BiblioPlan Test 4

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Alexander the Great took over his father's throne when he was __________ years old. By the time he was _________ years old, he was both King of Greece's arch-enemy _______________ and ________________ of Egypt, and had conquered most of the known world. By the time he was ________ years old, Alexander was dead.

20; 25; Persia; Pharaoh; 32

How did the Spartans even the odds against superior Persian forces at the Battle of Thermopylae? What did they do after on of their number betrayed them?

BY delaying the Persians so they would have time to recruit more soldiers. They left 300 soldiers behind to cover their retreat.

Instead of attacking _________________ directly, Cyrus the Great rerouted the ______________________ River, which ran under the city. Then he entered the city by way of the dry ________________.

Babylon; Tigris; riverbed

What was the name of Alexander's great warhorse? How did Alexander honor his horse?

Bucephalus, Alexander the Great's warhorse, was honored by founding a new city in Pakistan and naming it Bucephalus.

How did the Athenians defeat a larger Persian navy at the Battle of Salamis? What was the result of that battle and the later Battle of Plataea?

By keeping their ships in the harbor, which forced Athenian ships to maneuver their way through the treacherous Aegen Sea. The Persians eventually abandoned their desire to Conquer Greece.

In _________________________ BC, ______________ the Great allowed the Jews led into exile by _________________________ to return to _______________________ and begin work on their new _________________. The Bible covers these events in the Book of _____________.

559-530; Cyrus; Nebuchadnezzar; Jerusalem; Temple; Ezra, chapters 1-6

Approximately how many laborers worked on the first Qin emperor's mausoleum and the Terracotta Army? What happened to those laborers and why?

700,000; They were executed so no one would find out about the Terracotta Army

What method did Assyria and Babylon use to control the lands they conquered? What was Cyrus' method? Which was better? What was Cyrus' attitude toward the religions of conquered lands?

Assyria and Babylon controlled the lands they conquered by capturing the nobles from the land and taking them into exile, giving them full power. Cyrus divided the region into districts, allotting each district their own measure of independence. Cyrus' method was better. Cyrus' attitude toward the religions of conquered lands was very accepting. He allowed them to continue whatever practices they did and even allowed previous exiles to come out of exile and rebuild their temple.

Why was Daniel forced to spend a night in the lions' den? Why was even the city's ruler unable to rescue him from this punishment?

Daniel was forced to spend a night in the lions' den because he was caught praying to God and not King Darius. King Darius himself was not even able to rescue Daniel from this punishment because a decree was sealed with his own signet ring that whoever was caught praying or worshiping God and not King Darius, was to be fed to the lions.

What was Haman's position in the court of Persian King Xerxes? Why did he hate Esther's Uncle Mordecai so much?

Haman was one of the King's advisers. He hated Esther's Uncle Mordecai because he was Jewish and wouldn't bow down to him.

The ____________ Dynasty replaced China's Qin Dynasty in _________ BC and ruled for the next _________ years. Most modern Chinese still refer to themselves as ____________ Chinese. During the ____________ Dynasty's reign, traders established the ______________ Road that linked China to the ________________________________ world for the first time.

Han; 206;400; Han; Han; Silk; Medditeranean

What did the co-ruler of Babylon do with the goblets from the Temple that was so offensive to God?

He drank from them as an offering to Marduk and drank from them as a way of mocking God.

List three of Archimedes contributions to mathematics and physics.

He invented a compound pulley system, derived a formula for the volume of a sphere(3/4 Pi times the radius cubed), and invented the Archimedian screw- a type of water pump.

_____________________, the goddess of motherhood and marriage, was both sister and wive to Zeus. Their unpopular bully of a son was ________________, god of _______________. Two of the Zeus' children, __________________(god of the ________________) and __________________________(goddess of the _____________________________________) were twins.

Hera; Ares; war; Appollo; sun; Artemis; hunt, maidens, and the moon

Which Roman emperor may have destroyed the ancient Statue of Zeus? Why would he have done so?

Caligula; so his own head could be on display.

Early Greeks considered themselves citizens, not of a unified Greece, but of individual __________-___________. Some of the important early Greek ___________-______________ were _______________, ________________, ________________, _______________, and _____________________. This period of Greek history, which followed the Greek ________________ Age, is known as the Greek __________________ Period.

City-states; city-states; Athens; Sparta; Corinth; Megara; Argos; Dark; Archaic

The _____________________ of Rhodes was an immense _________________ that stood ___________ feet high and was covered with plates of ______________. It stood astride the harbor of ________________ for ________ years before it was destroyed by an _____________________.

