AT BOC Prep Domain I - Injury and Illness Prevention and Wellness Promotion

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C: Off-the-shelf orthotics are easily implemented and offer a chance to determine if addressing the biomechanical issues will provide therapeutic benefi ts.

A cross country runner has been complaining of symptoms consistent with tibialis posterior tendonitis. Evaluation reveals some very mild increased pronation with ambulation. The team physician recommends symptomatic treatment and an off-the-shelf arch support before fabrication of custom orthotics. What is the basis for this recommendation? A. Custom orthotics are not very effective with minor biomechanical abnormalities. B. Custom orthotics do not provide enough cushioning for a cross country runner. C. Off-the-shelf orthotics are a more-cost effective way to determine if custom orthotics would be helpful. D. Off-the shelf orthotics are easier to replace, as this athlete will be participating in daily rigorous workouts.

B: The seal indicates to consumers that the helmet met industry standards at the time of manufacture or reconditioning

A football helmet bears the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE) seal. What does this seal imply about the helmet? A. It is a warranty that the helmet will protect the athlete from potential head injuries. B. This helmet met the requirements of NOCSAE performance testing when it was manufactured or reconditioned. C. The helmet will minimize the severity of a head injury such as a concussion. D. It states that there is risk inherent in playing football and that a serious injury can occur as a result of participation in the sport. E. The helmet can be safely removed during an on-fi eld emergency care situation.

A: Based on recommendations from the American Heart Association, a history of symptoms during exertion warrants referral to a physician.

A positive response to which of the following questions on a preparticipation examination medical history would result in referral to a physician for additional screening? A. Does your heart race or skip beats during exercise? B. Have you ever spent the night in a hospital? C. Is there anyone in your family who has asthma? D. Have you ever fractured a bone?

A: In most cases, intrinsic risk factors can be controlled, whereas extrinsic factors are generally outside the control of the athlete.

To avoid catastrophic cervical spine injury in sports, athletic trainers should attempt to control for both extrinsic and intrinsic predisposing risk factors. Which of the following is an intrinsic risk factor for cervical spine injury in sports? A. Improper technique, such as leading with the head into contact B. Offi cials not calling penalties for illegal play known to cause cervical spine injury C. Lack of education and awareness of causes of cervical spine injury among coaches when instructing athletes D. Faulty athletic equipment

A: Federal performance standards for ultrasound are regulated and mandated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Which is the only therapeutic modality for which federal performance standards currently exist? A. Ultrasound B. Electrical stimulation C. Phoresor D. Paraffi n bath E. Mechanical cervical traction

A: Absence of a paired organ disqualifi es athletes from participation in contact/collision sports.

Which of the following conditions would disqualify a student athlete from participation in football? A. Absence of one kidney B. Mild hypertension C. Inguinal hernia D. Controlled epilepsy E. Sickle cell trait

D: SCAT (Sport Concussion Assessment Tool) is a standardized method for establishing baseline concussion data.

Which of the following could you incorporate into your preparticipation examination to gather baseline concussion data? A. Vital sign assessment B. Upper quarter screening C. Glasgow Coma Scale D. SCAT5 (Sport Concussion Assessment Tool)

C: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention makes recommendations regarding immunizations for children and adults. Vaccines for meningitis, human papillomavirus (HPV), and varicella have been added more recently to the list of available vaccinations.

Which of the following infectious conditions is preventable through vaccination? A. Mononucleosis B. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) C. Varicella D. Zika virus (ZIKV)

D: This response is consistent with the rules of the game to protect participants

Which of the following persons is/are required to wear a helmet during a baseball game? A. The batter only B. The on-deck batter and the batter only C. The batter, the on-deck batter, and the base coaches only D. The batter, the on-deck batter, the base coaches, and the base runners only E. The batter, the on-deck batter, the base coaches, the base runners, and all the umpires

C: Extrinsic risk factors are risk factors that occur external to the body and result in injury, such as the blunt force sustained in commotio cordis

Which of the following potential causes of sudden cardiac death is caused by an extrinsic risk factor? A. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy B. Long QT syndrome C. Commotio cordis D. Myocarditis

C: Intrinsic risk factors originate within the individual, such as lean-to-fat mass ratio.

Which of the following would be an intrinsic risk factor for exertional heatstroke? A. High ambient temperature and humidity B. Minimal access to fl uids before and during participation C. High muscle mass-to-body fat ratio D. Inappropriate work-to-rest ratios

A: An equipment manufacturer is liable for any injury resulting from defective equipment or equipment inadequate for its intended purpose. However, when any piece of protective sports equipment is modifi ed in any way, the manufacturer ' s liability is voided, and the individual who modifi ed the equipment becomes liable for any damages and injuries sustained

You are preparing your college football team for the upcoming season. A football player is having diffi culty fi nding a pair of shoulder pads that fi t him correctly. As his athletic trainer, you decide to modify a pair of shoulder pads to fi t this athlete. Which modifi cations are least likely to result in you or your institution being involved in a lawsuit should the athlete become injured? A. Limit your modifi cations to only those recommended by the shoulder pad manufacturer. B. Limit your modifi cations to only those that you have made in the past that did not result in any injuries. C. Limit your modifi cations to those that your athletic director agrees in writing to take responsibility for should a player get injured. D. Limit your modifi cations to only those you have seen colleagues make that did not result in any injuries. E. Limit your modifi cations to only those specifi c to the player ' s position.

D: Dimension-specifi c instruments assess one specifi c aspect of a patient ' s health and relate closely to psychological well-being

You elect to have a patient complete a McGill Pain Questionnaire before his or her rehabilitation appointment. Which type of patient-reported outcome (PRO) scale is being used? A. Generic instrument B. Disease-specific instrument C. Site-specific instrument D. Dimension-specific instrument

B: It is the responsibility of the athletic trainer to make sure that an athlete is using protective equipment in the right way and that the athlete is legally protected in the event that the equipment fails

You have been informed that one of your lacrosse players has modifi ed his shoulder pads to make them more comfortable. What action should you take? A. No action is necessary as long as the athlete is comfortable. B. Meet with the athlete and explain that modifying equipment in any way may limit its protective ability and will invalidate the manufacturer ' s warranty. C. Notify the coach that the player should be withheld from activity until the equipment modifi cation is addressed. D. Inspect the equipment in question and as long as the athlete is protected no additional action is necessary.

