BUS 387-2

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((Skill variety+Task Identity+Task significance) /3) X Autonomy X Feedback =

Organizational Behavior Modification (OB Mod)

-systematic application of reinforcement theory to modify employee behaviors in the workplace. the model consists of five stages. : 1- identifying the behavior that will be modified. 2- need to measure the baseline level of absenteeism. How many times a month is a particular employee absent? 3- the behavior;s anticedents and consequences are determined. Why is the employee absent? 4- an intervention is implemented. 5- behavior is measured periodically and maintained.

reactions to inequity:

1- Distort perceptions 2-Increase referent's inputs 3- Reduce own input 4- Increase own outcomes 5- change referent 6- leave the situation 7-Seek legal action

ERG Theory

1- Existence 2- Relatedness 3- Growth

Big five personality traits:

1- Openness 2- conscientiousness 3- Extraversion 4- Agreeableness 5- Neuroticism

3 types of leader decision making:

1- autocratic decision making 2- democratic decision making 3- laissez-faire decision making


1-Setting companywide goals derived from corporate strategy 2-Determining team- and department-level goals 3-Collaboratively setting individual-level goals that are aligned with corporate strategy 4-Developing an action plan 5-Periodically reviewing performance and revising goals

Fiedler's contingency Theory

According to the theory, a leader's style is measured by a scale called Least Preferred Coworker scale (LPC). People who are filling out this survey are asked to think of a person who is their least preferred coworker. Then, they rate this person in terms of how friendly, nice, and cooperative this person is.

Equity Theory

According to this theory, individuals are motivated by a sense of fairness in their interactions. Moreover, our sense of fairness is a result of the social comparisons we make. Specifically, we compare our inputs and outcomes with other people's inputs and outcomes.

downsides of goal setting:

As such, goals may have unintended consequences, necessitating checks and balances, careful consideration of the ethical climate, and rewarding the right behavior.


Being curious, original, intellectual, creative, and open to new ideas.


Being organized, systematic, punctual, achievement oriented, and dependable.


Being outgoing, talkative, sociable, and enjoying social situations.

Distort perceptions

Changing one's thinking to believe that the referent actually is more skilled than previously thought.

Changing referent

Comparing oneself to someone who is worse off


Corresponds to Maslow's physiological and safety needs.


Corresponds to social needs

Emotional Intelligence

Daniel Goleman - people with this, demonstrate a high level of self awareness, motivation, empathy, and social skills. people that have this_____matters for entry to high level management jobs, what differentiates effective leaders from ineffective ones becomes their ability to control their own emotions and understand other people's emotions, their internal motivation and their social skills.

Acquired-Needs Theory

David McClelland's ________________ is the one that has received the greatest amount of support. According to this theory, individuals acquire three types of needs as a result of their life experiences. These needs are the need for achievement, the need for affiliation, and the need for power. All individuals possess a combination of these needs, and the dominant needs are thought to drive employee behavior.

Decision-making styles:

Decide- the leader makes the decision alone using available information. consult individually- the leader obtains additional information from individual members before making the decision alone. consult as a group- the leader shares the problem with the entire group and asks for their opinion. the leader makes the final decision alone. facilitate- the leader shares information about the problem with group members collectively, and asks as a facilitator. The leader sets the parameters of the decision. delegate- the leader lets the team make the decision.

Reduce own input

Deliberately putting forth less effort at work. Reducing the quality of one's work.

Valence (rewards)

Do I find the outcomes desirable? --find rewards that are desirable to employees --make sure that the rewards are viewed as fair --give employees choice over rewards.


Employees should have the skills, knowledge, and abilities to reach their goals. In fact, when employees are lacking the necessary abilities, setting specific outcome goals has been shown to lead to lower levels of performance.

Increase referent's inputs

Encouraging the referent to work harder

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

From Top to Bottom: 1- Self-actualization 2- Esteem Needs 3- Social Needs 4- Safety Needs 5- Physiological needs The hierarchy is a systematic way of thinking about the different needs employees may have at any given point and explains different reactions they may have to similar treatment.

