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The dinosaurs were r-strategists and exhibited a Type III survivorship curve

A certain species of dinosaur laid large numbers of eggs, and the hatchlings had high mortality early in life. But if they survived, the young dinosaurs were able to grow at a rapid pace and disperse into the environment in order to thrive. Based on this information and the graph above, which of the following best characterizes this species of dinosaur?

do not produce as much electricity on cloudy days

A major limitation of using photovoltaic cells to generate electricity is that they

Reactor core

A meltdown in which of the following structures at a nuclear power plant, such as Chernobyl, would most likely lead to the accidental release of radiation?


A phenomenon in which an individual; gains an advantage by looking like the individuals of a different species.

The country is at the industrial stage of the demographic transition.

A small developing country with negligible rates of immigration and emigration is going through a demographic change. Thirty years ago the crude birth rate was 44 per thousand per year and the crude death rate was 17 per thousand per year. Now the crude birth rate is 16 thousand per year and the crude death rate is 5 per thousand per year. Which of the following statements about the country now is most likely to be true?

have doubled between 1950 and 2150

According to the graph above, the global human population will most likely

phase 1 and IV

According to the line graph, zero population growth is associated with

They tend to have low reproductive rates.

All of the following statements about invasive exotic species are true EXCEPT:

The uranium deposits on Earth are finite.

Although nuclear energy is considered a cleaner energy source than fossil fuels, some scientists argue this does not support the claim that nuclear energy is renewable. Which of the following claims best supports the argument that nuclear energy is a nonrenewable energy source?

75 miles/ 2.8 gallons

An automobile travels at an average speed of 55 miles per hour (mph) with a maximum speed of 65mph. It travels a distance of 75 miles and consumes a total of 2.8 gallons of fuel. Which of the following represents the correct calculation for the fuel efficiency of the automobile?

way of life

An organisms niche is analogous to its

adaptive trait

Any genetically controlled structural, physiological, or behavioral characteristic that helps an organism survive and reproduce under a given set of environmental conditions.


As a country goes through the demographic transition, the greatest rate of population growth takes place during which phase?

Increased availability of food

Based on the data in the graph, which environmental factor would have most likely lead to the change in the harbor seal population size from 1980-1990 ?

rapid population growth

Based on the diagram, this country is likely experiencing

Fission in radioactive fuel

Based on the diagram, which processes would provide the energy used to generate electricity at the power plant?


Based on the graph, what is the approximate carrying capacity of the seal population?

They are tolerant of a wide range of environmental conditions.

Brown marmorated stink bugs are native to China and Japan. They were identified in Pennsylvania for the first time in 1998 and have since spread across North America, feeding on agricultural crops. Which of the following characteristics of the brown marmorated stink bug has led to them being an invasive species in North America?


Certain lizards display a survivorship curve where the chance of survival is independent of age. Which line on the graph best depicts the survivorship of these lizards?

Installing active solar energy systems on all available, unshaded rooftop space and positioning them to face south

Currently, the rooftop solar panels produce only a fraction of the electricity used in the buildings on which they are installed. Which of following strategies would best combat the problem of insufficient electricity generation from the rooftop solar panels?

K-strategists with a Type I survivorship curve.

Cycads are gymnosperms that were diverse and abundant during the Mesozoic era. Extant species of cycads share many traits with those from the Mesozoic era. Cycads bear cones, are long-lived with slow growth rates, show late reproductive maturity, and have very few offspring. Based on this description, the cycads are


Dandelions grow quickly and produce many seeds, ensuring that at least some plants will survive and produce seeds themselves. Which curve best represents the survivorship of dandelions?

I only

Directions: Select the choice that best fits each statement. The following question(s) refer to the histograms below, which show age structure expressed as percentage of population for Countries I, II, and II in 1990.

Stage 2

During which stage of the demographic transition shown above does a population begin to experience an explosive increase in growth?

