ch 11

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fine for violating a final cease


in mass, a temporary license may be issued for a period to not exceed______ days

180 days

amount of civil fine for each unfair act or practice


how many days notice must a producer be given prior to scheduling a hearing


a notice of information practices must be given to a policyhold at least every ____ years

3 yeas

an insurance company may NOT use a policy form unless it has been approved by the superintendent for at least ____ days


which entity is responsible for regulating claims settlement practices of insurers

State insurance departments

which of the following idividuals is eligible to receive a temporary producer license?

a designated employee who is replacing a deceased producer

in order for a prohibited person to sell insurnace in mass, they must have

a letter signed by the superintendent

life insurance replacement can be best defined as

a transaction in which a new life insurance policy is purchased and an existing lfie insurance poliyc is surrendered

a life insurance policyowner has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. which of the folowing is often payable to a policy owner whose life expectancy is substancially reduced due to illenss

accelerated living benefit

a mass residential producer has been conicted of a felony. under which circumstance may this producer resume engaging in insurance transactions

after the commisioner gives written consent

which of the following is NOT the responsibility of an insurer

assuming liambility for a producers unauthorized act.

life settlement proceeds may be subject to the claims of


if the superintendent has reason to believe a producer has violated mass insurnace law, they may issue an

cease and desist order

which of these is NOT a punishment for committing an unfiar and deceptive insurance practice

community service

which of the following does NOT involve a life settlement transaction

converting term life coverage to whole life insurance

group life plans sold in MA typically contain a conversion option. if the insured elects this option, the new policy

do NOT require evidence of insurability

group life plans sold in mass typically contain a conversion option. if the insured elects this option the new policy

does NOT require evidence of insurability

the aplication is part of the annuity contract according to the

entire contract clause

the application is part of the annuity contract according to the

entire contract clause

a life insurance applicant is tested for HIV. the applicant MUSt be informed that the testing

helps determine the insurability of the applicant

which of the following is a potenial punishment given to a producer found guilty of an unfair method of competition

license suspension

womeone who is licensed to negotiate a life settlement contract is called a

life settlement broker

in MA, false advertising is an example of


an insurer may contest the validity of a life insurance policy during the policys's first two years for all of these reasons EXCEPT

misstatement of age can do it forL material concealment fraud material misrepresentation

if the commisoner requests access to a producers business records, the prodcuer

must prodivde access to records upon request

which of these is NOT an unfair claims settlement practice

offering to settle a claim by arbitration

replacement regulations exist in order to

protect policyowners from misrepresetnation and loss of benefits

security laws passed by congress are enforced by which federal agency

security and exchange commission

which of these situations would NOT potentially involve a prison setnence under federal law

selling insurance with a non resident license

mixed plan insurance company

stock insurnace comany that issues both participating and on participating policies

the ______ has the ability to examine the records of authroized insurere because of the powers granded through the state stuautes


when testing for HIV, MA law requires a consent form

that discloses who may receive a copy of the results

who is required to notify the producer in the event of appoitment termination

the insurer

who is required to notify the superintendent of a licensees change of adress

the licensee

a life insurance policy can be contested by the insurere only during the first ___ years of the contract


a producers insurance records must be provided to the superintended

upon request by the superintendent

impersonating a producer fine

$100 fine

licensed agents may not submit applications to an insurance company wihtout the following

-the insurnace companies name on the first page -the agnents license number

insurers are responsible for submitting an appointment notice to the commisioner within _______day sof an agents appointment or submission of first insurance application

15 days

a mass producer has violated an unfair trade practice law. this priducer may be fined up to _____ per violation


the replacing insurer must allow the owner of the life insurance policy to return the policy within ______ after delivery for a full refund

20 days

how many days notice must a producer be given prior to a scheduled hearing

21 days

grace period

30 days after the premium is due but not paid.

all life insurance policys may be legally backated in mass up to ___ months


backdating limit

6 months from date of issue

authorized insurer

a company that qualified and recieved a certificate of authority from the insurance department to sell insurnace in this state aka an admitted insurnace company

which of the following individuals is eligible to receive a temporary prodicer license

a designated employee who is replacing a deceased producer

fair credit reporting act

a federal law that regulates the use and disclosure of consumer credit info


a federal law that requires employers with 20+ employees to include a continuation of benefits provision for former employees and their dependents -guarnatees that the participant can continue the group coverage (at their own expense) at group rates if their particiaptioni in the group plan is terminated because of a qualifying event

which of these is NOT considered to be an example of misrepresentation

a producer comparing the benefits of competing insurance policies

buyers guid

allows applicants to compare different life insurance policies and help them choose which poliyc is best ofr thier needs -required to be given to applicant before premium is collected

viatical settlement

allows someone with a terminal illness to sell their existing life insurance policy to a third party for a percentage of the face value new owner makes premiums and eventually collects entire death benefit


an individual appointed by an insurance company that represents that company and presents policies on its behalf -usually the major personal contact with the insured -can represent either an isurer or insured

producers must not state that dividents are guarneteed. must only present life insurance as equitable distribuiton of insureres suprlus or return of overpaid premium

cannot sell it as an investment tool or profit shring plan

if the superintendent has reason to believe a producer has violated massachusetts insurance law, the superintendent may issue a(n)

cease and desist order

a foreign insurer wishing to conduct business in MA must obtain a

certificate of authority.

