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In a typical survey, one might expect ________ percent of respondents to claim to have voted when, in fact, they did not. 2 to 4 6 to 8 8 to 10 15 to 20 30 to 40

8 to 10

In much of Europe, it is not uncommon to see voter turnout as high as _____ percent in national elections. 45 55 60 70 80


Compared to the rest of the population, voting specialists tend to be younger and more educated. younger and less educated. older and more educated. older and less educated. middle

older and less educated

In European countries, the burden of voter registration rests on individual voters. political parties. interest groups. the government. party leaders.

the government

A public opinion pollster might need to make as many as ________ phone calls just to get around 1,000 respondents for a survey. two thousand four thousand six thousand ten thousand fifteen thousand


Which amendment stated that "the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude"? Twelfth Amendment Seventeenth Amendment Fifteenth Amendment Twenty-fifth Amendment None

15th amendment

The first elections in which all persons between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one were able to vote were held in 1944. 1956. 1972. 1984. 1985.


Compared to the average European, the average American is more likely to believe in God. pray on a daily basis. acknowledge clear standards of right and wrong. All of the above None of the above

All of the above

Research finds that religious persons are more likely than secular persons to donate money to charity. volunteer their time. give money and time to nonreligious organizations. All of the above None of the above

All of the above

According to the text, the persistence in our political vocabulary of the term ________ is evidence of Americans' common hopes and values freedom Americanism morality equality righteousness


Suffrage was extended to include virtually all white males by the administration of John Adams. Thomas Jefferson. Andrew Jackson. James Monroe. James Madison.

Andrew Jackson

One reason that members of a political elite are more consistent in their ideological beliefs than the average citizen is that they are less influenced by peers. less influenced by factors such as religion and family. smarter. better informed. more influenced by religion.

Better informed

Which of the following statements about political participation by blacks is correct? Blacks participate less than whites across the board. Blacks participate more than whites of the same socioeconomic status. Blacks participate only at certain times, such as during the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Blacks participate more heavily than whites in protest movements, riots, and demonstrations. Blacks participate more than whites across the board.

Blacks participate more than whites of the same socioeconomic status.

Which group attracted an enormous amount of media attention and became a prominent force in many national, state, and local elections during the 1990s? Great Beginnings Prohibitionists Spiritual Awakening Hyper-Dispensationalists Christian Coalition

Christian Coalition

The willingness to engage in partisan competition separates which two of the participation groups described by Verba and Nie? Campaigners from complete activists Inactives from campaigners Parochial participants from communalists Inactives from parochial participants Communalists from campaigners

Communalists from campaigners

When an individual's views are consistently conservative or liberal, we say that that person is ideologically tuned. constrained. aligned. placed. sealed.


In our society, government officials should be accountable to the people. This principle is known as liberty. equality. civic duty. democracy. capitalism.


Which of the following groups of issues does the text refer to as areas of conflict in the culture war Abortion, school prayer, foreign policy Gay rights, taxes, business regulation School prayer, foreign policy, pornography Drug use, school prayer, abortion Business regulation, foreign policy, space policy

Drug use, school prayer, abortion

All of the following are basic elements of the U.S. political culture except liberty. democracy. individualism. civic duty. economic equality.

Economic equality

Tales of youngsters who started out poor but became rich by dint of determination and hard work are associated with the writings of Kurt Vonnegut. F. Scott Fitzgerald. Horatio Alger. Ernest Hemingway. Mark Twain.

Horatio Alger

Studies show that Americans support constitutional freedoms under what conditions Only for people who agree with them During times of peace, but not necessarily during war In the abstract, but not always in the concrete For all groups at all times In the aftermath of war

In the abstract, but not always in the concrete

Youth, low income, and minority status are associated with which of the following participation groups? Inactives Parochial participants Communalists Campaigners Voting specialists


In American political culture, the _________ view of social policy is by far the most popular. individualist collectivist accountability conservative traditionalist


Which of the following statements is true of voter registration in recent years? It has increased dramatically. It has decreased dramatically. It has become more difficult for eligible voters. It has changed little. It has become easier for eligible voters.

It has become easier for eligible voters.

According to studies, what effect does cynicism have on voter turnout? It decreases turnout. It increases turnout across the board. It increases turnout for minor parties only. It decreases turnout when third parties are also a factor. It has no effect on turnout at all.

It has no effect on turnout at all.

