Canterbury Tales
What happens to the old man?
The old man can be "death" itself or a representation of death as he sends the three young men, who are looking for death, to an Oak tree where they find treasure and, ultimately, die. In other words, he sends them to a place where they find death or death finds them. One of the "rioters" calls him the death's spy.
How many tales were the pilgrims expected to share?
The original intent was that each pilgrim was to tell two tales to Canterbury and two on the way back
Why did Chaucer write the Prologue?
The purpose of the "The General Prologue" is to introduce the characters and show the variety of people, trades, and social classes of this time period. There are pilgrims from the noble class (Knight and Squire), some from the middle class (Merchant, Wife of Bath, Shipman), and some from the clergy.
What are the reasons the knight gives the old woman as to why he is not very enthusiastic about her?
The real reason is because of the Hag's appearance. She is so ugly to him. Also because she is low-class.
What about the 3 men searching for death?
The three men find death in the end; however, this is ironic because they think they can cheat death. They get distracted by their own greed of gold and that leads to death.
friar: personality
"Glib with gallant phrase and well turned speech" (He is very Persuasive at talking women and wealthy landowners into giving him money in exchange for listening to confessions "an easy man in penance giving"
Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? (Wife of Bath)
"a worthy woman"
Dress (Squire)
"embroidered like a meadow bright, etc. (dressed in red and white) His gown was short, sleeves long and wide
What does the knight dress like?
"he possessed fine horses but was not gaily dressed" wore a dark, Fustian tunic (coarse cloth) that had armor stains
Pardoner's dress
Carries a bag full of fake religious relics, no hood but a little cap on head Bulging eyeballs, has cross on his wallet pilgrim medal on hat
Merchant personality traits
Expert at currency exchange but personally in debt
Pardoner's Personality
Greedy fraud, shifty, keeps money from blessings to himself, Sneaky, untrustworthy, dishonest, he read and sang sermons well
Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? (Merchant)
He doesn't even know his name.
What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? Friar
He is a priest but his intentions are dishonest - to make money off selling blessings
What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? (Monk)
He is a priest but his mission is probably more self indulgent than spiritual
Yeomen reason for pilgrimage
He is accompanying the knight and squire
What is the Knight's physical characteristics?
He is strong because he has endured many battles. He is middle aged because he has a 20 year old son, the squire
What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? (Merchant)
He is supposedly part of the wealthy class but he is actually in debt.
What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? (Pardoner)
He rides with the summoner who also takes advantage of his position; the cross on his wallet symbolizes how he uses the church to line his pockets
Friar characteristics
He sang well and played the hurdy-gurdy stringed instrument and the harp
What information does the Pardoner give in his prologue?
He tells the company about his occupation—a combination of itinerant preaching and selling promises of salvation. His sermon topic always remains the same: Radix malorum est Cupiditas, or "greed is the root of all evil. The Pardoner admits that he preaches solely to get money, not to correct sin. He argues that many sermons are the product of evil intentions. By preaching, the Pardoner can get back at anyone who has offended him or his brethren.
Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? (Monk)
His wealthy clothes do not match his humble vocation.
Monk personality traits
Hunter has greyhounds, and hunting shoes with spurs, personable, he eats well and he likes to eat
What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? (Monk)
Instead of devoting his life to work and prayer like most monks of the Middle Ages, he spends his time hunting and eating.
What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? Friar
Instead of remaining tied to one monastery, this friar goes from one wealthy landowner to another accepting bribes in exchange for absolution.
The queen asks the king to let her decide the knight's fate. What is the deal she offers the knight and what does she ask him to find out?
Instead, she wants the knight to find out what it is that women want. She gives him a year and a day to go on a quest to determine what it is that women most desire.
Host or Henry Bailey personality
Loud and merry but quick tempered, bold, tactful, Generous, curious
What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? (Squire)
Maybe out of respect for this father
What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? (Wife of Bath)
Maybe to meet another husband.
Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? Friar
No, Chaucer is criticizing the Friar and religious figures like him who are unscrupulous and take advantage of their religious position
Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? (Pardoner)
No, he is a charlatan (fake)
What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? (Squire)
What faults does the Yeomen have according to Chaucer?
None suggested
What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? (Knight)
None- he is the ideal of chivalry, honor, and bravery - "the sovereign value in all eyes" "a true, perfect, gentle knight"
What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? (Merchant)
Perhaps he hopes to sell some of his furs and cloths
What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? (Wife of Bath)
She was married five times
What is the other deal the knight made with the old woman?
