Biology final part 1

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Supergroup that includes protists with modified mitochondria and protists with unique flagella

prokaryotes have their genetic info. stored in

a large circular piece of DNA

Most bacterial cells keep from busting in a hypotonic environment by:

a rigid cell wall

who am i?i am characterized by having a test and axopods?


members of the ____ move vis pse.


plasmids of bacteria often have gened involved in:

antibiotic resitances

malaria is cause by an ___ which is carried to a host by a ___


most protists are:



aquatic protists that secrete a hardened shell containing calcium carbonate and extend pseudopodia through pores in the shell (Rhizarians)

rod shaped bacteria are called


the first bacterium that was clearly identified as the cause of an infectious disease was:

bacillus anthracis, which causes anthrax

the most common mode of reproduction in bacteria is:

binary fission

in Ciliates macronuclei control___

both growth and metabolism

a bacterium that uses the oxidation of inorganic compounds to provide energy for manufacturing nutricious organic compounds is a :


mast bacteria are


in paramecium, the surface of the cell wall is covered with thousands of short hair-like _____


____ are characterized by having a micronucleous and a macronuclous


symbiotic assosiation in which one partner benefits and the other is unaffected is called:


___ is a form of genetic exchange in bacteria that involves contact between two cells


the comercially important unicellular protists that are used in filterd polishes are:


individuals in this group often have unicellular shells of interlocking plates


members of which group are one of the most important producers in marine ecosystems although sometimes they form blooms known as red tides?


amoung the protist groups below,which have organisms that typically move with one or more flagella


___ are dormant structures formed by bacteria in response to advers environmental condition.


mitochondria and chloroplasts in euk. cells probably originated from:


Bacterial ___ cause systmatic symtoms such as fever,, whereas bacterial ___ cause more specific maladies.


members of this group have a crystalline rod in their flagella:


who am I? i have the sam photosynthetic pigments as plants but can also obtain nutrients by ingesting


___ ae archaea that are typically found in abnormally hot environments

extreme thermophilles

members of the alveolates are characterized by the presence of:

flattened vesicles under the plasma membrane

members of which group have formed deposists of chalk, as seen in the white cliffs of dover?


members of the ____ are thought to have given rise to plants.

green alage

brown algae lack true roots but have similar structures calle ___


the energy parasite chlamydia is known to:

lack pep. in cell wall

the archae differ from the bacteria and eukaryotes by having diffrent _____ in their cell membranes, but the Archaea are similar to eukaryotes in their ___ process



move by means of whiplike flagella

pse. are used by amoeba for injesting food as well as:


a ___ bacterium would not be able to survive in the presence of oxygen

obligate anerobic

uniknots are charcterized by having

one flagellum

based on the most recent data avaliable the protist kingdom is:


symbiotic assosiation in which one partner lives on or in another and metabollically depends on it is called:


late blight of potatos that caused the irish potato famine is caused by members of the genus:


small hairlike structures on the surface of bacteria are called:


at the base of the food web in aqautic ecosystems are:


members of this group are characterized by a multicellular ameboid-like feeding form called a plasmodium

plasmodial slime molds

The first eukaryotic cells to evolve from ancestoral prokaryotes were:


Gram positive bacteria would stain ___ in a gram stain because of a thick layer of ____ in their cell walls


which group of algae are a commercial source of agar and carrageenan?

red algae

which of the following protist group does not have flagellated cells?

red algae

members of this group typically consist of ameboid cells surrounded by a hard out shell through which cytoplasmic projections extend


* a Chain of round bacteria would be called


the walls of bacteria contain peptidoglycan, which is:

sugars crosslinked with proteins


the infective spore-like state in apicomplexans

even though bacteria lack membrane bound organelles, such as chloroplasts and mitochondria, they can still perform the functions of these organelles by localizing certain metabolic enzymes on:

the plasma membrane

the ost signifigant diffrence between the archae bacteria and the bacteria is

the presence of peptidoglycans in the cell walls of Archaea


the vegatative body of most fungi and certain protists

some bacteria avoid being phagocytizied by a host's immune system by means of

their capsule

which of the fllowing statements concerning biofilms is FALSE?

they are usually less than 2um thick

one unique characteistic associated with some of the extreme halophillic archaea is that:

they have photosynthtic ability involving a purple bacteria. pigment.

who am i? i cause african sleeping sickness


dinoflagellates that contribute substantially to the productivity of coral reefs are ___



(genetics) the process of transfering genetic material from one cell to another by a plasmid or bacteriophage


A dense region of DNA in a prokaryotic cell

F Factor

A fertility factor in bacteria, a DNA segment that confers the ability to form pili for conjugation and associated functions required for the transfer of DNA from donor to recipient. It may exist as a plasmid or integrated into the bacterial chromosome


A long, whiplike structure that helps a cell to move


A multinucleate mass of living matter that moves and feeds in an amoeboid fashion


A rod-shaped bacterium.


A small, circular section of extra DNA that confers one or more traits to a bacterium and can be reproduced separately from the main bacterial genetic code.


A special structure used by an organism to anchor itself.


A sticky layer that surrounds the cell wall of some prokaryotes, protecting the cell surface and sometimes helping to glue the cell to surfaces


A temporary union of two organisms for the purpose of DNA transfer.

pili are involved in adhesion of bacterial cells to a substrate or host or in transmission of ___ between bacteria


ancestors of ___ may have posseesed mitochondria which were lost or reduced during evolutionsry history



Microscopic organisms that float and drift in the ocean waters are called

Water molds are members of the kingdom _____


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