AP European History Exam (Crash Course Answers)

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Although he was a Roman Catholic, which one of the following was most like Calvin in his efforts to reform the church and society?

(A) Girolamo Savonarola

214. All of the following statements about the Edict of Nantes are true EXCEPT

(A) It banned Huguenot military forces and fortresses

148. The New Economic Plan (NEP) was

(A) Lenin's plan to revitalize the Russian economy after Russia's Civil War

159. Who was the dominant personality at the Congress of Vienna?

(A) Metternich

237. Which social group benefited most from British Corn Laws, 1815-1846?

(A) Nobility

102. Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam was the author of

(A) The Praise of Folly

255. The Concert of Europe is an expression used to characterize which era?

(A) The decades after the Congress of Vienna in which Metternich reigned over continental diplomacy, but not over British foreign policy

217. Which one of the following statements best characterizes the Russian streltsi?

(A) They were a military corps with great influence in Russian politics.

170. Fredrich Nietzsche advanced his philosophy in which works?

(A) Thus Spake Zarathustra and The Will to Power

260. The Versailles Treaty resulted in the formation of several new nations, including

(A) Yugoslavia and Hungary

138. The Frankfurt Assembly was

(A) a Pan-German assembly interested in the formulation of an integrated union of German states

247. Which of the following best characterizes the beliefs of St. Simon (1760-1825)?

(A) admiration for industrialization

259. In the "April Theses," Lenin

(A) challenged the policies of the Provisional Government

150. Czar Alexander II of Russia (1855-1881)

(A) established zemstvos - assemblies that allowed nobles to retain control over rural politics, but also introduced social services there

171. In the preceding painting entitles The Eternal City by the American painter Peter Blume (1937),

(A) fascist Italy dominated by the personality of Mussolini

226. Rousseau's concept of the ideal government was centered on

(A) general will

143. "Anxiety, or the idea of anxiety, permeates modern thought in all its aspects. You find it almost everywhere you look: in Freudian psychology, in the philosophy of existentialism, in poetry and the novel, in the language of religion...and...of course, in contemporary political movements." This passage is an example of writing in

(A) intellectual history

225. "Ecrasez l'infame!," Voltaire's slogan of "crush the infamous thing," called for the suppression of

(A) the Church

107. The response of the Catholic Church to the Reformation was delayed because

(A) the Papacy feared the remnants of the Conciliar Movement

128. The following map indicates the thesis advanced by H. Mackinder in 1904 that

(A) the continental part of Eurasia forms the world's heartland and constitutes a potential threat for sea powers

254. The map below indicated the partition of Africa in what year?

(B) 1914

228. "By pursuing his own interest (every individual) frequently promotes that of society more efficiently than when he really intends to promote it. I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the public good." This passage expresses the opinion of

(B) Adam Smith in his Wealth of Nations

251. The Schleswig-Holstein question was a contentious issue between

(B) Austria and Prussia

112. Which of these thinkers is identified most closely with the following statement? "Renounce notions, and begin to form an acquaintance with things."

(B) Bacon

144. "The greatest good for the greatest number" was a belief of

(B) Bentham

241. Which of the following would a Fabian Socialist most likely approve?

(B) Government-owned utilities

219. Which of the following is true of the Table of Ranks of Peter the Great?

(B) It set educational and performance levels for civil servants.

233. Which of the following chronological sequences of the French Revolution is correct?

(B) Legislative Assembly, Convention, Directory

249. The Austrian government established the Ausgleich in 1867 in response to pressure from which nationality?

(B) Magyars

272. In the Cold War, which of the following Soviet writers was not allowed to travel to Stockholm to receive his Nobel Prize for literature?

(B) Pasternak

203. With papal mediation, Spain in 1494 agreed to recognized that one other nation had valid claims to parts of South and Central America. Which nation was it?

(B) Portugal

234. For more than 250 years England had a special relationship, based on a royal marriage and a treaty guaranteeing fortified wines, with which country?

(B) Portugal

205. The individual depicted on the horse in the illustration above is

(B) Tetzel

116. A moderate proposal that called on France to adopt a political system similar to Great Britain was an element espoused by Montesquieu in

(B) The Spirit of Laws

231. Which of the following did the Civil Constitution of the Clergy lead to?

(B) The church was made a department of the French state.