Which of the following statements about economic equality applies most accurately to Americans Most Americans believe that all people should be paid on the basis of their economic needs: "equality of results." Most Americans believe that everyone has the right to get ahead: "equality of opportunity." Most Americans believe in the preferential treatment of women and minorities in hiring: "equality of access." Most Americans believe in the idea of having a top limit on what people can earn: "equality of wealth." Most Americans believe that citizens who participate in politics should have guaranteed income: "equality of participants."

Most Americans believe that everyone has the right to get ahead: "equality of opportunity."

Which of the following statements about economic equality applies most accurately to Americans? Most Americans believe that all people should be paid on the basis of their economic needs: "equality of results." Most Americans believe that everyone has the right to get ahead: "equality of opportunity." Most Americans believe in the preferential treatment of women and minorities in hiring: "equality of access." Most Americans believe in the idea of having a top limit on what people can earn: "equality of wealth." Most Americans believe that citizens who participate in politics should have guaranteed income: "equality of participants."

Most Americans believe that everyone has the right to get ahead: "equality of opportunity."

Which of the following statements concerning the attitudes and opinions expressed by Americans in surveys is incorrect? They have greater faith in political institutions than citizens in other nations. They are more likely to be patriotic than citizens in other nations. They have greater faith in private institutions than citizens in other nations. Their trust in government has declined in recent years. None of the above

None of the above

Which of the following was required by the U.S. Constitution? Free adult male suffrage Popularly elected presidential electors Nonpartisan election commissions Popularly elected senators Popularly elected House members

Popularly elected House members

The text argues that long-standing religious values underlay the movement for prohibition. abortion. protectionism. deregulation. imperialism.


The text suggests that Americans have a "preoccupation" with law. rights. order. conflict. commerce.


Americans' sense of political efficacy compared to that of most Europeans seems to be about the same. significantly higher. slightly lower. significantly lower. slightly higher.

Significantly higher

Religious influences on public opinion are most pronounced with respect to _____ issues and less evident on others. foreign policy state and local ideological economic social


Which of the following was not a device intended to prevent blacks from voting? The grandfather clause The poll tax The literacy test The Australian ballot The white primary

The Australian ballot

Which statement is incorrect? The Federalists were led by Hamilton and Adams. The Democratic-Republicans were led by Jefferson and Madison. The Federalists passed laws to suppress journalists favorable to Jefferson. The Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans deeply distrusted each other. The Federalists sought to repeal laws that suppressed journalists favorable to Jefferson.

The Federalists sought to repeal laws that suppressed journalists favorable to Jefferson.

Which of the following is not a source of cleavage in public opinion? Race Class Region The family Ethnicity

The family

Which of the following statements regarding women and voting is incorrect? The Nineteenth Amendment gave women the right to vote in national elections. Initially, women voted at a significantly lower rate than men. In recent decades, women have voted at a higher rate than men. Women tend to favor Democratic candidates over Republican candidates. The gender gap is not evident in midterm congressional elections.

The gender gap is not evident in midterm congressional elections.

Which of the following statements is incorrect? Democratic members of Congress tend to be consistently liberal. Republican members of Congress tend to be consistently conservative. Democratic members of Congress tend to be more liberal than Democratic voters. Republican members of Congress tend to be more conservative than Republican voters. The policy preferences of Democratic and Republican voters are generally the same.

The policy preferences of Democratic and Republican voters are generally the same.

The _____ Amendment gave voters in the District of Columbia the right to vote in presidential elections. Fifteenth Twentieth Twenty-second Twenty-third Twenty-sixth


Liberty and individual responsibility are two key elements of all Western democracies. all twentieth-century nations. most nations throughout history. U.S. political culture. European nations in the 1700s.

U.S. Political culture

Which of the following forms of participation has been decreasing in recent years? Voting Writing to public officials Making demands on government officials Demonstrating in public and going on protest marches Contributing money to a party


Which of the following statements regarding the voting habits of men and women is incorrect? Their voting reflects distinct differences in points of view. The "gap" that is evident in their points of view is not new. Men have forsaken the Democratic Party. Women have forsaken the Republican Party. None of the above

Women have forsaken the Republican Party.

Which of the following statements concerning race and politics in America is incorrect African Americans are overwhelmingly Democratic. Blacks are more likely to support affirmative action than whites. Blacks are more likely to oppose the use of military force. Younger blacks are even more likely to support the Democratic Party. None of the above

Younger blacks are even more likely to support the Democratic Party.

