Augustine, Confessions
Augustine's inner dilemma in Book VIII
- Carnal vs spiritual: Material vs. spiritual
Book V Main Topics
- Carthage-> Rome-> Milan until conversion - Decrease in Maniche belief - Unbaptized Christian
- Closest friend and philosophical companion at Milan. Joins Augustine in his conversion and baptism
Book IV Main Topics
- Conflict between return to God for truth vs. sinful ways - Who is God in our world?
Why did Augustine leave Rome?
- Confliction with image of God and evil - Students didn't pay him - Goes to Milan
Monica in Ostia
- Conversation about saints-> Truth+ Love and after life - She did her will and then she fell ill and passed away
Book I Main Topic
- Curiosity of God - How can we make assumptions on God and right vs. wrong if we can identify/remember self (baby)
Critiques on Neoplatonism (2)
- Fails to praise god - Polytheist ideals
Book VII Main Topics
- First encounter with Neoplatonic philosophy - Combines philosophy + faith - Dilemma of God's being
Evil in chapter VII
- Free will-> evil. - Why is evil even an option? - If material items are evil, why did God create it? - Does not exist
Neoplatonism and Imagery of God
- Looked within in to realize there is no "Image". God is simply the cause of existence.
Book III Main Topic
- Manichee religion in Carthage - Desire to love and to be loved - Corruption his heretic beliefs - Ending with his mother's plead for a priest to "heal" soul
Key Concepts drawing Augustine to Chrisitanity
- Metaphorical interpretations of Old Test. - Church with no "proof"-> Faith =knowledge
Book VI Main Topics
- Milan Conversion to Christianity
Book II Main Topic
- Most sinful stage of Adolescents - Sexual desires - Desires to violate rules and cause chaos - Silence of God
Augustine in Milan Garden
- Need to calm down after hearing Alypius - Upset and frustrated that he is failing at faith - Child's voice-> Bible reading - Decides that he needs to take action on his faith
Dilemma of God's being
- Recognizes God is NOT material, but can not fully understand the spiritual aspect. - Compares to an ocean
Book IX Main Topics
- Recount of retirement, baptism, and Monica's death
Similarities b/w Book and Class
- Resembles McGraths
Why did Augustine leave Carthage?
- Rowdy students, white lie to mother to go to Rome
Book simulating Genesis
- Similar to Genesis and contradicts Manichees - No reference to Christ(human)
Origin of evil
- Something lacking in true existence. - Being that has turned away from God - Unaware of his existence - There is NO evil
God's being in Book VIII
- Spiritual being without substanance
Book VIII Main Topics
- Wants to be a memberr of the church - Conversion in Milan
Criticisms of Manichee
1. Concerns their dependence on mythology(Divine beings are sun/moon) 2. Divine beings are physical beings; God is a spirit
Maniche challenges on God
1. Manichees challenge the source of evil because God is suppose to be good 2. God as a being - counters with saying God created all other beings 3. Rejection of Genesis and the Old Testament
Reasons for disconnect with God(2)
1. Weight of sins(sex) 2. Lack of Faith in Christ (mediator b/w God and man)
Two wills
1. Will to take action 2. Will to will for action
Augustine converts at age
___ his conversion year ___ his baptism year
386 AD conversion, 387 AD baptism
Augustine lived ___ years
Augustine and unknown woman's son (dies at 17)
Augustine's Pagan Father
____ used the saints relics of _____ and _____(martyrs)
Bishop Ambrose Protasius and Gervasius
who teaches Augustine about christianity ___, along with ___ and ____
Bishop Ambrose, Alypius and Nebridius
He goes to ___ to be educated
Augustine's odyssey
Carthage to Rome to Milan and back to Carthage
Augustine was a Catholic ____but going to Milan takes up ___
Catechumen, orthodox Christianity
Catholic Bishop in Milan. Responsible for conversion and interpretation of the Old Testament had an immense influence. Baptizes Augustine
Second book of Augustine
City of God
Augustine's baptism is differed why?
Common practice and meant to leave the cleansing of sin until after the hazards of youth = maximize the new life after sins were accumulated
At age 17, Augustine took a ____
Converted to chirstianity near end of life= inspiration to Augustine
most persuasive teacher and most blessed martyr
Christ acceptance?
Eventually will accept the being of Christ as chosen by God because of his excellent faith
when mother passes, Augustine begins to analyze ____
Genesis 1
Hertical version of chrisianity and the biggest mistake of his life
Highly respect Maniche teacher in Carthage. Modest but his inability to answer Augustine's curiosity-> leaving manichee beliefs
Cicero's book ___ argues that ___ is key to a good life
Hortensius, philosophy
____ persecuted Catholic christians
Popular religion based on good and evil; sin was inevitable due to the materiality of evil
Who joined Augustine in converting?
Nebridius and verecundus
What initiated Augustine's immersion into Christianity?
Old Testament figuratively interpreted as metaphors and ideals
One of Augustine's close friends in Milan, Nebridius accompanies Augustine and Alypius in their philosophical struggles. He also joins Augustine in his decision to convert
Monica dies at ___
Secretary who wrote his Life and by Saint Augustine
Theft of ___ and why Augustine loved to do so
Pears, it was forbidden
Then Augustine becomes ordained as ___
Priest in hippo regius and then becomes bishop
Leaves North Africa for Rome, appointed ____
Professor of rhetoric in Milan
Augustine educated as
Augustine mother
Saint Monica
Physical objects associated with holy men and women (usually martyrs) which are believed to possess miraculous power
Saints relics
What pleasure "enslaves" him
Sexual escapades/sexual desires during his adolescents
Augustine born where
Thagaste, north africa
Unreasonable attachment to moral beings. God is permanent and prevents misery
Why did he retire as teacher?
Wants to fully embrace God
Augustine's wife
Wife 12 years old - Nebidius and Alypius do not encourage - increase status
Thagaste: a. Participated in? b. Overall view
a. Public office (improve speech) and Manicheism and salesman b. Self-destruction
According to Augustine, God is in all things
as a whole in each thing
vision associated with monica
eternal wisdom
Monica struggled with ___
getting drunk on whine
what makes him read the letters of Paul
he hears a voice of a child singing "take and read"
To whom was the book he lost dedicated
Augustine thinks his mother was used as a ______ for his conversion
higher purpose
Manicheans found the Old Testament unethical in part because
it seems to endorse polygamy
Plotinus founded the school of
evil has no actual existence--things are "evil" or "wicked" according to a hierarchy of being in which some things are closer to God's supreme and infinite being than others
Augustine's idea of memory is inspired by
what ultimately leads to Augustine's desire of faith
reading the letters of Paul
On first reading the Bible, Augustine is turned off by its
simple style
The four kinds of memory are
skills, ideas, sensory images, and emotions
What book does Augustine understand that challenges many people
the ten categories
monica was buried near
tiber river