Need for achievement

Have a strong need to be successful. These individuals are constantly striving to improve their performance. They relentlessly focus on goals, particularly stretch goals that are challenging in nature.

Vroom and Yetton's Decision model

Helps leaders determine how much involvement they should seek when making decisions.The model starts by having leaders answer several key questions and working their way through a decision tree based on their responses.

Two Factor Theory

Herzberg came to the conclusion that aspects of the work environment that satisfy employees are very different from aspects that dissatisfy them. [5] Herzberg labeled factors causing worker dissatisfaction as "hygiene" factors because these factors were part of the context in which the job was performed, as opposed to the job itself.


If a goal is viewed as impossible to reach, it will not have any motivational value.

What Are Inputs and Outcomes?

Inputs are the contributions people feel they are making to the environment. In the previous example, the person's hard work, loyalty to the organization, amount of time with the organization, and level of education, training, and skills may have been relevant inputs. Outcomes are the perceived rewards someone can receive from the situation. For the hourly wage employee in our example, the $10-an-hour pay rate was a core outcome.

Performance= MotivationX AbilityX Environment

Job performance is viewed as a function of three factors and is expressed with the following equation.

Participative leaders

Make sure that employees are involved in the making of important decisions. may be more effective when employees have high levels of ambiguity and when the decisions to be made are personally relevant to them.


Negative behavior followed by negative consequences (manager demotes the employee)


Negative behavior followed by removal of positive consequences (manager ignores the behavior)

Increase own outcomes

Negotiating a raise for oneself or using unethical ways of increasing rewards such as stealing from the company.

general mental ability

People with this are more likely to be viewed as leaders in their environment.

The Zimbardo Study

Philip Zimbardo- randomly assigned eighteen individuals to the role of prisoner or guard. those assigned the role of "prisoners"were surprised when they were picked up by actual police officers and then transferred to a prison that had been created in the basement of the stanford psycholoy building. The guards in the experiment were told to keep order but recieved no training.

Negative Reinforcement

Positive Behavior followed by removal of negative consequences (Manager stops nagging the employee)

Positive Reinforcement

Positive behavior followed by positive consequences (manager praises the employee). If the praise immediately follows the positive behavior, the employee will see a link between the behavior and positive consequences and will be motivated to repeat similar behaviors.

Directive leaders

Provide specific directions to their employees.They lead employees by clarifying role expectations, setting schedules, and making sure that employees know what to do on a given work day. The theory predicts that the directive style will work well when employees are experiencing role ambiguity on the job.


Refers to Maslow's esteem and self-actualization


Refers to acquiring new skills that lead to satisfying one's life goals.


Research also shows that people who are effective as leaders tend to have a moral compass and demonstrate honesty and ________.

The Asch Studies

Solomon Asch- found that individuals could be influenced to say that two lines were the same length when one was clearly shorter than the other. This effect was established using groups of four or more participants who were told they were in experiments of visual perception.

formal leaders

Some leaders hold a position of authority and may utilize the power that comes from their position as well as their personal power to influence others.

The Milgram Studies

Stanley Milgram- tested how far individuals would go in hurting another individual when told to do so by a researcher.

Seek legal action

Suing the company or filing a complaint if the unfairness in question is under legal protection.

Self Esteem

The degree to which a person is at peace with oneself and has an overall positive assessment of one's self worth and capabilities seem to be relevant to whether someone is viewed as a leader.


The goal should contain a statement regarding when the proposed performance level will be reached.

Low-quality LMX relationships

The leader and member have lower levels of trust liking, and respect toward each other. These relationships do not have to involve actively disliking each other, but the leader and member do not go beyond their formal job descriptions in their exchanges.

who is the referent?

The referent other may be a specific person as well as a category of people. Referents should be comparable to us—otherwise the comparison is not meaningful.

