AP Gov Final Review

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D) The Supreme Court has the power to declare laws passed by Congress unconstitutional.

"If an act of the legislature, repugnant to the constitution, is void, does it, notwithstanding its invalidity, bind the courts, and oblige them to give it effect? ... It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is. Those who apply the rule to particular cases, must of necessity expound and interpret that rule. If two laws conflict with each other, the courts must decide on the operation of each... The judicial power of the United States is extended to all cases arising under the Constitution. Could it be the intention of those who gave this power, to say that in using it the constitution should not be looked into? That a case arising under the constitution should be decided without examining the instrument under which it arises? This is too extravagant to be maintained." -- Marbury v. Madison The Supreme Court asserted which of the following principles in Marbury v. Madison? A) The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees all individuals freedoms under state laws. B) Freedom of religion is guaranteed, but some religious practices may violate the establishment clause. C) Under the Tenth Amendment, the federal government can regulate commerce among states. D) The Supreme Court has the power to declare laws passed by Congress unconstitutional.

C) judges interpret the Constitution according to their own attitudes.

"Judicial activism" means that A) judges lobby Congress for more funding. B) judges actively seek cases to hear. C) judges interpret the Constitution according to their own attitudes. D) the Supreme Court hears more cases each succeeding year.

D) Filing for a discharge petition

A member of the House of Representatives has introduced a bill to raise the minimum wage, but it has been in committee for 36 days and is unlikely to make it to the floor. Which of the following is the best course of action for the representative to take to get a vote on the bill? A) Presenting a cloture motion B) Introducing a concurrent resolution C) Placing a hold on the bill D) Filing for a discharge petition

C) Nominating a high-level campaign fund-raiser to serve as an ambassador to New Zealand

A new president has been elected and has a number of position to fill within the federal bureaucracy. Which of the following is an example of filling a position based on political patronage? A) Reappointing the secretary of defense even though he or she was appointed by the previous president, who is a member of the opposite party B) Asking the chair of a prestigious university's economic department to serve as chair of the Council of Economic Advisers C) Nominating a high-level campaign fund-raiser to serve as an ambassador to New Zealand D) Choosing a secretary of state to appease members from the opposition party.

D) The public can expect to reap the benefits of blocking the subsidy without making any contribution to the nonprofit group.

A nonprofit advocacy group seeks to block an expensive subsidy to what it believes is an environmentally destructive project. Which of the following accurately depicts the free-rider problem in this scenario? A) A company can purchase support from certain members of the public who will persuade their legislators to vote in favor of the subsidy. B) The public will recognize that the cost of the project greatly outweighs the benefit, so they can expect their legislators to vote against the subsidy. C) The advocacy group will be able to carry out activities at an unusually low cost because of discounts and tax breaks afforded to nonprofit organizations. D) The public can expect to reap the benefits of blocking the subsidy without making any contribution to the nonprofit group.

D) The poll was administered to several thousand people who were stopped while shopping in malls across the country.

A recent poll indicates that 60% of all people in the United States support a flat tax system. Which of the following supports the credibility of the poll result? A) The poll was conducted online and open to anyone who wishes to participate. B) The poll reported a sampling error. C) Before the question was asked, respondents were told that a flat tax system is fairer than a progressive tax and will lead to economic growth. D) The poll was administered to several thousand people who were stopped while shopping in malls across the country.

D) Undermining freedom will extinguish both freedom and equality.

A society that puts equality - in the sense of equality of outcome - ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom. The use of force to achieve equality will destroy freedom, and the force, introduced for good purposes, will end up in the hands of people who use it to promote their own interests. On the other hand, a society that puts freedom first will, as a happy by-product , end up with both greater freedom and greater equality ... A free society releases the energies and abilities of people to pursue their own objectives. It prevents some people from arbitrarily suppressing others. It does not prevent people from achieving positions of privilege, but so long as freedom is maintained, it prevents those positions of privilege from becoming institutionalized. -- Milton Friedman, Free to Choose (1980) Which of the following statements is most consistent with the author's argument in this passage? A) There should be more emphasis on governmental action to achieve equality. B) Equality is not an important outcome in society. C) Individual freedom and equality are not compatible values. D) Undermining freedom will extinguish both freedom and equality.

C) party identification.

A voter's choice of candidate is most influenced by A) campaign finance laws. B) political advertisements. C) party identification. D) the media.

D) centralize its powers.

A weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that they established a government that was unable to A) remain a democracy. B) be recognized by foreign governments. C) represent the views of the various states. D) centralize its powers.

D) is the president of the Senate.

According to the Constitution, A) the vice president must be of the same party as the president. B) chairs all cabinet meetings. C) is ineligible to run for president after two terms as vice president. D) is the president of the Senate.

D) two

According to the Constitution, each state was entitled to how many senators? A) one B) It depended on the state's population. C) as many as it wanted to send D) two

B) provide public goods and socialize citizens into the political and social system.

