AP Bio 15, 16, 17, 19 test

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Homologous structures provide evidence of evolution because they

allow biologists to trace organisms to a common ancestry.

Occasionally, "living fossils" such as the coelacanth are found; these organisms appear to be little changed from their ancestors preserved in rock strata many millions of years ago. Such organisms often occur in ocean deeps and in soil and desert environments that change less often over time. This is an indication that

although gene mutations may be common, there may be little selection among individuals already well-adapted to a uniform environment.

Mating between individuals with the same phenotype will cause

an increase in the frequency of homozygotes.

Based on the text's coverage of the rate of mutation, adaptive radiation, and related topics,you can conclude that the rate of evolution progresses at

an uneven rate, and would produce different outcomes if "re-run."

In cladistics, any feature that is found in both the outgroup and the study group is a(n)

ancestral character

Ancestral traits, or traits found in a common ancestor,

are not as helpful in classification as derived traits.

Which of the following would change the gene frequencies of a population?

assertive mating

Drug-resistance in bacteria is present

at any time, even when they are not exposed to the drug .

The process when a diploid plant produces diploid gametes due to nondisjunction during meiosis is


Upon study of several populations of butterflies, you notice that there is a range of color from orange to blue. Orange butterflies seem more common than blue butterflies. This can be attributed to

directional selection

When one extreme phenotype is most successful in a population, this is an example of

directional selection

An organism with hair, four limbs, vertebrae, and a notochord as an embryo would be a


The movement of alleles between populations is

gene flow

Florida maple and northern sugar maple trees do not exchange pollen. This is an example of

habitat isolation

Mitochondrial DNA is used to determine the phylogeny of closely related species because it

has a high mutation rate

If the phylogeny is based on the natural evolution of an organism, then the phylogenetic tree would

help predict if a medicine will be effective among animals on the same tree.

Animals evolved from a(n)


Cystic fibrosis is the most common lethal genetic disorder in Caucasians. Individuals who are homozygous recessive for this trait have a defect of a membrane transporter protein. As a result, they have alterations in amounts of body fluids such as sweat and mucus; thickened mucus often leads to fatal lung infections. When scientists see that a fatal disorder is present in a population at a relatively high frequency, they suspect that there may be some benefit to the gene's presence. This benefit is called

heterozygote advantage

Variations are maintained by

heterozygote advantage

Which of the following concepts are mismatched?

homology—study of organs of different ancestry but similar uses

Sympatric speciation

includes examples of polyploidy

Which of the following types of genetic change is more likely to occur in a large population than in a small one?

increased competition for resources

Which of the following is true about natural selection?

on average, it favors the survival of more young with adaptive characteristics

For natural selection to occur, there must be


Which of the following macromolecules is present in Bacteria and Archaea cell membranes?


A scientist announces that she has discovered a new species of tree frog in Southeast Asia. When she publishes an article about this species, she presents a family tree showing where the new frog fits with other species. She explains that she has concluded that it is a new species based on DNA comparisons with existing species. Which type of species concept did she use?


A nonmotile, multicellular, autotrophic organism with an alternation of generations is a(n)


Strawberries are octoploid, having eight sets of chromosomes. Strawberries most likely evolved by the process of


Two types of strawberries are on display at the grocery store. One is much larger than the other. The larger type is probably


Classification should reflect

the evolutionary history

Which of the following would be considered themost persuasive evidence for evolution?


In a particular population of moths, the frequency of the DD genotype (dark) occurring in the population is 0.04. What is the frequency of the dd genotype (light) occurring in the population?


A student proposes that left-handedness is a recessive trait, and therefore hidden in much of the human population. A survey of 36 students finds that 27 (0.75) are right-handed and 9 (0.25) are left-handed. Using the Hardy-Weinberg formula, what would be the expected genotype frequencies and allele frequencies in this theoretical population?