Reactions to Unfairness

The theory outlines several potential reactions to perceived inequity. Oftentimes, the situation may be dealt with perceptually by altering our perceptions of our own or the referent's inputs and outcomes.

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

This method entails presenting research subjects an ambiguous picture asking them to write a story based on it. Take a look at the following picture. Who is this person? What is she doing? Why is she doing it?


Those who give without waiting to receive much in return.


To be more effective, employees should receive ___________ on the progress they are making toward goal accomplishment. Providing employees with quantitative figures about their sales, defects, or other metrics is useful for ____________ purposes.

Need for affiliation

Want to be liked and accepted by others. Their emphasis on harmonious interpersonal relationships may be an advantage in jobs and occupations requiring frequent interpersonal interaction, such as a social worker or teacher.


We perceive fairness if we believe that the input-to-outcome ratio we are bringing into the situation is similar to the input-to-outcome ratio of a comparison person, or a_____________________.

Even when goals are smart, they are not always equally effective. Sometimes goals setting procedures more dramatic effects compared to other methods. Three conditions that contribute to effectiveness have been identified: 1- feedback 2- ability 3-goal commitment

When are goals more effective

Expectancy (effort)

Will my effort lead to high performance? -- make sure employees have proper skills, abilities, and knowledge --Ensure that the environment facilitates performance --provide encouragement to make people believe that their effort makes a difference

Instrumentality (performance)

Will performance lead to outcomes? --Reward employee performance --inform people in advance about the rewards --Try to eliminate non-performance influence over rewards.

Equity sensitivity

a personality trait that explains different reactions to inequity. these individuals expect to maintain equitable relationships and experience distress when they feel they are over-rewarded or under-rewarded.

in-group bias

a tendency for individuals to favor the group to which they belong.


are factors that are intrinsic to the job, such as achievement, recognition, interesting work, increased responsibilities, advancement, and growth opportunities. According to Herzberg's research, motivators, and not hygiene factors, are the conditions that truly motivate employees. In fact, it is possible to think of hygiene factors as those factors that create contentment, whereas motivators are those factors that create high levels of engagement at work. *Achievement *Recognition *Interesting work *Increased responsiblity *Advancement and growth.

informal leaders

are without a formal position of authority within the organization but demonstrate leadership by influencing others through personal forms of power.

Expectancy Theory

argues that individual motivation to put forth more or less effort is determined by a rational calculation in which individuals evaluated their situation. According to this theory, individuals as themselves three questions: ExpectancyXInstrumentalityXValence

situational leadership

argues that leaders must use different leadership styles depending on their followers' development level. [3] According to this model, employee readiness (defined as a combination of their competence and commitment levels) is the key factor determining the proper leadership style. Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Hersey- invented this

Intrapersonal conflict

arises within a person. For example, when you're uncertain about what is expected or wanted, or you have a sense of being inadequate to perform a task, you are experiencing ____________ .

Intrapersonal conflict

arises within the person. For example, when you're uncertain about what is expected or wanted, or you have a sense of being inadequate to perform a task, you are experiencing intrapersonal conflict.

Path-Goal Theory of Leadership

based on the expectancy theory of motivation. Suggests that emplyees are motivated when they believe or expect that a- their effort will lead to higher performance, b- their high performance will be rewarded, c- the rewards they will receive are valuable to them. the leader's main job is to make sure that all three of these conditions exist. Thus, leaders will create satisfied and high-performing employees by making sure that employee effort leads to performance, and their performance is rewarded by desired rewards.

Reinforcement Theory

behavior is a function of its outcomes.The consequences following your good deed were favorable, and therefore you are more likely to demonstrate similar behaviors in the future. In other words, your taking initiative was reinforced.Reinforcement theory describes four interventions to modify employee behavior.: 1Positive reinforcement 2Negative reinforcement 3Punishment 4Extinction


being affable, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind, and warm.


being anxious, irritable, temperamental, and moody.

