AP Psych Exam

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Janessa smiled in real pleasure when her baby reached for her. This is an example of

A. A Duchenne smile

Which of the following is not a characteristic of motivation?

A. Ability

All of the following are examples of somatoform disorders except

A. Anne endured excessive stress, and she develops an ulcer

Kriss enters a haunted house for the first time, and it is so dark she can't see a thing. Kris's will probably have trouble navigating because she lacks a ____ of the haunted house.

A. Cognitive map

Kareem, who has high achievement motivation, is looking for a job that will satisfy him. Which of the following jobs should he take?

A. Company One: Medium pay, lots of responsibility, chances for advancement, demanding boss

Luis is on the jury for a highly publicized murder case. After hearing the prosecution's evidence, he has decided that the defendant is guilty. The defense provides several witnesses that the place the defendant at a party during the time of the murder. However, Luis ignores this evidence and continues to believe that the defendant is guilty. Which of the following obstacles to problem solving is operating?

A. Confirmation Bias

A suicide may involve more than one individual. For example, a mother who is depressed may take the life of her child because she doesn't want her child to experience the same "bad life" she has had. The mother's source of motivation is most likely a result of _____ factors.

A. Emotional

Dr. Zheng is looking at the PET scans of 4 different people. She has been asked to identify the individual who was learning something new and difficult when the PET scan was performed. She should look for the PET that indicates

A. High activity in the frontal lobe

Karl wants to get straight A's in school because his parents have promised to buy him a new car if he does so. This is an illustration of the _____ of motivation

A. Incentive Theory

Lie detector tests use what assumption in detecting liars?

A. Lying is emotionally arousing

While watching survivor on television, you realize that the participants cannot worry about creating alliances or making worthy contributions until they have first secured a source of food and shelter. This phenomenon is best explained by _____ theory of motivation.

A. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Katie is overwhelmed at the thought of planning her wedding. She solves the problem by creating a series of subtasks. First she will develop a guest list, then she will find a caterer, and then she will make reservations for the reception. Katie is using ____ to solve her problem.

A. Means-end Analysis

The /a/ sound in the word cake is a

A. Phoneme

Elektra has symptoms of major depression and a personality disorder. She has no memory of being abused as a very young girl. With no other evidence of childhood abuse, the most reasonable conclusion one could draw based on recent psychological research is

A. She was not abused, and her psychopathology is due to other factors

3 year old Simeon is at the top of a tall and scary slide. At the bottom of the slide, Simeon's older brother is smiling and laughing . When Simeon sees this, he goes down the slide. Simeon's behavior is an example of

A. Social referencing

While on vacation, Wilson has not been eating foods with vitamin B. As a result, Wilson begins to show a preference for foods rich in Vitamin B, even if he doesn't normally enjoy these foods. It appears that this developing preference is a result of

A. Specific hungers

Serdar really got annoyed with Umit when Umit said "you pig out" to him because he did not know that "pigging out" meant eating a lot. Rather, Serdar thought that Umit was cursing at him. This miscommunication between Serdar and Umit is a result of

A. The deep structure not being communicated well

Jerry is deciding which of 2 women to ask out on a date. He lists the positive and negative attributes of each woman: how attractive she is and whether she has good table manners. Kramer tells Jerry that he should also rate how much he values each of these attributes before making his decision. This rating of the subjective value of attributes is called

A. Utility

How does addiction to psychoactive substances differ from substance abuse?

B. Addiction is a physical need, while substance abuse can stem from a psychological need

Claudia has not left her house in 10 years. If she steps on the front porch she becomes so uneasy that she has to return inside. Claudia is most likely suffering from _____, which is an _____ disorder.

B. Agoraphobia, anxiety

Gillian is extremely inhibited in social situations, feels inadequate, and is extremely sensitive to criticism from her family and her boss. Gillian would most likely be diagnosed as displaying

B. Avoidant personality disorder

The crew of the starship became addicted to a type of video game because the pleasure center in their brains was stimulated each time they scored. They eventually played the game nearly constantly and experienced a pleasurable emotion without having to interpret a physiological reaction or think about the situational cause of their emotion. This is most supportive of which theory of emotion?

B. Cannon's Central

Dr. Courssert is conducting an experiment in which participants are to indicate when a green light appears on a computer screen by pressing a button. In one group of subjects the light always appears in the center of the screen, while in the second group the light appears at random locations. Dr. Coussert is probably interested in how ____ affects reaction time.

