your task in this lab is to: -Create a compressed archive of the /sales directory and all it's contents. -Save the file in the root directory (/) with the name /salesbkp.tar.gz

Use: mkdir /mnt/disk mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/disk

You recently installed and formatted a new hard drive in your system. It's device file name is /dev/sdb1. Now you want to mount the volume. Your task in this lab is to: -Create the /mnt/disk directory -Mount /dev/sdb1 to the /mnt/disk directory with the ext3 file system.

Use: mkswap /dev/sdb2 swapon /dev/sdb2

You recently upgraded your computer and added an entra 512 MB of RAM. Consequently, you want to increase you swap space by adding a new swap area. The second hard disk has an unused partiton (/dev/sbd2) that you want to format for the swap area. Your task in this lab is to: -Create a swap partiton on /dev/sdb2 -Activate the swap partition

Use: ip addr to find enp2s1 ifup enp2s1

You share a number of files from your computer, and you've recevied a number of calls from users who say they can't connect to the files. You check your computer and find that the Ethernet cable is unplugged. You've plugged the Ethernet cable in, so now you need to start the network interface card. Your task in this lab: -Determine which network interface went down when it was unplugged. -Start the network interface from the command line.

Use: passwd to change password on current account

You use a special user account called administrator to log on to your computer; however, you think someone has learned your password. You are logged on as administrator. Your task is to: Change your password to r8ting4str. The password for thje administrator account is 7hevn9jan.

-Use vi /etc/default/grub -Press i -Change first line of the file to GRUB_TIMEOUT=-1 -Leave insert mode and save and exit changes with :wq -Write changes by entering grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg -Enter reboot -Select option from menu -Login as root

You want the boot menu on this Linux system to wait until you make a selection before it boots. You need to modify the GRUB_TIMEOUT parameter to make this happen. Once you have changed this parameter, reboot the operating system to see this change in the behavior of the GRUB menu. After rebooting the operating system, login with the username root and password 1worm4b8. Your task in this lab is to do the following: -Modify the GRUB_TIMEOUT parameter -Reboot the OS to see changes -Login with Username root

Use: umask 007

You want to change your default umask to give yourself and members of the groups to which you belong full permissions to the files and directories you create. You want to deny permissions for everyone else. You are logged on as wadams. Your task in this lab is to change your defaul umask value to give yourself and members of the groups to which you belong full permissions to the files and directories that you create.

Use: ifdown enp2s1 ip addr show enp2s1

You've experienced some network connectivity issues, and you suspect it may be one of the NICs in your computer. Your task in this lab: Stop the enp2s1 NIC as they first step to try and isolate the problem

Use: mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdc1 mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdc2

You've installed a 3rd hard drive and created 2 partitions on the drive. Now you need to format both partitions. You task in this lab is to format the partitions with the ext4 file system.

Use: mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1

You've installed a new hard drive and created a partition on the drive. Now you need to format the partition before you can save data on the new hard drive. Your task in this lab is to format the /dev/sdb1 partition with the ext3 file system.

Use: rmdir /projects/heartbt ....etc and then ls -l /projects to verify

Your company recently changed directories and decided to terminate three products. All of the necessary files have been backed up, archived, and deleted. Now, you need to remove the directories from the /projects directory. Your task in this lab is to delete the following directories in the /projects directory: -heartbt -heartmon -heartstrrng

Use: lsmod to view all installed modules rmmod gamport to remove the module from the kernel.

Your manager asked you to remove the gameport module from the Linux print server. View the installed modules on the print server and remove the gameport driver from the kernel. Your task in this lab is to: -View the installed modules and identify the gameport module. -Remove the gameport briver module from the kernel.

Use: logout

Your system administrator scheduled a system update that requires all machines to be running and all users to be logged out of the system. Your task in this lab: Log out of the system, while leaving the system powered on.

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