All government A) guarantee a capitalist economy and collect taxes. B) provide public goods and socialize citizens into the political and social system. C) ensure safety on the high seas and promote free enterprise. D) maintain national parks and a national defense.

D) holding floor debate on a bill to reduce eligibility requirements for Medicare.

All of the following are examples of Congress exercising its oversight function EXCEPT: A) holding committee hearings on regulations issued by the Federal Communications Commission B) hearing a Department of Defense official testify on a B-1 bomber cost overruns C) submitting data to a committee on complaints against the Internal Revenue Service D) holding floor debate on a bill to reduce eligibility requirements for Medicare.

D) they encourage extremism in policymaking and encourage change.

All of the following are true of two-party systems, EXCEPT A) they offer voters no choice among ideologies. B) they rely on popular elections to change the party in power. C) they usually include a liberal and a conservative party. D) they encourage extremism in policymaking and encourage change.

D) The president can only fire appointees before they have been confirmed by the Senate

All of the following help to explain the President's difficulty in controlling cabinet-level agencies EXCEPT: A) Civil servants who remain in their jobs through changes in administration thereby developing loyalty to their agency B) Agency staff often have information and technical expertise that the President and presidential advisers lack C) Agencies often have political support from interest groups D) The president can only fire appointees before they have been confirmed by the Senate

C) blacks were in the minority population in the states with the most discrimination

All of the following made it difficult for African Americans to gain equality EXCEPT: A) racism by whites blocked blacks' efforts to gain equality B) lower income whites were worried that gains by blacks would be at their expense C) blacks were in the minority population in the states with the most discrimination D) until the early 1960's most citizens of the North did little to help blacks in the south gain equality.

B) obscene speech.

Amendment I " Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." -- The US Constitution All of the following are protected by the right to free speech EXCEPT A) the right to express unpopular political opinions. B) obscene speech. C) the right to engage in symbolic speech. D) the right to disagree with elected officials.

C) symbolic speech protected by the First Amendment.

Amendment I " Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." -- The US Constitution The burning of the American Flag as a means of political protest has been ruled A) an issue that does not relate to the First Amendment. B) speech not protected by the First Amendment. C) symbolic speech protected by the First Amendment. D) a matter for state counts.

C) pluralist theory.

American government is viewed most positively by the A) hyperpluralist theory. B) socialist theory. C) pluralist theory. D) elite and class theory.

C) Life terms for federal judges mean that presidential appointments will continue to have influence long after the president's term is over.

Appointments to the federal judiciary are often contentious for which of the following reasons? A) Federal judges are given a platform to legislate from the bench, and the Senate is hesitant about relinquishing power to the judiciary. B) The president selects nominees based on political orientation, while the Senate focuses on the academic credentials of nominees. C) Life terms for federal judges mean that presidential appointments will continue to have influence long after the president's term is over. D) The House of Representatives can undermine presidential authority by overriding judicial appointments.

A) appropriate funds for agencies.

Article II of the Constitution grants the president power to do all of the following EXCEPT A) appropriate funds for agencies. B) veto proposed legislation. C) appeal to Congress and make legislative requests in a state of the union address. D) authorize troop movements during war.

A) A public school system uses race-based segregation.

Based on previous court rulings, which of the following scenarios would most likely violate the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment? A) A public school system uses race-based segregation. B) The federal government passes a law prohibiting assault rifles. C) A mayor refuses to allow an unpopular group to hold a political rally. D) A police officer inspects the contents of a computer hard drive without a warrant.

D) A women who is prevented from an abortion.

Based on previous rulings, the Supreme Court is most likely to view a case concerning which of the following as a right-to-privacy case? A) A high school student who leave class at a specified time during each school day for daily prayer B) A person who is licensed to carry a handgun and brings one to a political rally C) A university who is licensed to carry a handgun and brings one to a political rally D) A women who is prevented from an abortion.

A) guidelines issues by government agencies, which provide specific details about how a policy will be implemented.

Bureaucratic rule-making is best defined as A) guidelines issues by government agencies, which provide specific details about how a policy will be implemented. B) directions given by the president to the bureaucracy regarding how a specific policy will be applied C) legally binding decisions made by Congress to constrain regularly agencies D) review and supervision of departments and agencies conducted by congressional committees.

C) counsel.

Clarence Gideon argued that he had the right to A) speech. B) place Bibles in motel rooms. C) counsel. D) privacy

D) has been extended to protect the guarantees of the Bill of Rights

Due process is A) is protected by the 1st Amendment B) allow Congress to tax income C) allow people to gather peacefully D) has been extended to protect the guarantees of the Bill of Rights

A) There is a tension between civil liberties and public order.

During the Civil War, President Lincoln suspended the right of habeas corpus and detained thousands of citizens who protested the war. Which of the following statements best illustrates this scenario? A) There is a tension between civil liberties and public order. B) When the public does not support the rights of others, those rights tend to no longer be applied. C) Freedom of speech is an absolute right. D) There is nothing in the Constitution that guarantees the right to a fair trial.