In a typical survey a majority of Americans will describe themselves as liberal. a majority of Americans will describe themselves as moderate. a majority of Americans will describe themselves as conservative. a plurality of Americans will describe themselves as moderate. a plurality of Americans will describe themselves as liberal.

a plurality of Americans will describe themselves as moderate.

In America, we often refer to political elites as activists. special interests. politicos. socialites. the ruling class.


The text argues that the democratic political culture of Sweden differs from that of the United States because the Swedes integrate religion more successfully into their politics. insist on greater citizen participation in government. allow greater economic inequalities to exist. resist tendencies toward socialism. are more deferential than participatory in their politics.

are more deferential than participatory in their politics

One excellent study explains the difference in the participation rates of blacks and Latinos as the result of the fact that blacks are more likely to be college educated. are more likely to have higher incomes. are more likely to be members of churches that stimulate political interest, activity, and mobilization. are less likely to be affiliated with a political party. are less likely to live in rural areas.

are more likely to be members of churches that stimulate political interest, activity, and mobilization.

By 1972, those who had received the right to vote in all U.S. elections and who had been previously disenfranchised included blacks only. blacks and women only. blacks, women, and eighteen-year-olds only. blacks, women, eighteen-year-olds, and prison inmates. blacks, women, eighteen-year-olds, and prison inmates who had been pardoned.

blacks, women, and eighteen-year-olds only.

The text argues that conventional data comparing U.S. and European voter turnout rates are misleading because they compute turnout by two different measures. are compiled by different agencies. fail to recognize different political cultures. disregard the levels of voter fraud. All of the above

compute turnout by two different measures.

The text suggests that the profile of voters in the United States may make the government more responsive to the conservative ideology. the liberal ideology. the voices of the so-called silent majority. the nonpartisan elites who work in government. confronting the ideologies of higher-status people.

confronting the ideologies of higher-status people.

Between 1967 and 1987, a considerable increase was noted in the proportion of Americans who always vote in local elections. contacted public officials. attend political rallies or meetings. participate in a political club. actively worked for candidates.

contacted public officials.

The general pattern of public opinion cleavages in this country has been horizontal, based on class. vertical, based on many variables. vertical on economic issues and horizontal on social issues. impossible to analyze clearly. crosscutting, based on many variables.

crosscutting, based on many variables.

Early competition between the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans ended by establishing the principle that freedom of speech did not include political slander. political participation was restricted to males. slavery was not an issue for national legislation. democracy could survive a change of ruling parties. the First Amendment applied to the states.

democracy could survive a change of ruling parties

A man who differs with his father on party identification is most likely to describe himself as an independent describe himself as a democrat have no political interests of any kind strongly identify with the opposite party, democrat or republican loosely identify with the opposite party, democrat or republican

describe himself as an independent.

In 1842, a federal law required that all House members be elected by popular vote. state legislators. congressional delegations. districts. at-large elections.


One explanation given by the text for the decline in U.S. voter participation in presidential elections after 1900 is that parties began functioning to mobilize mass voter turnout. fewer citizens were directly affected by the outcome of presidential elections. other forms of political participation became less accessible to citizens. election fraud was rampant in the nineteenth century. the Republican Party began to attempt to mobilize individuals who were least likely to vote.

election fraud was rampant in the nineteenth century

While early studies of American public opinion and voting found low information levels, they also found that Americans were pretty good at working the system to get the policies that they desired. contacting candidates on a regular basis. discussing complex political issues. employing cues to select policies, parties, and candidates that most nearly reflected their values and interests. explaining the workings of government and major currents in law.

employing cues to select policies, parties, and candidates that most nearly reflected their values and interests.

Campaigners are distinguished from the general population by their higher education levels and stronger opinions. lower education levels and stronger opinions. higher education levels and weaker opinions. lower education levels and weaker opinions. lack of party identification and distaste for conflict.

higher education levels and stronger opinions

Campaigners are distinguished from the general population by their higher education levels and stronger opinions. lower education levels and stronger opinions. higher education levels and weaker opinions. lower education levels and weaker opinions. lack of party identification and distaste for conflict.

higher education levels and stronger opinions.

In the 2004 election, voter turnout was lower than it had been in thirty years. the lowest it had been in history. about the same as it had been for the last thirty years. higher than usual. around 80 percent.

higher than usual

Political activism is correlated most closely with political conservatism. libertarian politics. gender. class differentiation. ideological consistency.

ideological consistency.