Expert power

comes from knowledge and skill.

intergroup conflict

conflict that takes place among different groups. Types of groups may include different departments or divisions in a company, and employee union and management, or competing companies that supply the same customers.


defined as the removal of conditions that make a person powerless. employees have the ability to make decisions and perform their jobs effectively if management removes certain barriers.

growth need strength

describes the degree to which a person has higher order needs, such as self-esteem and self-actualization.


effective goals are difficult, not easy. these goals are also called stretch goals. when goals are _____ and require people to work harder or smarter, performance levels tend to work harder or smarter, and performance tends to be dramatically higher.

Specific and measurable

effective goals are specific and measurable. When goals are specific, performance tends to be higher.

Authentic leadership approach

embraces this value: be yourself. These leaders are self aware. They are introspective- understand where they are coming from, and have a thorough understanding of their own values and priorities.

democratic decision making

employees participate in the making of the decison

Transactional leaders

ensure that employees demonstrate the right behaviors and provide resources in exchange. [1]

Job specialization

entails breaking down jobs into their simplest components and assigning them to employees so that each person would perform a select number of tasks in a repetitive manner.


expect to receive substantial compensation for relatively little input.


factors such as having the resources, information, and support one needs to perform well are critical to determine performance.

Hygiene Factors

include company policies, supervision, working conditions, salary, safety, and security on the job. For example, if you are working in an unpleasant work environment in which your office is too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter, or if you are being harassed and mistreated, you would likely be miserable. *Company Policy *Supervision and relationships *Working conditions *Salary *Security

People-oriented leader behaviors

include showing concern for employee feelings and treating employees with respect.

Other-focused impression management

includes complimenting or praising the other party, doing favors to them, or conforming to their opinions to make oneself more attractive and likeable to the other party.

self-focused impression management

includes promoting and enhancing one's qualities to create a specific image in the eyes of the other person regarding one's qualities.

nonverbal impression management

includes the clothes you choose to wear and your demeanor. Your smile, posture, and body language are important aspects of your nonverbal impression management. Another example of a nonverbal signal is body art, including piercings and tattoos.

Rational persuasion

includes using facts, data, and logical arguments to try to convince others that your point of view is the best alternative. This is the most commonly applied influence tactic.

Fixed-interval schedules

involve providing rewards after a specific amount of time.- example: giving end-of-the year bonuses.

Fixed ration schedules

involve providing rewards every nth time the right behavior is demonstrated.

Task-oriented leader behaviors-Initiating structure

involve structuring the roles of subordinates, providing them with instructions, and behaving in ways that will increase the performance of the group.__ are directives given to employees to get things done and to ensure that organizational goals are met.

Active management by exception

involves leaving employees to do their jobs without interference, but at the same time proactively predicting potential problems and preventing them from occuring.

Job rotation

involves moving employees from job to job at regular intervals. When employees periodically move to different jobs, the monotonous aspects of job specialization can be relieved.

Variable ratio

involves providing the reinforcement on a random pattern, such as praising the employee occasionally when the person shows up on time.

intergroup conflict

is a conflict that takes place among different groups. Types of groups may include different groups may include different departments or divisions in a company, and employee union and management, or competing companies that supply the same customers.

Smart goal

is a goal that is specific, measurable, aggressive, realistic, and time-bound

job enrichment

is a job redesign technique that allows workers more control over how they perform their own tasks. This approach allows employees to take on more responsibility over their jobs. As an alternative to job specialization, companies using job enrichment may experience positive outcomes, such as reduced turnover, increased productivity, and reduced absences.

Servant leadership

is a leadership approach that defines the leader's role as serving the needs of others. the primary mission of the leader is to develop employees and help them reach their goals. these leaders put their employees first, understand their personal needs and desires, empower them, and help them develop in their careers.


is a process that involves people disagreeing.


is a process that involves people disagreeing.

Interpersonal conflict

is among individuals such as coworkers, a manager and an employee, or CEOs and their staff.