B. Complexity

Dr. Happy Golucky believes that to achieve happiness in life one must develop a sense of well-being. Dr. Golucky identifies all of the following as characteristics of well-being except

B. Creating a deficiency expectation

Which of the following is true about the relationship between language and perception?

B. Differences in languages and perceptions may be influenced by a culture's need for certain objects

Which of the following is not considered to be an anxiety disorder?

B. Dissociative disorder

Wilhelm is being raised in a bilingual environment, learning to speak both German and French before the end of the critical period. Assuming Wilhelm has equally mastered both languages, what would you most likely discover when Wilhelm is in junior high?

B. He is superior to his classmates in cognitive flexibility and creativity

You are on an airplane. You turn to the person sitting in your left and ask "Do you fly often?" The person replies, "I'm not tot lot in the beat seat neat, but prominent dominant to my brain drain pain." "I see" you politely respond, easing into the vacant seat on your right. Your new friend has demonstrated

B. Loose associations

In the ____ model, abnormality is seen as an illness that is caused physically and that can be treated physically.

B. Medical

Cognitive psychology is defined as the study of the

B. Mental processes including the reception, modification, storage, retrieval and communication of information.

People who talk about suicide are

B. More likely to try it than the general population

Ashley suffers from the most common eating disorder in the United States. she is a picky eater and often cannot accurately assess how much she has eaten. Ashley is suffering from

B. Obesity

Phillip has been diagnosed with ADHD. Which statement would best describe him?

B. Phillip is impulsive and cannot concentrate on an activity as well as other children his age.

Miss Libby asks her class to draw a picture of a dog. They draw pictures of retrievers, shepherds, mutts, terriers, spaniels, and lots of others. Her students obviously have different ____ of a dog

B. Prototypes

As a clinical psychologist you are concerned with patterns of thinking and behaving that are maladaptive, disruptive, and or uncomfortable for the person affected or for others. In other words, you are interestedin

B. Psychopathology

Joanne seldom drinks alcohol during the week; however, nearly every weekend she goes to parties and ends up drinking so much that she sometimes can't remember what happened during the evening. Which is of the following is true of Joanne's drinking behavior?

B. She is an alcoholic because she drinks regularly and experiences blackouts

Dr. Humber is a psychologist who is trying to diagnose his patient's psychological disorder. Dr. Humber knows that this might be difficult to do. Which of the following is not true about the difficulty in classifying disorders?

B. The DSM-V gives general labels, such as neurosis and psychosis.

Terrence has just climbed all 354 steps to reach the crown of the Statue of Liberty. When he reaches the top, he meets Rose who has climbed the steps just a few paces ahead of Terrence. They immediately decide they love one another. Which theory of emotion best describes why they believe they are in love?

B. The Schachter-Singer Theory

You are a psychiatrist who specializes in treating schizophrenia. You have a new patient named Roy, who is exhibiting several of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia but none of the positive symptoms. In fact, Roy's negative symptoms are quite severe. According to research, one would expect that

B. Treatment for Roy is likely to be ineffective

Anastasia, a young woman with schizophrenia, insists that she hears voices telling her to hide under the bed. Anastasia is displaying

C. A hallucination

During a recent camping trip, an argument arose about how to prevent bears from getting into the food supplies. Reggie said, "This is just like the time we were having a barbecue at a local park and this mutt-of-a-dog kept trying to steal our steaks. This is what we did..." Reggie's solution was found through the use of

C. Analogy

Jaclyn thinks that she can get a 3 bedroom apartment near campus for $250/month. Marty tells her that he saw one advertised for $600/month. Jaclyn changes her original estimate, and now thinks that she can get an apartment for $300/month. Jaclyn's revised estimate is affected by the ____ heuristic.

C. Anchoring

In deciding whether to accept the invitation to attend Whoville's annual Whobilation, the Grinch made a list of pros and cons. On the one hand, he would enjoy stealing Christmas, as well as upsetting and making fun of the Whoville residents. On the other hand, he doesn't have anything to wear and it might cause him to recall traumatic childhood memories. What kind of motivational conflict is the Grinch facing?

C. Approach Avoidance

For the past few months, Val felt completely hopeless and unmotivated. She would not eat much and felt worthless. Then, she suddenly felt extremely optimistic and full of energy. Val is probably suffering from _____ disorder.

C. Bipolar

To solve the problem of low employee morale at Initech, Mr. Lumberg hires consultants who are experts in Human Resources. We can expect the consultants to more clearly visualize the problem and make connections between behaviors and outcomes because experts are more likely to use ____ as they process information.

