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4 parts of a human being

-avoid the extremes that is more opposed to the mean -know yourself -always Be wary of pleasure, for all things, it is most likely to lead you astray, the bent stick remedy

Other guidelines to help us become virtuous and find the "golden mean":

-avoid the extremes that is more opposed to the mean -know yourself -always Be wary of pleasure, for all things, it is most likely to lead you astray, the bent stick remedy

virtue - the golden mean

-the middle course -tries to steer an intermediate or mean course between two extremes -the two extremes that flank this intermediate way he calls vices

Define virtue.

Admirable character trait or disposition to habitually act in a manner that benefits ourselves and others.

Virtue Ethics is ethics

of good character


the deficit; not clearly and calmly stating your preferences, needs, etc. There is too little clear and calm communication


the excess is stupidity; the deficit is cowardice.


the excess; an extreme emotional response, which might include anger, yelling, etc. There is too much emotion.

What is happiness to Aristotle?

the highest good in which all activities aim and the only end in itself and not a means to an end.

What is virtue to Aristotle?

A matter of having the appropriate attitude to pain and pleasure, deficiency and excess.

Aristotle's Virtue

A state of character involving choice. It is a habituated state of actions, emotions, and thought processes (courage, generosity, wittiness, good temper, proper pride, friendliness, truthfulness, how you present yourself, etc.) Every virtue has 2 corresponding vices of excess and deficiency. (coward-COURAGE-fool hearty)

What are three things Aristotle believes that a person should do to practice virtue in moderation?

Avoid extremes, guard against excessive hedonism and attend to characteristic flaws.

The Golden Mean may be applied to many areas of our lives

Courage Schoolwork Confidence Honesty Physical Fitness Food/Nutrition Sleep Loyalty Love Responsibility Generosity

Golden Mean

Deficit; Too little Excess: Too much Balance between 2 extremes

According to Aristotle, what is a virtue? What is involved in having a virtue?

Virtue- Character trait, morally good to possess -Right inner state, and doing the right physical thing -not born with virtue, learning is a skill

According to Aristotle, why is wisdom the most important virtue?

It makes all other virtues possible.

What kind of person, according to Confucius, is a virtuous person?

One who is of good will and puts duty first.

What determines a character? What are the 4 character types? Which is at peace?

People actions determine their character Good actions -) good behavior-) good character (a habit based character) Virtuous (at peace), continent (battle that you win), incontinent (battle that you lose) and vicious (diseased- living a life of more vices- tend to cloud our way of thinking and seeing) Incontinent is usually considered a weaker character

What, according to Aristotle, is habituation?

Repeated exposure to particular types of stimuli and behavior.

What does virtue ethics emphasize?

Right being over right action and that it is more important to follow our character than the rules.

What, according to Aristotle, is the function of human life?

The exercise of reason.

What is the Golden mean? what is the virtue and what is a vice? What are the exceptions?

The golden mean - the intermediate course between vices Virtue - ability to judge in an appropriate manner and to have feelings that are in Accord with that judgement Vice- the extreme of a mean (too much if too little) -for nearly every passion and action, the virtuous person will try to steer an intermediate or mean course between two extremes -the exceptions are spite, shamelessness, envy, adultery, theft, and murder (they are always wrong and do not have excesses or deficiencies)

According to Aristotle, how are intellectual virtues cultivated? Moral virtues?

Through growth and experience. Through habit.

What is the "doctrine of the mean", according to Aristotle and Confucius.

To find the happy medium between excess and deficiency.

Name the four tenets to Confucian virtue ethics.

Virtue involves the mean between excess and deficit, habituation is important in the cultivation of virtue, virtue is essential to individual and social harmony, and virtuous societies and individual values are inseparable.


clearly and calmly communicating

When people have taught or habituated themselves both to

udge with their rational part in the appropriate way to behave or respond in a certain situation and to feel or desire in the appropriate way , then they have acquainted a "virtue"

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