A: According to the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) position statement, trauma, even in persons without diabetes, often causes a hyperglycemic state, which can impair wound healing. Blood glucose should be frequently monitored following trauma.

You receive a call from your team physician alerting you that the female equestrian athlete you had referred to him has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus. You decide it is important to counsel the athlete on the impact of the injury on her disease. Which statement is an accurate representation of the effect that injury may have on glycemic control? A. Athletes with type 1 diabetes appear to have an exaggerated glycemic response to trauma. B. Injury does not affect an athlete with type 1 diabetes any differently than an athlete without type 1 diabetes. C. Athletes with type 1 diabetes are at an increased risk for infection. D. Athletes with type 1 diabetes, even those with poorly controlled blood glucose, will demonstrate fracture healing at a similar rate to athletes without diabetes.

E: Overtraining, or training too hard for too long without proper rest, can lead to staleness and eventual burnout. Staleness can manifest itself in both physiological and psychological symptoms, including elevated resting heart rate and blood pressure, sleeping disorders, loss of appetite, perceived body pains, and mood disorders

You suspect that a swimmer may be experiencing symptoms of overtraining. Which of the following situations is a signifi cant indicator of overtraining? A. The athlete demonstrates increased whole-body muscle tone. B. The athlete complains of being easily agitated. C. The athlete reports increased urinary output. D. The athlete ' s blood pressure is below preparticipation baseline. E. The athlete ' s resting heart rate is elevated above preparticipation baseline.

A: Polycarbonate lenses are the best material for corrective lenses because the polycarbonate has great strength, and the lenses are almost unbreakable.

Your athlete is unable to wear contact lenses. Corrective eyeglass lenses made of which of the following materials would you recommend for participation? A. Polycarbonate lenses B. Plastic lenses C. Polyethylene lenses D. Fiberglass lenses E. Ethyl vinyl acetate lenses

B: This test requires participants to run a distance of 1.5 miles (2.4 km) as quickly as possible. The total time to cover this distance is recorded as the outcome measure. Classifi cations of cardiovascular fi tness (based on normative values in particular age groups) have been established and can be used in interpreting outcome data. Predicted Vo 2 max can be calculated from the 1.5-mile run time.

. The Cooper 1.5 mile run test is commonly used to assess aerobic fi tness. What outcome data are produced from this assessment? A. Maximal heart rate B. Minutes run C. Distance (miles or kilometers) run D. Sweat rate

D: Meta-analyses are the most rigorous type of research study and introduce the least amount of bias and risk of error.

16. When evaluating the strength of the evidence found in the research literature, which type of research study would be considered the most rigorous and provide the least amount of bias? A. Case study B. Clinical practice guidelines C. Cohort study D. Meta-analysis

C: The deltoid muscle acts to abduct the shoulder, and its strength can be tested through manual resistance of abduction

19. When performing the quick orthopedic screening as part of the preparticipation examination, the athlete is asked to abduct the shoulders to 90° and hold that position against downward pressure by the examiner. What is being tested during this part of the screening? A. Trapezius strength B. Shoulder range of motion C. Deltoid strength D. Shoulder symmetry

C: A medical history form should be completed before the physical examination in order to identify any past medical problems and any need for referral to medical professionals, counselors, and other health-care professionals

A negative ("no") response to which of the following questions on a preparticipation examination medical history form would warrant referral to a health-care professional for additional screening? A. Do you limit or carefully control what you eat? B. Has anyone recommended you change your weight or eating habits? C. Are you happy with your weight? D. Are you trying to gain or lose weight? E. Are you taking any medications or supplements for weight loss or weight gain?

B: A peak fl ow meter assesses forced expiratory ability by measuring how air comes out of the lungs when exhaling forcefully after inhaling fully

A peak fl ow meter is an asthma screening tool that can be used to help quickly assess asthma severity and determine the effectiveness of medications. What instructions should be provided to the patient using a peak fl ow meter? A. Slide the indicator to the base of the meter, place the peak fl ow meter mouthpiece in your mouth, and after sealing your lips tightly around the mouthpiece inhale completely until the indicator rises within the meter. B. After placing the peak fl ow meter mouthpiece in your mouth, seal your lips tightly around the mouthpiece, then blow out as hard and as fast as you can one time. C. Stand or sit up straight, exhale completely, then with your lips tightly around the mouthpiece inhale as fast as you can one time. D. While standing, slide the indicator to the base of the meter and then wrap your lips tightly around the mouthpiece, take in a deep breath, and maximally exhale as slowly as possible.

A: Strength Of Evidence Taxonomy (SORT) and Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) scales provide means to evaluate the level of evidence and confi dence of the evidence-based recommendation being made

A recently released position statement recommendation carries a Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) and a Strength Of Evidence Taxonomy (SORT) rating of "A." How would a clinician best apply this recommendation? A. The clinician should attempt to apply this recommendation into clinical practice, as it carries a high degree of evidence. B. The clinician should evaluate how the recommendation might fi t in with current clinical practice, as it carries a moderate level of evidence. C. The clinician should carefully consider how this recommendation might fi t in with current clinical practice, as it carries weak or confl icting evidence. D. The clinician would not want to immediately apply this to clinical practice, as it carries insuffi cient evidence to make a recommendation.

E: A dipstick urinalysis is considered a reliable method for determining the presence of a urinary tract infection, as the presence of nitrates or leukocyte esterase confi rms the diagnosis.

A routine dipstick urinalysis is often part of a preparticipation physical examination. The following are the results of a urinalysis: - Appearance = light yellow and cloudy - Leukocyte esterase (LE) = moderate - Nitrite = positive - Blood = nonhemolyzed moderate What condition do these urinalysis results suggest? A. Dehydration B. Diabetes mellitus C. Disordered eating D. Blocked bile duct E. Urinary tract infection

B: The Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) is a standardized measure that can be used as a brief assessment tool for assessing generalized anxiety disorder

A screening tool asks the patient to indicate how frequently over the past 2 weeks he has been bothered by the following: (1) feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge; (2) not being able to stop or control worry; (3) worrying too much about different things; (4) trouble relaxing; (5) being so restless that it is hard to sit still; (6) becoming easily annoyed or irritable; (7) feeling afraid as if something awful might happen. Which mental health condition is this tool assessing? A. Attention defi cit-hyperactivity disorder B. Generalized anxiety disorder C. Obsessive-compulsive disorder D. Depression

D: Athletes participating in sports with risk for orofacial injury should be encouraged to wear properly fi tted mouth guards.