164. What does the following cartoon refer to?

(B) The contradictions inherent in the Russo German Non-Aggression Pact

206. The first Swiss leader of the movement that became Calvinism was

(B) Ulrich Zwingli

252. Which British Prime Minister was most in favor of the Irish Home Rule bill?

(B) William Gladstone

238. All of the following are preconditions for the Industrial Revolution EXCEPT

(B) a failing agricultural system

220. Peter the Great's principal foreign policy achievement was the

(B) acquisition of ports on the Baltic Sea

216. The Fronde was directed primarily against the

(B) authority of the absolute monarchy

121. In Emile, Russeau

(B) called for a natural education free of the artificial encumbrances imposed by institutions such as the Church

235. The "Weber thesis" attempted to explain the connections between the sire of Calvinism and the rise of

(B) capitalism

153. Oscar Wilde's Picture of Dorian Gray and Thomas Mann's Death in Venice

(B) embodied a new symbolist direction in literature that addressed previously ignored themes

155. The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885

(B) established the principle that an imperial claim had to be supported by effective control over the interior

151. The failure of Wilhelm II's government to continue the Reinsurance Treaty with Russia

(B) eventually led to the isolation of Germany

229. All of the following statements are true about the eighteenth-century French philosophe Voltaire EXCEPT that

(B) he was an atheist

204. The "idols" of Francis Bacon, explained in his Novum Organum, were

(B) impediments to clear scientific thinking

136. The July Revolution in France resulted in the

(B) installation of Louis Philippe as king

245. All of the following define the Second Industrial Revolution EXCEPT

(B) large growth in the textile industry

236. Prussia's acquisition of the Rhineland in Germany at the Congress of Vienna proved to be a significant development because

(B) most German industry developed in the area

201. Lorenzo Valla gained fame for

(B) proving the Donation of Constantine a fraud

160. In 1829, the Ottoman Turks were forced to accept the Treaty of Adrianople, which

(B) recognized the independence of Greece

212. The Peace of Augsburg

(B) recognized the principle that the religion of the leader would determine the religion of their people

120. "...there is no place for industry...no arts; no letters; no society; and which is the worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." This quotation fro Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan (1651) describes the concept known as

(B) state of nature

166. The text of Denis Diderot's Encyclopedie was centered primarily on

(B) technology

126. "Do you not hear them repeating unceasingly that all that is above them is incapable and unworthy of governing them; that the present distribution of good throughout the world is unjust; that property rests on a foundation which is not and equitable foundation?...I believe that we are at this moment sleeping on a volcano." Alexis de Tocqueville made these remarks to

(B) the French Chamber of Deputies in 1848

129. The drawing shown below by Karl Arnold appeared in Simplicissimus (July, 1924) and was entitled Neue Typen: Der Rassemensch - New Types: The Racial Man or The Man of Breeding. It was a critical comment on

(B) the anti-Semites who supported Hiler and the emerging Nazi Party

114. The Fronde was directed primarily against

(B) the authority of the absolute monarchy

139. The failure of the Revolutions of 1848 may be attributed to all the following factors EXCEPT

(B) the cunning of the old leadership in manipulating revolutionary forces

158. The expansion of "division of labor" and "mass productions" through the development of standard parts and manufacturing was stimulated by

(B) the factory system

213. The Price Revolution of the sixteenth century was caused by

(B) the importation of silver and gold into the European economy

149. The 1878 Congress of Berlin resulted in all of the following EXCEPT

(B) the realization of Russian was aims at the expense of the Turks

207. The 1555 principle of cuius regio, eius religio - incorporated later into the peace settlement that ended the Thirty Years' War - signified

(B) the right of monarchs to dictate the religion of their state or principality

124. The following picture is of

(B) the spinning jenny invented by Hargreaves

253. The Balfour Declaration (1917)

(B) was a British pledge to support a homeland for Jews in Palestine

261. The Dawes Plan

(B) was a reparations plan designed to eliminate the friction that led to the Ruhr Crisis

156. Bismarck's Kulturkampf

(B) was a series of anti-Catholic laws directed at curtailing the influence of the Center Party

137. The preceding map indicates locations of European revolutions during what year?

(C) 1848

258. The British policy of "Splendid Isolationism" was terminated with the

(C) Anglo-Japanese Alliance

113. For several decades during the late seventeenth century, Austria fought on two fronts against which two countries?

(C) France and Ottoman Turkey

163. Which of the following is NOT true of Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531)?

(C) He agreed with Martin Luther on the doctrine of the Lord's Supper.