C. Chunking

Shmuel is well fed and owns his own home. According to Maslow, this information suggests that Shmuel's current motivation should be focused primarily on

C. Constructing stable relationships with other people

Children who are not exposed to language until late in life are often unable to use complex features of language. This suggests that learning language involves

C. Critical period

Bruce is usually a quiet, well mannered man. On some occasion however, Bruce acts like a completely different person; he becomes very angry and violent and responds to only the name Hulk. Bruce has no recollection of these recurrent episodes. Bruce probably suffers from

C. Dissociative identity disorder

Ana reads in the track and field rulebook that an official track on which she can set a world record must have specific qualities. It must be 400 meters long, in a oval shape, and have a surface that is between .5 in and 1 in thick. The track described in the rulebook is an example of a ____ concept.

C. Formal

Maria is trying to compute the velocity of a falling rock, using the appropriate formula. Maria is using ____ to solve this problem.

C. Formal reasoning

For the last 2 months Thomas has been worried that something bad is going to happen. He can't pinpoint the source of this feeling, but he is jumpy, irritable, can't sleep, and can't concentrate. His symptoms suggest that he may be suffering from _____ disorder.

C. Generalized anxiety

Karen and Tai both have schizophrenia. Karen keeps hearing her canned goods talking to her, whereas Tai is convinced that he is a space alien. Karen is having_____, and Tai is suffering from

C. Hallucinations; delusions

Psychologists use the concept of motivation as an ______ variable to find the unity beneath the apparent diversity of many human behaviors.

C. Intervening

During an episode of the TV show Seinfeld, one of the characters was identified as the "The Close Talker" meaning that he stood too close to people when he spoke to them. This person's behavior would most likely be judged abnormal in the basis of the _____ criterion for abnormality

C. Norm violation

Which of the following statements about studies on U.S. sexual behavior is true?

C. People in the United States may be rather sexually conservative

Jessi decides to take caffeine pills to stay on top of all of her homework, her job, and her extracurricular activities. However, the resulting over stimulation may be problematic for Jessi because

C. People tend to perform best when arousal is moderate.

Pina was working a puzzle when the PET scan was performed. The PET scan indicated high activity in Pina's frontal lobe. Which conclusion can we draw from the PET scan results?

C. Pina has never worked this puzzle before and she finds the task difficult.

Lashonna has gone to Benny's for breakfast many times. She knows that when you walk in you should wait to be seated, and that once you are seated the server will bring you menus and later come back to take your order. Lashonna has a ____ that helps her know what she should do when she goes to eat at Benny's.

C. Script

According to research, a male's sexual orientation is most likely due to

C. Several factors, including prenatal hormones and learning

Guizhen calls you to ask which of the following if paired with shocks, would result in the longest lasting learned fear response. You reply, "Based on the idea of physiological preparedness, a picture of a ____ would be the best stimulus to use."

C. Snake

Tyra is about to go on the Millenium Force roller coaster at Cedar Point amusement park. As she gets on the coaster, she finds that her mouth is dry, her hands are sweaty, and her heartbeat has increased. The _____ nervous system is responsible for Tyra's bodily changes.

C. Sympathetic

Which of the following statements is most accurate?

C. The brain and computer are both information processing systems

The statement "I had a great time!" can be interpreted a number of different ways depending on

C. The context

Dally is taking her psychology final exam. She is concerned that the students sitting around her can cheat by hearing her thoughts. "Everything I think is available for everyone to hear," she explains. Cally is most likely describing _____, which is a symptom of ___

C. Thought broadcasting; schizophrenia

Marta is lecturing on the first day of her introduction to Linguistics course. She starts by explaining that if you have words and a set of rules for using those words, you have everything you need for

D. A language

In the 1960s and 1970s, many attempts were made to reach chimps sign language. Which statement would Chomsky most likely agree with concerning animal acquisition of language?

D. Animals can't develop language once they are past the critical period

Frequently and without warning, images of germs pop into Corbin's mind, and he feels an irresistible urge to stop whatever he is doing, run to a sink, and wash his hands repeatedly. After washing his hands, he feels safe and comfortable; during an attack he is convinced that he will die if he is not allowed to wash his hands. Corbin appears to suffer from a

D. Anxiety disorder

If you were to consider psychological factors, how would you explain the existence of anxiety disorders?