A soccer coach is seeking support for his decision to require all his players to wear mouth guards during both practice sessions and matches. Based on the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) position statement on preventing and managing sports-related dental and oral injuries, which statement regarding mouth guard use in sports is accurate? A. Mouth guards are effective in preventing mild traumatic brain injury. B. Mouth guards negatively affect ventilation and aerobic performance. C. Mouth guards have been shown to improve strength and balance. D. Mouth guards are effective in protecting against orofacial injuries.

A: While the research does not conclusively indicate synthetic surfaces are more likely to cause injuries compared with natural surfaces, both abrasions and turf toe (hyperextension of fi rst metatarsophalangeal joint) seem to occur more frequently in athletes using synthetic surfaces.

A soccer team will be playing on synthetic turf during an upcoming 2-day tournament. What injuries should you be most prepared to treat during this tournament? A. Abrasions and turf toe B. Concussions and arch sprains C. Contusions and ankle sprains D. Tibial fractures and concussions E. Blisters and hamstring strains

E: This response is consistent with the description of the condition

A swimmer at a high school for which you are the athletic trainer has been diagnosed with Wolff- Parkinson-White syndrome. Which statement best characterizes this condition? A. Currently the leading cause of sudden death in athletes B. Characterized by a prolonged P-R interval and a shortened QRS complex C. Results in atrial pre-excitation and bradycardia due to accessory pathway electrical activity D. Results in delayed atrial excitation and tachycardia due to an electrical accessory pathway E. Characterized by ventricular pre-excitation and tachycardia due to electrical conduction over accessory pathways

B: This is in compliance with the rules for mandatory equipment as outlined by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Rules Committee

According to National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) guidelines, what organization must certify shin guards worn by soccer players? A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) B. NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards C. National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE) D. Soccer Equipment Certifi cation Center (SECC)

A: The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) guidelines state that an athlete at any division level should complete a preparticipation medical evaluation on entrance to the institution

According to National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) guidelines, which of the following collegiate athletes must complete a comprehensive preparticipation medical evaluation? A. A baseball player transferring from a similardivision NCAA institution who reports no injuries or health concerns on his medical history form B. A junior basketball player who has not completed a comprehensive examination since his freshman year C. A junior football player who has not completed a cardiovascular screening as part of the preparticipation examination since his freshman year D. A senior sprinter who had only history and blood pressure measurements taken as part of the cardiovascular screening each season since the initial preparticipation physical examination E. A senior fi eld hockey player who tore her anterior cruciate ligament in her sophomore season and participated during her junior year

B: The pathology combined with the level of contact inherent in the sport is consistent with the recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatrics

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines for Sports Participation, which of the following athletes should be recommended for clearance to participate? A. An athlete recently diagnosed with carditis wishing to participate in lacrosse B. An athlete with atlantoaxial instability wishing to participate in cross country C. An offensive lineman with one kidney D. An athlete with an enlarged spleen wishing to participate in swimming E. An athlete with an enlarged liver wishing to participate in basketball

C: Transference refers to moving all or a portion of well-defi ned risks of either high fi nancial risk but low frequency or high frequency but low fi nancial risk to an outside entity

After evaluating data for the past 5 years on injury rates and medical expenses incurred by the athletic department, the institution elects to purchase a secondary insurance policy to cover those expenses. What type of risk management strategy is being utilized? A. Avoidance B. Retention C. Transference D. Reduction

A: Severe muscle cramping, heat intolerance, level breathing, tachycardia, and hypotension can be associated with exertional sickling. Sickle cell trait is more common in certain ethnic groups, including African Americans

An African American athlete reports for her preparticipation examination and notes she has experienced heat intolerance, severe muscle cramping, hyperventilation, tachycardia, and symptoms of hypotension during the past 6 months. Based on this information, what action should you take? A. Screen for sickle cell trait B. Screen for hypertension C. Screen for Marfan ' s syndrome D. Screen for type 2 diabetes mellitus E. Assess her overall fi tness level

A: Purity and safety of ingredients in dietary supplements are not regulated by any agency and should never be assumed to be safe.

An athlete approaches you for guidance regarding a dietary supplement he wishes to take to improve performance. What information would it be important for you to share with the athlete? A. Dietary supplements are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so the product may contain substances that could result in a positive drug test. B. The ingredient list should be carefully evaluated for banned substances. C. The team physician is required to approve all supplements before use. D. The student should consult with his coach who has a list of all products that are approved for use by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).

D: Passive motion is used to assess noncontractile structures and flexibility of contractile tissues being put on stretch. When the ankle joint is passively dorsiflexed, the ankle joint plantar flexors are put on stretch.

An athlete demonstrates limited passive dorsiflexion at the preparticipation screening. Which of the following factors is most likely restricting this motion? A. Strength of the posterior tibialis muscle B. Strength of the peroneal muscles C. Flexibility of the toe extensor muscles D. Flexibility of the Achilles tendon complex E. Strength of the anterior tibialis muscle

C: Mumps is highly contagious for persons who have not been vaccinated. The infected person should be isolated and treated symptomatically, and others should be made aware of the symptoms of the disease.

An athlete on your women ' s basketball team is diagnosed with the mumps. How would you best manage this condition to reduce the risk for other members of her team? A. Send the athlete home for a minimum of 25 days and educate the other members of the team about the symptoms of the disease. B. Provide antiviral medication for everyone who has been exposed and isolate the sick athlete so that no additional exposure will occur. C. Isolate the sick athlete until parotid swelling returns to normal, verify immunization records and vaccinate other team members if necessary, and educate anyone who has been exposed about the symptoms. D. Treat the athlete symptomatically with analgesics and rest, verify the immunization record of anyone else who has been exposed, and provide vaccinations for those who have not been vaccinated.

E: The purpose of the brace is to limit tensile forces placed on the medial collateral ligament (MCL) and lateral collateral ligament (LCL). Valgus and varus forces are minimized by the medial and lateral supports, respectively

An athlete reports to the athletic training room wearing a neoprene knee brace with medial and lateral supports. What is the intended purpose of this brace? A. To provide support for a patellofemoral condition and enhance proprioception B. To allow for controlled progressive immobilization C. To provide enhanced proprioception to minimize risk of initial injury D. To provide restriction against rotational forces E. To provide additional support subsequent to a collateral ligament injury

A: Whenever hands or any skin surfaces come in contact with blood or bodily fl uids, they should immediately be washed with soap and water or antigermicidal agents.