117. John Calvin's theology can be considered most similar to the political philosophy of which of the following?

(C) Hobbes

202. Ferdinand and Isabella's policies of Spanish nationalisms led to the expulsion from Spain of large numbers of Spanish

(C) Jews

246. All of the following statements may be deduced from the graph shown above EXCEPT:

(C) Russia had the greatest population growth in percentage terms

257. Britain established direct authority over India after the suppression of the

(C) Sepoy Mutiny

162. The following chart indicates that

(C) The postwar economies in Central and Eastern Europe were fragile and subject to rapid deterioration during an economic collapse

208. Which of the following was most influential in the spread of Protestantism in sixteenth-century Europe?

(C) The printing press

132. The Dual Alliance of 1879 may be described as all of the following EXCEPT

(C) a move, from the Austrian perspective, directed at Italian encroachment in the Balkans

263. All of the following were significant economic trends in Germany during the 1920s EXCEPT

(C) a very stable currency (the mark)

109. The Petition of Right (1628-1629)

(C) addressed a range of Parliamentary grievances even as it set the stage for new sources of revenue requested by Charles I

240. All of the following are characteristics of the Romantic movement EXCEPT

(C) admiration for the Enlightenment

232. The battle of Valmy (September 20, 1792) was important because

(C) an army piece together from regulars and conscripts was able to beat the professional army under the Duke of Brunswikck

106. English Puritanism developed during the reign of Elizabeth I

(C) because of dissatisfaction with the scope and breadth of the Elizabethan Religious Settlement among those influenced by Calvinist views

267. Keynesianism (the economic doctrines of the twentieth-century British economist John Maynard Keynes) teaches that during times of economic downturns governments should

(C) create budget deficits

218. "Behold, an immense people united in a single person; behold this holy power, paternal, and absolute; behold the secret cause which governs the whole body of the state, contained in a single head; you see the image of God in the king, and you have the idea of royal majesty..." This passage by the French bishop Bossuet illustrates the concept of

(C) divine right

147. The Revisionist Marxist movement

(C) encompassed the Fabian Society, the Social Democratic Party in Germany, and the French Socialist movement led by Jean Jaurès

221. The drawing below by Isaac Newton Illustrates his experiments with

(C) light

270. The map shown below indicated the

(C) partition of the Ottoman Empire after World War I

104. During the Reformation, Anabaptism drew its membership mostly from the ranks of the

(C) peasants

222. Enclosures were required to

(C) permit scientific farming

264. The Societ poster of 1930 below was an attack on

(C) religion

119. The liberum veto

(C) restricted the national and political development of Poland

133. During the era of the French Revolution, the Thermidorian Reaction

(C) terminated the Reign of Terror after the execution of Robespierre

115. The Peace of Utrecht

(C) terminated the Wars of Louis XIV and restored peace in Europe

111. Henry IV gave the Huguenots the right to practice their religion through

(C) the Edict of Nantes

172. During the "June Days" in Paris (1848),

(C) the army suppressed the radical revolutionary element

223. The electors of Saxony in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries derived power and wealth from each of the following factors EXCEPT

(C) their production of the finest silks in Europe

168. The driving fore behind Hegel's dialectic was

(C) universal reason

105. The Colloquy of Marburg in 1529

(C) was a debate between Luther and Zwingli that resulted in a formal split within Protestantism

122. "Men are born, and always continue free and equal in respect of their rights. Civil distinctions, therefore, can be founded only on public unity." In 1789 these statements were part of

(C)the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

134. The era of the Napoleonic Wars was concluded by the

(D) Congress of Vienna

167. In the following poem, the Hungarian-Swiss Tzara provides a sample of which twentieth-century literary movement? "The aeroplane weaves telegraph wires and the fountain sings the same song... And the rendez-vous of the coachmen the apertif is orange but the locomotive mechanics have blue eyes. The lady has lost her smile in the woods."

(D) Dadaism

210. "I dissent from those who are unwilling that the sacred Scriptures should be read by the unlearned and translated into the vulgar tongue, as though Christ had taught such subtleties that they can scarcely be understood even by a few theologians..." This passage expresses the opinion of

(D) Desiderius Erasmus

265. A Dutch humanist who published an edition of the Greek New Testament was

(D) Desiderius Erasmus

157. The Parliament Act of 1911 included all of the following provisions EXCEPT that the

(D) House of Lords could effectively veto nonrevenue bills

103. All of the following are characteristics of Northern Humanism EXCEPT

(D) It was very supportive of the Protestant Reformation

123. The drawing above represents

(D) Lavoisier's Apparatus for the Decomposition of Air

215. Richelieu served as "Prime Minister" to

(D) Louis XIII

209. "We Italians then owe to the Church of Rome and to her priests for our having become irreligious and bad; but we owe her still a great debt...that the Church has kept and still keeps our country divided." This passage expresses the opinion of

(D) Machiavelli

227. The Pragmatic Sanction was an attempt to secure the throne of Austria for

(D) Marie Theresa

146. Which author advanced the argument that anarchism would be achieving through education and without violence in What Is Property?