According to studies, what effect does cynicism have on voter turnout? It decreases turnout. It increases turnout across the board. It increases turnout for minor parties only. It decreases turnout when third parties are also a factor. It has no effect on turnout at all.

it has no effect on turnout at all

The text suggests that one reason religious involvement increases political participation is that politics is a more simplistic form of theology. a belief in God helps people make political decisions. the church provides a forum for differing viewpoints. it leads to inwardness and thus more political insight. it leads to social connectedness and increases awareness of larger issues.

it leads to social connectedness and increases awareness of larger issues.

The level of public trust in government during the 1970s and 1980s compared to the 1950s appears to have been higher than the long-term historical norm. higher, but closer to the historical norm. lower, but closer to the historical norm. lower than the historical norm. about the same.

lower, but closer to the historical norm

In the first presidential election in which eighteen-year-olds were allowed to vote, they

made little difference to the outcome of the election

In the first presidential election in which eighteen-year-olds were allowed to vote, they turned out in far heavier numbers than the population as a whole. voted heavily Democratic. voted heavily Republican. voted heavily independent. made little difference to the outcome of the election.

made little difference to the outcome of the election.

Political conflict can occur over specific policies even among those who share common beliefs. One reason for this is that political culture typically takes precedence over political ideology. a unitarian political system allows little room for compromise. our interpretations of these common beliefs are also alike. many political values are irrelevant to specific controversies. ideology is rarely a feature of political conflict.

many political values are irrelevant to specific controversies

Political conflict can occur over specific policies even among those who share common beliefs. One reason for this is that political culture typically takes precedence over political ideology. a unitarian political system allows little room for compromise. our interpretations of these common beliefs are also alike. many political values are irrelevant to specific controversies. ideology is rarely a feature of political conflict.

many political values are irrelevant to specific controversies

Increasingly, pollsters do not even attempt to measure ideology. measure political ideology by self-identification. measure political ideology by looking for constraint. see political ideology as irrelevant to politics. research ideology in presidential, but not congressional, elections.

measure political ideology by looking for constraint

Today, the largest percentage of voter registration applications comes from public assistance offices. motor vehicle offices. state-designated sites. disability services. the military.

motor vehicle offices

Maine, Minnesota, Oregon, and Wisconsin have each legislated voter registration according to stricter standards than the federal ones. on the same day as the elections. by postcard up to one month before the election. by using door-to-door registrars. on the Internet.

on the same day as the elections

Political participation encompasses all of the following activities except voting. paying your taxes. writing your congressional representative. signing a petition. discussing politics.

paying your taxes

One unusualbut possibleexplanation suggested by the text for the low rate of voter registration in the United States is that participation in government is denied to so many people. many local governments do not require voters to register. the media discourage voter registration. people are happy with the way government is working. voters cannot actually find the places where they are supposed to vote.

people are happy with the way government is working

In the nineteenth century, voting ballots were printed by the government. Congress. the courts. state legislatures. political parties

political parties

Congregational churches provided many Americans with a puritanical set of values. political training and experience. a justification for wealth amidst poverty. opposition to the political values of the majority. belief in a strong central government.

political training and experience

Economic issues are most likely to be placed on the public agenda by political elites. public opinion. economic analysts. regulatory commissions. economic theorists.

public opinion

If a researcher insists on using VEP statistics, as opposed to VAP statistics, in a study of voter turnout, he or she is probably concerned about creating a balance between males and females in the data. removing political party bias. generating a more accurate estimate of the number of female voters. having a more reliable estimate of the number of voters across time. removing individuals from the data who are actually ineligible to vote.

removing individuals from the data who are actually ineligible to vote.

In the 1992 and 1996 elections, the two most common demographic features of nonvoters were residential mobility and youth. minority status and low income. Protestantism and low education levels. low education levels and minority status. youth and low education levels.

residential mobility and youth

Most of the states that initiated same-day voter registration (on election day) have experienced a continuing voter turnout decline. a major increase in voter turnout. no change at all in voter turnout. a major increase in turnout of Democratic voters. slight improvements in voter turnout.

slight improvements in voter turnout.

Two of the participation groups Verba and Nie describe, campaigners and communalists, differ primarily in their taste for conflict. political ideology. socioeconomic status. general level of participation. intensity of religious sentiment.

taste for conflict

The relevance and potential impact of religion in American politics were evident in 2002 when a federal court issued a controversial ruling regarding prayer in schools. the use of the Bible in high school literature classes. the Pledge of Allegiance. the singing of "God Bless America." All of the above

the Pledge of Allegiance.