An athletic trainer is exposed to a patient ' s blood before applying gloves. After providing medical assistance to the patient, what should be this athletic trainer ' s fi rst step in minimizing her occupational exposure to a bloodborne pathogen? A. Cleanse the exposed body area with soap and water or other antigermicidal agents. B. Inform a supervisor about the exposure incident. C. Seek medical care within 2 hours as designated in the exposure control plan. D. Request medical information or testing from the treated patient. E. Complete an exposure report.

A: Due to increased research on concussion management, more than 40 states have youth sports safety laws related to concussion management.

An athletic trainer working at the secondary school level may elect to send concussion awareness information and return-to-play requirements home with each athlete before the start of each sports season. What legislative actions over the past decade have prompted this educational effort? A. The majority of states have enacted sports safety laws related to removal from participation, evaluation, and return-to-play requirements after concussion. B. Parent organizations and booster clubs have lobbied for educational efforts. C. State athletic training practice acts require patient education following concussion. D. National high school athletics governing bodies require patient and family education related to concussions.

C: Risk of injury is determined by the type of sport, with collision/contact sports, such as lacrosse, presenting the most risk; limited contact sports, such as softball, presenting less risk of injury; and noncontact sports, such as tennis, presenting the lowest risk of injury.

As a result of rained out games earlier in the week, your high school is scheduled to host a boy ' s lacrosse match, a softball game, and a boy ' s tennis match simultaneously this afternoon. As the sole athletic trainer at your high school, what should you communicate to the coaches of these three teams? A. Based on the inherent risk of injury in these sports, you will be splitting your time equally between all three events. B. Based on the inherent risk of injury in these sports, you will be splitting time between the lacrosse match and the softball game. C. Based on the inherent risk of injury in these sports, you will be at the lacrosse match during the entire match. D. Based on the inherent risk of injury in these sports, you will be at the softball game for the entire game.

A: Laws and policies surrounding the use of therapeutic modalities by athletic trainers are established and regulated at the state governmental level

At what governmental level are the laws and policies regarding the use of therapeutic modalities by athletic trainers established and regulated? A. State B. National C. Regional D. Local E. International

B: Research suggests that standard chest protectors are ineffective in preventing commotio cordis and that safety baseballs may be more effective in reducing ventricular fi brillation resulting from a ball impacting the chest.

Based on laboratory studies, what safety measure appears to be the most effective method for reducing the risk of commotio cordis in youth sports? A. Use of standard lacrosse chest protectors B. Use of safety baseballs C. Use of coach for pitching in baseball and softball D. Use of age-, height-, and weight-appropriate bats in baseball and softball

E: A comprehensive medical and family history should be obtained, which can guide the physical examination. A limited general physical examination is recommended, and the use of routine laboratory and other screening tests is not supported by the literature.

Based on recommendations in the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) Position Statement: Preparticipation Physical Examinations and Disqualifying Conditions, the inclusion of which routine laboratory or screening tests in the preparticipation examination for all participants is supported by current research studies? A. Electrocardiography B. Urinalysis C. Complete blood count D. Lipid profi le E. Heart auscultation

B: The National High School Sports-Related Injury Surveillance Study is an Internet-based data collection tool similar to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Injury Surveillance System. This reporting system collects data from a national sample of high schools, allowing for comparisons between individual school injury rates and providing a national perspective.

During a preparticipation examination, the parent of a high school freshman asks if the risk of injury is higher if his daughter plays soccer or volleyball. On what should you base your answer? A. Data in your school ' s annual sports medicine report specifi c to the number of soccer players and volleyball players treated by your athletic training staff during the previous two seasons. B. Data from the National High School Sports-Related Injury Surveillance Study specifi c to athlete injury exposure rates for the sports of soccer and volleyball. C. Data from the National Center for Catastrophic Sports Injury Research specifi c to the number of catastrophic injuries in high school soccer and volleyball. D. Data from the National Safety Council specifi c to high school volleyball and soccer injury rates in your state.

B: Assessment data can be used to decrease injuries by implementing proactive measures to address defi ciencies.

During your preparticipation screening, you determine that 75% of the athletes on the baseball team have sit and reach scores below normal limits. How would you best use this information? A. Instruct the athletes to work on improving their fl exibility. B. Work with the coaches to incorporate fl exibility exercises into the team warm-up and cool-down. C. Meet with the strength and conditioning coach to revise the weight training program. D. Ask the team nutritionist to conduct a special seminar on hydration and electrolytes.

A: Due to the chemical makeup of vomitus, bloodborne pathogen viruses are not carried in this bodily fl uid

Exposure to which of the following body fl uids does not require the use of universal precautions? A. Vomitus B. Cerebrospinal fl uid C. Vaginal secretions D. Synovial fl uid

A: Assigning each helmet a code and noting date of purchase and subsequent actions taken will allow recertifi cation and reconditioning within the recommended time frame.

How might helmets be tracked to ensure appropriate inspections, reconditioning, recertifi cation, and disposal occur? A. Each helmet should be assigned a code number at the time of purchase and then tracked. B. All helmets must be inspected, reconditioned, and recertifi ed each year. C. Only helmets that were used during the season need to be inspected and recertifi ed. D. All helmets should be inspected annually, and any helmet that is damaged must be disposed of by following manufacturer ' s guidelines.

D: It is recommended that educational sessions occur twice during the season with the fi rst session including parents for high school students.

How often should formal educational sessions regarding the risk of head-down contact in football be conducted? A. Once before the fall season and once before the spring season B. Each time the team is assessed with a spearing penalty during the season C. Once a year before the start of the season D. Once before the start of the season and once midway through the season

B: Modality equipment should be inspected and calibrated annually to make sure that it meets national electrical code guidelines

How often should therapeutic modality equipment be inspected and calibrated to ensure patient safety? A. Every 6 months B. Annually C. Every other year D. Every 5 years

C: Patients should be encouraged to emphasize exhalation during exertion and avoid holding the breath to prevent the Valsalva maneuver from occurring

How should you instruct an athlete to breathe while performing a bench press? A. Inhale as the bar is thrust upward and exhale as the bar is lowered. B. Hold the breath as the bar is lowered and inhale as the bar is thrust upward. C. Inhale as the bar is lowered and exhale as the bar is thrust upward. D. Hold the breath until one repetition is complete. E. Inhale as the bar is lowered and hold the breath as the bar is thrust upward.