0.25 right-handed homozygous, 0.50 heterozygous, and 0.25 recessive homozygous for a 0.5 allele frequency for each allele

Many of the fruits bought in the supermarket are examples of laboratory-induced genetic polyploidy. Polyploidy also occurs in the wild. Which of the following explains this process?

A diploid plant produces gametes in which the chromosomes have failed to separate. Two diploid gametes fuse to produce a tetraploid plant.

Which of the following would be a cause of genetic drift?

A flood kills almost all the wild strawberry plants in a particular area.

Which of the following is an example of a postzygotic isolating mechanism?

A male horse and a female donkey produce a mule.

Which example below would correspond to Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck's concept of the inheritance of acquired characteristics?

A species of lizard stops using its legs, the legs become shorter, and the new trait is passed on.

Fungi, being heterotrophic, multicellular eukaryotes, are most closely related to


Which of the following statements is true regarding Bacteria and Archaea?

Archaea are the ancestors of Eukarya cells but developed after bacteria.

Which statement is true about nonrandom mating?

Assortative mating tends to cause subdivision into two phenotypic classes with reduced gene flow between them.

Roughly a dozen different species of giant tortoises are found in the Galapagos Islands. Different species are found on different islands, each living in different conditions. Study of these turtles contributed to which area of Darwin's evidence for evolution?


Which of the following scenarios best explains the fact that a particular species of salamander became blind several generations after inhabiting a cave?

Blind salamanders had more offspring than those who could see, and blindness eventually took over.

The storerooms of a science museum were recently disturbed by an earthquake. Many specimens of plants and animals lost their labels; the museum has limited personnel available to re-label the specimens. One of the museum workers suggests that the museum take advantage of a project called the Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) to help get the specimens re-organized. How could the CBOL project help?

DNA samples could be matched against the CBOL database for quick identification

Wallace and Darwin documented changes in organisms in their travels. Which of the following correlates the two scientists with the area of their most significant research?

Darwin: Galápagos; Wallace: Malaysia

Organisms in the phylum Euglenophyta are single-celled and live in fresh or salt water. Most of them contain chloroplasts and perform photosynthesis. They are self-locomotory, using flagella to swim. They do not have a cell wall. These organisms are classified in what domain?

Eukarya, because they have complex organelles

The French anatomist Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) made a study of elephants. By comparing their bones, he was able to establish that Indian and African elephants were different species. Furthermore, he closely examined fossil mammoths and found them to be unlike either Indian or African elephants. This finding supported his suggestion that

Extinction was a fact

In developing his ideas about evolution, Darwin was influenced by the work of contemporary geologists like Charles Lyell. These geologists suggested that the planet was constantly in a state of change. Which statement explains how this suggestion supports Darwin's concept of evolutionary change?

If landforms are constantly changing, then species must change to survive new conditions.

Which of the following does not support the theory of natural selection?

Increasing complexity is the result of a natural force inherent in all organisms.

While Darwin was convinced that species changed over time, as their natural variations were either "selected" for or against by nature. However, he was criticized at the time because he could not explain where natural variations come from. Today, we can suggest which of the following as the primary source of variation?


Individuals who are best-suited for survival are the ones that will most likely survive to reproductive age, breed, and pass on their traits to their offspring. Which of the following types of selection is this?

Natural Selection

Which of the following describesa postzygotic isolating mechanism?

Offspring produced are infertile, as they have a random number of chromosomes.

Which of the following supports the theory of natural selection?

Organisms exhibit random, but inherited variations.

Which of the following describesthe theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics?

Phenotypic changes acquired during an organism's lifetime result in genetic changes that can be passed on to subsequent generations.

Genetic variation is the raw material upon which evolution works. Which of the following correctly relates the cell type with its main source of variation?

Prokaryotes: mutations; eukaryotes: sexual reproduction

Which of the following is not required to support the Hardy-Weinberg principle?

Selective forces do not favor one genotype over another.

Descriptions of new species of insects are more likely to contain diagrams of the shape of the male genitalia than head, wing, or leg parts. Why?