When Congress passed the Voting Rights Act of 1970 and lowered the voting age to eighteen, the president vetoed the Act. the Fourteenth Amendment was overturned. the Supreme Court declared the adjustment unconstitutional. thirty-five state governors protested the change. the number of eligible voters instantly doubled.

the Supreme Court declared the adjustment unconstitutional.

One reason that public policy often differs from public opinion is that the U.S. Constitution places many checks on the influence of public opinion. public opinion polling tends to express the opinions of a political elite. public opinion is easy to gauge, while the effectiveness of public policy is not. public opinion tends to change much more slowly than public policy. public opinion is rarely informed at the beginning of the policy-making process.

the U.S. Constitution places many checks on the influence of public opinion.

A classic study found that citizens of ______ had the highest sense of civic duty. Italy Germany New Mexico Great Britain the United States

the United States

Some have argued that democracy flourished early on in America because of the lack of a national army. strict immigration laws. low population levels. moderate temperatures. the availability of land.

the availability of land

There is, in fact, less income inequality in Sweden than in America because workers there are more similar in their talents. employers have different notions of economic fairness. the government ensures that it is so. education levels are much lower in Sweden. political parties are stronger here.

the government ensures that it is so.

In European countries, the burden of voter registration rests on individual voters. political parties. interest groups. the government. party leaders.

the government.

The text suggests that the "real source" of the participation problem in the United States is the low percentage of the adult population that is registered to vote. voter apathy. negative campaigning. lack of party competition. the two-party system.

the low percentage of the adult population that is registered to vote.

One cause of the decline in voter turnout may be the increasingly distant and bureaucratic image of most candidates for office. most interest groups. state officeholders. local officeholders. the major political parties.

the major political parties.

Morris Fiorina would have us believe that the "culture war" is more of a myth than anything else and is really only a reflection of the fact that the media publicize the polarization that exists among political leaders. the media do not cover politics in a thorough fashion. the public is ill-informed with respect to political matters. most people think of war as something that is exciting. the middle class is increasingly alienated from political processes.

the media publicize the polarization that exists among political leaders.

According to the text, a degree of tolerance toward political discussion without too much oppression is what the U.S. Constitution called for. what the Bill of Rights mandated. rare in a unitary system. what characterizes all free nations. the minimum requirement of a democracy.

the minimum requirement of a democracy

The text suggests that calls for reform in voting were somewhat "muted" in the aftermath of the 2004 national elections because there was no evidence of vote fraud. George W. Bush won. the Democrats retained control of Congress. the Supreme Court would not entertain litigation on the topic. the popular vote for president was not close .

the popular vote for president was not close

The text argues that a lack of consensus regarding which groups ought to be repressed has led to a breakdown of consensual social values. the survival of unpopular political causes. a large increase in the number of free-speech court cases. an erosion of First Amendment freedoms. reinterpretation of the Protestant work ethic.

the survival of unpopular political causes.

Since 1970, federal law has prohibited states from having residency requirements longer than ___ days for presidential elections. ten fifteen thirty sixty one hundred


One argument against compulsory voting in this country is the expense involved. the variation in enforcement from state to state. its vulnerability to vote fraud. the impossibility of implementing it. voter objections to identification papers.

voter objections to identification papers.

The most common form of political participation is voting. contributing money. writing letters to newspapers. attending political rallies. joining political organizations.


Churches in the United States were important in the development of a sense of civic duty and civic competence because they indoctrinated citizens to favor the status quo. were in a continuous struggle for survival. provided the major opportunity for citizens to express their political views. were independent of most political pressures. were organized much like a political system.

were organized much like a political system.

The culture war is about which ethnic group governs. what kind of country we ought to live in. how much money should be spent on social programs. the ethics of foreign policy. which groups deserve to influence policy.

what kind of country we ought to live in.

Between 1915 and 1925, the size of the eligible voting population in the United States almost doubled. The main reason for this was that the Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. women were given the right to vote. the grandfather clause that denied voting to blacks was ruled unconstitutional. literacy tests for blacks were ruled unconstitutional. voter registration laws were abolished in seventeen states.

women were given the right to vote.

According to the text, one reason that identification with a party has declined in recent years is that young voters have weaker party identification. party identification, today, is no longer influenced by parents' party identification. today, there are more parties with which voters may identify. voters tend to lose their party identification as they grow older, and today's population is aging. party identification is increasingly seen as a sign of closed-mindedness.

young voters have weaker party identification.

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