the misrepresentation fo any fact about the insurnace policy (terms, benefits, value, costs, effective date, existance of contract) results in....

fine of up to 1k and 6mo imprisonment

while processing a life insurance claim, the insurer discovers that the insured's age was misstated on the application . under these circumstances, the insurer is entitle to

pay proceeds based on what the premiums would have been if purchased at the insured actual age

right to examine (free look)

policies with face value less than 25K must provide a minimum free look period of 10 days upon policy delivery allows policy owner time to decide wather or not to keep poliyc. if decides not to keep wihtin the 10 days , full refund

a producer sold a life insurance policy but did NOT provide the applicant with a basic illustration. in this situation, the insurer is REQUIRED to provide the applicant with a policy summary no later than the

policy delivery date

policy loan interest rate

the max fixed interest rate charged by insurers is 8% in mass. based on an index such as standard and poor's or moody

notice of replacement

under mass law, the replacement of a life insruance contract with a new contract requires the prodcer to give the applicat a written compariosn and summary statement at the request of the policyholder. replacement: transaction in which new life insurance or annuity is purchased out. the existing life insurance or annuities will be any of the following : lapsed, forfeited, surrendered, terminated, paid up insurance, term insurance, reissued with reduction fo cash value , used in a financial purchase do not apply to grou plife insurance credit life insurance

charging different premiums to policyholders in the same risk classification is referred to as

unfair discrimination

1035 exchange

when an existing life insurance policy is assigned to another insurer for a new contract, the trnasaction may be treated for tax purposes

a stock insurance;s objective

to produce profits for the owners, the stockholders -policy owners do not share profits in the company and do not get profits through dividends. ->"nonparticipating"

number of continue education hours rquired for each 36 month period after first renewal cycle

45 hours -excess hours may be carried over to next period

commisoiner will examn the financial affairs of all insurers before issuing a certificate of authority to transact business in mass. afterwards , examinations will be conducted every_____years

5 years -cost of examination paid for by insurer

examples of larancy (which is subjust to a fine or prison) include

-a producer that has collected premiums from an insured and intentionally withholds them from the insurer -a producer who combines collected premiums with his/her own funds in order to avoid paying an insuerer -a producer who fails to refund premium due to an insurer -a producer who disregards overdue premium notices from an insurer

the commisoner of mass may do the following

-issue insruance related licenses -adopt, amend, and recind insurance rules -examine books and records of insurers -regulate insurance advertising -determine set or compute the reserves of life insurers -make final judgements in a legal proceeding -issue a cease and desist order or put any person on probation -administer oaths -subpoena the attendance of witness to testify

a life insurnace policy can be contested by the insurer only during the first ____ years of the contract

2 years the incontestable clause in a life insurance policy stipulates that after a stated amount of time (typically 2 years) the legitimacy of the policy cannot be contested by the poliycholder, unless fraud was involved.

a notice of information practices must be given to a policyholder at LEAST every

3 years

based on the producers date of birth, the inital producer license is issued for ..

3 years or less

complaint record

a producer is required to maintain and retain an complaint record for 2 years

special broker

an individual who palces insurance business with insurers that are not authorized to transact business in this state. -aka surplus lines broker


an individual who provides insurance advice for compensation. to provide this advice for a fee they must obtain an advisors license from mass and -be a mass resident -pass a written licensing exam -supply 3 references with the application for a license -renew their license every 3 years

unauthorized insurer

an insurance company that has been denied or not yet applied for a certificate of authority and may not sell insurance int his state. aka non admitted insurance company

before an indivudal is permitted to act as an insurance agent, they must hold a valid insurance license and be _____ by an authorised insurer


which of the folowing is NOT the responsibility of an insurer

assuming liability for a producers unauthorized acts

applicant for a resident producer license in mass must...

be at least 18 be resident of mass deemed competent honest and trustworthy have passed state exam submit application and fees -if you do not apply for and get issued a liscense after passing your exam W/IN 12 MO, you will have to retake the exam.

an annuity contract may be returned for a full refund during the

free look period

after the first 3 years of licensure, a producer must complete____ credit hours of continuing education for each licensing period

45 hours

cease and desist order

-if commited an unfair or decpetive act prohbits a specific practice listed in the order -fine up to 10k.

after a life insurance policy is sold in MASS has been in force for ____ year(s), it becomes incontestable

2 years


21 days notice if an unfair or deceptive act requires a hearing. -no producers license will be revoked until the producer has been afforded a right ot a hearing on the charges

life inusrnace can be reinstated at any time within ______ from date of default

3 years. provides proof of insurability and pays back all premiums, outstanding loans, and interest

if an insurance license has been suspended/revoked, or refused to be issued or renewed, the individual can file a written demand within ____days for a hearing w/the commisoner