D) cooperative federalism

Education is a policy area that reflects the basic principles of A) dual federalism B) supremacy of the federal government C)supremacy of the states D) cooperative federalism

A) cooperative federalism.

Federal support for public education is an example of a A) cooperative federalism. B) separation of powers. C) layer cake federalism. D) dual federalism.

D) The Bill of Rights could potentially be used to limit civil liberties.

I go further, and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and to the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed Constitution, but would even be dangerous. They would contain various exceptions to powers not granted; and, on this very account, would afford a colorable pretext to claim more than were granted. For why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do? Why, for instance, should it be said that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed? I will not contend that such a provision would confer a regulating power; but it is evident that it would furnish, to men disposed to usurp, a plausible pretense for claiming that power. -- Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist papers No. 84 Based on the text, which of the following statements would the author most likely agree with? A) The media ought to be held accountable for publishing untrue information about public figures. B) The United States Constitution explicitly prohibits the government from restricting the press. C) The amendment process would create confusion about the meaning of the United States Constitution. D) The Bill of Rights could potentially be used to limit civil liberties.

B) Schenck v. United States (1919)

I go further, and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and to the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed Constitution, but would even be dangerous. They would contain various exceptions to powers not granted; and, on this very account, would afford a colorable pretext to claim more than were granted. For why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do? Why, for instance, should it be said that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed? I will not contend that such a provision would confer a regulating power; but it is evident that it would furnish, to men disposed to usurp, a plausible pretense for claiming that power. -- Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist papers No. 84 Supporters of Hamilton's view that a bill of rights could be dangerous to liberty could point to which of the following cases? A) Engel v. Vitale (1962) B) Schenck v. United States (1919) C) Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969) D) New York Times Co. v. United States (1971)

A) Article III

If an act of the legislature, repugnant to the constitution, is void, does it, notwithstanding its invalidity, bind the courts, and oblige them to give it effect? ... It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is. Those who apply the rule to particular cases, must of necessity expound and interpret that rule. If two laws conflict with each other, the courts must decide on the operation of each... The judicial power of the United States is extended to all cases arising under the Constitution. Could it be the intention of those who gave this power, to say that in using it the constitution should not be looked into? That a case arising under the constitution should be decided without examining the instrument under which it arises? This is too extravagant to be maintained." -- Marbury v. Madison Which of the following constitutional provisions is the power of judicial review based upon? A) Article III B) Article IV C) Article I D) Article V

B) The framers most likely did not include judicial review in the Constitution because they believed that power could be inferred from interpreting and applying the Constitution.

If an act of the legislature, repugnant to the constitution, is void, does it, notwithstanding its invalidity, bind the courts, and oblige them to give it effect? ... It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is. Those who apply the rule to particular cases, must of necessity expound and interpret that rule. If two laws conflict with each other, the courts must decide on the operation of each... The judicial power of the United States is extended to all cases arising under the Constitution. Could it be the intention of those who gave this power, to say that in using it the constitution should not be looked into? That a case arising under the constitution should be decided without examining the instrument under which it arises? This is too extravagant to be maintained." -- Marbury v. Madison Which of the following regarding judicial review is correct? A) The framers likely assumed Congress would abolish the judiciary and therefore judicial review would be necessary. B) The framers most likely did not include judicial review in the Constitution because they believed that power could be inferred from interpreting and applying the Constitution. C) The framers never intended for the Supreme Court to only preside over criminal trails, making judicial review unnecessary D) The framers never intended the Supreme Court would have the power of judicial review.

A) try to amend the Constitution to override the Supreme Court's interpretation.

If the Supreme Court rules that a newly passed law is unconstitutional, Congress can A) try to amend the Constitution to override the Supreme Court's interpretation. B) issue a referendum to allow the public to vote on the Supreme Court's decision. C)appeal the Court's decision to the Senate Judiciary Committee. D) ask the president to appoint new justices.

A) conference committee

If the full House debates a bill and passes it but it is different from the Senate version, it must go to a A) conference committee B) compromise committee. C) standing committee. D) special committee.

A) the Gun-Free School Zones Act exceeded Congress's authority to regulate commerce among the states

In United States v. Lopez, the Supreme Court ruled that A) the Gun-Free School Zones Act exceeded Congress's authority to regulate commerce among the states. B) the Gun-Free School Zones Act was constitutional. C) the Gun-Free School Zones Act violated citizens' rights to bear arms. D) illegal immigrants can be denied access to basic social services.

D) The questions contained a difference in wording.

In a public opinion poll of a representative sample of a population, 1,200 people were asked to agree, disagree, or express neutrality toward the following statements. Statement A: The government should spend more money on welfare. Result: 35% of the respondents agreed. Statement B: The government should spend more money on helping the poor. Result: 60% of respondents agreed. Which of the following most likely account for the different results? A) The sample size was not large enough to be reliable. B) There were no welfare recipients in the sample. C) The questions were not open-ended. D) The questions contained a difference in wording.

