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As shown as the image at left, the goals European elites pursued in colonialism included all of the following EXCEPT

1) Spreading epidemics among American Indian populations

By 1588, Spanish development of the Americans flourished mostly because.

By 1588, Spanish development of the Americans flourished mostly because.Spanish colonists rejected the use of American Indians as enslaved laborers

Chapter 1 MC Answers 1) Spreading epidemics among American Indian populations 2) Spanish colonists rejected the use of American Indians as enslaved laborers 3) Stimulate European interest in the settlement and development of the New World 4) Prior to the arrival of Europeans, American Indians had developed advanced irrigation systems. 5) Exchanges of goods between Europe and the Americas that stimulated the growth of European capitalism.

Chapter 1 MC Questions 1) As shown as the image at left, the goals European elites pursued in colonialism included all of the following EXCEPT 2) By 1588, Spanish development of the Americans flourished mostly because... 3) The engraving was most likely intended to... 4) The passage describes which of the following historical developments in the period 1491 to 1607? 5) The passage would be most useful as a source of information about which of the following?

Chapter 2 MC Answers 1) The mutual misunderstanding between Europeans and Native Americans as each group sought to make sense of the other 2) Spanish efforts to extract wealth from the New Wolrd. 3) the diverging goals and interests of European leaders and colonists. 4) Male indentured servants 5) An increasing attempt of the British government to incorporate North American colonies into a coherent imperial structure in pursuit of mercantilist aims.

Chapter 2 MC Questions 1) The scene described in the excerpt is an example of which of the following developments in the 1600s? 2) The events described in the passage most directly foreshadowed which of the following developments? 3) The excerpt is best understood in the context of... 4) Which of the following was most likely to have supported the perspective expressed in Bacon's Declaration? 5) Which of the following was an important consequence of historical processes discussed in the excerpt?

Chapter 3 MC Answers 1) European Enlightenment ideas 2) The influx of large numbers of European immigrants in the early 1700s 3) high degree of cultural and ethnic diversity 4) The establishment of colonial legislatures such as the Virginia House of Burgesses 5) An anglicization of the British colonies 6) The british colonies attracted larger numbers of settlers than the French , Spanish, or Dutch colonies in North America

Chapter 3 MC Questions 1) The ideas expressed by William Penn in the excerpt most directly reflect the influence of... 2) The ideas expressed in the excerpt contributed most to which of the following developments in colonial Pennsylvania? 3) A defining characteristic of Pennsylvania and the other middle colonies was their... 4) The approach towards governing described in the excerpt was most similar to which of the following? 5) The excerpt could best be used as historical evidence to support an argument that British colonization of North America grew most significantly due to the influence of which of the following? 6) Which of the following most directly resulted from the pattern of changed described in the excerpt?

Chapter 4 MC Answers 1) Promoting agriculture and settlement on land taken from American Indians 2) Increased British colonial conflicts with American Indians over land, resources and political boundaries 3) participation by all British colonies to varying degrees in the Atlantic slave trade

Chapter 4 MC Questions 1) The population trend reflected on the graph for colonies of France and the Netherlands most directly resulted from which government policies. 2) After 1640, the migration trends to British colonies depicted on the graph led to which of the following? 3) The long-term effects of the migration trends portrayed on the graph are most directly explained by...

Chapter 5 MC Answers 1) Intensifying rivalries in North America between European powers seeking to expand. 2) British attempts to consolidate control over its American colonies 3) Parliamentary records detailing the cost of stationing troops in the colonies 4) British efforts to raise revenue from the colonies sparked major resistance 5) parliment's adoption of a policy of alutary neglect after the Seven Years' War

Chapter 5 MC Questions 1) Which of the following most directly contributed to the trends seen in the graph between 1740 to 1765? 2) The graph would be most useful as a source of information about which of the following? 3) Which of the following pieces of evidence would best support the graphs depiction of economic changes during this era? 4) The activities of the colonies in the 1760s depicted in the engraving could best be used as evidence to support which of the following argument? 5) Political protests of the 1760s, such as the one depicted in the engraving, flourished for all of the following reasons EXCEPT...

Chapter 6 MC Answers 4) sectional resulting from early federal and state government policies 5) Passage of the NorthWest Ordinance 6) creating a sense of national identity and unity

Chapter 6 MC Questions 4) The map could be best used to support a characterization of the dominant national regarding slavery in the United States in the 1780s as... 5) Which of the following most directly contributed to the status of the Indiana and Ohio Territories as shown in the map? 6) In the years immediatly following the Revolutionary War, the regional differences depicted in the map posed the greatest threat to...

Chapter 7 MC Answers 7) Population growth along the Atlantic coast 8) international rivalries with the British and Spanish for control of North America

Chapter 7 MC Questions 7) Which of the following contributed LEAST to the events and developments depicted on the map? 8) The most important political motivation leading to expansionist policies of the federal governemt resulted from...

Chapter 4 SA #2 Key Points/Summary

a.) Great Awakening changed the Americans religion from the British's b.)Explain why they would be butthurt about it ^^ c.) Americans were mostly mad at British because they fought in wars and thought they deserved all the land, but instead gave most of it to the Indians so the British were pretty much being avoided/rejected by the Americans

Chapter 3 SA #2 Key Points/Summary

a.) Historical factor: Middle Passage b.)Development?: Majority of slaves in South Carolina c.) Conditions?: Very poor. 10 hours of work, nearly no food at all, and punishment=brutal

Chapter 3 SA #2

a.) One historical factor that may have changed the graph would have been the slaves to the New World for the Atlantic slave trade which was called the Middle Passage. b.) The development of the graph was the majority of claves in South Carolina. It became a very influential language and cultural development among slaves. c.) The Slaves conditions were poor when they had a diet of not much food, worked 10 hours in the sun and feared punishment because it was brutal.

Chapter 6 SA #3 Key Points/Summary

a.) Similarity: Agreed that only the government is in charge of the money and that these documents must be obeyed at all times b.) Articles of Confederation: Only has One Congress Constitution: Has one congress but also two sub-divisions which are the Senate and the House Of Representations. c.) The Articles of Confederation has the consent of the states to declare war, sign treaties and make alliances. The Constitution collects tax from the Congress to provide defense and warfare.

Chapter 5 SA #2

a.) The British participated in the Seven Years' War to get rid of the French since French and colonists were combined with a European conflict. b.) The British participation of the Seven Years' War resulted in the French no longer having power in North America c.) A British policy after the Seven Years' War was the Proclamation Line of 1763 which changed colonist and British relations dramacticall and drastically.

Chapter 4 SA #2

a.) The first Great Awakening was one reason why the British Empire rejected the American colonist because of the change of Americans beliefs of religion. b.)The British Empire believed so much in religion and that's one part of why they explored the New World. Changing the Americans religious beliefs than what the British believed changed the perspective of the Americans so that's why the British Empire rejected them c.) The end of the Seven Years' War didn't really matter when the Americans were mostly furious and regularly rejecting the British when they had to share the land and couldn't cross the Proclamation Line when it was the Indians land now

Chapter 6 SA #3

a.) The similarity is that every state must obey the document and the government is in charge of the value of money b.) The Articles gives power to one Congress; The constitution has one congress, but also two sub-divisions which are the Senate and the House Of Representations. c.) The consent of the states gave the Articles of Confederation to declare war, sign treaties, and make alliances. The Constitution collects tax from Congress in order to provide defense and welfare.

Chapter 5 SA #2 Key Points/Summary

a.) To mostly get rid of the French b.) So that the French had no more power in the New World c.) Proclamation Line of 1763

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