A: Athletes with poorly controlled seizure disorders can safely participate in moderately strenuous noncontact sports that pose no life-threatening risk to self or others should a seizure occur

In which of the following sports activities could an athlete with poorly controlled epilepsy safely participate? A. Ballet B. Swimming C. Archery D. Volleyball

C: While there are currently six vaccines available to prevent meningococcal conditions, athletes may still contract (and spread) meningitis. To minimize the risk of this infectious disease spreading, it is recommended that anyone who has had face-to-face contact with a person diagnosed with meningitis begin an appropriate prophylactic medication.

Last night a member of your school ' s softball team was hospitalized with the diagnosis of bacterial meningitis. What action should be taken to minimize the risk of this illness spreading? A. Quarantine all softball players for at least 36 hours. B. Refer all softball players and persons who had face-to-face contact with the sick athlete for a cerebrospinal fl uid (CSF) examination, obtained through a lumbar puncture. C. Ensure that all persons who had face-to-face contact with the sick athlete begin prophylactic medication, such as ciprofl oxacin. D. Refer all softball players and persons who had face-to-face contact with the sick athlete for a complete blood count (CBC) and urinalysis.

D: The four types of credentialing laws that regulate the practice of athletic training are certifi cation, registration, exemption, and licensure. Licensure laws limit the practice of athletic training to persons who have met the requirement of a licensing board, usually by passing a licensing examination administered by the board.

Most states regulate the practice of athletic trainers for the protection of the public as well as for the advancement of the profession. Which form of governmental credentialing law is considered the most restrictive? A. Certifi cation B. Registration C. Exemption D. Licensure

B: Increased weight bearing and increased calcium intake enhance bone strength, therefore decreasing the risk of developing osteoporosis and bone weakness. Weight-bearing activities apply stresses to the bones, resulting in an increase in compressive load tolerance.

Osteoporosis is a condition that predominantly affects older women. Which of the following prevention strategies would provide the most signifi cant impact? A. Moderate swimming and increased vitamin C intake B. Weight-bearing activities and increased calcium intake C. Maintaining 10% body fat and using a minimal resistance stationary bike D. Increased electrolytes and use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medication E. Avoidance of physical activity and dairy products

E: The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the National Association of State High School Associations have established participation regulations for wrestlers with bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.

Preparticipation skin checks for wrestlers determine participation eligibility. With which of the following dermatological conditions may a wrestler compete, provided that the active lesions are adequately covered? A. Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) B. Herpes simplex virus C. Impetigo D. Furuncles E. Tinea corporis

B: In most cases, both intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors for exertional heatstroke can be addressed to reduce episodes of exertional heatstroke. Other intrinsic risk factors include sleep loss, dehydration, overzealousness, high muscle mass-to-body fat ratio, presence of a fever, use of certain medications, and some skin disorders.

Recognizing and addressing intrinsic risk factors for exertional heatstroke is an important prevention strategy. Which of the following is an intrinsic risk factor for exertional heat stroke? A. Athletic equipment B. Inadequate heat acclimatization C. Lack of education and awareness of heat illnesses by coaches, athletes, and medical staff D. High ambient temperature, solar radiation, and humidity

D: Sickle cell trait (SCT) is common in people who descend from areas where malaria is common, such as parts of Africa, so SCT should be thought of as malarial, not racial. SCT occurs most commonly in African Americans but also occurs in persons of Hispanic ethnicity and persons from the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and parts of India.

Sickle cell trait (SCT) is a condition that comes from inheriting one gene for normal hemoglobin and one gene for sickle hemoglobin and can be present in persons of any ethnicity. In which population group is the incidence of SCT most common? A. Eastern European B. Middle Eastern C. Hispanic D. African American

C: Because of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, the athlete has the power to make the fi nal decision regarding his participation

Sports medicine physicians and health-care professionals may recommend an athlete with certain medical conditions or injuries discontinue or not commence participation in certain sports or physical activity. What person can make the fi nal decision regarding disqualifi cation of an athlete? A. Team physician B. Athletic director C. Athlete D. Athletic trainer

A: Wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) is calculated from the dry bulb temperature (DBT), which measures the ambient air temperature; the wet bulb temperature (WBT), which measures the humidity; and the globe temperature (GT), which measures the sun ' s radiation. The following formula is used to calculate WBGT: WBGT = (0.1 degree X DBT) + (0.7 degree X WBT) + (GT X 0.2).

The universal wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) index provides objective information athletic trainers can use in making recommendations regarding exercise in hot and humid environments. WBGT is calculated from three different thermometers providing three environmental variables. Which thermometer provides a measure of the sun ' s radiant energy? A. Globe temperature (GT) B. Wet bulb temperature (WBT) C. Dry bulb temperature (DBT) D. Sol bulb temperature (SBT)

B: Sensitivity is the value used to describe a test ' s ability to detect the disorder when it is present and is also known as the "true positive rate.

To determine the diagnostic accuracy of a newly designed physical examination test, researchers calculate the test ' s sensitivity. Which statement regarding test sensitivity is correct? A. Sensitivity is also known as the "true negative rate." B. Sensitivity is calculated as true positives/(true positives + false negatives). C. Sensitivity describes the test ' s ability to detect patients who do not have the disorder. D. Sensitivity is calculated as true negatives/(true negatives + false positives). E. Sensitivity is also known as the "diagnostic gold standard."

A: The National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) position statement on skin diseases recommends selecting a disinfectant or detergent that is registered by the Environmental Protection Agency and to use the product by following the manufacturer ' s instructions regarding amount, dilution, and contact time. Failure to follow manufacturer ' s instructions, rather than the type of cleaning agent, has been cited as the primary reason for facility pathogen accumulations.

To minimize disease transmission, equipment and surfaces in sport venues and health-care facilities should be frequently and routinely cleaned. What should be the primary consideration when selecting and using a disinfectant or detergent for routine cleaning and disinfecting? A. All the manufacturer ' s recommendations for amount, dilution, and contact time are followed B. The product is endorsed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention C. The product contains trimethoprim with sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ), clindamycin, or linezolid D. The manufacturer ' s published cost/benefi t ratio

A: The repetitive nature of using a keyboard at a computer workstation can lead to overuse injuries. Proper worksite ergonomics can aid in minimizing the strain from performing repetitive tasks. Workers seated at computer stations should select a chair that allows for a 2-in. space between the posterior knee and the chair when seated at the back of the chair. The chair armrests should be situated such that relaxed arms fall on them without abducting the shoulder, and the back of the chair should be no lower than the inferior angle of the scapulas.