C) restrictions on handgun ownership

In general, Democrats are more likely than the Republicans to advocate for which of the following? A) prayer in public school B) lower capital gains tax rate C) restrictions on handgun ownership D) reduce spending for social services

C) repay

In order to put the national economy on sound footing, the Constitution obligated the new government to ____ all the government debts incurred under the Constitutional Congress. A) renegotiate at lower interest rates B) renegotiate at higher interest rates C) repay D) forgive

B) The necessary and proper clause and the supremacy clause

In the McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) decision, which two provisions in the Constitution were upheld and strengthened? A) The First and Tenth amendments B) The necessary and proper clause and the supremacy clause C) The full faith and credit clause and the extradition clause. D) Congress's power to regulate commerce and to levy taxes

C) form their political beliefs.

In the process of political socialization, individuals A) evaluate and select their representatives. B) participate in a direct democracy. C) form their political beliefs. D) attend functions organized by political parties.

A) if he or she is an incumbent

In which of the following cases is a congressional candidate most likely to be elected? A) if he or she is an incumbent B) when a state has just gained seats due to reapportionment C) if he or she has a good television presence D) if he or she is new to politics

D) all of the above

Incumbents are generally reelected because they A) have high name recognition. B) can take advantage of government research staffs and information. C) have greater access to the media. D) all of the above

A) Federalist #10

James Madison urged the control of factions in A) Federalist #10 B) Federalist #78 C) Federalist #51 D) Federalist #70

C) natural rights were considered higher than human law.

John Locke's ideas on natural rights were related to human law in that A) human law was the source of natural rights. B) human law and natural rights were unimportant after revolution. C) natural rights were considered higher than human law. D) human law protected property rights, making human law equal to natural rights

D) rights of the accused.

Many Supreme Court cases of the 1960s involved issues of A) constitutional powers of the president. B) economic regulation. C) gender discrimination. D) rights of the accused.

B) heightening general interest in public issues

Media influence on the formation of public opinion has been criticized for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: A) oversimplification of complicated issues B) heightening general interest in public issues C) reducing major speeches to brief sound bites D) biased presentations

C) Holding a hearing and subpoenaing high-level officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to testify

Members of the United States House of Representatives Committee on Veterans Affairs are concerned about the quality of services at hospitals run by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Which of the following is an action the committee can take to address the problem? A) Impounding funding for veterans hospitals until problems are resolved B) Placing a referendum on the ballot in each state to increase health-care funding for veterans C) Holding a hearing and subpoenaing high-level officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to testify D)Appointing a new secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs

C) its tendency to focus more on personalities than on issues.

One common criticism of the media's participation in politics is A) its focus on the Supreme Court to the exclusion of the other branches. B) its live and uncensored coverage of committee hearing. C) its tendency to focus more on personalities than on issues. D) its bias in favor of outsiders and third parties.

B) equality.

One of the most prized values in American politics is A) social responsibility. B) equality. C) philanthropy. D) individualism.

D) standing committees.

Permanently established legislative committees that review proposed legislation and report bills and resolutions to their chamber are called A) special committees. B) select committees. C) permanent committees. D) standing committees.

A) competition among groups.

Pluralist theory emphasizes the role of A) competition among groups. B) the limited number of access points of government. C) individuals. D) wealth.

B) I, II, and III only

Political parties serve which of the following functions in the United States? I. Informing the public about political issues. II. Mobilizing voters and getting them to the polls. III. Organizing diverse interests within society. IV. Establishing rules governing financial contributions to political candidates. A) I only B) I, II, and III only C) I and II only D) All of the above

C) Helps earn the member of Congress a reputation for service to his or her district

Pork barrel legislation helps the reelection chances of a member of Congress because such legislation A) gives the member of Congress national standing and coverage on national television news. B) Attracts campaign contributions from ideological political action committees C) Helps earn the member of Congress a reputation for service to his or her district D) Prevents other candidates from claiming that the member of Congress is too liberal for his or her district

D) choice that government makes in response to an issue.

Public policy is defined as a A) course of action by a political party. B) course of action to solve a problem. C) set of rules and regulations issued by a government agency. D) choice that government makes in response to an issue.

D) the key to the accuracy of opinion polls.

Random sampling is considered A) desirable, but not necessary, for an accurate poll of public opinion. B) an unsophisticated way of measuring public opinion, but one that sometimes yields accurate results. C) a dangerous way to measure public opinion. D) the key to the accuracy of opinion polls.

D) the party and the electorate

Relationships among which of the following exist in political parties? A) the party and the individual B) the party and the government C) the party and the candidate D) the party and the electorate

A) The Politico model

Senator Smith votes her conscience on bills that her constituents care little about, but she votes according to the wishes of the majority of her constituents on other bills. Which model of representation do her actions embody? A) The Politico model B) The delegate model C) The trustee model D) The majoritarian model

A) feel strongly about a certain cause.

