Ch. 12 Anatomy and Physiology

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Graded potential

A ____ ____ is a temporary change in membrane potential which lasts only as long as the stimulus that causes it and can vary in size.

Subthreshold value

A change in membrane potential insufficient to cause an action potential is known as a ____.


A cluster of neuron cell bodies found along a peripheral nerve is known as a(n) ____.

Electrical gradient

A difference in the number of charged particles between two sides of membrane forms a(n) ____.


A fascicle is a bundle of:

Action potential

A flow of electrical current called a(n) ____ ____ is generated within the initial segment of a neuron.

Postsynaptic potential

A graded potential caused by the opening of chemically gated channels on a postsynaptic membrane is known as a ____ ____.

Action potential reaches synaptic knob and voltage gated calcium channel open

Before a vesicle of neurotransmitter can be released which of the following must occur? -Calcium must flow out of the synaptic knob -Calcium must travel across the synaptic cleft -Action potential reaches synaptic knob -Voltage gated calcium channel open

Microglia, astrocyte, ependymal cells, oligodendrocyte

Choose the cells that are part of the central nervous system -Microglia -Satellite cells -Astrocyte -Ependymal cells -Oligodendrocyte -Neurolemmocyte


Chromatophillic substance and Nissil bodies are both types of ____.


Creating and transmitting ____ currents is central to the function or neuron physiology.


Dendrites transfer information ____ the cell body.


Flow of which ion Is the most common cause of depolarization?

The initial segment

If you were moving across a neuron's membrane form the receptive segment toward the transmissive segment, where would you first encounter large numbers of voltage gated Na+ and K+ channels?


In neurons, most chemically gated ion channels open in response to the binding of a(n) ____.


Most afferent neurons are classified functionally as ____.


Most motor neurons are:


Motor neurons are classified as ____ neurons.

resting; potential

Na+ and K+ leak channels and Na+/K+ pumps on the neuron are responsible fro establishing and maintaining the ____ membrane _____.

Greater amounts inside a neuron

Negatively charged proteins and other large organic molecules are found in ____.

Macroscopic; microscopic

Nerves are usually ____ and neurons are usually ____.


Nervous tissue is composed of glial cells and ____.


Nervous tissue is made of neurons and ____ cells.

Pathways and neuronal circuits

Neuronal pools are also called:

Cell bodies

Satellite cells are found surrounding:


Sensory and motor nerves are part of the ____ nervous system.


Sensory information from the visceral sensory division is ____ sensed.

To the central nervous system

Sensory nerves carry information:

Electrical synapses and chemical synapses

Synapses are classified as: -Mechanical synapses -Electrical synapses -Chemical synapses

Other neurons, gland cells, and muscle cells

Synapses occur where axons contact: -Blood vessels -Other neurons -Gland cells -Muscle cells

End bulbs and terminal boutons

Synaptic knobs are also called: -End bulbs -Nerve fibers -Terminal boutons -Somas


T/F: A neuromodulator is another name for a neurotransmitter.


T/F: Graded potentials vary in size depending on stimulus.


T/F: Ion channels use the energy of ATP to maintain concentration gradients across neuron membranes.


T/F: Most voltage-gated ion channels are closed until the electrical potential across a membrane changes.


T/F: The relative charge across a neuron's plasma membrane is negative outside the cel relative to the inside of the cell.

excitatory and positive

The "E" in EPSP stands for ____, meaning that the potential makes the inside of the postsynaptic call more ____.

Inhibitory and negative

The "I" in IPSP stands for ____, meaning that the potential makes the inside of the postsynaptic cell more ____.


The Moto nervous system is also referred to as the ____ division.


The ____ division of the nervous system is subdivided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.


The ____ division of the nervous system is subdivided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.


The ____ receive impulses from the motor neurons.


The movement of charged particles cane harnessed to do ____.

The axon

The myelin sheath covers:


The nervous system collects information through:


The nervous system is composed of the ____, spinal cord, nerves, and ganglia.