Abusive leadership

is defined as a sustained display of hostile verbal and nonverbal behaviors toward employees. these leaders display behaviors such as giving employees the silent treatment, reminding them of their past mistakes, breaking promises, being rude and lying to employees.


is directly related to power. The more that a person is dependent on you, the more power you have over them.

Goal -setting theory

is one of the most influential theories of motivation.

Legitimate power

is power that comes from one's organization role or position.

passive management by exception

is similar in that involves leaving employees alone, but in this method the manager waits until something goes wrong before coming to the rescue.

information power

is similar to expert power but differs in its source. Experts tend to have a vast amount of knowledge or skill, whereas information power is distinguished by access to specific information.

downward influence

is the ability to influence employees lower than you. This is best achieved through an inspiring vision. By articulating a clear vision, you help people see the end goal and move toward it.


is the ability to influence the behavior of others to get what you want.

Upward influence

is the ability to influence your boss and others in positions higher than yours.

coercive power

is the ability to take something away or punish someone for noncompliance. often works through fear and it forces people to do something that ordinarily they would not choose to do.


is the degree to which a person has the freedom to decide how to perform his or her tasks.

Overpayment Inequity

it seems that individuals experience less distress as a result of being over-rewarded. [5] It is not hard to imagine that individuals find perceptual ways to deal with a situation like this, such as believing they have more skills and bring more to the situation compared to the referent person. Therefore, research does not support equity theory's predictions with respect to people who are overpaid. [6]

Transformational leaders

lead employees by aligning employee goals with the leader's goals.

autocratic decision making

leaders make the decision alone without necessarily involving employees in the decision-making process.

laissez-faire decision making

leave employees alone to make the decision. The leader provides minimum guidance and involvement in the decision.


may be defined as the act of influencing others to work toward a goal. leaders exist at all levels of an organization

contingent rewards

mean rewarding employees for their accomplishments

Impression management

means actively shaping the way you are perceived by others. You can do this through your choice of clothing, the avatars or photos you use to represent yourself online, the descriptions of yourself on a résumé or in an online profile, and so forth.

Legitimating tactics

occur when the appeal is based on legitimate or position power.


occurs when the influence target does not wish to comply with the request and either passively or actively repels the influence attempt.


occurs when the target does not necessarily want to obey, but they do


occurs when the target no only agrees to the request but also actively supports it as well.

Job Characteristics model

one of the most influential attempts to design jobs with increased motivational properties. The model describes five core job dimensions leading to three critical psychological stages, resulting in work-related outcomes.


or having the skills and knowledge required to perform the job—is also important and is sometimes the key determinant of effectiveness.

peer influence

peers affect one persons decisions towards one specific thing.

Supportive leaders

provide emotional support to employees. They treat employees well, care about them on a personal level, and they are encouraging. This approach is predicted to be effective when employees are under a lot of stress or performing boring, repetitive jobs.

Leave the situation

quitting one's job.

Coalition tactics

refer to a group of individuals working together toward a common goal to influence others.

Safety Needs

refer to safety from pain or danger.

Physiological needs

refer to the need for air, food, and water.

Social Needs

refer to the need for love, bonding, and lasting attachments.


refers to behaviors leaders demonstrate that create confidence in, commitment to, and admiration for the leader.- they have a magnetic personality that is appealing to followers.


refers to different forms of making others feel good about themselves. includes any form of flattery done either before or during the influence attempt. Research shows that ingratiation can affect individuals.


refers to exerting undue influence on someone to do what you want or else something undesirable will occur.

Job enlargement

refers to expanding the tasks performed by employees to add more variety.By giving employees several different tasks to be performed, as opposed to limiting their activities to a small number of tasks, organizations hope to reduce boredom and monotony as well as utilize human resources more effectively.


refers to give-and-take in which someone does something for you, and you do something for them in return.