Single-issue groups, as opposed to other types of groups, represent people in the electorate who A) feel strongly about a certain cause. B) donate money to political campaigns. C) pressure candidates to be less ambiguous about their ideology. D) have little political access and influence.

B) being fired by the President.

Supreme Court Justices can leave the Court in all of the following ways EXCEPT A) retirement. B) being fired by the President. C) impeachment. D) death.

A) guarantees a citizen a speedy trial, a fair jury, an attorney if the accused person wants one, and the chance to confront the witnesses who is accusing the defendant of a crime.

The 6th Amendment A) guarantees a citizen a speedy trial, a fair jury, an attorney if the accused person wants one, and the chance to confront the witnesses who is accusing the defendant of a crime. B) defines national citizenship and forbidding the states to restrict the basic rights of citizens or other persons. C) prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures. D) imposes restrictions on the government's prosecution of persons accused of crimes.

B) Continental Congress

The Articles of Confederation established the A) Senate and the House of Representatives B) Continental Congress C) presidency D) Supreme Court

B) the illegality of discrimination in employment and public accommodations

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 articulated which of the following? A) a prohibition of states' institution of poll taxes or literacy tests when administering elections B) the illegality of discrimination in employment and public accommodations C) the creation of the Justice Department to investigate civil rights violations D) the requirement that all public schools desegregate

B) resolved the impasses between those who favored the New Jersey Plan and those who preferred the Virginia Plan.

The Connecticut Compromise at the Constitutional Convention A) threw out the idea of having a monarchy in the United States, opting instead for an indirectly elected president. B) resolved the impasses between those who favored the New Jersey Plan and those who preferred the Virginia Plan. C) added the Bill of Rights to the Constitution in order to lessen concerns about too much power for the new government. D) settled the dispute over whether slavery should be allowed in the final constitution.

A) to shield judges from political influence and pressure

The Constitution authorizes Supreme Court justices to be appointed for life for which of the following reasons? A) to shield judges from political influence and pressure B) to reward judges for their distinguished careers C) to create a strong relationship between the court and Congress D) to allow politicians to use the patronage system

C) checks and balances.

The Constitution requirement that the Senate advise and consent on presidential appointments to the Supreme Court is an example of A) federalism. B) full faith and credit. C) checks and balances. D) selective incorporation.

D) a state taxing a national bank

The McCulloch v. Maryland case dealt with what specific grievance? A) import taxes on goods made in other states B) toll bridges on interstate roads C) a state coining its own money D) a state taxing a national bank

A) III, I, and II

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) developed a strategy to challenge the "separate-but-equal" ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson. Put the following tactics in the order in which they were used by the NAACP. I. persuade the Court to declare laws unconstitutional if they were separate but unequal in subtle ways. II. persuade the Court to rule that racially segregated schools were inherently unequal. III. persuade the Court to declare laws unconstitutional if they were separate and unequal in obvious ways. A) III, I, and II B) I, II, and III C) III, II, and I D) II, I, and III

B) Regulating commerce among the states.

The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 authorized the government to deny income tax deductions for employer health plans that did not offer employees the option of keeping their health insurance after leaving the job. Which enumerated power allowed Congress to make the law? A) Borrowing money on the credit of the United States. B) Regulating commerce among the states. C) Declaring laws unconstitutional. D) Issuing copyrights and patents.

A) privacy and national security

The Patriot Act allows the federal government to tap a person's phone with a court order without having to get a separate search warrant for each phone. What rights are balanced in this case? A) privacy and national security B) expression and speech C) privacy and the Freedom of Information Act D) expression and information gathering

D) I and III only

The President's veto power is accurately described by which of the following statements? I. A president sometimes threatens to veto a bill that is under discussion in order to influence congressional-decision making II. A President typically vetoes about a third of the bills passed by Congress III. Congress is usually unable to override a President's veto A) III only B) II and III only C) I only D) I and III only

D) states that powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by the states, are reserved to the states.

The Tenth Amendment A) establishes that Constitution, laws of the national government, and treaties as the supreme law of the land. B) establishes the Supreme Court as the final arbiter in all civil and criminal disputes. C) establishes the number of electoral votes each state can cast in the electoral college. D) states that powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by the states, are reserved to the states.

D) states should send equal numbers of representatives to Congress

The Virginia and New Jersey Plans introduced at the Constitutional Convention differed mainly over whether A) there should be a president. B) slavery should be permitted in the country. C) the states or the national government should regulate interstate commerce. D) states should send equal numbers of representatives to Congress.

C) 14th

The __ Amendment prohibits the state from treating people unfairly. A) 7th B) 5th C) 14th D) 1st

D) The Supreme Court changed its interpretation of what constitutes cruel and unusual punishment under the 8th Amendment.