(D) Pierre Proudhon

141. Which one of the would most likely oppose laissez-faire policies in nineteenth-century Europe

(D) Socialist

230. The Abbé Sieyès exerted a major influence on the French Revolution through his book entitled

(D) The Third Estate

169. After 1950 the Soviet Union suppressed movements toward more liberal governments in all of the following European countries EXCEPT

(D) Yugoslavia

256. In 1834, German states (excluding Austria) agreed to eliminate tariffs between the states through a customs union known as

(D) Zollverein

101. Renaissance Humanism was a threat to the Church because it

(D) emphasized a return to the original sources of Christianity

131. The Reform Bills of 1832, 1867, and 1884-1885 in Great Britain

(D) extended the franchise and redistributed seats in Parliament

243. The Chartist movement of the nineteenth century drew much of its support from the

(D) factory workers

110. René Descartes has been credited with all of the following EXCEPT

(D) holding that the concept of God was unnecessary in his concept of the universe

244. "We don't want to fight, But, by jingo, if we do, We've got the ships, We've got the men, We've got the money too." This saying, popular with British crowds reacting to the British-Russian tension in 1877, gave rise to the term

(D) jingoism

135. Charles Fourier, Robert Owen, and Claude de Saint-Simon may be calle

(D) per-Marxist socialists

224. The Royal Society of London, founded in 1662, was one of the first

(D) scientific societies

125. English Utilitarianism was identified with the phrase

(D) the greatest good for the greatest number

239. All of the following occurred during the Prussian Era of Reform, 1806-1821, EXCEPT

(D) universal manhood suffrage

161. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

(D) was a humiliating agreement that the Russians signed with Germany

271. Which one of the following was NOT part of the early years of the Cold War?

(D)Rearmament of Germany

248. A nineteenth-century novel whose main character asserts the superiority of the new science and nihilism (taking nothing at face value) to the old idealism was

(E) Fathers and Sons by Turgenev

268. In 1956, which country revolted against the USSR, only to see its desire for independence crushed because the West was preoccupied by the Suez crisis?

(E) Hungary

145. Which one of the following was true about the European middle class in the nineteenth century?

(E) It espoused liberalism.

154. All of the following statements concerning the Third French Republic are accurate EXCEPT:

(E) It supported an extension of the power of the Catholic Church in French society.

130. The notion that "civilization was not the product of an artificial, international elite...but the genuine culture of the common people, the Volk" was advanced by

(E) Johann Gottfried Herder in Ideas for a Philosophy of Human History

250. The Revolutions of 1848 reflected the interest of all of the following EXCEPT the

(E) Marxist

118. An economic philosophy identified with "bullionism" and the need to maintain a favorable balance of trade was

(E) Mercantilism

242. According to the ideas of Karl Marx, the LAST of the major European powers to have a proletarian revolution was supposed to be

(E) Russia

142. According to the graph shown below, which was the most urbanized part of Europe in the nineteenth century?

(E) The British Isles

108. The Catholic Counter-Reformation included all of the following EXCEPT

(E) a willingness to negotiate nondoctrinal issues with reformers

165. The Glorious Revolution of 1688-1889 resulted in all of the following EXCEPT

(E) an agreement that, in the event of no heirs, the house of Hanover would succeed the Stuarts

140. The industrial economy of the nineteenth century was based upon all of the following EXCEPT

(E) an equitable distribution of profits among all who were involved in production

266. "Existence precedes essence" is a summation of the twentieth-century philosophy of

(E) existentialism

269. After 1945, policies of the Soviet Union led to all the following EXCEPT

(E) extensive influence in the United Nations in the years immediately following World War II

152. The Russian Revolution of 1905

(E) led Nicholas II to issue the October Manifesto, which called for an advisory representative assemble (the Duma) to be formed

262. The rise of German fascism can be attributed to all of the following EXCEPT

(E) policies of Gustav Stresemann

127. The achievements of the Jacobins included all of the following EXCEPT

(E) the redistribution of all land among peasants

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