AP World Chapter 11 Test

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In what ways did the Mongol Empire resemble other empires, and in what ways did it differ from them? Why did it last a relatively short time?

1) It relied on a strong military of pastoral people, It brought separate groups of people together under a single leader, It took resources from settled societies. 2)Factionalism among Mongols, the plague, and peasant revolts forced them out of China, A succession crisis caused them to collapse in Persia, Divisions among Mongols and growing strength of Russians caused them to fall in Russia, The Empire as a whole was destabilized by the black death, it killed large populations, and it damaged long distance commerce.

What accounts for the often negative attitudes of settled societies toward the pastoral peoples living on their borders? Why have historians often neglected pastoral peoples' role in world history?

1)Settled societies feared pastoral peoples and say them as blood thirsty savages or barbarians who were destructive and chaotic, Settled societies competed for resources with pastoral people, Settled societies did not like the lifestyle of pastoral peoples who did not have proper housing and diets 2)Historians tended to neglect pastoral peoples because they did not have written languages and information about them came from adjacent agricultural civilizations.The agricultural societies ultimately overtook the nomads so their story is more prominent

In what ways did the Mongol Empire contribute to the globalization of the Eurasian world?

1.The Mongols actively promoted international commerce 2.The Mongol Empire also prompted diplomatic relationships from one end of Eurasia to the other, 3.The Mongol Empire also spurred a substantial exchange of peoples and cultures through its policy of forcibly transferring many thousands of skilled craftsmen and educated people from their homelands to distant parts of the empire. 4.The Mongol Empire, through its religious tolerance and support of merchants, facilitated the spread of religions

How did Mongol rule change China? In what ways were the Mongols changed by China?

1.The Mongols united a divided China. 2.The Mongols took a Chinese dynastic title, the Yuan, and moved their capital to a new capital city the "city of the khan" (present-day Beijing). 3.The Mongols made use of Chinese administrative practices and techniques of taxation and their postal system. 4.Mongol khans made use of traditional Confucian rituals, which returned the favor with strong political support for the invaders.

Disease changes societies. How might this argument apply to the plague?

1.The loss of population due to the plague created labor shortages that provoked sharp conflict between scarce workers and the rich, which in turn undermined the practice of serfdom in Europe. 2.Labor shortages also fostered a greater interest in technological innovation in Europe and created more employment opportunities for women. 3.The plague caused significant disruption to trade routes to the east, and this trade disruption, along with a desire to avoid Muslim intermediaries, provided an incentive for Europeans to take to the sea in their continuing efforts to reach the riches of Asia.


A way of life in which people depend on the herding of domesticated animals for their food.

What were some long-term effects of the Black Death?

Agriculture, religion, economics and even social class were affected. Contemporary accounts shed light on how medieval Britain was irreversibly changed. The weakening of serfdom.


Birth name of the Mongol leader better known as Chinggis Khan (1162-1227).


Capital of the Mongol Empire.

Where was the most difficult and protracted (difficult) of the Mongols' conquest?


How did the threat of Mongol invasion impact Japan?

Devastated Japanese resources and power in the region, nearly destroying the samurai culture and Empire of Japan entirely before a typhoon miraculously spared their last stronghold.

Where were the following Mongol khanates? -Golden Horde -Yuan Dynasty -Il-Khanate

Golden Horde- Ruled over Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, and the Caucasus from the 1240s until 1502. Established by Batu Khan, a grandson of Genghis Khan, and subsequently a part of the Mongol Empire before its inevitable fall. Yuan Dynasty- China's first foreign-led dynasty, in between the Chinese Song and Ming dynasties. It was established by Kublai Khan, leader of the vast Mongol Empire, and fell into internal rebellion after it lost touch with its Mongol roots. Ilkhanate- Mostly covered what is today Iran and parts of Turkmenistan, Turkey, Iraq, Armenia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Established by the Mongol general Hulegu.

Hulega Khan

Grandson of Chinggis Khan (ca. 1217-1265) who became the first Il-Khan (subordinate khan) of Persia.

Khubilai Khan

Grandson of Chinggis Khan who ruled China from 1271 to 1294.