Small changes in the genitalia result in reproductive isolation.

Which of the following is true ofthe evolutionary species concept, but not the biological species concept?

The evolutionary species concept relies on the identification of morphological traits, which indicate differences in species

The tail feathers of the male widowbird can range from 0.3 m to 0.5 m. The length of the tail feathers does not affect their ability to defend their territory; however, the males with the longer feathers mated more often. What conclusion could be drawn from this information?

The length of the tail feathers influenced the female choice of mates.

In 1981, the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly) caused billions of dollars in damage to California fruit crops. The monogamous female fly lays eggs just under the skin of the fruit. The larvae hatch within 3 days and quickly mature. Spraying with insecticides did not work, but the release of sterile males eradicated local populations. Why did this method work?

The sterilized males were able to attract females, mate, and yet produce no viable zygotes

Cytochrome c is a protein essential for the process of cellular respiration. In comparing the amino acid sequence of cytochrome c in humans to that in yeast, scientists have found there to be only 51 differences. Humans are complex multicellular animals, while yeast are single-celled fungi. What is suggested by the similarity in amino acid sequence between the two species?

The structure of important proteins is highly conserved in evolutionary history.

The coelacanth's fins differ from more commonbony fish. It is sometimes believed to be a missing link between fish and terrestrial amphibians. What would account for the differences in the fins between it and modern-day bony fish?

The transcription factor for the Tbx5 gene was turned off in fish and turned on in coelacanths.

Which of the following supports the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

There can be no competition for resources, including shelter, food, and mates.

Why arethe forelimbs of the frog and chicken considered homologous?

They were derived from a single structure in the ancestor, but were adapted to different uses.

Which of the following is an example of disruptive selection?

Two species of snails, one small and one large, survive equally in the marine ecosystem

A group of scientists is comparing all organisms with wings and want to use wings as their ancestral character in a cladogram. Which of the following questions would be most important to Ans for their task?

What is the internal anatomy of the wing?

When the Hardy-Weinberg conditions are not met,

a change in gene-pool frequencies is likely.

Linnaeus developed his classification system for organisms according to

a theory of special creation and fixity of species.

ndividuals with high fitness are more likely to pass down genes to the next generation. What does the term "fitness" refer to?

ability to produce surviving offspring

About 5 million years ago, a species of goldfinch-like birds arrived in the Hawaiian Islands. Today, the descendents of this founder species are known as honeycreepers and have spread throughout the island chain. Scientists believe there may have been as many as 55 species of this group at one time, possessing a wide variety of adaptations for different habitats and food sources. Many consider the honeycreepers to be a perfect example of

adaptive radiation

A population is defined as

all of the members of a particular species that live together in the same area.

Which of the following is a biological population?

all of the variable-colored ladybird beetles of the species Harmonia axyridis in a forest

Into which domain should an organism with cell walls containing peptidoglycan be classified?


Comparisons can be made among a broad range of organisms for similarities in amino acid sequences. However, in order to obtain information about evolutionary history, it is necessary to use

basic biochemical molecules that are universal.

If two adjacent populations of the same species show gene flow, then the two populations will

become more similar in their gene pools.

Courtship behaviors of the blue-footed boobies include dances. This is an example of

behavioral isolation

Female gypsy moths release pheromones detected by receptors on the antennae of males. This is an example of

behavioral isolation

Darwin's observation that there were Patagonian hares but no rabbits in South America was most closely related to his consideration of


A group of biology students were visiting the natural history museum in New York, when they stopped to observe the Pterosaur hanging above their heads. Pterosaurs were reptiles with wings who could fly by gliding or flapping the wings. Fossils such as this and the Archaeopteryx offer additional evidence linking

birds and reptiles

Cuvier explained the changes in the comparative anatomy of similar fossils in the history of life by


Which of the following organisms would have the most Hoxgenes?


