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Taoism & fairy godmother cultures

)- The Taoist philosophy intends for a laisser-faire, hands-off, self-organizedand more fluid leadership style - This authentic, servant leadership style is both employee and customer centric, as well as offers employees more freedom and autonomy - China's business environment requires collective discipline above individual volatility - The 'fairy godmothers" (like in Walt Disney's Peter Pan) organizational style of which the leaders are the embodiment of hope and are devoted to making dream come true. This type of companies operates as a chaotic guerrilla network that think asymmetrically - It also created an open innovation model that broke down all walls and silos of departments and made an entrepreneur from every manager - The Taoist companies deploy technology to aid people - internally and externally. The Confucian value of "renqing" resonates in this environment. ( "Renqing" is known as the debt reciprocity. If you do someone a favor, then it is expected that you repay that favor.

What are the main points of 1. Confucianism & godfather cultures?

- Confucian thought is paternalistic, strives for harmony, mutual respect and benevolence - Leaders focus on "walk the talk" and "caring for the group" - Employee becomes part of the larger company family, and trust is essential - Company being run as "you are either in the circle of confidants, or outside the family" - Confucian value of "personal relationship" or "guanxi" that is sacred - Western management style stressed more on technology to optimize internal process and output; while Chinese Confucian entities, the executives trust their team managers to increase productivity and allocate resources as per need

What is the Chinese Leadership Concept - Legalism

- Legalism is based more on law than on moral values. Its basic assumption is that human behavior is primarily controlled by a relentless pursuit of self-interest, not by moral values. - The three main precepts of these Legalist philosophers are the strict application of idely * Widely publicized laws (fa 法)* The application of such management techniques (shu 術)* The manipulation of political purchase (shi 勢). - This style of management is reminiscent of Management by Objectives, by setting goals for the subordinate and periodically discussing their level of achievement between supervisors and subordinates. The aspects examined by the managerial leadership suggest a coaching relationship.

What are the 3 elements of leadership and management in Contemporary of Confucius - Sunzi (孫子) "art of war"?

- Strategic leadership - Situation - Subordinates

2. Legalism & marshal cultures

- Traditional legalistic thought is strongly autocratic and commanding, with rules, controls and bureaucracy - This leadership style stressed the command-and-control management approach. The marshal type of business cultures of China which function the company like the Army - Confucian value of "face" align well with the legalistic mindset, whereas the Western focus on the negative connotation of "lose face", but in China, people also focus more on "gain face"!

What are Hofstede Cultural Dimensions in China?

- Very how power distance, little communication betweensupervisors and employees, only paternalism and obedience exist. (Employees expecting instruction from their supervisors and are less likely to represent their own, though-out option)

Comparison of Confucianism and Legalism:

- What Confucianism and legalism have in common is that both concepts are collectivist and have supported a paternalistic style of leadership until today (Paternalistic leader=a managerial approach that involves a dominant authority figure who acts as a patriarch or matriarch and treats employees and partners as though they are members of a large, extended family). -They are also characterized by a very low delegation of power to employees, even in Taiwanese firms Differences: sharing rules: Equality vs justice Social norm: benevolence vs law Criteria for sharing: membership vs contribution

What is the Chinese Leadership Concept - Daoism?

-A mix of traditional philosophies and western mindset. -Daoism proposes a leadership style in which the superior intervenes as little as possible in the work of his subordinates. Laozi, the father of Daoism from the 6th century BC, said: "When the Master rules, people hardly notice that he exists".

What is the trend in Chinese and Western Leadership Models?

-Chinese workplaces had evolved concepts of leadership by integrating methods from Westernmanagement approaches, due to education abroad and being exposed to Western organizations in China = however, also vice versa -> Modern approaches to leadership in the West and China have evolved to adopt elements and principles from each other = There is less of a cultural divide between leaders in these two cultural contexts than mayhave been present two or three decades ago. - The researchers also identified that leadership paradigm in the West are changing, with a growing emphasis on more humanistic elements of leadership. This concept is closely related to traditional Chinese values such as incorruptibility, sense of shame and morality. (More humanistic approach has a long tradition in the East) Managers in the Western and Chinese environments is that there is acceptance of a broader range of leadership skills or principles recognized as effective

What is the Chinese Leadership Concept - Confucianism?

-The doctrine of Confucius, on the other hand, has marked the Chinese leadership's sense of morality and harmony. While it affirms a clear social hierarchy, executives deserve their status mainly through their moral qualities. -The ethical system of Confucianism is based on the values Triangle ren-yi-li (benevolence - righteousness - courtesy). This system encourages everyone to deal with respect as a basis for procedural justice. It prescribes that the decision-making power belongs to the individual who holds the higher position in the case of interacting parties.

What are the 3 mindsets of the past

1. Confucianism & godfather cultures 2. Legalism & marshal cultures 3. Taoism & fairy godmother cultures

Chinese Leadership: Critical Differences with the West. What are the 5 values a manager from the western world need to know about in order to navigate Chinese management styles?