1, 2, and 3

Factors that affect the total fertility rate of a human population include which of the following? Cultural traditions Government policies and economic incentives Education level and economic opportunities for females

use the heat from Earth's interior to create steam that is used to generate electricity and then can be pumped back into the ground

Geothermal energy plants are a viable alternative energy source because they

36 quadrillion

How many BTUs were consumed in the United States in 2017 by consumers that used petroleum as a fuel source?


How many mass extinctions have there been?


Human population growth in 2018 was 1.07%. If this rate of growth remains constant, in what year will the human population double?


If a country has a crude birth rate of 24 per 1,000 and a crude death rate of 8 per 1,000, the natural annual percent increase of its population is

Specialist species living in fragile ecosystems will risk extinction.

If mean global temperature keeps on increasing as predicted by contemporary scientists, which of the following is most likely?

15 years ago

If the population of a country grows at a rate of approximately 5 percent per year, the number of years required for the population to double is closest to


If the population of a country is growing at a rate of 1.75 percent per year, the population will double in approximately how many years?

The moths adapted to the new environment by changes in the genetics of the population.

In England approximately 250 years ago, the peppered moth had light-colored wing patterns that camouflaged them against the light-colored trees. Over time in urban areas, the number of peppered moths with dark-colored wings increased as pollution from the Industrial Revolution darkened the trees the moths rested on. Which of the following statements best describes how the moths adapted to the new environment over time?

Stage 1

In a certain country, the birth rate is high, the death rate is high, and there are many children that are part of the workforce. The country is most likely in which of the following stages of the demographic transition?


In approximately what year did oil and gas become the dominant fuels for the United States?

carrying capacity of the population

In the graph below charting the growth of a population of organisms, the line labeled K represents the...


In what year was the fraction of energy supplied by coal the greatest?


Long-term, large scale evolutionary changes among groups of species resulting in new species, genera, families, etc

divide the resources into parcels and assign them to individuals

Many communities experience the tragedy of the commons. One way a local community might regulate a shared and limited resource and reduce the tragedy of the commons is to

reach sexual maturity quickly

Members of an r-selected species characteristically

a source of new genetic material

Mutations are

Stabilizing Selection

Natural Selection that selects against the extremes and maintains "status quo"

disruptive selection

Natural Selection that selects against the normal or average.

differential reproduction

Number of offspring based on adaptive traits/fitness


Of the following sources, which supplies the most commercial energy in the world today?

Timber producers remove as much timber as possible as cheaply as possible.

One example of the tragedy of the commons occurs when trees are harvested from tropical rain forests without any regulations. Which of the following best describes why this is an example of the tragedy of the commons? Responses

decrease the use of fossil fuels

One solution for reducing the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide would be to


Population decreasing at greatest rate


Represents the maximum number of individuals that can be supported by a particular ecosystem on a long-term basis


Salamanders, ospreys, snapping turtles, and beavers all live in aquatic habitats. Salamanders lay their eggs in small freshwater pools and feed on insects. Osprey habitats include rivers, bays, and swamps and the birds feed on fish and other animals in the water or on land. Snapping turtles live in fresh or brackish water and feed on plants, fish, frogs, and snakes. Beavers build lodges on islands, pond banks, and lake shores and eat a variety of shrubs, grasses, and crops. Based on the information provided above, which of the following species would best be classified as a specialist?

Silver carp became an invasive species in the United States because their numbers were not being controlled by natural predators.

Silver carp were introduced in the southeastern United States in the 1970s from their native habitat of China to control algal blooms that were occurring at aquaculture facilities and sewage lagoons. Silver carp escaped from captivity shortly after their introduction and are currently found as far north as North Dakota and Minnesota. Which of the following describes an unintended, negative consequence of the introduction of silver carp into the United States?


Some toxic compounds are ingested and retained in the tissues. These pollutants pose special risks to humans and other organisms high on the food chain because of which process?

Nuclear power is generated through fission, which releases a large amount of heat. The heat is used to generate steam, which turns a turbine that powers a generator.

The Chernobyl nuclear disaster led to the release of massive radiation, specifically iodine-131 and cesium-137, which has been connected to a variety of environmental problems in the 30 years following the disaster.