Colossus; statue; 100; bronze; Rhodes; 56; earthquake

What conflict slowed the building of the Second Temple? Who were the two prophets who encouraged the returned Hebrew exiles to finish it?

Conflict between the Jews and the Samaritans about which group was truly the followers of God or not caused progress on building the Temple to cease. Haggai and Zachariah were the two prophets who finally brought the Jews back to the construction of their new Temple.

According to Greek mythology, the chief Olympian god Zeus was the son of ____________________, who was the chief of the twelve ____________________. Zeus rescued his brothers and sisters from his father's ___________________ and led them in a war against his father and the rest of the ___________________. The victorious Olympians cast their enemies down into ____________________________, the lowest part of the _____________________.

Cronus; elder gods; stomach; Titans; Tartarus; underworld

How did Cyrus unite the Medes and the Persians?

Cyrus, King of Persia, united the Medes and the Persians by conquering his grandfather's throne and becoming the King of the Medes.

____________________ the Great seized the throne of his grandfather _______________________, King of the ______________.

Cyrus; Astyages; Medes

__________________ the Great of _________________ conquered the Babylon Empire in __________ BC. He installed ________________ the Mede as ruler over the city of Babylon.

Cyrus; Persia; 550; Darius

Why were masks important in Greek drama presentations?

Masks were so important in Greek drama presentations because women were not allowed to appear on stage, so as a result, the men had to play female roles. The men wore masks to help them look feminine. Often actors had more than one role, so masks made it sot that they could easily switch their mask and essentially characters.

The Spartans conquered and enslaved a group of people known as _______________________, whom they referred to as _________________. These people outnumbered the Spartans by a ratio of _________ to ________. The Spartans needed a strong ___________________ in order to keep these people under control.

Messenians; nelots; 10; 1; military

What was the Gordian Knot? What prophecy or legend surrounded it? How did Alexander the Great solve the problem of the Gordian Knot?

The Gordian Knot was a knot made by King Gordius used to tie his ox cart to a pole as an offering to Zeus. Time went on and the rope hardened. At the time, legend said whoever untied the knot would be king of all Asia. Alexander the Great cut the rope with his sword and ironically also became the king of all Asia.

Which two ancient Wonders were located in Egypt? Which was built in Egypt's new capital, a city named for Alexander the Great? Which of Alexander's generals would have built it?

The Great Pyramid of Giza and the Pharos of Alexandria are both located in Egypt. The Pharos of Alexandria, however; was built in Alexandria(a city named after Alexander the Great) and built by General Ptolmey who became pharaoh of Egypt after Alexander the Great died.

From what ancient Wonder does the word "mausoleum" derive? For whom was it named?

The Mausoleum of Halicar Nassus; King Mausolus

What was the Socratic Method of teaching? How did Socrates get into trouble with the Greek authorities? What was his punishment? How was his sentence carried out?

The Socratic Method was asking really hard questions that force students to think very hard. Socrates got in trouble with the Greek authorities because he was challenging Athenian government, culture, and belief in his classroom. His actions were punishable by death and as a result, it was required that he drink a cup of poison in front of all his students.

Describe the Tao. What two sides of the Tao do Taoists seek to balance?

The Tao is about peace, harmony, and balance between the yin and the yang. The yin is the dark side and correlates with women, the moon, and death; the yang is the light side and relates to men, the sun, creation, and birth. In Taoism, to maintain health is to maintain the balance between the yin and the yang.

What is the name of the god worshiped by the Zoroastrians? What is their holy book called? In what sort of temples did they worship? Which well-known king was probably a Zoroastrian?

The Zoroastrians worshiped a god named Ahura Mazda, and their holy book was called Avesta. These people worshiped in a sort of temple called a 'fire temple'. King Cyrus the Great was most likely a Zoroastrian.

What is the name of the Greek gods' mountain home? Who built it for them ad why?

The name of the Greek gods' mountain home is Mount Olympus. It was built by the Cyclops children of Gaia and Uranus.

What was Ezra shocked to discover upon his return to Judah? Why was he so disappointed in the Jews he found there? What was their response?

Upon Ezra's return to Judah, he was shocked to find the Jews intermarried with other foreigners. Once the Jews saw the state Ezra was in, they realized their sin and sent away their foreign wives and the children they born to them.

During which period of China's history did Confucius live? What dismayed him about Chinese life during this period?

