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Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Which conclusion does Hobbes make in the passage? The author was likely influneced by conditions surronding the

(A) Men are incapable of governing themselves (C) The English Civil War

James I, The True Laws of free Monarchies ;;;;; According to the doc what is the role of the parliament the author of this doc would advocate all of the following beliefs except Which of the following actions would the author of the document most likely approve of?

(B) To only give advice advice to the king (c) Constitution (c) dissolve parliament

Charter of the Dutch West India Cpmpany ;;; ;; In what way does Charter of the West India Company reflect mercantilist thought? Which section of this charter best demonstrates the Dutch traders ability to become so economically successful via merchant shipping? Bassed on the information provded and your general knowledge of this topic, which of the following would explain the initial economic success of both the Dutch West India Comapny and the Dutch East India Comapny ?

(A) By recognizing that the company may trade goods without incurring fees from the government of the Netherlands (B) Section IX because they allowed the Dutch West india company entireky free access to the United Provinces without paying tolls on ships or goods. The Dutch had a strong finacial infrastraction back home and lacked any real intrest in permanent conquests or settlements that spread culture imperialism

Colbert, Memorandum of Trade ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; This passage can be best understood within the contect of The passage is most likely a memo to The passage supports which of the following economic objectives? The policy discussed in the passage ultimately led to

(A) Mercantilist policies (C) Louis XIV (B) A favorable balance of trade (D) Colonial wars with other European powers

Adam Smith Wealth of Nations ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;The passage above can best be understood within the context of can best be understood within the context of Smith's discussion of the "invisible hand" is most closely associated with the idea of Which of the following would most likely support the principles underlying the above passage? Although Smith wrote Wealth of Nations in the late-eighteenth century, which of the following countries would have been most likely to embrase Smith's economic philosophy throughout most of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?

(A) The Enlightenment (B) Natural law (A) Thomas Hobbes (C) The Netherlands

Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; The passage above can best be understood within the context of Smith's discussion of the "invisible hand" is most closely associated with the idea of Which of the following would most likely support the principles underlying the above passage? Although Smith wrote Wealth of Nations in the late-eighteenth century, which of the following countries would have been most likely to embrase Smith's economic philosophy throughout most of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?

(A) The Enlightenment (B) Natural law (A) Thomas Hobbes (C) The Netherlands

The English Bill of Rights;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Which of the following events most directly contributes to the provisions expressed in the excerpt? Which of the following is best supported by the passage? How did the polices of the British government as a result of the English Bill of Rights compare to other eighteenth and nineteenth century government?

(A) The Glorious Revolution (A) Competion between the monarchy, gentry, and nobility changed the structure of government in England during the seventeenth century. (B) The Dutch Republic was more democratic and imitiated a system of universal mass suffrage by the end of the seventeenth century.

History of Prussian Vvil Service Isaacsohn;;; The passage above refers to which of the following actions by the Prussian government? Which of the following leaders is responsible for increasing the size of the army of Prussia which the author gives credit to? Prussian leaders could depend on the support on which of the following social classes for political and economic support?

(A) The creation of the canton system to increase the size and effectiveness of the prussian army. (B) Fredrick William I, first king of Prussia (C) The Junker class who staffed important army positions and paid taxes to the government.

Rene Descartes ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; The excerpt above reveals which of the following ideas concerning scientific thought? The ideas in the excerpt above would contribute directly to which of the following? In addition to Rene Descartes, which of the following thinkers was also responsible for the promotion of experimentation, empiricism, and the use of mathematics during the seventeenth century?

(B) A method of deductive reasoning (D) The development of the Scientific method (C) Francis Bacon

Letters of Joseph II, Austrian Emperor;;;;;;; The ideas expressed in the passage best illistrate which of the following Enlightenment beliefs? The actions of previous Austrian rulers towards Protestants as described in the passage were a result of which of the following? Which of the following would have been least likely to approve of Joseph II's beliefs as described in the passage? Which of the following policies would be a result of the Enlughtenment and French Revolution eras?

(B) Beliefs that promoted the idea of natural rights (A) The Peace of Augsburg which allowed individual Austrian rulers to choose either Catholicism or Lutheranism as the religion whithin their realms (A) Voltaire (D) Male peasants would gain suffrage throughout most of the continent.

Baron De Montesquieu, The Spirit of Law ;;;; The ideas in the above passage directly influnced Which of the following trends is best supported by the passage? The passage was likely inspired by the political ideas of

(D) The development of absolutism based on "divine right" of kings (C) Natural rights philosophy inspired a challange to absolutism (B) John Locke

Parliament Sentence of charles;;;; ;; ;; ;; According to this passage what even was Charles I guilty of instigating? What British historical document was Charles I most guilty of violating?

(c) The English Civil War (B) The Magna Carta

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