1 trillion (1,000,000,000,000)

The nervous tissue of a young adult may contain up to ____ glial cells.


The neurons int he retina of the eye are:


The opposition to the movement of electrical charge is known as ____.

Relative refractory

The period following an action potential in which an action potential can be initiated with a larger stimulus is known as the ____ ____ period.


The peripheral nervous system is a ____ division of the nervous system.


The peripheral nervous system is made of the spinal nerves, ganglia, and ____ nerves.


The plasma membrane of an axon is called the ____.


The process by which postsynaptic potentials are added together at the initial segment is known as ____.


The refractory period occurs immediately ____ an action potential.


The regulation of the response of neurons to neurotransmitters is known as ____.

Resting membrane potential

The relative difference in charge across the plasma membrane of a resting neuron is known as the ____ ____ ____.


The sequential opening of voltage gated sodium channels is followed by the sequential opening of voltage gated ____ channels.

Cell body

The soma is another name for the:


The somatic ____ division of the nervous system receives information from the skin, facia and joints.


The somatic sensory division detected stimuli that are ____ detected.

Synaptic delay

The time it takes for transmission of an impulse to occur at a synapse is known as the ____ ____.

The distance between injury and the effector organ and the amount of damage

The two factors that affect PNS regeneration are: -Rate of microglial cell division -Presence of ependymal cells -The distance between injury and the effector organ -The amount of damage


Tissue that responds to neural input by changing the activity is called a(n) ____.


Vesicles involved in retrograde transport are moving ____ the cell body.


Voltage is a measure of relative ____ energy.


Voltage-gated calcium channels are found mostly in the ____ segment.

Motor and sensory

Interneurons facilitate communication between ____ neurons and ____ neurons.

Unipolar and bipolar

What are the two structural examples of sensory neurons? -Multipolar -Unipolar -Bipolar

Transmit nerve impulses

What is the basic function of a neuron?

There must be a change in ion flow across the membrane and there must be a change in the number of open ion channels

What must happen in order for a chemical signal to change the membrane potential of a neuron? -The chemical must cross the membrane rom outside to inside -The must be a change in ion flow across the membrane -An electrode must be inserted into the membrane -There must be a change in the number of open ion channels

Presynaptic neuron

What type of neuron transmits an impulse through its axon toward the synapse?

Multiple sclerosis and Gullain-Barre syndrome

Which disease are affected by destruction of the myelin sheath? -Multiple sclerosis -Gullain-Barre syndrome -Parkinson disease

Multiple sclerosis

Which disease is caused by the destruction of oligodendrocytes?

Visceral sensory division

Which division o the nervous system detects nerve impulses from blood vessels and internal organs?

Motor nervous system

Which functional division of the nervous system consists of all axons that transmit a nerve impulse from the CNS to a muscle or gland?

Autonomic motor nervous system

Which functional division of the nervous system controls involuntary movement of smooth muscle?

Autonomic motor

Which functional division of the nervous system provides involuntary control of smooth muscle?

Can either be depolarizing or hyperpolarizing, degree of change in membrane potential is dependent of the stimulus magnitude, decrease intensity with distance traveled along membrane

Which of the following are among the general characteristics of graded potentials? -Can either be depolarizing or hyperpolarizing -Uses voltage-gated channels and resuls in a relatively large change in voltage -Degree of change in membrane potential is dependent of the stimulus magnitude Can exhibit "all or none" property -Decrease intensity with distance traveled along membrane

Skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands

Which of the following are considered types of effectors? -Bone tissues -Skeletal muscle -Cardiac muscle -Glands

Motor neurons, sensory neurons, and interneurons

Which of the following are functional classes of neurons? -Bipolar neurons -Unipolar neurons -Motor neurons -Multipolar neurons -Sensory neurons -Interneurons

Replace damaged neurons, regulates the composition of interstitial fluid, and helps form the blood-brain barrier

Which of the following are functions of astrocytes? -Replaces damages neurons -Regulate the composition of interstitial fluid -Myelinate axons of the PNS -Produces cerebrospinal fluid -Helps form the blood-brain barrier