Warring States Period(Easter Zhou Dynasty); The leaders disregard for life

What turned Astyages' faithful servant Harpagus against him?

When Astages killed his servants son for not killing his, his servant, Harpagus, turned against him.

When Persian King ________________ threatened Athens, Athens sent a runner to _________________ to ask for help against the Persians; but _________________ refused to help because of a ___________________ holiday. The battle that followed, which the Athenians won against great odds with no help from ___________________, took place on the Plain of _______________________ and was called the Battle of ________________________.

Darius; Sparta; Sparta; religious; Sparta; Marathon; Marathon

The world's oldest known _______________, _____________________ book is the ______________________ __________________________, a ________________________ text printed from carved ____________________ printing blocks.

Dated; printed; Diamond; Sutra; Buddhist; wooden

The author of Athens' strictest legal code, which punished early every infraction with _________________, was an Athenian named ______________. The English word ________________________, used to describe harsh rules and laws, comes from his name.

Death; Draco; Draconian

After its wars with Persia were over, the Greeks divided into two leagues: the ______________ League, led by the city-state of __________________, and the ________________________ League, led by the city-state of ________________. These leagues fought a series of wars called the _____________________ Wars, which eventually ended in defeat for the city-state of _______________.

Delian; Athens; Peloponnesian; Sparta; Peloponnesian; Athens

After Alexander's death, three of his generals fought the Wars of the __________________________ to decide who would succeed him. In the end, General ___________________ held Egypt, General _____________________ held Alexander's homeland of Macedonia and ___________________, and General ____________________ held most of the former ______________________ Empire. This period of history is known as the ______________________ Period because during this time, ______________________ language and culture spread throughout most of the known world.

Diadochi; Ptolemy; Lysimachus; Greece; Seleucus; Babylonian; Hellenistic; Greek

Three important schools of Chinese thought arose during the ___________________ Zhou Period: _________________________, _________________________, and _______________________________.

Eastern; Confucianism; Taoism; Legalism

The last ruler of the Babylon Empire was __________________, who co-ruled with his son __________________________.

Nabonidus; Belshazzar

What was Nehemiah's job in the court of Artaxerxes? What upset Nehemiah? How did he get permission to return to Judah?

Nehemiah's job in the court of Artaxerxes was the cup bearer. Nehemiah was troubled when he heard Judah didn't have the protection of the city walls anymore, and when the king noticed his solemn appearance, he sent him to Judah.

Briefly describe two ironic things that happened to Haman on the last day of his life.

On the last day of Haman's life, two ironic events took place. First, in the midst of planning his murder, Haman was asked to publicly recognize Mordecai for saving the kings life. Secondly, the very gallow Haman had built to hang Mordecai on was the one used to put Haman to death ending the recent discrimination against the Jews.

Who was Athens' well-known leader during the Peloponnesian War? What was his strategy during the siege of Athens? What possibility did he overlook?

Pericles; To fight defensively; infectious disease

The father of Alexander the Great was ________________________ of Macedonia, who was ____________________ at a party on the eve of his planned invasion of Persia.

Philip II; assasinated

How did the annual Jewish holiday known as Purim get its name? What do celebrants do each time Haman's name is mentioned?

Purim was named after the lots Haman would cast. When celebrants hear Haman's name the boo, hiss, and swirl their graggers. This holiday represents the Jews deliverance from Haman.

The Zhou Dynasty, which conquered China's ______________ Dynasty, taught that it had the right to rule China because of the __________________ of ___________________ and because it was __________________ superior to the previous dynasty. Historians divide the time of the Zhou Dynasty into two periods, the ______________________ Zhou Period and the _____________________ Zhou Period.

Shang; Mandate; Heaven; morally; Western; Eastern

What was the first Qin emperor's name(after he became emperor)? Which of China's philosophies did he embrace? What 20th-century Chinese leader embraced this same philosophy?

Shi Huagdi; Legalism; Mao Zedong

Between 470 and 320 BC, there lived three great Greek philosophers named _________________, ______________________, and ____________________________. ________________________, the best-known student of __________________________, founded a school called the Academy. ________________________, the best-known student at ___________________'s Academy, was the personal tutor of ____________________________ the Great and founded his own school called the ____________________________.

Socrates; Plato; Aristotle; Plato; Socrates; Aristotle; Plato; Alexander; Lyceum

An Athenian named ________________________ established the world's first known ______________________ government in Athens, one in which every male citizen had a vote. This government decided important matters with a quorum of _______________ voting men. A counsel of __________ men chosen by ____________________ handled lesser matters, and a group of nine ______________________ handles religious matters.