The application of the death penalty has been limited in recent decades and cannot be applied to minors and people who are found to be mentally incompetent. Which of the following is a reason for this? A) The right to an attorney guaranteed by the 6th Amendment led to limited application of the death penalty. B) The 5th Amendment's due process clause motivated state legislatures to limit the death penalty. C) The Supreme Court redefined what constitutes an unreasonable intrusion under the Fourth Amendment. D) The Supreme Court changed its interpretation of what constitutes cruel and unusual punishment under the 8th Amendment.

C) government's inability to subdue Shay's Rebellion.

The failure of the Articles of Confederation and necessity for a new Constitution were made evident by the A) legislature's inability to select a president. B) need for a bicameral legislature. C) government's inability to subdue Shay's Rebellion. D) success of the American Revolution.

A) decentralizes our politics.

The federal system A) decentralizes our politics. B) decreases opportunities for political participation. C) decreases the number of government officeholders. D) centralizes our politics.

B) Black Americans.

The group most closely associated with voting for the Democratic Party is A) Southerners after 1964. B) Black Americans. C) Asian Americans. D) Hispanic Americans.

A) slow and deliberate in the law-making process.

The legislative process at the national level of government reflects the intent of the framers of the Constitution to create a legislature that would be A) slow and deliberate in the law-making process. B) able to involve as many citizens as possible in the lawmaking process. C) less powerful than the executive. D) able to ensure that all citizens are equally represented.

B) majority rule.

The most fundamental element of democratic theory is A) "power to the people!" B) majority rule. C) government efficiency. D) equality.

D) Marbury v. Madison.

The power to decide the constitutionality of a law was assumed by the Supreme Court in A) McCullouch v. Maryland. B) Plessy v. Ferguson. C) Barron v. Baltimore. D) Marbury v. Madison.

D) 4th Amendment

The protection against warrantless search of cell phone data fall under which amendment? A) 6th Amendment B) 5th Amendment C) 7th Amendment D) 4th Amendment

B) Supreme Court decision.

The right to privacy is based on A) Executive Orders. B) Supreme Court decision. C) enumerated powers. D) implied powers.

C) to protect natural rights.

The sole purpose of government, according to John Locke, was A) protect individuals from violence. B) promote the common good. C) to protect natural rights. D) to prevent anarchy.

C) establishes the Constitution, laws of the national government, and treaties as the supreme law of the land.

The supremacy clause A) declares that the national government is superior to the states in every concern. B) establishes the Supreme Court as the final arbiter in all civil and criminal disputes. C) establishes the Constitution, laws of the national government, and treaties as the supreme law of the land. D) states that powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by the states, are reserved to the states.

D) change usually comes slowly, it at all, and moderation and compromise are typical in our political system.

The system of checks and balances in the Constitution means that A) a majority can easily manipulate the system, but a minority cannot. B) we have a direct democracy, with all branches equally accessible to strong public pressure. C) each branch of government has its own powers independent of the other. D) change usually comes slowly, it at all, and moderation and compromise are typical in our political system.

D) sought to establish the most democratic system they could.

The writers of the United States Constitution A) believed in majority rule. B) patterned our government after Britain's except for the King. C) were interested in promoting equality above all else. D) sought to establish the most democratic system they could.

B) the rules of the U.S. political system make it hard for third parties to win elections.

Third parties rarely last in the American systems because A) they deal with unimportant issues and political figures. B) the rules of the U.S. political system make it hard for third parties to win elections. C) they encourage moderation in policymaking and discourage change. D) they offer voters no choice among ideologies.

D) property

Thomas Jefferson's phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" was a modification of John Locke's phrase "LIfe, Liberty, and _____." A) God B) heaven C) health D) property

B) minority rights.

Two of the most important principles of democratic theory are majority rule and A) judicial review. B) minority rights. C) the plurality rule. D) majority restraint.

A) Evidence seized illegally cannot be used in court.

Under the exclusionary rule A) Evidence seized illegally cannot be used in court. B) Evidence collected by federal authorities cannot be used in state courts. C) A search is legal only if there is probable cause. D) The police must have a search warrant before collecting evidence.

C) limitations on women's right were usually considered "reasonable"

Until the 1970s, claims of gender discrimination were routinely rejected by the Supreme Court because; A) the women's movement was not well-organized B) women were not citizens within the meaning of the Constitution C) limitations on women's right were usually considered "reasonable" D) the Court had no female members

C) The election is decided by the U.S. House of representatives.

What happens if no presidential candidate receives as Electoral College majority? A) The U.S. Supreme Court determines the winner. B) The winner is decided by a conference of the state governors. C) The election is decided by the U.S. House of representatives. D) A run-off election is held to determine the winner.

D) The interpretation of the due-process clause of the Fourteenth amendment to apply the fundamental rights in the Bill of Rights to protect people from state action.