To minimize musculoskeletal overuse conditions in the workplace, what is the proper position to assume when working at a computer? A. Adjust chair seat height so that when seated all the way back in the chair the worker ' s feet are fl at on the fl oor with the hips and knees each fl exed to 90°. B. Chair size should allow the worker to sit in the chair with hips all the way to the back, creating no space between the chair and the posterior knee. C. While seated the worker ' s relaxed arms should be abducted approximately 45° to rest on the chair arm rests. D. The back of the chair should be no higher than the inferior angle of the scapulas.

B: This response is consistent with recommendations for industry standards regarding helmet recertifi cation and reconditioning

Ultimately the frequency of helmet recertifi cation and reconditioning is up the discretion of the athletic trainer. However, if no warranty exists or after the warranty expires, how often must helmets be recertifi ed and reconditioned using a vendor approved by the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE)? A. Every year B. Every 2 years C. At the end of the playing season D. Every 4 years E. Recertifi cation/reconditioning not recommended after warranty expires

B: Sharps containers are for razor blades, scalpels, and needles that create a cutting risk. Scissors and tweezers should be sterilized using a disinfecting agent. Uniforms containing blood should be evaluated for infectivity, and contaminated towels and other linens should be washed in hot water (71°C [159.8°F]) for 25 minutes.

Universal precautions aid medical and allied health-care professionals in minimizing exposure to bloodborne pathogens. Which of the following demonstrates appropriate application of universal precautions in the athletic training setting? A. Blood-covered scissors should be disposed of in a sharps container, not sterilized. B. Contaminated surfaces should be cleaned with a solution consisting of 1 part bleach to 10 parts water or with a disinfectant approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. C. Uniforms containing blood should be removed and changed before returning the athlete to competition. D. Blood-soaked towels and other linens should be washed in cold water to prevent the blood from setting into the material.

B: Nosocomial infections are infections a patient gets while seeking care at a medical facility for a different condition. Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterial infection transmitted through direct contact, either person to person or person to surface, and can be contracted at a medical or athletic training facility.

Washing with soap and water is a proper hygiene practice effective in minimizing a patient ' s risk of acquiring a nosocomial infection. Which of the following infectious diseases is a patient at risk of acquiring in a medical or athletic training facility? A. Zika virus B. Staphylococcus aureus C. Mononucleosis D. Chlamydi

C: Athletic trainers should comply with all state and federal laws specifi c to medication storage and management. All medications should be stored securely to prevent unauthorized use.

What are the recommendations for storage of prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications in the athletic training room? A. Prescription medications should not be stored in an athletic training room, but OTC medications can be safely stored in a storage closet or cabinet. B. Prescription and OTC medications must be stored in a locked closet that is accessible only to the team physician. C. Prescription and OTC medications should be stored in a climate-controlled locked cabinet with tamperproof locks accessible only to authorized personnel, including the team physician and certifi ed athletic trainer. D. Prescription medication must be stored in a locked cabinet that is accessible only to the certifi ed athletic trainer and team physician, whereas OTC medications can be freely accessible to staff and athletes.

C: The feet increase slightly in size over the course of the day, so fi tting late in the day will ensure better fi t.

What is the best time of day to fi t an athlete for shoes? A. First thing in the morning B. After a workout C. Late in the day D. After completion of a warm-up and stretching session

D: Spread most commonly through contact with the blood of an infected person, hepatitis C virus (HCV) has extremely high risks of chronic infection, with 80% of persons infected not demonstrating any signs or symptoms

What is the most common chronic bloodborne pathogen infection in the United States? A. Human immunodefi ciency virus (HIV) B. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) C. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) D. Hepatitis C virus (HCV)

A: An ergonomic risk assessment (ERA) focuses on identifying specifi c factors about a job that increase the likelihood that someone will be injured. The ERA is compared with injury rates to establish priorities for modifying tasks to create a safer and more effi cient work environment.

What is the purpose of conducting an ergonomic risk assessment (ERA) and comparing it with injury statistics? A. To identify the primary physical factors of a job that might be changed to minimize the risk of injury B. To provide feedback to an employee about work performance C. To modify current workers' compensation standards D. To improve effi ciency and productivity

B: Assumption of risk statements demonstrates that the athlete understands participation may lead to injury and provides some protection from legal action if the athletic training staff is not negligent in their actions.

What is the purpose of having an athlete sign an assumption of risk statement? A. To excuse the athletic trainer and coaches from responsibility when injury occurs B. To acknowledge that participation in sports carries some inherent risk of injury and reinforce that the athlete is willing to take on that risk C. To absolve the athletic department from any liability if the athlete is injured D. To indicate understanding on the part of the athlete that equipment manufacturers cannot be held responsible in the event of an injury

B: Wellness screening includes questions about diet, rest, exercise, stress management, and weight control as well as alcohol, drug, and tobacco use.

What is the purpose of including a wellness screening as part of the preparticipation examination? A. To disqualify the athlete from participation B. To determine if the athlete is engaging in healthy or unhealthy behaviors and lifestyle habits that pose a threat to wellness C. To screen for health maintenance, personal hygiene, and potential for infectious diseases D. To assess physical maturity in order to protect young, physically undeveloped athletes

C: Exercising at 70% of maximum heart rate is necessary to see minimal improvement, and most trained individuals can comfortably sustain work at 85% of their maximum heart rate

What is the recommended intensity for cardiovascular training during a continuous workout? A. 30%-45% of maximum heart rate B. 45%-60% of maximum heart rate C. 70%-85% of maximum heart rate D. 90%-100% of maximum heart rate

A: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulates how medical, healthcare, and allied health professionals share private health information about patients

What regulation guarantees that intercollegiate athletes have access to all of their medical records, while giving them more control over how their protected health information is used and disclosed? A. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act B. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act C. Americans With Disabilities Act D. Medical Records Retention Act

C: Athlete exposure is calculated by multiplying the number of athletes at each practice/game by the number of practices/games. Exposure rate is determined by looking at the number of injuries during a set period of time.

What should you calculate if you want to determine the incidence of injuries for last season ' s men ' s soccer team, per the number of individual athlete exposures? A. Incidence of injury B. Injury prevalence C. Injury exposure rate D. Injury likelihood ratio

C: Closed-cell foam is heavier in weight allowing it to dissipate higher forces and rebound quickly

What type of material is capable of absorbing force through deforming its shape and then quickly returning to its original form? A. Open-cell foam B. Moleskin C. Closed-cell foam D. Felt E. Thermo-moldable plastic

B: Due to repetitive throwing motion, upper extremity athletes maintain a normal arc of motion by exchanging excessive external rotation for a decrease in internal rotation.