Solon; democratic; 6000; 500; lottery; archons

The Iron Age arrived in China during the ________________ and _________________ Period of the ____________________ Zhou Period.

Spring; summer; Eastern

What is the Confucian golden rule? How is it different from the Christian Golden Rule laid out by Jesus Christ in Matthew 7: 12?

The Confucian golden rule is: "Don't do unto others what you would not have them do to you." The Christian Golden Rule is very similar to the Confucian golden rule, saying: "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." These two golden rules are almost identical. There is not much of a difference between the two.

Hippocrates was the first doctor who kept records of his patients' _________________ and the progression of their ______________________. He also developed the ___________________ Oath, which modern doctors still quote when they pledge to "do no ________."

Symptoms; illnesses; Hippocratic; harm

What peace treaty ended the Peloponnesian War? How long did the peace last?

THe Peace of Nicias treaty ended the Peloponnesian war, but only kept the peace for 8 years.

THe returning Jewish exiles built the Second _________________ during the reigns of Persian Kings ________________ and __________________. They rebuilt the city _______________ of ______________________ during the reign of the Persian King ____________________________. The Bible Books of __________________ and __________________ tell of these events.

Temple; Cyrus; Darius; walls; Jerusalem; Artaxerxes; Ezra; Nehemiah

What did the 'writing on the wall' say? How did Daniel interpret it? To whom was it addressed? What happened to him?

The "writing on the wall" said, "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, PARSIN". Daniel interpreted it to: Mene: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting. Parsin: Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians. It was addressed to King Belshazzar of Babylon, and in the end, he died.

What mistake did Athens make which led to ultimate victory for Sparta over Athens? In what year did Athens surrender?

The Athens attacked the Spartans out of the blue in 413 BC; costing them most of their naval fleet. The Athens surrendered in 404 BC.

For how long does the Bible record go silent after the Book of Malachi?

The Bible falls silent for 400 years after the Book of Malachi.

Describe the phases of a Spartan's Agoge military training. What did the Spartans call anyone who failed his military training? Could those who failed become true citizens of Sparta? How did a Spartan achieve honor of having a headstone to mark his grave?

There are six stages of Spartan Agoge military training. First, at age seven, boys are taken from their parents house and sent to live in barracks designed similarly to the ones reserved for the military. These boys spent five years living a military lifestyle. At the age of twelve they are given a single piece of clothing and are forced to live out in the open for one year. Then at thirteen the boys begin playing war games, often these games were lethal. After spending seven years playing war games, whoever was still alive at age twenty they were all given a rigorous test and those who passed had to live in the military barracks and be apart of the Spartan military for ten years. Those who failed the test were allegedly put in a lower caste known as the Tremblers. After the ten years were over the men were allowed to live at home, but were forced to stay in active duty until they were sixty, at which point they were to retire. When Spartans died only the men who died in the line of duty and women who died during childbirth were given a headstone. In Spartan culture, a headstone was a sign of paying the full price in order to show your devotion to the city-state.

What happened to Spartan newborns who showed signs of weakness or birth defects?

They were thrown from a cliff or left to die.

According to Confucius, how could anyone attain virtue?

Through well-defined patterns of right behavior.

How did Archimedes' power of concentration become his undoing?

When soldiers came to town he asked the soldiers not to step on his figures and was shot.

Describe the difficulties Xerxes encountered in crossing from Asia Minor to Greece.

Xerxes encountered many difficulties during his attempt to cross over to Greece from Asia Minor. First, Xerxes had bridges built so his army could cross over, but a storm destroyed them. Then, he lined up a bunch of ships and was going to have his soldiers go from ship to ship and eventually get across to the other side, but a storm destroyed the ships as well. Finally, Xerxes just dug a canal across Mount Athos and sailed his ships through there instead, avoiding the Aegen Sea.

Whom did the first Qin emperor send to find the elixir of life? Where did this man go to find it? What did he do there?

Xu Fu; Japan; became the first emperor of Japan

Which disciple of Confucius established the Chinese philosophy of Legalism? On what fundamental principle did he disagree with Confucius?

Xun-Zi, disciple of Confucius, established the Chinese philosophy of Legalism. Contradictory to Confucianism, Xun-Zi believed that man was evil and not good, so he thought that setting strict rules with harsh punishments was the answer to solving the problems of mankind.

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