Rapid climate and habitat change

The Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event was caused when an asteroid impacted Earth approximately 66 million years ago, near what is now the Gulf of Mexico. The indirect effects of the impact affected the entire globe. The event resulted in the extinction of nearly 75 percent of all plant and animal species on Earth, including the majority of dinosaur species. Which of the following likely best describes why most of these species went extinct?

background extinction

The continuous, low-level extinction of species that has occurred throughout much of history


The country of Sudan has an estimated annual growth rate of 2 percent. At this rate of growth, approximately how many years will it take for the population of Sudan to double?


The country with a population about three times that of the United States is

8 × 10 ^7

The current global human population is about 6.1 billion and is growing at an annual rate of 1.35 percent. If world population were to grow at this rate for the next year, approximately how many people would be added?


The development of a variety of species from a single ancestral form; occurs when a new habitat becomes available to a population.


The diagram above illustrates how the number of individuals in a population changed with time as a result of external stresses and resource limitations. Which lettered portion of the curve most likely corresponds to the carrying capacity of the ecosystem?

Mass Extinction

The name given to a period (Sudden and Widespread) of especially high rates of extinction of species


The small genetic changes a population undergoes

An increase in the lynx population size will lead to a decrease in the hare population size.

The snowshoe hare (a member of the rabbit family) is the primary prey for the Canadian lynx. The Canadian lynx is a wild feline that is slightly larger than a bobcat. Scientists plan to investigate the relative sizes of the hare and the lynx populations over a 3-year period. Based on predator-prey dynamics, which of the following identifies the hypothesis most likely to be supported by the study?

nuclear fission

The source that is not renewable


The species Homo sapiens has lived on Earth about ________ years.

World food production will decrease (due to lack of water and irrigation), leading to increased famine.

The supply of Earth's fresh water is fixed and is being depleted at a rapid rate. Which of the following best describes the effects of a limited freshwater supply on human populations?

increasing numbers of women entering the workforce in developing nations

The world population growth rate in 2015 is about 1 percent. It is expected to drop to 0.5 percent by 2050, partly because of increased access to birth control in developing nations. Another likely cause for the expected decline is

Geothermal Energy

This type of energy utilizes heat that is stored beneath Earth's surface to heat water and produce steam.


What is the population doubling time in years for a country with an annual growth rate of 3.5 percent?

directional selection

When natural selection results in a shift toward one end of a normal range of traits, an evolutionary biologist would credit...

triangle shaped graph

Which age-structure diagram best depicts the ages in a population that is in stage 3 of the demographic transition?

thick in the middle and short at the bottom

Which of the following age structure diagrams represents a population that most likely has a negative growth rate?

2% . . 35 years

Which of the following annual population growth rates is paired with the correct doubling time?

Doubling in size over equal increments of time

Which of the following best characterizes a population that is growing exponentially with time?

Offshore winds farms will produce up to three times as much electricity as wind farms on land because of increased wind speeds offshore.

Which of the following best describes a benefit of increasing the number of offshore wind farms rather than onshore wind farms?

Birth rates are high and death rates are declining, and the population is increasing rapidly.

Which of the following best describes a country in stage 2 of the demographic transition, based on the model shown below?

The results support the researchers' hypothesis because there is a greater biodiversity at sites without cane toads.

Which of the following best interprets the results in the graph in relation to the given hypothesis?

A population of mosquitoes develops resistance to a pesticide.

Which of the following best shows the process of evolution?

There is a high total fertility rate.

Which of the following characteristics is most closely associated with a country that demonstrates the age structure in the diagram shown above?

Country B

Which of the following countries is most likely represented in the age structure diagram shown above?

Carbon dioxide is a product of the combustion fossil fuels, and it can lead to global climate change when released into the atmosphere.

Which of the following describes an environmental problem that can result from the combustion of fossil fuels to generate electricity?

