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thomas jefferson believed all of the following EXCEPT A) a strong national army is essential to keep order in the US B) the farmer is the backbone of American society C) the government is best that governs least D) freedom of speech is essential in a republic


throughout the first half of the nineteenth century, women reformers were most active in the cause of A) temperance B) pacifism C) immigrants rights D) workers rights


In Marbury VS. MAdison, the US supreme court affirmed A) the power to confirm federal judicial appointments B) the power to regulate foreign and interstate commerce C) the right to determine the constitutionality of congressional acts D) the sanctity of property rights against harassment by state legislatures


When Thomas Jefferson said in 1801, "we are all republicans - we are all federalists," he meant that A) Americans would never ally themselves with another monarchy B) he planned to appoint federalists as his Presidential advisors C)the two parties were identical in theory D) the principles of American government were above political parties


the judas of the west has closed the contract and will recieve the thirty pieces of silver..was there ever witnessed such a bare faced corruption in any country before? A) Henry clay B) John Quincy Adams C) john c. calhoun D) andrew Jackson


the most unpopular and least successful of president jeffersons policies was his A) advocacy of territorial expansion B) handling of the barbary pirates C) reduction of the size of the military D) economic activity in dealing with england and france


the second great awakening increased support for all of the following EXCEPT A) the abolition of slavery B) mental health reform C) education reform D) the admission of utah as a free state


The hartford convention was a manifestation of A) New England Federalist opposition to trade policy during the War f 1812 B) New England's desire to end US trade with Spain C) northern appreciation for Andrew Jackson's victory at New Orleans D) western resentment against British support for American Indian attacks


during the first half of the nineteenth century, the central and western areas of NY were known as "burned-over-district" becasue.. A) of intense religious zeal created during the Second Great Awakening B) terrible fires had followed the clear-cut logging by pioneers in that part of the state C) the area had not recovered from the devastation of the War of 1812 D) american Indian settlements had been completely destroyed as settlers moved in and took over the land


most of the immigrants who came to the US following the potato famine of the 1840's settled in A) urban areas of North B) seacoast cities of the south C) rural sections of the Old Northwest D) California


Thomas Jefferson's purchase of Louisiana had its origins in his desire to A) remove French forts from the Mississippi valley B) acquire a port to provide an outlet for western crops C) acquire territory for the expansion of slavery D) oppose New England Federalism


all of the following accurately describe Jefferson s purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France EXCEPT A) it opened the Mississippi River permanently to western farmers B) it ended te threat of American Indian raids on Western settlements C) it was made possible in part by the failure of Napoleons forces to suppress a slave revolt in Haiti D) it violated Jefferson's own views concerning the strict construction of the constitution


andrew jackson supported all of the following EXCEPT A) indian removal B) the right of nullification C) the removal of federal deposits from the Bank of the US D) use of the presidential veto power


president jackson resisted the admission of Texas into the Union in 1836 primarily becasue he A) acknowledged the legitimacy of the MExican governments claim to texas B) feared that debate over the admission of texas would ignite controversy about slavery C) was ideologically opposed to territorial expansion D) believed that admitting texas would violate international law


the immediate effect of president jacksons veto of the charter for the second bank of the US in 1834 was A) the house of Representative began impeachment proceedings B) a financial crisis of expansion in credit and speculation C) the supreme court ruling the veto unconstitutional D) congress establishing the federal deposit insurance corporation


the jefferson administrations changes to federalist policy after the election of 1800 included which of the following as a means of restoring republican ideals? A) abolishing the bank of the US B) removing the excise tax and reducing naturalization requirements C) increasing the size of the US military D) adopting the kentucky and virginia resolutions at the national level


the missouri compromise did which of the following? A) prohibited slavery in all western territory B) allowed maine to enter the union as a free state C) finally settle the question of congressional power over slavery in the territories D) provided for the annexation of texas


the monroe doctrine maintained that A) all nations and states in the Americas were territories of the US B) european powers should not pursue any future colonization in the Americas C) Cuba, Texas and puerto rico were protectorates of the US D) the US congress could overrule the presidents foreign policy initiatives in Latin America


which of the following beliefs was central to eighteenth-century Deism? A) God gave the Bible to human beings to guide their behavior B) god created a universe governed by natural law C) all human beings are born in sin D) gods existence has been proven by supernatural revelation


jacksonian democracy was distinguished by the belief that A) an aristocracy posed no danger to the Republic B) the national republicans (the Whigs) alone knew what was right for the people C) political participation by the common man should be increased D) political rights should be granted to women


prior to 1860, a transformation occurred in the workforce of New England textile mills as NE farm girls were replace by A) french-canadian immigrants B) free african americans from the south C) irish immigrants D) italian immigrants


the trail of tears is best describes as A) the seven-year seminole guerrilila warefare in florida to protect their lands B) the practice of negotiating indian treaties to allow for white encroachment on their land C) the forced march of the five civilized tribes from their eastern homelands to resettlement in the west D) the bloody indian resistance in the black hawk war to eviction by white settlers


which political party of the mid-1800s would be most characterized as wanting to curtail the immigration and naturalization of europeans A) the whig party B) the republican party C) the know-nothing party D) the federalist party


which of the following statements about the "american system" is correct? a) it was set up by the Treaty of Ghent at the end of the War of 1812 b)it was the financial plan of Andrew Jackson c) it permitted immigrants to be naturalized after living in the United States for five years d) it was designed to meet the nation's need for economic progress and self-sufficiency


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