Personal appeal

refers to helping another person because you like them and they asked for your help.


refers to one's ability to find another option that works as well as the one offered.


refers to people's tendencies to behave consistently with social norms. This can refer to small things such as how people tend to fact forward in an elevator.

Structural empowerment

refers to the aspects of the work environment that give employees discretion, autonomy and the ability to do their jobs effectively. The idea is that the presence of certain structural factors help empower people, but in the end empowerment is a perception.

Job crafting

refers to the changes employees make to their own job description—expanding certain elements that are a better fit to their own personality, or reducing the scope of the job to achieve better work-life balance, all in the service of better meeting the employee's career and life goals.

goal commitment

refers to the degree to which a person is dedicated to reaching the goal. What makes people dedicated or committed to a goal? It has been proposed that making goals public may increase commitment to the goal, because it creates accountability to peers.

Task identity

refers to the degree to which a person is in charge of completing an identifiable piece of work from start to finish.

Procedural Justice

refers to the degree to which fair decision-making procedures are used to arrive at a decision.

interactional Justice

refers to the degree to which people are treated with respect, kindness, and dignity in interpersonal interactions.


refers to the degree to which people learn how effective they are being at work. --- this may come from other people such as supervisors, peers, subordinates, and customers, or it may come from the job itself.

Distributive Justice

refers to the degree to which the outcomes received from the organization are perceived to be fair. example: the company can either pay their CEO a higher salary or they can put the same sum of money into a program.

Esteem Needs

refers to the desire to be respected by one's peers, feel important, and be appreciated.

Skill variety

refers to the extent to which the job requires a person to utilize multiple high-level skills. A car wash employee whose job consists of directing customers into the automated car wash demonstrates low levels of skill variety, whereas a car wash employee who acts as a cashier, maintains car-wash equipment, and manages the inventory of chemicals demonstrates higher skill variety.


refers to the influence agent's asking others for help in directly influencing or planning to influence another person or group. is the most effective in organizations and cultures that value democratic decision making.


refers to the uniqueness of a resource. The more difficult something is to obtain, the more valuable it tends to be.


refers to the value of the resource. The more vital the resources that you control are, the more power you will have.

Task significance

refers to whether a person's job substantially affects other people's work, health, or well-being. A janitor who cleans the floors at an office building may find the job low in significance, thinking it is not a very important job.

continuous schedule

reinforcers follow all instances of positive behavior. Example: giving an employee a sales commission every time he makes a sale.

inspirational appeals

seek to tap into our values, emotions, and beliefs to gain support for a request or course of action.

Achievement-oriented leaders

set goals for employees and encourage them to reach their goals. Their style challenges employees and focuses their attention on work-related goals. this style is likely to be effective when employees have both high levels of ability and high levels of achievement motivation.

referent power

stems from the personal characteristics of the person such as the degree to which we like, respect, and want to be like them.


the ability to attract others, win their admiration and hold them spellbound.

reward power

the ability to grant a reward, such as an increase in pay, a perk, or an attractive job assignment. tends to accompany legitimate power and is highest when the reward is scarce.


the belief that the leader will show integrity, fairness, and predictability in his or her dealings with others.


the desire to achieve a goal or a certain performance level, leading to goal-directed behavior.

High-quality LMX relationships

the leader forms a trust-based relationship with the member. the leader and member like each other, help each other when needed, and respect each other.

Leader-member exchange (LMX)

theory proposes that the type of relationship leaders have with their followers (Members of the organization) is the key to understanding how leaders influence employees.

intellectual stimulation

they challenge organizational norms and status quo, and they encourage employees to think creatively and work harder.

Inspirational motication

transformational leaders use ______ to come up with a vision that is inspiring to others

Need for power

want to influence others and control their environment. A high need for power may in fact be a destructive element in relationships with colleagues if it takes the form of seeking and using power for one's own good and prestige.

in-group bias

which may be defined as a tendency for individuals to favor the group to which they belong.

Individualized consideration

which means that they show personal care and concern for the well-being of their followers.

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