What is the "incorporation doctrine"? A) the interpretation of the due-process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to apply all of the Bill of Rights to protect people from state action. B) the idea that corporations cannot be held liable for violations of civil liberties because they are nongovernmental entities. C) the concept that rights must be balanced with liberties and that the rights of the majority generally prevail. D) The interpretation of the due-process clause of the Fourteenth amendment to apply the fundamental rights in the Bill of Rights to protect people from state action.

C) The Fifth Amendment protects citizens against criminal charges, while the Fourteenth Amendment protects citizens against civil lawsuit.

What is the key difference between the due process clause in the Fifth Amendment and the due process clause in the Fourteenth Amendment? A) The Fifth Amendment sets limits on the private sector, while the Fourteenth restrains governmental institutions. B) The Fifth Amendment protects citizens against the federal government, while the Fourteenth protects citizens against the states. C) The Fifth Amendment protects citizens against criminal charges, while the Fourteenth Amendment protects citizens against civil lawsuit. D) The Fifth Amendment prevents government from depriving persons of liberty, while the Fourteenth Amendment prevents a deprivation of life.

D) revise the Articles of Confederation.

What was the original, sole, and express purpose of the convention in Philadelphia? A) negotiate the peace treaty with Great Britain B) grant women the right to vote C) abolish the Articles of Confederation. D) revise the Articles of Confederation.

A) Individual liberties

Which governmental principle does the right to a jury trial support? A) Individual liberties B) Representative lawmaking C) Sovereignty D) State rights

B) First Amendment free speech and free press rights

Which of the constitutional provisions is at issue in Schenck v. United States? A) Fourteenth Amendment due process clause B) First Amendment free speech and free press rights C) The necessary and proper clause in Article I D) Congress's power to declare war in Article I

B) Rules Committee

Which of the following House committees is responsible for setting the agenda for legislation coming to the floor? A) Ways and Means Committee B) Rules Committee C) Appropriations Committee D) The Policy Committee

B) Wearing t-shirts objecting to a school board decision

Which of the following actions by public school students would most likely be protected symbolic speech based on the precedent established by Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969)? A) Publishing an editorial in the school newspaper B) Wearing t-shirts objecting to a school board decision C) Leading prayer over the school's public address system D) Protesting a school board decision by disrupting a school assembly

C) The long-term relationships between agencies, congressional committees, and interest groups in specific policy areas

Which of the following best illustrates the concept of iron triangle? A) The inability of third-party candidates to garner public attention through media coverage B) The tendency of interest groups to fire former legislators, lobbyists, and judges C) The long-term relationships between agencies, congressional committees, and interest groups in specific policy areas D) The practice of congressional leaders diverting PAC funds meant for certain popular candidates to those in more competitive races

B) Enumerated powers in Article I

Which of the following constitutional provisions limits the power of the national government in Hamilton's argument? A) Judicial review in Article III B) Enumerated powers in Article I C) Supremacy Clause in Article VI D) Faithful execution of the laws in Article II

A) political party

Which of the following defines a team of men (and women) banding together seeking to control the governing apparatus by gaining office in a duly constituted election? A) political party B) political opportunism C) political agenda D) political constituency

A) They are permanently established committees formed to handle bills in different policy areas.

Which of the following definitions describes standing committees? A) They are permanently established committees formed to handle bills in different policy areas. B) They are committees found only in the Senate that deal with continuous issues. C) They are committees appointed for a specific purpose and a specific length of time. D) They are the committees formed only when the Senate and the House pass a particular bill in different forms.

C) senior citizens

Which of the following groups is most likely to vote in elections? A) people under the age of 21 B) people without a college degree C) senior citizens D) people with no party affiliation

D) I, II, III, and IV

Which of the following has INCREASED in Congress over the past 20 years? I. the chances of members' reelection. II. The influence of committee chairs III. The power of subcommittees IV. The cost of congressional elections A) I only B) I and II only C) I, III, and IV only D) I, II, III, and IV

D) Educating the public about upcoming elections

Which of the following important functions of democracy would most likely be more difficult without political parties? A) Reducing gridlock in Congress B) Ensuring that only eligible voters can vote C) Eliminating corruption in the bureaucracy D) Educating the public about upcoming elections

A) Candidates' ability to appeal to voters can outweigh the importance of experience and policy positions.

Which of the following is a consequence of candidate-centered campaigns? A) Candidates' ability to appeal to voters can outweigh the importance of experience and policy positions. B) Parties tighten their control over candidate fund-raising to ensure compliance with regulations. C) Candidates have less accountability for their positions because the importance of the party platform increases. D) The electoral success of third-party candidates sharply increases.

B) The Democratic Party has a more liberal ideology, whereas the Republican Party has a more conservative ideology.

Which of the following is a major difference between the Democratic and Republican parties? A) A wider variety of groups in the electorate vote for Republican candidates. B) The Democratic Party has a more liberal ideology, whereas the Republican Party has a more conservative ideology. C) The Republican Party is much older than the Democratic Party D) The Democratic Party campaigns fairly, but the Republican Party does not.

