Art Appreciation Chapter 9: Camera & Computer Arts

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(9.11) Cut with the Kitchen Knife---collage -combine images and letters to portray overwhelming experience of modern city with masses of people and machine -dada appeared in several places- refers to the art movement she was a part of -___: formed in 1916, as reaction to unprecedented slaughter of WW1 which was then being fought. The word dada has no meaning, for, faced with horror of mechanized killing and corruption of societies that allowed it. Dada refused to make sense in the traditional way. 1915. Dadaists shared antimilitaristic and anti-art attitude. These attitudes were generated by the horrors of World War I. These artists did very little painting. They preferred to make constructions called ready mades.


(9.8) Henry Peach Robinson- fading away: created photo with audience in mind -young women on her deathbed (she still looks beautiful , her relatives grieving hover close by) -posed image, not real (composition image from 5 separate negatives-a photographic image made on film or specially prepared glass that shows the light and shade or color values reversed from the original, and from which positive prints can be made) - __________: photographers used variety of techniques to undercut objectivity of the camera, producing gauzy, atmospheric images, that seem more like a painting, and more like art At the end of the nineteenth century the ____________ movement sought to make photographs look like paintings. aim was to make from photographs not just a mechanical result. -posed

exposure time

- Within a few years dramatic improvements made by Europeans - improved lens, reduction in ________ ____ because of light sensitive coating on the plate, and better way to fix the image so it didn't fade over time (became the first commercially viable method for making permanent images from reflected light) - the daguerreotypes were still not practical (simply a reverse image of dark and light values imprinted on a plate,- can't be reproduced)


- ____ images wouldn't happen until 1907 - by 1932 Eastman Kodak made ____ film for commercial purposes

portrait galleries

- by 1840s daguerreotype _____ ______ were opening (became a blind alley for photography) - other people, besides the super wealthy could afford to have their portraits done before camera

photograph, copper plate, recording

- in 1826 Joseph Niécpe produced a version but the exposure time was too long (8 hours) we consider his "heliograph" (sun writing) to be the first permanent _______, though it is impractical -his work partner made the breakthrough Louis Daguerre - tried using a ______ _____ in the camera and submerged it in acid - which worked! Still-life of cabinet and curiosities - 1837 -reflects 19th c. interest in collecting - early photograph often used for _____ scientific classifications


-1900- first process for photomechanical reproduction, high-speed printing of photographs along with type came into being

Kodak, hobby

-George Eastman: (1888 american) developed camera: _____ (lightweight and handheld) had film for 100 photographs ("known as snapshot") -slogan "You press the button, we do the rest". You took photo and sent them to company to be developed and printed. -opened photography to amateurs and became a popular ______ -serious photographers oversee the development and printing of their own work, they too benefit from the portable, lightweight technology -dailly life became a profound subject

happened, posing

-Photography bulky equipment and posing was needed, therefore photograph meant special occasion- long standing time -by 1880's technical advances allowed lower exposure time: cameras could capture life as it ______ without _____

calotype, collodion process

-early version of negative/positive print process was the ______ which used a paper negative by Henry Talbot Fox - by mid 19th century Frederick Scott Archer developed the ______ ______ of negative on glass - portrait journalist worked quite successfully in new medium


-first principle behind photography is by Mo Ti- noticed light passing through a pinhole opening into a dark chamber would form an exact view of world outside, but upside down -Greek philosopher, Aristotle also noticed similar phenomena -Arab mathematician and physicist set up experiment- dark room on which light from several candles passed through a pinhole, projects image of candle flames onto surface on other side theory is correct- light travels in a _____ line


1st practical photographic process which was invented in 1839. The image is directly reproduced onto a prepared copper plate

motion, photo

9.16 Eadweard Muybridge, Horse Galloping-- _____ and _____


9.3 Louis Daguerre, Le Boulevard du Temple


9.6 Dorothea Lange, Migrant Mother-- During the 20th century, artists utilized photography for _____ purposes such as _ Migrant Mother_ which was part of a greater project that documented the state of society in the United States. - Photojournalism -worried mother in tattered clothes, huddle against her her two sons


9.9 Alfred Stieglitz, The Steerage--- example of _______ photography; the photograph embraces the truth of the scene unlike the subjectivity of painting.


Problems - often had strong glares, they were unique (non-reproducible), and long exposure time -process produced a positive image, image which light and dark values appear correctly

straight photograph, nature

Alfred Stieglitz - great proponent of what was known as "_______ _______" "pure" - used the camera to record its truth, not like painting (don't crop or manipulate their photos. Composition entirely visualized in advance, framed with view finder, photographed, and printed) -concluded that for photography to be art, should stay true to its own ____, not try to be a painting (dissatisfied with pictorial) (9.9) The Steerage - 1907 - perfect example - setting appeared as it is as he walked along the deck of ship (the steerage, lowest class) (he was on his way to Europe traveling first class) - no forced pose, only a wisely chosen viewpoint with an aesthetically arranged composition before him (he saw this as a perfectly composed photograph- smokestack leaning to the left, iron staircase leaning to right, chained drawbridge cutting across, round strawhat on man looking down, group of women and children below)

