Art Chapter Egypt
mummification routine
They then packed the body cavity with clean linen soaked in various herbs and ointments, provided by the family of the deceased. The major organs were wrapped in separate packets and stored in special containers called canopic jars to be placed in the tomb chamber.
Preserving the Dead for Egyptians?
Egyptians developed mummification techniques to ensure that the ka, the soul or life force, could live on in the body in the afterlife. No recipes for preserving the dead have been found, but the basic process seems clear enough from images found in tombs, descriptions of later Greek writers such as Herodotus and Plutarch, scientific analysis of mummies, and modern experiments.
What was the Old Kingdom in Egypt?
The Old Kingdom was a time of social and political stability, despite increasingly common military excursions to defend the borders.
the phrase pharaoh
Thutmose III was the first ruler to refer to himself as "pharaoh," a term that literally meant "great house." Egyptians used it in the same way that Americans say "the White House" to mean the current U.S. president and his staff.