Population increases rapidly, birth rate remains high, death rate decreases

Which of the following describes the changes in a country's demographics as it begins its transition from a preindustrial state to an industrial state?

water vapor

Which of the following gases is released from the structure labeled C in the diagram?

line going up

Which of the following graphs best displays population size over time of an r-selected species that has just colonized a new habitat with abundant resources?

Destruction of habitat and invasion by nonnative species

Which of the following identifies the two factors thought to be the most harmful to biodiversity?

Spent fuel rods must be disposed of properly.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using nuclear energy as a source of electricity?

The total number of different plant species

Which of the following is a measure of the biodiversity of an ecosystem?

It is greater in countries with high infant-mortality rates than in countries with low infant-mortality rates.

Which of the following is a true statement about replacement-level fertility?

The total fertility of a society decreases as the society progresses through the demographic transition.

Which of the following is a true statement about the total fertility of a society?

There is no CO2 emitted from the nuclear reaction.

Which of the following is considered an advantage of using nuclear power to generate electricity?

They have longer life spans.

Which of the following is generally true of K-strategist species as compared to r-strategist species?

Infant and childhood mortality

Which of the following is most likely the primary cause of high death rates in phase I?

Reduced birth rates

Which of the following is most typically associated with the transition from a rural to an urbanized society?

Accumulation of plastics in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Which of the following is the best example of a tragedy of the commons?

Water pollution from oil rigs concentrated in the Gulf of Mexico

Which of the following is the best example of the tragedy of the commons?

Depletion of fishing stocks in the North Atlantic

Which of the following is the best illustration of the tragedy of the commons?

Burial deep underground at sites remote from population centers

Which of the following is the current recommendation of Congress for the permanent storage of high-level radioactive waste in the United States?


Which of the following metals is considered an energy resource?

Fish are shared resources, and as the fishing industry competes for the fish, the resource extraction is no longer sustainable.

Which of the following scenarios best explains the concept of the tragedy of the commons? Responses

SpeciesNumber of Fertilized Eggs Produced per YearOyster 5,000,000,000

Which of the following species is most likely to be an invasive species if introduced into a favorable new habitat?

SpeciesNumber of Fertilized Eggs Produced per Year Bobcat 2

Which of the following species is most likely to provide extensive parental care to its offspring?

More-developed countries tend to have lower total fertility rates than less-developed countries.

Which of the following statements best describes the trends in the data shown in the graph above?

The total number of finches in the population decreased, and the larger-beaked finches were more successful in the drier environment.

Which of the following statements best explains the changes in the size and composition of the population of finches after the drought?

The combustion of fossil fuels heats water to produce steam, which then turns a turbine.

Which of the following statements correctly explains the role of fossil fuels in the production of energy?

India has a higher population growth rate than China and Australia have.

Which of the following statements is best supported by the population doubling times indicated on the map?

9.5 mm

Which of the following was the average beak size of finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?

142.9 years

Which of the following was the doubling time for China's population in 2014 if the growth rate was 0.49 percent?


Which of the following was the number of finches in the population with a beak size of 10.2 mm in 1978?


Which of the following would be most likely to be used as a fuel source for electricity generation in the plant displayed in the diagram?


Which of the structures in the diagram is the site where the nuclear power plant accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl occurred?

Coal, oil, and natural gas

Which three sources supply the majority of commercial energy in the world today?

Country A is fairly stable, and birth rates are low.

ased on the data in the age structure diagram, which of the following best describes the population of Country A? Responses

The spotted lanternfly is an r-selected and invasive species.

he spotted lanternfly is a herbivorous insect that is native to Asia and feeds on over 70 species of plants. The feeding behavior of the spotted lanternfly damages plants, and the nymph and adult lanternflies secrete sticky residues that exacerbate the damage to native plant species by promoting mold growth. The spotted lanternfly reproduces once during its lifetime by laying between 30 and 50 eggs, and the eggs hatch after a short amount of time. The range of the spotted lanternfly is increasing because the insects are transported to new environments by the movements of animals and people, and it is now found in many parts of the United States. Which of the following best describes the spotted lanternfly in the United States?


the source that is converted directly into electrical energy by photovoltaic cells

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