Ch 11 Toddler Elsevier Evolve Wong's Essentials

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The nurse finds that a toddler shows transductive reasoning of preoperational thoughts. Which statement made by the toddler supports the nurse's finding?

"I don't like this food, because the last time I ate something new, it wasn't good."

A parent has a 2-year old in the clinic for a well-child checkup. Which statement by the parent suggests the need for additional information about injury prevention in early childhood?

"Our 2-year-old toddler takes a bath with his sister while we cook dinner." PG 371

The parent of a 1½-year-old child asks the nurse whether meat and hot dogs can be included in the child's diet. How does the nurse respond?

"Slice the meat into small pieces before serving."

A parent brings a 2-year-old toddler to the clinic for a well-child visit. Which statement by the parent indicates to the nurse that the parent needs more instruction regarding accident prevention?

"We make sure we fasten the front seat bilt tightly." PG 361

For which child would fluoride supplementation be recommended?

A child 6 months or older whose drinking water is deficient in fluoride PG 369

The nurse teaches the parent measures to be followed when administering iron supplements to a 3-year-old child. During a follow-up visit, the nurse finds that the child still has anemia, even after following the complete treatment regimen. Which action by the parent is likely responsible for this condition? Select all that apply.

Administering iron supplements with milk Administering iron supplements with an oral antacid Administering iron supplements with sweet potato

While assessing a toddler's eyes, the nurse finds the presence of persistent strabismus. The nurse instructs the parents to immediately consult an ophthalmologist for the toddler. Which condition does the nurse seek to prevent by this instruction?

Amblyopia PG 543

A toddler is brought to the emergency room following an accidental swallowing of a foreign body. The child undergoes treatment and is well now. What instructions does the nurse give the parents during discharge? Select all that apply.

Avoid contact with small plastic balls. Cut fruits in small pieces and give to the child. Slice hot dogs lengthwise into short pieces for the child to eat.

When is voluntary control of the anal and urethral sphincters typically achieved?

Between 18 and 24 months PG 360

One of the major tasks of toddlerhood is toilet training. In teaching the parents about a child's readiness for toilet training, what is it important for the nurse to emphasize?

Bowel control is accomplished before bladder control, so bowel training should be addressed first. PG 362

What instructions should the nurse not include when teaching parents about injury prevention at the toddler's well-child visit?

Child should wear a seatbelt when sitting in the front passenger seat

The nurse is discussing toddler development with a parent. Which intervention will foster the achievement of autonomy?

Encouraging the toddler to do things for himself or herself when capable PG 355-356

A 2-year-old child has recently started having temper tantrums, holding her breath and occasionally fainting. What is the most appropriate action by the nurse?

Explaining to the parent that this is not harmful PG 364

In which place in the birth order are feelings of sibling rivalry most pronounced?

FIrstborn PG 363

A toddler is given pasta, but refuses the dish because it does not taste good to the child. The nurse then gives the child a banana to eat, but the child refuses to try it, because he doesn't think it will taste good. What is the nurse's next step?

Give the banana to the child later.

A toddler is admitted to the hospital for chemotherapy. The parent gives a toy to the child to play with whenever the parent is away from the child. The child likes the toy and when someone tries to take the toy away, the child starts throwing tantrums. What statement by the nurse is appropriate regarding the child's behavior?

Give the toy to the child to minimize loneliness

A mother tells the nurse that her toddler always says no to her requests. How does Erikson describe this toddler's behavior?

Negativism PG 355

The parent of a 3-year-old child tells the nurse, "I offer food as a reward for appropriate behavior. I'm very pleased, because it works very well." The nurse informs the parent that the child may be at risk for which condition?

Obesity PG 365

Which type of play is characteristic of toddlers?

Parallel PG 359

The nurse is teaching parents about developmental milestones of a child. Arrange different milestones in order of their occurrence in a child from birth to 3 years.

Participates in solitary play Creeps upstairs Builds a tower of four cubes Engages in parallel play Jumps with both feet

Around 18 months of age most toddlers manifest a decreased nutritional need and a diminished appetite. This condition is known as what?

Physiologic Anorexia PG 365

During a home visit to a toddler, the nurse finds that the home has a balcony with rails, and the opening between the rails is 3 inches. There is a carbon monoxide detector in the home. Cough syrup has been placed in a childproof container on a high level shelf. The house has an old refrigerator in a storage room, and its doors have been removed. Which finding in the home should be addressed by the nurse?

Placing of cough syrup in a container at high level

The nurse assesses a toddler and finds that the child is in a growth spurt. What should the nurse tell the family regarding feeding the child to meet his or her nutritional needs? Select all that apply.

Plan a nutritionally balanced week. Serve food in various physical forms.

A 2-year-old child resists going to bed and has the habit of banging his or her head against the wall and crying when a parent tries to place the child in the bed. What advice should the nurse to the parent?

Praise the child after the temper tantrum for any positive, appropriate behavior.

The parent of a toddler, concerned that the child is not getting enough calories, tells the nurse, "She'll only eat crackers, cheese, and turkey." How can the nurse characterize the typical toddler's eating behavior?

Ritualism PG 356

Parents of a toddler are worried because their child touches the genitalia in public. What should the nurse advise?

Teach that genital stimulation in private is acceptable but not in public. PG 358

While caring for a 3-year-old child, the nurse finds that the toddler hits the parent and laughs. What is the appropriate reaction to the toddler in this situation?

Tell the child to stop hitting, because people are not supposed to hit others.

The parent of a 20-month-old toddler tells the nurse, "I don't understand my child's eating habits. Sometimes my child eats a lot and the next day nothing at all. Sometimes my child may push away the plate and reject a favorite food for no reason." What does the nurse understand from the child's behavior?

The child is influenced by the psychologic components of food.

During an assessment of an 18-month-old child, the nurse finds that the child can say four to six words and can build a tower of four cubes. . The child also throws temper tantrums occasionally. Which statement describes the child's development?

The child may have delayed language development. PG 359

The nurse should teach parents of toddlers how to prevent poisoning by instructing them to do what?

The nurse should teach parents of toddlers how to prevent poisoning by instructing them to do what? PG 371

The parents of a toddler want to know when they can start toilet training their child. Which behavior of the toddler may indicate a readiness for toilet training? Select all that apply.

The toddler is able to recognize the urge to defecate or urinate. The toddler is able to verbally communicate when wet or soiled. The toddler is able to remove the clothes without any help. The toddler expresses willingness to please the parents. PG 360

Which toddler behavior indicates negativism?

Throwing a temper tantrum when unable to open the door PG 355

The nurse is assessing gross motor skills in a 24-month-old child. Which action does the nurse ask the toddler to perform?

To walk up and down the stairs PG 361

For a toddler with sleep problems, what should the nurse suggest that the parents do?

Use a transitional object at bedtime. PG 368

What should the nurse expect a 24-month-old toddler to be able to do?

Walk alone by using a wide stance for extra balance

What gross motor developmental milestone should the nurse expect to see achieved by children who are 12 to 13 months of age?

Walking alone, using a wide stance PG 355

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