The Knight has to marry the old woman
Yeomen personality
The artist rendition on page 100 suggests the yeoman is ready for any occurrence in the forest, such as hunting game or defense against highwayman attack. He looks sturdy and serious and like Robin Hood.
What happens during the Pardoner's actual tale?
Three rioters hear that one of their friends was killed by the name of death. In a drunken state, they ran out to avenge their friend's life. Outside, they run into an old man who has a look of sorrow on his face. The old man told them where they can find death in grove by an oak tree; however, the men do not find death but eight bushels of gold. They decide to split their wealth among each other. The three rioters do not want to look as thieves so they spend the youngest one into town to get wine and bread. While he is gone they plan to stab to get larger shares of money. The young one plans to poison the two men by putting in their wine. In the end, the men kill the young one. They die from the poisoned wine
Host or Henry Bailey reason for pilgrimage
To accompany the pilgrims on their journey and select the one who tells the best story who will be rewarded with a free supper
What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? (Knight)
To give thanks to God "to do his pilgrimage and render thanks"
What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? (Pardoner)
To make money in exchange for forgiving pilgrims for their sins
What is the choice the old woman gives the knight?
Would young and beautiful, unfaithful or old and faithful?
Host or Henry Bailey: Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith?
Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? (Yeomen)
Yes, "He was a proper forester, I guess."
Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? (Knight)
Yes, "ever honored for his noble graces"
Monk - Characteristics
bald, fat
Wife of Bath Personality Traits:
bold, argumentative, well traveled, professional wife Very social
Friar social status
Pardoner social class
clergy - pardons people's sins for a donation to the church
Monk Social Status
clergy or wealthy
Yeomen dress
coat and hood of green with peacock-feather arrows at his belt, held a bow, sword, and dagger - also a hunting horn, Wore saucy bracelet as shield guard from the bow and sword along with St. Christopher's medal
Physical Characteristics (Squire)
curly hair, about 20 years old, average height, strong, Physically fit, sings and plays the flute, likes poetry, jousting, horse riding, dancing
who did the old man represent
death itself and he was leading the men to their deaths
Merchant characteristics
forking beard, stately, noble in appearance "high on his horse he sat"
And what is the reaction of the old woman?
gave the woman what she most desired, the authority to choose for herself, she becomes both beautiful and good.
What is the moral of the Pardoner's tale?
greed is the root of all evil
Friar Dress
had a long hanging hood, white, thick neck, rich cape like a Pope
Personality traits (Squire)
he fought on behalf of a lady and did well quickly, lover, respectful to his father, hard working and willing to take risks
How does he feel about the deal after he realizes he must comply to the terms?
he hates that he has to marry an old, ugly woman and begrudges it
When the knight returns to the queen, what does he say the answer to her question is and from whom did he learn the answer?
he knight answers that what women really want is power over men and equality in a relationship
Why is the knight sent before (sent to be judged by) the king?
he raped a young girl and take her virginity
How does the knight respond
he replies that he would rather trust her judgment, and he asks her to choose whatever she thinks best.
Yeomen physical characteristics
head like a nut and brown faced, strong knew the whole of woodcraft up and down
What is the knight's social status?
highest among the pilgrims attending
wife of bath dress
kerchiefs finely woven, red hose, new shoes
Host or Henry Bailey characteristics
large, striking in appearance, manly, bright eyed
Pardoner's characteristics
long, greasy yellow hair, beardless
wife of bath social status
middle class seamstress
Merchant dress
motley (multi color) dress , wore Flemish beaver hat, daintily buckled boots
Host or Henry Bailey: What faults might this character have according to Chaucer?
Merchant - Social Status
part of a wealthy trade class of fur traders and cloth
Yeomen: Social Status
peasant class, servant who accompanies the knight and squire
Wife of Bath - characteristics
somewhat deaf, red faced but handsome, gapped teeth, large hips
Social Status (Squire)
the son of the knight
Host or Henry Bailey social status
trade class - the leader of the group
Monk Dress
wealthy, fine fur-trimmed robe, gold brooch
What are the Knight's personality traits?
wise, modest, distinguished, chivalrous, truthful, honorable, generous, courteous, brave loves action and adventure, believes in the ideals of chivalry, he must be an excellent fighter to have survived many battles in Europe
Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? (Squire)