1. Face = Face has a much deeper meaning in China than in The West. Many Chinese will go to great lengthseither to save face or to save someone else's face. Face is about dignity and respect, and a person'ssocial role. It's not just about feelings, but a key part of what holds society together. An oldsaying is that a person would rather die than lose face. A person can lose by face declining asocial or business function on a weak pretext, refusing a present, expressing emotionsuncontrollably or being too independent. 2.Guanxi = The notion of "guanxi" is a much more complex idea than the Western concept of networking. It is the platform forsocial and business activities in China, and consists of connection defined by reciprocity, trust and mutual obligations.Build up your guanxi and be aware of the dynamics of guanxi around you before you do anything. It's an unwrittenrule in China that if someone does not trust you, they are unlikely to do business with you. 3.Harmony =The Confucian concept of harmony is still important today. The Chinese sometimes perceive Western independence as a sign of showing off. An individual standing out from the crowd causes disharmony, and showing off is considered poor behavior. In China, being the first to come up with an innovative idea in a group setting an have significant social implications. It could be seen as showing off, and possibly generate envy, too. 4.Decision making = Westerns believe in the value of making quick decisions and then taking action. The "time is money" concept when practiced in China is likely to result in negative outcomes. In China, decision making is based on ensuring that the balance of all parties is taken into account. The Chinese want to be sure that all angles of an issue are reviewed first and all matters are thought through before coming to a conclusion. 5. Communication style = For the Chinese, communications are about building relationships, while in the West it about efficient exchange of information and getting things done as quickly as possible. Silence does not mean that your message is not getting through, leaders in China are expected to express themselves much less directly than those in the West. It's not that the Chinese are unwilling to share information but Westerners will have to prompt their Chinese counterpart if they want details.

Chinese and Western Leadership Models = what are the main differences?

1. West= Manager's concerned on profit generation, long term future planning, human relationshipand strategic planning China = Focus on improving employees throughpersonal development and assuming the role of inspirational character 2. West= Workers perceived as Impersonalcomponent of production China = Leaders in a Chinese environment are expected toregard "ethical considerations above theachievement of profit" 3. West= Management theories prioritizedachievement of objectives andmaintaining command China = Lead by example in terms of promotingequality, simple living and harmony withnature and others

Perspectives of China video: what are the main takeaways?

1. they have gone from; not have the rights to decide what to study, what to wear, where to live and where to travel -> now; they can decide themselves. (120 million chinese people now leave china freely as tourist, and these 120M returns freely to china) Thus; even though the chinese political freedom haven't increased, the chinese personal freedom has exploded. In russia they went to a democracy = the economy went down, the live expectancy went down etc. -> why would democracy be the right way for china?

Is china's management style bad?

As seen in the different leadership styles, China's leadership styles are autocratic, bureaucratic and purely transaction. In China, the "Big Boss" takes all key decisions, hierarchy is paramount. Chinese employee unwilling to communicate, thus they are not team player However, although this might not sound ideal, they have nevertheless managed to outperform the west in many industries and produced numerous MNE's in less than 20 years.

Why does High masculinity and low uncertainty support this in china?

Chinese people are general focused on achievements and thrive in ambitious settings. Therefore it makes sense for the managers to give them responsibility and tasks that require less supervision; all though their power distance is high.

What is MBO (management by objectives)?

Management by objectives (MBO) is a process in which a manager and an employee agree on specific performance goals and then develop a plan to reach them. It is designed to align objectives throughout an organization and boost employee participation and commitment.

What are 3 leadership concepts in China?

The Chinese leadership concepts are influenced by the traditional philosophies of Daoism, Confucianism, and Legalism. The leadership models originating in Japan and Western countries have played an important role in China since the end of the Cultural Revolution 1. Daoism 2. Confucianism 3. Legalism

Chinese and Western Leadership Models = what are the main differences in terms of profit maximisation?

The universal attribute of leadership between both cultures was that economic benefits were the primary focus of leaders. However, there are still difference on how this focus was influenced by the employee and leader relationship.--- Chinese principles emphasize the individual contribution employees can make to achieving these economic results --- Western businesses will benefit from improved labor relations and organizational commitment

What are Modern Practice of Leadership in Mainland China?

Western management theories were introduced in China mainly through MBA courses. Business schoolsin the country have mostly used teaching material from North America in original or translated form. - A mix / hybrid

What is an important element in the strategic leadership in confucianism?

While the strategic perspective focuses on the opponent, the leadership perspective focuses on the leader, his inferiors, and their interaction with the environment. Sunzi's concept of leadership applies the humanist principles of Confucianism and Daoism, i.e., benevolence, the authority of the superior, paternalism, and holistic thinking. This theory is important that it is not only the objectives and the employees that are to be observed, but the environment and its development are to be observed, as well. In performance assessment talks, affected employees frequently mention the change in the environment as a cause of not achieving their goals. Therefore, it is also advisable to consider the environment and its changes on a regular basis and, where appropriate, adapt to the targets set.

What are the Triangle renyili values?

values Triangle ren-yi-li is (benevolence - righteousness - courtesy

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