When conducting a preparticipation examination, which of the following fi ndings would be considered a normal physiological adaptation to exercise and sport participation? A. Resting heart rate above normal range B. Increased external rotation and decreased internal rotation in the dominant arm of a baseball pitcher C. Resting blood pressure below normal values D. Quadriceps-to-hamstring ratio closer to 1

D: The likelihood of developing myocarditis is rare, but there are many potential causes, including viral, bacterial, and fungal infections as well as parasite infestations.

Which cardiac condition places ill athletes, particularly those who are febrile, at risk of sudden cardiac death? A. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy B. Commotio cordis C. Marfan ' s syndrome D. Myocarditis

D: Cantilevered shoulder pads have a strap that extends from front to back, causing the pads to arch above the tip of the shoulder. Because of the mechanics of this brace, the athlete who would benefi t most would be one who participates in a great deal of tackling or blocking due to the ability of the pads to dissipate the force effectively

Which football player would be most likely to wear a cantilevered shoulder pad? A. Quarterback B. Punter/kicker C. Youth football player D. Linebacker E. Wide receiver

B: Custom orthotics are most effective in patients with symptomatic conditions associated with a biomechanical deformity

Which of the following athletes would most benefi t from using custom foot orthotics during sports participation? A. A fi eld hockey player with weak anterior tibialis muscle B. A softball player with pes planus and posterior medial tibial stress syndrome C. A runner with asymptomatic Sever ' s disease D. A soccer player with weak evertors E. A gymnast with pes cavus and a plantar-fl exed fi rst ray

E: An estimated 8,700 health-care workers contract hepatitis B virus (HBV) each year. However, healthcare workers who have received the hepatitis B vaccine and subsequently developed immunity to the virus are at very little risk for developing the infection when exposed.

Which of the following bloodborne pathogens is most commonly contracted by health-care workers? A. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) B. Human papillomavirus (HPV) C. Human immunodefi ciency virus (HIV) D. Hepatitis D virus (HDV) E. Hepatitis B virus (HBV)

C: Cultural sensitivity is being aware of the existence of cultural similarities and differences between people. Cultural sensitivity is important, as it can reduce cultural barriers between health-care professionals and patients

Which of the following demonstrates culturally sensitive communication during a preparticipation examination? A. Reading medical history questions aloud for persons with limited English proficiency B. Understanding that a person ' s limitations in English proficiency strongly correlate with his or her level of intellectual functioning C. Writing all notices and communications in the patient ' s language of origin D. Teaching individuals and families who speak languages other than English key words so that they can better communicate with you

C: Injury prevalence assesses the number of injuries sustained in a specifi c population.

Which of the following is an examination of injury prevalence data you might gather when analyzing your injury rates? A. Number of injuries sustained during practice sessions B. Number of new ankle injuries sustained by the soccer team during the fall season C. Total number of injuries sustained by the basketball team D. Average number of injuries per athlete per practice session

A: Intrinsic factors are directly related to the athlete and include factors such as age, gender, and physical stature. Extrinsic factors relate to the environment, equipment, type of activity, and amount of exposure to injury.

Which of the following is considered an intrinsic risk factor? A. Being a female high school athlete B. Practicing when the temperature is 85°F and the humidity is 85% C. Running on a cross country wooded trail D. Using an inflatable bladder football helmet E. Participating in a contact sport

D: The closed-cell foam would conform to the humerus to allow for force distribution, whereas the thermo-moldable plastic allows for a hard barrier to outside forces.

Which of the following is the best material for constructing a functional protective device to protect a humeral exostosis? A. Plaster cast material and orthopedic felt B. Thermo-moldable plastic and adhesive moleskin C. Fiberglass roll and orthopedic felt D. Thermo-moldable plastic and closed-cell foam E. Adhesive Sorbothane and adhesive felt

D: An ergonomic assessment is an evaluation of the employee ' s interaction with a workstation environment. In addition to adjusting workstation settings and making recommendations to the employee, this assessment may include recommended work breaks as well as stretching and strengthening exercises. The most qualifi ed workplace employees should conduct this assessment, make recommendations, and construct the report.

Which of the following people should be included in a worksite ergonomic risk assessment? A. Worker ' s direct supervisor, stockholders in the company, and risk management coordinator B. Worker, director of human resources, and athletic trainer C. Facility nurse, director of human resources, and athletic trainer D. Worker, athletic trainer, and occupational therapist E. Safety engineer, risk management coordinator, and director of facility security

D: Current research is inconclusive and is limited by a variety of factors, such as small sample size, limited sport exposure, climate, and player position.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the relationship between injury rates and synthetic turf playing surfaces compared with natural grass surfaces? A. Injury rates are higher during the fi rst 1 to 2 years of a new synthetic turf fi eld. B. Injury rates are higher on natural grass surfaces because they are more diffi cult to maintain. C. Injury rates are signifi cantly higher on synthetic turf fi elds due to the higher speeds the players are able to generate. D. Evidence in the literature is inconclusive, and additional research needs to be conducted.

B: An athletic trainer must consider the tape ' s qualities in order to interpret the tape ' s utility. Grade of backing is another way to describe the number of fi bers that make up the tape, whereas quality of the adhesive mass can be tested with moisture. Quality of adhesive mass also dictates the tape ' s ease of removal. The winding tension determines the amount of force required during tape application

Which of the following statements is true regarding selection of tape size and type? A. Elastic adhesive tape is used for bodily areas requiring high tensile strength. B. Tape is qualifi ed based on the grade of backing, the quality of adhesive mass, and the winding tension. C. Large-width tape is used for bodily areas requiring high tensile strengths. D. The more acute the angles required, the wider the tape must be to fi t the contours. E. Elastic tape is used for joints that do not expand with motion.

A: Even though it is a long accepted practice that prophylactic taping is important for injury prevention and treatment, this is not supported by current research.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the effectiveness of tape in supporting a joint? A. Current research is inconclusive regarding the effectiveness of taping. B. Support is most effective after 15 minutes of warm-up. C. Support is more effective in adolescent athletes compared with senior athletes. D. Taping is a key component in an injury prevention program. E. Effectiveness is attributed solely to its ability to limit range of motion.