Homologous structures such as the bones in wings, flippers, and arms are most closely concerned with

comparative anatomy

Modern scientists have many tools to help them understand the evolutionary history of groups of organisms. For example, scientists can develop a "molecular clock" which estimates the time in history when groups diverged from each other. What's the basis for such a molecular clock?

comparing the number of nucleotide differences between the two groups, and estimating how long it took the differences to appear

Organisms that swim through water may have similar traits. For example, both dolphins and sharks have a dorsal fin, which helps the animal to stay upright and not roll over while swimming. Externally, the fins are similar. Internally, they are quite different. The latter observation suggests that is a case of what type of evolution?


The male widowbird will lose the longer feathers after mating season is over. The long tail feathers require more energy to produce and more energy to fly. The trade-off between the energy required and female access is an example of

cost-benefit analysis.

On a phylogenetic tree, a frog is most closely related to a


Darwin's theory of natural selection to explain evolution is also known as

descent with modification.

The scientific name Acer rubrum

describes a characteristic of the organism.


determine the basic structure of an organism

A 500 million year old rock formation in Canada called the Burgess Shale is famous for the diversity of its fossils, many of which were formed from soft-bodied organisms. One such fossil is Hallucigenia, a type of worm. Which of the following terms would be most applicable for Hallucigenia?


Social research indicates that a person is most likely to marry someone from the same village or city, high school, or college. Therefore, the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium does not apply well to human populations because

individuals are not pairing up by chance across the whole population, and genetic drift is more likely to change gene frequencies.

One disadvantage of the biological species concept is

it cannot be applied to organisms that reproduce asexually.

Which of the following is true about genetic drift?

it may lead to an allele's becoming fixed in a population when its alternative allele is lost from the population

Animals classified in the same phylum would also be in the same


The heterozygote advantage

maintains diversity in a population.

Wood frogs and leopard frogs are both diurnal frog species found in similar habitats. What might prevent them from interbreeding?

mechanical isolation

Darwin observed that

members of a population vary in their functional, physical, and behavioral characteristics.

A project called the Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) has developed a database that can be used for identifying animal specimens. The database compares the sample's DNA to the database data for one particular gene, mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase. What is the most likely reason that this project uses mitochondrial DNA?

mitochondrial DNA mutates at a fast rate, thus showing more differences between organisms

A scientist who was trying to understand the distribution of fossil fishes found in a particular lake would most likely be restricted to using which species concept?


Fungi were placed in their own kingdom separate from plants because fungi are

multicellular and heterotrophic.

Which of the following Hardy-Weinberg characteristics results in adaptation?

natural selection

A construction project has made a canal between two large lakes. Fish populations that were previously separated are now connected. Which Hardy-Weinberg condition does this canal violate?

no gene flow

California sea otters were nearly hunted to extinction, with a population size of about 50 in the 1930s. By 2013, the population size had reached nearly 3000. Which term would best describe the process that has disrupted the otter population

population bottleneck

Which of the following separates the domain Bacteria from the domain Archaea?

presence of introns

The evolution of organisms in the three domains and four kingdoms is most accurately described by which sequence?

prokaryotes to protists, from protists separately to fungi, plants, and animals

An examination of the fossil record shows that some species seem to appear rather abruptly, after their ancestors went through a long period of stasis. Such species would demonstrate the mode of evolution proposed by which model of speciation rate?

punctuated equilibrium

Offspring produced are infertile, as they have a random number of chromosomes.

punctuated equilibrium

Which of the following defines a transitional fossil?

remains of life-forms that exhibit characteristics of two different taxonomic groups


result in genetic variation

Which of the following structures does not contain DNA that would be useful in determining evolutionary phylogenies?