What was the main reason for human sacrifices in the Aztec Empire?

Human sacrifice nourished the gods. Without it, the sun would cease to rise and the world would end.

Ghazan Khan

Il-Khan (subordinate khan) of Persia who ruled from 1295 to 1304; he is noted for his efforts to repair the Mongol damage to Persia.

How would you define both the immediate and the long-term significance of the Mongols in world history?

In the short term, the Mongols constructed the largest Eurasian empire to date. ​•​In the process, they destroyed a series of well-established empires. ​•​They wrecked extensive destruction on settled populations. ​•​They encouraged trade and exchange across the Eurasian network. ​•​They fostered the spread of the Black Death across Eurasia. ​•​In the long term, the Mongol-enforced movement of conquered peoples from their homelands to distant parts of the empire facilitated the exchange of ideas and techniques, as exemplified by the flow of Chinese technology and artistic conventions westward to the Middle East and Europe. ​•​The disruption of Mongol-based land routes to the east following the collapse of the Mongol Empire provided an important incentive for Europeans to take to the sea in their continuing efforts to reach the riches of Asia.

What were chinampas?

Increase food production.

Yuan dynasty

Mongol dynasty that ruled China from 1271 to 1368; its name means "great beginnings".

Mongol rule in Russia led to the rise of power of which city?


Kipchak Khanate

Name given to Russia by the Mongols after they conquered it and incorporated it into the Mongol Empire in the mid-13th century; known to Russians as the "Khanate of the Golden Horde".

Black Death

Name later given to the massive plague pandemic that swept through Eurasia beginning in 1331; it is usually regarded as an outbreak of bubonic plague.

In what ways did pastoral societies interact with their agricultural neighbors?

Pastoral societies were an alternative to the agricultural society. There was an amount of dependency on each other neither society could really exist in the same manner without the others production. The Agriculture way of life was disdained by the nomads. Agriculture societies looked to the nomads with disdain as well. Ancient Greek writers did not approve of the role women were given in pastoral societies. As outside observers they thought their nomadic neighbors "(made)no distinction between men and women".

In what ways did pastoral societies differ from their agricultural counterparts?

Pastoral societies were generally less productive than their agricultural counterparts because of their need for large grazing areas, this supported smaller populations. This also created smaller more scatter villages, and towns. Pastoral societies were organized in Kinships or clans that periodically came together as a tribe. Women normally had higher status, fewer restrictions, and a greater role in public life. Women were actively engaged in daily work as well as the political society in the mongol world.

What accounts for the political and military success of the Mongols?

Strong communication, Trade, fierce organized military, strong trade freedom, taxation, welcomed many religious traditions.


Supreme ruler of a Turkic nomadic confederation.

What is tax farming?

Tax farming is a system wherein the right to collect certain taxes owed the state is auctioned off to the highest bidder. The farmer then keeps whatever revenue is collected. A winning private sector bidder wishing to maximize profit will operate at the point where private marginal revenue equals private marginal cost.

Identify the major steps in the rise of the Mongol Empire.

Temujin, later dubbed Chinggis Khan, brought the Mongols together into a unified Mongolian nation, through the incorporation of warriors from defeated tribes into his own forces. To hold the alliance together, he launched a series of military campaigns against the settled agricultural societies of Eurasia. Through these campaigns, Chinggis Khan and his successors built an empire that included China, Korea, Central Asia, Russia, much of the Islamic Middle East, and parts of Eastern Europe.

What were the capitals of the Mexica (Aztecs) and Inca Empires?


Mongol world war

Term used to describe half a century of military campaigns, massive killing, and empire building pursued by Chinggis Khan and his successors in Eurasia after 1209.


The "city of the khan," founded as a new capital city for the Mongols after their conquest of China; now the city of Beijing.

How did the Aztecs form their empire?

The Aztecs began to build the canals and dikes necessary for their form of agriculture and to control water levels. In 1428, the Aztec ruler Itzcoatl formed alliances with the nearby cities of Tlacopan and Texcoco, creating the Triple Alliance that ruled until the coming of the Spanish in 1519.

