Biology Unit 7: Evolution & Classification

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linnaeus' system of classification

(domain - ) kingdom - phylum - class - order - family - genus - species

history of life development

1. earth 2. atmosphere/ocean 3. first bacterial cells 4. oxygen 5. first eukaryotic cells 6. multicellular organism (algae) 7. invertebrate (jellyfish, simple worms) 8. vertebrate (jawless fish) 9. land plants 10. land animals (insects) 11. amphibians 12. reptiles 13. dinosaurs 14. birds 15. mammals 16. flowering plants 17. mass extinction (including dinosaurs) 18. monkeys 19. hominids 20. humans

biochemical evidence process

1. similar dna = similar protein = similar function 2. dna mutations at certain rates 3. mutations -> variations 4. populations begin to incorporate new alleles (due to mutations) into dna 5. when organisms interbreed, their dna continue mutation at same rate 6. dna and proteins become less similar as time pass

4 things that mitochondria and chloroplasts both have (endosymbiont evidence)

2 membranes own DNA ribosome reproduce by binary fission


ability of an individual to survive and reproduce in environment

embryonic development

all vertebrate embryos follow common developmental path due to common ancestry

hardy-weinberg equilibrium

alleles in population remain constant if: - no mutation - no migration - no selection - random mating - large population impossible in reality -> alleles in population change

urey and miller experiment result

amino acid and carbon compounds spontaneously arose (not cell itself)

half life

amount of time needed for radioactive elements to decay (*practice calculation*)

how to read phylogeny tree

ancestor: base, longest branch most recent: top, shortest branch closely related: separated by few branches

3 domains of living things

bacteria, archaea, eukarya (protista, fungi, plantae, animalia)

how do new species form?

begin with isolation

difference between phylogenetic tree and cladogram

both show evolutionary relationship between species only phylogenetic tree represent evolutionary time and amount of change

natural selection

cause of evolution (survival difference) happen by environment's action organism with favorable genes reproduce more then become more common


change in genetic composition of one species in response to genetic change in another


changes in gene frequency in population from one generation to next

4 patterns of evolution

convergent evolution, divergent evolution, adaptive radiation, co-evolution

invertebrates' phylum

coral- cnidaria earthworm- annelida sponge- porifera flatworm- platyhelminthes starfish- echinodermata grasshopper- arthropoda snail- mollusca crab- arthropoda


descent of different species from common ancestor over many generations

relative age

determined by its position in sedimentary rock

geological age

determined by radiometric dating


diagram that act as hypothesis that show our best guess at how organisms are related

molecular clock

dna and proteins more time since divergence - more mutation, different dna less time since divergence - less mutation, similar dna

natural selection

environment selects organisms with optimal traits to reproduce


eukaryote cell walls of cellulose/chloroplast multicellular autotroph ex. moss, fern, flowering plants


eukaryote cell walls of chitin mostly multicellular (or unicellular) heterotroph ex. mushroom, yeast


eukaryote cell walls with cellulose/chloroplast mostly unicellular (or colonial/multicellular) autotropch/heterotroph ex. amoeba, paramecium, slime mold, giant kelp


eukaryote no cell walls/chloroplasts multicellular heterotroph ex. sponge, worm, insect, fish, mammal

endosymbiotic theory

eukaryotic cells formed from symbiosis among several different prokaryotic organisms

vertebrates' class

fish- osteichtyes chicken/bird- aves frog- amphibia snake- reptilia shark- chondrichthyes bat- mammalia lamprey- agnatha


for limited resources (not all survive)

index fossil

fossil made of easily recognized species that existed for short time but wide geographical range used to compare relative fossil ages

5 evolution evidence

fossils embryonic development homologous structures vestigial structures biochemistry

binomial nomenclature

handwriting: underline typing: italicize

malthus' theory

human population is capable of growing faster than food supply increase -> false

artificial selection

humans selecting useful variations out of ones that nature provided

biochemical evidence

if 2 organisms have similar dna, then they: - have similar proteins - are related - share common ancestor

what happens to organisms' complexity?

increase over time

common misconceptions of evolution

individual organisms don't evolve (populations do) organisms can't decide to evolve (either have adaptation or don't) evolution doesn't happen in 1 generation (requires many) humans did not evolve from monkeys (share common ancestor)

punctuated equilibrium

long periods of equilibrium followed by short/rapid bursts of change

6 kingdom classification system

monera (eubacteria, archaebacteria) plantae (non-vascular, vascular) fungi protista animalia (invertebrate, vertebrate)

4 factors that cause variation

mutation, environment, recombination, random combination of gametes at fertilization

why are scientific names necessary?

names vary in different locations scientists speak different languages make communication easier avoid ambiguity

do all species change?

no: depends on environment

convergent evolution

not-closely-related organisms evolve similar traits as they both adapt to similar environments

divergent evolution

one species develop into 2+ species over long period of time


over time favorable adaptations accumulate and new species results

6 requirements of natural selection

overproduction, competition, variation, adaptation, natural selection, speciation (not always)

hardy-weinberg equation

p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1 p + q = 1 (p= frequency of dominant allele, q= frequency of recessive allele) (*practice*)


population of organisms that can successfully breed and produce fertile offspring


produce more offspring than needed to maintain species

monera (eubacteria, archaebacteria)

prokaryote cell walls with/without peptidoglycan unicellular autotroph/heterotroph ex. streptococcus, e.coli / methanogen, halophile

key points to remember in life history

prokaryotic cells -> eukaryotic cells reptiles -> amphibians cells -> oxygen dinosaurs -> birds

adaptive radiation

rapid speciation from common ancestor in nearby but distinct environments very fast only in few generations ex. galapagos finches

fossil dating

relative age, geological age

4 types of isolation

reproductive, geographic, temporal, behavioral

reproductive isolation

results from barriers to successful reproduction

behavioral isolation

results from different mating behavior

geographic isolation

results from physical separation

temporal isolation

results from timing separation


science of naming and classifying organisms

darwin's theory

similar animals live in different environments environmental disturbances give impact on creatures

homologous structures

similar structures with different functions


slow gradual changed over time


some traits give favorable advantage to obtain limited resources

disapproved theories about life

spontaneous generation: living things arose spontaneously from non-living matter biogenesis: life gave rise to more life

3 types of natural selection

stabilizing selection (ex. human birth weight) directional selection (industrial melanism of moths) disruptive selection (ex. beetle color) (refer to graph)

analagous structures

structures in different species that have same function but have evolved separately

vestigial structures

structures that lose function but remains ex. human's tailbone, salamander's eyes, limb's pelvic bone


study of evolutionary relationships among organisms to scale of evolutionary time

why is rna before dna?

suspected to be first genetic material less complicated can form in water has enzymatic properties

gene pool

total collection of alleles within population


traces of once living species in sedimentary rocks trapped in amber/lice

lamarck's theory

usage of feature determines if it is strengthened over life time children may inherit parent's acquired traits -> false


within population

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