Organisms classified in the domain Archaea possess


The giant panda and red panda were once thought to be in the same family, but anatomical differences suggested otherwise. In order to determine the true lineage, which would be the most fundamental approach?

sequencing of DNA

In the 1970s, Carl Woese and his colleagues suggested a substantial revision to the classification system developed by Linnaeus. Woese suggested that a new taxon, the domain, was needed. What led to this suggestion?

sequencing of rRNA in various prokaryotes

Polyploidy is rare in the animal kingdom because

sex chromosomes make it complicated

Which of these conditions would prevent the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

small population with genetic drift

Tapeworms do not have digestive systems. This can be attributed to the fact that

smaller digestive systems enabled them to dedicate more internal space to reproduction.

The woodpecker finch has a sharp beak to chisel through the bark of trees, but lacks a long tongue that is characteristic of a true woodpecker. The finch uses a cactus spine to probe into the crevices to flush out the insect. This behavior allows the finch to exploit an untapped resource, and is a learned behavior. This behavior could be considered to

support Lamarck's theory of acquired traits.

A phenotype is

the appearance of each individual in the species.

During the last North American glaciation event, many populations of birds within a particular species were reproductively isolated from each other. This isolation lasted for thousands of years. As the glaciers retreated, reinforcement occurred. This means that

the bird populations were unable to reproduce together, despite being in contact.

Genetic variation is eliminated in a population because of

the bottleneck effect

The scientific name for the northern copperhead is Agkistrodoncontortrixcontortrix, the southern copperhead is Agkistrodoncontortrixmokasen, and the cottonmouth is Agkistrodonpiscivorous. Based on their scientific names, the

the copperheads are subspecies and the cottonmouth is a separate species.

Prior to 1970, all bacteria were classified under a single kingdom, Kingdom Monera. In the 1970's, Kingdom Monera was split into two domains. Which of the following was the most important evidence for making these changes?

the differences in the rRNA sequence

If early Viking explorers in Greenland and North America had survived and become the main ancestors of early North American settlers, rather than the mixture of immigrants from across Europe and other continents, today there would be a much higher incidence of Nordic traits in the U.S. population. Such a scenario would demonstrate

the founder effect

Which of the following is an example of a homologous structure?

the leg of a horse and the wing of a bat

Within the biological species concept,

the members of a species have a single gene pool due to reproductive isolation.

A recent book by a reputable biologist suggests there is a deep, hot biosphere under Earth's crust that may have more biomass than all life at Earth's surface. What organisms would be most likely to inhabit this biosphere?

the rmoacidophilic archaea

Lamarck's ideas on evolution were adopted by some Russian scientists, including Ivan Michurin and TrofimLysenko in Stalinist Russia. Their textbooks printed Lysenko's assertions that a wheat plant could be made cold-hardy by conditioning in cold storage, or that workmen who develop strong muscles would produce children who would be born stronger. Which of the major premises of evolution by natural selection was violated?

the variation is inherited

Birds and insects both have wings, but we do not consider this similarity as evidence of relatedness because

the wings are not homologous structures with a common ancestral origin.

Subspecies help to maintain diversity because

there is interbreeding between species, which introduces alleles that may keep each subspecies from fully adapting to their particular environment.

In his book On the Origin of Species, Darwin included extensive discussions of the breeding of domestic animals like dogs and pigeons. How did he use these cases to support his idea of natural selection?

they described how a pool of diverse traits could be shaped in a particular direction by some type of selection

The organisms examined by Darwin on the Galápagos Islands that were most important in his development of the theory of natural selection were

tortoises and finches.

Salamanders in the genus Ensatina are distributed in mountainous territory around the Central Valley of California. Gene flow is blocked between the western and eastern populations. Over time, these populations have evolved into a variety of subspecies. Which statement(s) best explains why the subspecies have developed?

unique mutations which pop up in one group will stay in that group

An idea that could be traced back to Plato is that

variation was due to imperfections in copies of some perfect ideal form.

Humans, rabbits, and zebras all have appendices. The appendix is much smaller in humans than in other organisms, and appears to have a reduced function. What type of evidence for evolution does this provide?


A common name for an organism

will vary from country to country

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