Biology DNA and replication

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Structure do DNA does not have

5- carbon sugar, ribose


8 histones and DNA


A change in the base sequence of DNA is called

False Twisted

A double helix is shaped like a (straight) latter


A sugar with a molucre RNA

Base pairing


Nitrogen bonds

A=T two hydrogen bonds G=c three hydrogen bonds


Across the center of the DNA helix, a purine must always bond to a pyrimidine

False nope

Adenine always bonds to thymine, ( but occasionally it can also bond to cytosine)


Alternating sugar and phosphate molecules form side or the backbone of the DNA molecule

Complimentary base pair

Bases linked by a hydrogen bond on opposite strands of DNA of doubled RNA


Bed like structure formed of several histones with corresponding DNA

Covalent bonds

Bond that connects one nucleotide to the next nucleotide

Hydrogen bonding

Bond that hold the nitrogen bases to one another across the middle of the helix

Radioactivity, x-rays, excessive exposure to sunlight

Causes accidental damage or changes in existing DNA


Chemical analysis shows that a chromosome is composed of half protein and half nucleic

Not in a nucleotide

DNA polymerase


DNA replication occurs simultaneously at many sites along the molecule, speeding up the process of replication

False always

Damage to DNA can (never)be repaired


Discovered the structure of the DNA molecule


Double ring structures adenine and guanine are purines


During replication the two nucleotide chains


Each chain will serve as... for the production of a new DNA chain


Each strand of the DNA molecule can be used to make another strand during replication. This is because the two sides are... to each other


Enzyme that breaks hydrogen bonds

DNA polymerases

Enzyme that fills the resulting gaps with new nucleotides

DNA polymerases

Enzyme that proof reads the new strand and looks for errors


Enzymes that cut out damaged sections of DNA

Adenine Guanine Thymine Cytosine

Four nitrogen bases found in DNA

What is the advantage to the multiple sites of replication along the DNA molecule?

Helps go faster


Her x-Ray crystallography photographs provided the vital clues in solving the structure of DNA


Nitrogen bases are bounded together across the center the center of the helix with hydrogen bonds


Part of cell that replication occurs


Phosphates are bonded to sugars and sugars are bonded to nitrogen bases with covalent

What are two functions of DNA polymerase during replication?

Proof reads new strands, and fills gaps when fixing


Protein that helps pack up DNA


Replication results in two copies of the DNA molecule


Seal the free ends making the strand complete

Sugar and phosphate groups

Sides the DNA latter is made of


Single ring structures cytosine and thymine are pyrimidines

Replication forks

Sites where new nucleotides are added


Small repeating subunits that compose DNA&RNA

Why is it so important that the DNA molecule be able to make copies of itself?

So they can know exactly what to do and have even so they can divide

Function of DNA cell

Stores the information that directs the ribosomes in protein synthesis


Sugar in DNA

What is the primary function of DNA?

The DNA is the storage area for the protein building instructions of the cell

Hydrogen, nitrogen bases

The first step in replication is to break the... Bonds between the...

DNA polymerase

The main enzyme of replication whose function is to link together individual nucleotides along a template strand

False identical

The primary purpose of replication is to produce new DNA strands that are very (different) from the old strands


The process of DNA replication produces an identical copy of the original DNA strand


The process of forming an exact copy of the DNA molecule


The proteins DNA is tightly wound around

False several places

The replication of DNA begins at one end of the molecule and proceeds to (the other end)

False Four

There are (five) nitrogen bases in the DNA molecule

False a

There is (no) difference between the sugar found in DNA and the sugar in RNA

Hydrogen bonds

What holds together the two sides of the DNA molecule across the center of the helix

Nitrogen bases

What the rungs of the DNA latter is made of

Identical; cell division

When replication is complete two... copies of the DNA molecule have been produced and the cell is ready to begin...

Origins of replication

When replication occurs it takes place at multiple sites along the molecule

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