Dada , rayograph

Emmanuel Radnitzky (aka Ray Man): _____ artist -first learned to use photography for documenting, later turned photography into art -reacted to characteristics dada abandoned: he threw away the camera. -used camera and film- retired to darkroom and experimented with light-sensitive paper that photos were printed on. -discovered that object placed on the paper leave their own shadow in white when paper is darken upon exposure to light -technique ______ (rayogram): is a photographic image made without a camera by placing objects directly onto the surface of a light-sensitive material such as photographic paper and then exposing it to light. The usual result is a negative shadow image that shows variations in tone that depends upon the transparency of the objects used. Areas of the paper that have received no light appear white; those exposed through transparent or semi-transparent objects appear grey -Hovering between the abstract and the representational, the rayographs revealed a new way


First practical photographic process which was invented in 1839. The image is directly reproduced onto a prepared copper plate.

color, data

In 1960-70 ____ photographs became popular. Before than photographers say color to be lacking dignity and suitable for vulgar commercial photography -computer welcomed by photographers as extension of medium. Cameras used ____ instead of film. -allowed photojournalist to transmitted images back to newspaper over the internet. -artist used technology to gather photos, feed them through the computer and work on them, and print


Louis Daguerre, Le Boulevard du Temple exposure time was 10-20 min so anything moving on busy street was not recorded. Man getting shoeshine stood still long to be photographed

Who created 1st film projector?

Lumiere brothers

art world, paintings, model

Photography and Art- People used the camera to explore potential of abstract and nonrepresentational -over 150 years photographs integrated into ____ _____, museums, galleries, photographic artist used photographic images -photographic art resembles ______. Early photographers turned to painting as a _____. BY END OF CENTURY - photography competed with painting as art form - some adhered to treating it like painting others embraced its photographyness

documenting, photojournalism, American Civil War

Photography used for _______ (people, places, landscape) and ________ (war) -record history, visual records (bearing witness and documenting- still used today) -pictures used in newspaper and magazines -first important conflict to be documented in photographs: _________ ____ _____ (posed portraits and dead)- images in newspaper were engravings, lithographs (technology not yet made to print photographs commercially on ordinary paper)

Photojournalism, Deep Depression

Simultaneously photography effectively used for social witness and documentary purposes _______ became concerned about more than just getting photos to illustrate articles -create a significant body of work around an event, place, culture -_______ ______: hard time for photographers. Government set up FSA, had photographers document, sent them to record conditions across nation. -(9.6) dorothea Lange. Migrant Mother- Deep depression -worried mother in tattered clothes, huddle against her her two sons

box, portrait

Still Camera and its beginnings camera is a light-tight box, opening on one end (lets light in), lens to focus and reflect light, and light sensitive surface to receive image and hold it. (can't reserve image) - by 17th c. camera obscura became a ____ instead of a whole room - artists began using them to aid in their paintings, particularly in terms of reproducing light/highlights - by 19th c., often used to improve _____ paintings - Before 19th c., no way to hold the image permanently - could print on glass, but would eventually fade (Pro needed knowledge of chemistry and physics of light)

cameras, antiquity

_____ follow natural phenomenon called ______ that light reflected from an object can, under controlled circumstances, project an image of that object onto a surface It's power stems from knowledge that it is an instantaneous (immediate) record of reality. Tend to believe in it as truth, as opposed to painting which carries a sense of subjectivity on the artist's behalf.

Camera Obscura

_______ _____- idea first conceived in China in 5th c. BCE - developed in the Renaissance - based on notion that a circular hole in the wall of a dark room will let in rays of sunlight that produce an upside-down image of the sun on the opposite wall, but blurry

straight photograph

________ _______-emphasis on formal values and faithfulness to essence of medium, aesthetic of pure photography (big influence in 20th century)

Matthew Brady, Timothy O'Sullivan

________ _____ became the most famous photographer in the United States in the 19th century due to his civil war photography business. - at beginning of war, photographed and produced many carte de visites (a small photographic portrait of someone, mounted on a piece of card.) - for traveling soldiers (vintage calling cards/business card/or memory card) - in 1861 after many inquiries received permission from Abraham Lincoln to document the Civil War - first battle at Bull Run - set up dark room onsite, funded entire project himself at cost of $100,000 (which eventually caused him to file bankruptcy) and hired 20 plus assistants - unable to shoot actual battle scenes b/c of the action and long exposure time, so many photos are of the aftermaths and portraits at camp - after war, society lost interest in war photos and his business declined - govt never bought any photos, had to close studio, file bankruptcy and died penniless in a charity ward hospital ________ ________ - one of Brady's photographers - received jobs after war documenting American West - later traveled to Panama with survey crews to document the future of the Panama Canal


eventually (16th ce) placed as ____ inside hole to better define the image. Made to focus image it projected. Artist of the time were concerned with making optically convincing representations through perspective and chiaroscuro (light and shading) using it was a drawing tool.

Camera Obscura

latin for room and dark- lead to small portable cameras that produced photographs "light writing". Was an invention that was based on the idea that a circular hole on the wall of a dark room will let in rays of sunlight and produce an image of the sun, upside down on the opposite wall. -referring to the technique of making pictures by manipulating darks and lights (blacks, white, gray)

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