D. Anxiety disorders are learned responses to specific situation or stimuli

The field of study that seeks to program computers to think, and to imitate and understand the products of human perception, is known as

D. Artificial Intelligence

Richard Solomon's opponent process theory may best explain the motivation of which of the following behaviors?

D. Becoming addicted to thrill seeking activities such as sky diving

You were happy with your grade of B on the biology test until you realized that your friend in class received a D after studying very hard. As a result, you feel sad for your friend. This most clearly illustrates that emotional experience

D. Can be both positive and negative

In summarizing the various theories of emotion, the textbook asserts that

D. Components of the various theories interact to produce emotion

While interviewing Joe, Dr. Willard discovers that Joe has a genetic predisposition for schizophrenia because his uncle and mother had schizophrenia. Dr. Willard also believes the fact that Joe was homeless for several months after being expelled from school and "disowned" by his parents triggered his schizophrenia. Dr. Willard probably follows the ____ model of psychological disorders.

D. Diathesis-stress

Rory and Dory are identical twin rats. The lateral area of Rory's hypothalamus was destroyed in a tragic exercise wheel accident. The ventromedial nucleus of Dory's hypothalamus has an electrode implanted in it that is constantly stimulating that part of her brain. This situation has existed for a week now. How does Rory's weight compare to Dory's?

D. Dory and Rory are both extremely underweight.

Imagine you are a male 3 spined stickleback. You come across a nest of underutilized 3 spined stickleback eggs and you can't help but do a particular dance and then go ahead and fertilize the eggs. Which theory of motivation accounts for you behavior?

D. Instinct Doctrine

Because Lola's mouth is dry, her hands are sweaty, and her heartbeat has increased, she experiences the emotion of "fear." This is consistent with ____theory of emotion.

D. James's Peripheral

Lani's parents never let her stay out late or date. At school, her friends tell her all about their boyfriends and about all the fun they have. If Lani were to develop dissociative identity disorder, sometimes sneaking out to parties and behaving promiscuously, how would psychodynamic theorists explain?

D. Lani has created a new person to act out her taboo impulses

Chicken Little was afraid the sky was falling, so he warned everyone about it. Henny Penny explained that Chicken Little's emotional experience (fear) was a result of him thinking that an event (the sky falling) would negatively affect his well-being. Henny Penny most likely agrees with _____ theory of emotion.

D. Lazarus's cognitive appeal

Ron lost $20 playing the slots in Atlantic City. However, he found $20 on the subway. Even though Ron comes out even in terms of cash, he still feels pretty badly about losing money in the slot machines. In fact, he actually feels neutral about finding the $20 on the subway. Ron's feelings can be explained best by

D. Loss aversion

Since Jack's forced retirement, he has experienced overwhelming sadness and has withdrawn from his friends and family. He has gained twenty pounds and had been sleeping much more than usual. Most noticeably, he is no longer interested in participating in his life long hobby of playing several rounds of golf each week. Most likely Jack is experiencing

D. Major depressuon

Travis prefers the company of other men in his social and sexual relationships. he has had this orientation for as long as he can remember. Which of the following are scientifically accepted explanations for Travis's sexual orientation?

D. None of these

When a group is making a decision, the option that is typically chosen is the one that is

D. Not strongly opposed by any of the group members

Bill believes that he is possessed by evil spirits. Several psychologists and psychiatrists have diagnosed him as having a form of schizophrenia. There appear to be several psychological and sociocultural factors that influence the appearance of the disorder. These factors include all of the following except

D. Overly supportive family members

Eric works hard in his classes, wants to be exceptionally good in his field, and is motivated by a need to achieve. Eric most likely

D. Prefers competent feedback from experts

Jessi, a college freshman, is engaged in the following activities. Which activity cannot be explained by the drive reduction theory of motivation?

D. Read a book to satisfy her curiosity about how diamonds are formed

When Bach talks, his words are meaningless. He giggles for no reason and makes ritualistic movements while hallucinating. He is most likely suffering from

D. Schizophrenia

After being trampled by platform shoes at a spice girls concert, Buffy awakes in the hospital and says to a nurse, "Watches playfully wrote pumpkins in the sky." This doesn't make sense because Buffy's speech violates the rules of

D. Semantics

While playing a video game, you guide your character through a make believe world, abiding some objects and picking up others, while responding to various events. This extremely rapid process of description, elaboration, decision, planning, and action illustrates

D. The circle of thought

Which of the following is not a likely reason for misdiagnosis of psychological problems?

D. There is no accepted diagnostic classification system worldwide

Maria is one year old. She probably

D. Understands more words than she can say

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