30 days

which of the following is an example of defamation

a producer who publicly and erroneously announces that an insurance company is insolvent

federal estate tax

a tax cost typically associated with death exlusions -suicide within two years of issue -result of war -aviation restrictions outlined in the policy


a temporary license may be issued in cases where a producer has become diabled or dies, requireing a replacement to service the producers busniess -these can be the producers spouse, court appointed personal represntative, or business owner/partner/empploye -valid for 180 days

life insurance replacement can be best defined as

a transaction in which a new life insurance policy is purchased and an existing life insurance policy is surrendered

a life insurance policy owner has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. which of the following is often payable to a policy owner whose life expectancy is substancially reduced due to illness

accelerated living benefit

mutual life inusrnace companies

an insurance company owned and controlled by its policy owners. they elect the board of trustees /directors to manage the firm -profits of mutual insurance co are returned to policyowners in form of dividends -"participating" bc policyowners get profits of company -objective is to provie insurance to its owners at the lowerst net cost

which of the following is considered an activity of daily living when determinign an accelerated life insurance benefit

eating to qualify for an acclerated life insurance benefit, an individual must be unable to perform at least two acitvites of daily living including eating, toileting, transfering, bathing, dressing, and continence without substainable assistance for at least 90 days


charts graphs and numerical data that depict non guaranteed elements of a policy (premiums, benefits, values, credits, or charges not guarnateed or determeine when policy is issued) over time.

a prospective client was intimidated by a producer to purchase an insurance contract. the producer could be found guilty of


which of these is NOT a punishment for committing an unfair and deceptive insurance practice

community service

**help** which of the following does not involve a life setllement transaction

converting term life coverage to whole life coverage

medical examinations and lab tests including HIV

for underwriting, insurers may require proposed insured to undergo HIV test but ONLY in conjunction with other tests. must obtain written consent form the proposed insured mass law requires the HIV consent form to disclose the types of individuals or organizations that ay recieve a copy of the test results -may remain valid for no more than 90 days

a producers license may only be suspended or revolked if the producer

has been afforeded a right to a hearing

reinstatement and renewal

if your license laps, you may renew within 12 months to avoid retaking exam..but a penalty of x2 renewal fee will be required -exceptions for military service or other extenuating circumstances


illigal. cannot offer a premium rebate or special advantage of any kind as an inducement to purchase a contract

the ____ is required to notify the superintendent in the event of appointment termination


when a producer is appointed, the ____ is considered the principal


who is require to notify the producer in the event of appointment termination

insurer. a producers cancellation of appointment must be reported to the burearu of insurance by the insurance company

in oder for a prohibited person to sell insurance in MASS, he or she must have a(n)

letter signed by the superintendent

address change

licensees must report a change in address to the commissioner within 30 days of the change

fruad and false statments including 1033 waiver

makes it illegal to lie, falsify, or conceal info from federal officals.

according to the federal fraud and false statments act, which of these is considered to be an intentional violation?

making false enteries in a companys books

which of the following is considered to be an unfair claims settlement practice

misrepresenting pertinent policy provision relating to coverage after a loss

an insurer may contest the validity of a life insurance policy during the policy's first two years for all of these reasons EXCEPT

misstatement of age

payment of claims

must be paid within 60 days of proof of death

reporting of actions

must report any administrative action that occurs in another jurisdition to the commissioner. -must be submitted within 30 days of final dispositoin and include a cody of the order, consent to order, and any other relevant legal document

group life

no less than 10 employees -no less than 75% of employees eligable -if employee leaves they have 31 days to convert their coverage into an indivdual policy

a life insurance producer is required to give a disclosure notice about information practices to an applicant

prior to or at the time of signing the application

under federal law, which of the following actions may result in a produer becoming imprisoned

producer embezzling funds from an insurer

producers authority to bind an insuerer to an insurance contract is granted in the _______

producers appointment with the insurance company

continuing education

producers must complete continuing education courses to maintain their licenses -60 hours during first 36 month period after inital license.

assumed names

producers wishing to conduct business under a name other than their legal name must notify the commisioner before using such name

mass life and health insurance guaranty associaition

rehabilitate insolvent (financially incapacitated) insureres. provides max of 300K in total benefits to any one person. producers and insureres cannot advertise the existance of this.

notice of replacement

replacement means any transaction in which new life insurance or a new annuity is purchased and as a result the existing life insurance or annuities will be replaced

which of the following would prevent a person from obtaining a mass resident producer license

residing in a state outside of mass

accelerated benefit

someone determined to be terminally ill to access the death benefit TAX FREE

nonresident producers

states that have a reciprocal agreement allow for producers who hold a resident liscense in a state to apply for a onresident license in another. -in mass, non res applicants do not have to tak the mass exam

group life insurance certificates

the participants under a group plan are issued a certificate of insurance as evidence of coverage certificate must contain: -group policy number -description of the insurance protection -names of the insured, beneficiaries, and dependents -rights and conditions

incontestability period

the policy terms shall be incontestable after it has been in force for a period of 2 years from its date of issue

who is liable when the producer performs an act which is prohibited in the agency contract

the producer of an insuerer (the agent)

who is typically the major personal contact with the insured

the producer originating the insurance applicaiton

only home state requirements must be followed for continuing education


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