E: This is the most appropriate selection based on the size of the treatment area and the shoulder spica application procedure

Which of the following wraps should you select to most effectively apply a shoulder spica to a female collegiate volleyball player? A. 6-in. Å~ 10-yd elastic bandage B. 6-in. Å~ 6-yd elastic bandage C. 4-in. adhesive elastic tape D. 6-in. adhesive elastic tape E. 4-in. Å~ 10-yd elastic bandage

A: There are a number of conditioning principles aimed at minimizing risk of exercise-related injury. Progression is related to the controlled and systematic increase in intensity and overload of workouts over time.

Which principle of conditioning is a coach following when he increases the team ' s off-season conditioning program gradually and within each team member ' s abilities to adapt to the overload in order to minimize risk of injury? A. Progression B. Intensity C. Specifi city D. Consistency

B: Cultural sensitivity and professionalism is exhibited when an athletic trainer is willing to listen to an athlete, research the information discussed, and then provide recommendations.

Which response demonstrates an athletic trainer responding with cultural awareness and sensitivity to an athlete who asks that refl exology be incorporated into his sports injury treatment plan? A. "The current sports medicine literature doesn ' t support the effectiveness of refl exology in treating musculoskeletal injuries such as yours." B. "I don ' t know much about refl exology, but tell me why you feel it may be helpful." C. "As a health-care professional I practice evidencebased medicine and avoid grasping at treatment techniques just because they are new or exciting sounding." D. "Since you are from another country you may not understand all aspects of the treatment we are providing you, so feel free to ask questions."

D: Due to playing surface and sport motions, tennis shoes should have a fi rmer sole than running shoes

Which type of activity is best supported by athletic shoes with a rigid sole? A. Running B. Cross training C. Volleyball D. Tennis

A: Sorbothane is very dense and is designed to absorb high amounts of energy. It is a specifi c class of foams composed of viscoelastic polymers

Which type of soft orthotic material has a high energy-absorbing quality with a high density, making it effective for preventing blisters and absorbing ground reaction forces in multiple directions? A. Sorbothane B. Orthopedic felt C. Sponge rubber D. Gauze padding E. Closed-cell foam

C: Education on proper inhaler use is an important component of an asthma care plan. Improper inhaler use is common and can result in patients receiving incorrect and ineffective dosages.

While reviewing a preparticipation examination medical history, you note an athlete has indicated a previous diagnosis of exercise-induced bronchospasm. He has been using an inhaled beta-2 agonist from a metered-dose inhaler taken 15 to 30 minutes before the onset of each exercise and sport activity session. After speaking with this athlete, you think he needs education on properly using his inhaler. Which of the following should be included in the instructions you provide? A. Shake inhaler for at least 45 seconds before use. B. Exhale through nose for 1 to 3 seconds before placing mouthpiece of inhaler in mouth. C. While pressing down on the metal cartridge, breathe in slowly as far as you can and then hold your breath as long as possible. D. Avoid drinking water or eating food for at least 15 minutes after inhalations.

B: Use and time break down the ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA) used to construct the sole and midsole resulting in decreased shock absorption

Why is it recommended that running shoes be replaced every 350 to 500 miles? A. They are no longer clean enough to meet minimum hygiene standards. B. They lose their shock-absorbing properties. C. The material covering the toe box is likely to be damaged. D. The sole is typically worn through.

B: It is important that coaches and athletic trainers demonstrate mutual respect for one another. Early notifi cations of possible changes to a practice allow the coach to better prepare and ensure that athlete safety takes priority.

You are concerned that severe thunderstorms may pass through your area during the afternoon practice sessions. What actions should you take to maximize athlete safety and minimize communication problems with the coaching staff? A. Notify all the coaches as soon as inclement weather is sighted. B. Discuss with the coaches early in the day that weather may impact practice, review procedures, and provide updates as the weather system approaches. C. Send the coaches an e-mail that weather may impact practices later in the day. D. Speak to each of the coaches as they are beginning their practice and let them know you will be monitoring the weather and will tell them if they need to leave the fi eld.

A: This method of examination scheduling would allow for the highest quality and most individualized up-to-date information for each athlete.

You are the athletic trainer at a high school that sponsors 22 sports. There are approximately 500 athletes. For this high school, which preparticipation examination format is the most effective and effi cient? A. Provide a station-based examination with the assistance of multiple medical and health-care professionals before the start of each sport season (i.e., fall, winter, spring). B. Provide individual examinations with the assistance of fi ve family practice physicians stationed in individual examination rooms. C. Provide a station-based examination with the assistance of multiple medical and health-care professionals in the summer before the start of the school year. D. During the summer months, schedule individual appointments for each athlete with the team physician. E. Require each athlete to obtain on his or her own a physical examination through a licensed health-care provider.

C: Snellen eye charts assess distance visual acuity, which is normally 20/20. The numerator represents the distance the patient is standing from chart (20 feet), and the denominator represents the distance at which a normal person can read the same-size letters on that line. The higher the denominator, the poorer the patient ' s distance vision. Athletes with suboptimal visual acuity should be referred for evaluation and possible correction

You are using a Snellen eye chart to assess baseline visual acuity. An athlete is able to comfortably read the line associated with 20/40 vision in the right eye and 20/50 vision in the left eye. What action would you take? A. No action is necessary. B. Retest the athlete serially for 2 to 3 weeks to see if you get the same results. C. Refer the athlete to an optometrist for evaluation. D. Hold the athlete from all participation pending referral results.

B: Standardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC) measures cognitive function by assessing orientation, immediate memory, concentration, and delayed recall.

You elect to utilize the SCAT5 (Sport Concussion Assessment Tool) to establish baseline data. Which portion of the SCAT5 assesses cognitive function? A. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) B. Standardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC) C. Maddocks score D. Balance Error Scoring System (BESS)

D: The types of errors recorded during the balance examination component of the SCAT5 (Sport Concussion Assessment Tool) are based on the modifi ed Balance Error Scoring System (BESS). The modifi ed BESS score is calculated by adding 1 error point for each error during the three 20-second tests

You elect to utilize the SCAT5 (Sport Concussion Assessment Tool) to establish baseline data. Which type of error should be counted when conducting the double leg stance component of the balance examination? A. Hands lifted off of shoulders B. Flexing knees greater than 20° C. Moving hips into greater than 5° abduction D. Remaining out of test position greater than 5 seconds

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