C) name recognition

Which of the following is an incumbent's greatest advantage during an election? A) a clean political record B) more campaign resources and funding C) name recognition D) automatic endorsement from the president

D) The principle that all people should be equal under the law, as embodied in the equal protection clause

Which of the following is contained in the Fourteenth Amendment and as likely an inspiration for Marin Luther King, Jr.'s "Letter from a Birmingham Jail"? A) The guarantee that citizens have the right to a speedy and public trial regardless of gender, race, or age B) The due process clause, which implies the right to vote, shall not be denied on the basis of race. C) The guarantee that all people, regardless of race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation, have the right to free speech D) The principle that all people should be equal under the law, as embodied in the equal protection clause

B) I and III only

Which of the following is most correct in describing the United States House of Representatives? I. Elected every two years. II. Known as a continuous body. III. Must be at least 25 years old. IV. Can only serve six terms. A) I and IV only B) I and III only C) I, II, and III D) I, III, and IV

B) Iron triangle help advance legislation and implementation in a particular policy area.

Which of the following is true of iron triangles? A) An iron triangle is composed of the president, the Speaker of the House, and the chief justice. B) Iron triangle help advance legislation and implementation in a particular policy area. C) Iron triangles help unify the three branches of government in pursuit of a single, clear policy agenda. D) Iron triangle inhibit the policy process by interfering with the debate over a piece of legislation.

B) Refuse to enforce a ruling by the Court

Which of the following may the president do to limit the Supreme Court's power? A) Fire and replace justices B) Refuse to enforce a ruling by the Court C) Adopt new constitutional amendments D) Veto parts of the Court's decisions

D) A budget with significant increases in spending for unemployment benefits and public works projects

Which of the following measures would be a president adhering to Keynesian economic principles most likely employ during an economic recession? A) A national budget with dramatic cuts in federal spending on entitlement programs like Social Security B) An executive order to increase the amount of money in circulation in the economy C) Legislation to cut individual and corporate income tax rates and decrease regulation of the economy D) A budget with significant increases in spending for unemployment benefits and public works projects

B) The power of the federal government in relation to state government is limited in this case.

Which of the following options represents the majority opinion in United States v. Lopez? A) Individuals have the right to own and carry guns. B) The power of the federal government in relation to state government is limited in this case. C) The commerce clause gives Congress broad powers to determine the constitutionality of laws. D) Even small, local events ultimately have an effect on interstate commerce.

D) Implementing affirmative action programs

Which of the following policies is most likely to cause tension between the competing values of individualism and equality of opportunity? A) Decreasing funding for space exploration B) Expanding the national defense system C) Reducing environmental regulations D) Implementing affirmative action programs

D) I, II, and III only

Which of the following represents indirect consequences of a bicameral legislature? I. Gridlock may take place. II. Political compromise can take place III. An additional check and balance takes place. IV. There is usually a tremendous decrease in lawmaking ability. A) I only. B) II only C) III and IV only D) I, II, and III only

A) A state places a tax on furniture made overseas.

Which of the following scenarios would be considered an unconstitutional use of state power? A) A state places a tax on furniture made overseas. B) A state enacts a law prohibiting smoking in all public places. C) A state raises the drinking age to 25 years of age. D) A state passes a law that increases the pay of state legislators.

C) A suspect's cell phone is analyzed by police before a warrant is issued.

Which of the following scenarios would most likely be considered a violation of the Fourth Amendment? A) A suspect is interrogated without being informed of the right to an attorney. B) A person is prosecuted for a federal crime without a jury. C) A suspect's cell phone is analyzed by police before a warrant is issued. D) A person is tried twice for the same crime.

A) Listing rights will lead some to assume that government may regulate those rights.

Which of the following statements best summarizes Hamilton's argument? A) Listing rights will lead some to assume that government may regulate those rights. B) Freedom of the press is essential for a functioning democracy. C) A bill of rights is necessary to protect civil liberties such as freedom of the press. D) Even though civil liberties are protected by a bill of rights, there are some reasonable exceptions

D) United States Senators were elected by state legislatures until the ratification of the 7th Amendment.

Which of the following statements concerning the United States Senate is NOT correct? A) The United States Senate is a continuous body. B) The United States Senate, because of its size, has very strict rules and limitations concerning debate of proposed bills. C) United States Senators must be at least 30 years of age. D) United States Senators were elected by state legislatures until the ratification of the 7th Amendment.

D) Most bills are referred to appropriate committees but are never sent to the full Congress, they simply die in committee.

Which of the following statements is true of most bills introduced in the House of Representatives and Senate? A) Most bills are withdrawn by the bill's sponsor before even being considered. B) Almost every bill in Congress dies from lack of support in the House Rules Committee. C) Most bills are passed by committees but die from lack of support in the respective chamber. D) Most bills are referred to appropriate committees but are never sent to the full Congress, they simply die in committee.

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