How did the Mongols contribute to the globalization of the Eurasian world?

The Mongol Empire also spurred a substantial exchange of peoples and cultures through its policy of forcibly transferring many thousands of skilled craftsmen and educated people from their homelands to distant parts of the empire.

In what different ways did Mongol rule affect the Islamic world, Russia, China, and Europe?

The Mongol conquest of Persia resulted in the conversion of large numbers of Persians to the Muslim faith. They had less impact on government since Mongol rulers used Persian bureaucracy. Domination ruined Persian agriculture. Mongols assimilated and intermarried with Persians

How was Mongol rule in Persia different from that in China?

The Mongol rulers in Persia were transformed far more than their counterparts in China were, as the Mongols made extensive use of the sophisticated Persian bureaucracy. Unlike what occurred in China, the Mongols who conquered Persia converted in large numbers to the local Muslim faith.

What happened to the Mongols in Persia in the 14th century?

The Mongols assimilated into Persian society.

What methods did Genghis Khan and the Mongols use to expand and control their territories?

The Mongols built sturdy roads and made sure that they were safe to travel on. They also established a uniform code of law to ensure the entire empire shared a legal system.

What was distinctive about the Russian experience of Mongol rule?

The Mongols conquered Russia but did not occupy it as they had Persia and China. Instead, Russian princes received appointment from the khan and were required to send substantial tribute to the Mongol capital at Sarai.

Describe the Mongol's policies towards the people they conquered.

The deaths given to his subjects were sadistic and cruel, like being burnt alive, trampled by horses, and being stretched apart. They had a lot of conquered areas because of their success in war. They had horses, bows, well planed strategy, and they put people in fear by having mass slaughters.

Describe the makeup of the Mongol military.

The military of the Mongol Empire is regarded to be the first modern military system. The Mongol Army was organized into decimal units of tens, hundreds, thousands, and ten thousands. A notable feature of the army is that it was composed entirely of cavalry units, giving it the advantage of maneuverability.

What aspects of Chinese society did Mongol rulers in the Yuan dynasty adopt?

The use of traditional Confucian rituals.

Why did pastoral societies emerge only in Afro-Eurasia and not in the Americas?

There was a lack of large animals that could be domesticated in the Americas.

What role did Mongol women play in the administration of the Mongol Empire?

They advised on government policies and court decisions.

Prior to the rise of the Mongols, in what ways had pastoral peoples been significant in world history?

They destroyed weaker cultures and military organizations and spread ideas, religions, technologies, foods, and goods that they got from the places they had traveled. They facilitated trade and exchange with their mobile culture. 1. Arabs and Turks spread Islam 2.Xiongnu invade China and exact tribute under Modon 3. Christianity adopted by Gauls and Germans They spread guns, germs, and steel, essentially. they spread guns through military tactics and technology in constant warfare. They spread germs through contact in trade, warfare, and enslavement. They spread steel through a network of trade and exchange of goods and messages in across large territories.

Why was promoting international commerce important to the Mongols?

They wanted to extract wealth from civilizations by taxing trade. In what way were Europeans in the 16th century similar to the Mongols in 13th century.

Give reasons that facilitated the spread/creation of the Mongol Empire.

Through brutal raids and invasions, but also established routes of trade and technology between East and West. The territories the Mongols invaded were experiencing internal divisions.

Chinggis Khan

Title meaning "universal ruler" that was given to the Mongol leader Temujin in 1206 after he united the Mongols.


Turkic speakers from Central Asia, originally nomads, who spread westward into the Near East and into India; they created a series of nomadic empires between 552 and 965 CE, but had a more lasting impact on world history when they became dominant in the Islamic heartland and founded a series of states and empires there.

What contributed to Temujin's rise to power and recognition as Chinggis (or Genghis) Khan of the Great Mongol Nation?

What contributed to Temujin's rise to power and recognition as Chinggis (or Genghis) Khan of the Great Mongol Nation?

What prevented the Mongols from invading Japan?

Winds/storm drew them out.

What were obstacles to the creation of large empires among pastoralists?

internal rivalry between clans

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