Astrocyte create scar tissue inhibiting growth axons are crowded in the CNS

Which of the following are reasons for the very limited regeneration of damaged axons in the central nervous system? -Astrocytes create scar tissues inhibiting growth -Schwann cells don't create never growth factor -Axons are crowded in the CNS

Bipolar, multipolar, and unipolar

Which of the following are structural classifications of neurons? -Sensory afferent -Bipolar -Motor efferent -Multipolar -Unipolar

The create the myelin sheath in the PNS and they are also called Schwann cells

Which of the following are true of neurolemmocytes? -They surround cell bodies -They create the myelin sheath in the PNS -They create cerebrospinal fluid -They are also called Schwann cells

More postsynaptic channels open and more transmitter is released

Which of the following conditions can make a PSP larger? -Less neurotransmitter is released -More postsynaptic channels open -More transmitter is released -Fewer postsynaptic channels open

Voltage gated potassium channels close and Na/K pumps restore gradients

Which of the following events help return the membrane potential to the resting state following hyperpolarization? -Voltage gated sodium channels open -Voltage gated potassium channels close -Na/K pumps restore gradients -Calcium channels open

Na+ and K+

Which of the following ions have leak channels on the plasma membrane? -H+ -Ca2+ -Na+ -K+

Chemically gated channel

Which of the following is best described as a channel that is usually closed that open in response to binding a neurotransmitter and that when open, allow a specific type of ion to diffuse across the plasma membrane?

Microtubules, ATP, and motor proteins

Which of the following is used for fast axonal transport? -Microtubules -Microfilaments -ATP -Motor proteins

Sodium leak channels, Na+/K+ pumps, and potassium leak channels

Which of the following membrane transporters are present throughout the membrane of a neuron? -Voltage gated sodium channels -Sodium leak channels -Na+/K+ pumps -Voltage gated potassium channels -Potassium leak channels

Diffusion of neurotransmitter, release of neurotransmitter, and binding of neurotransmitter to receptors

Which of the following processes are occurring during the synaptic delay? -Loading of neurotransmitter into vesicles -Diffusion of neurotransmitter -Release of neurotransmitter -Binding of neurotransmitter into receptors

Na+/K+ and Ca2+

Which of the following pumps can you find in the plasma membrane? -Cl- -Na+/K+ -Ca2+ -H+

The conductive segment and the initial segment

Which of the following segments of a neuron contain large numbers of voltage-gated potassium channels and voltage-gated sodium channels? -The conductive segment -The receptive segment -The initial segment -The transmissive segment -The transmissive segment

Opening of a chemically gated sodium channel and opening of a voltage gated sodium channel

Which of the following would be likely to cause depolarization of a neuron? -Opening of a chemically gated sodium channel -Opening of a voltage gated potassium channel -Opening of a voltage gated sodium channel -Opening of a chemically gated chloride channel


Which structures sometimes called the nerve fiber?

Spinal and cranial

Which terms are used for the structural classification of nerves? -Sensory -Spinal -Cranial -Motor

Somatic division and visceral division

Which two are divisions of the sensory nervous system? -Autonomic division -Central division -Somatic division -Visceral division -Peripheral division


____ are chemicals released from synaptic knobs and bind to receptors on postsynaptic membranes.


____ are specialized nervous system structures that detect stimuli.


____ cells are the least common glial cell of the central nervous system.


____ channels allow undated flow of specific ions form regions of high concentration to regions of low concentration.


____ nerves always relay information to the CNS.


____ occurs when the inside of a cell becomes more negative than the resting membrane potential.


____ occurs when the inside of the cell becomes more positive (less negative) than the resting membrane potential.


____ provide tensile strength for the axons and dendrites.


if Ohms law is rearranged to Voltage = "A"X Resistance, the term "A" should be ____.

Opening of a voltage gated potassium channel and opening of a chemically gated chloride channel

which of the following would be likely to cause hyper polarization of a neuron? -Opening of a voltage gated potassium channel -Opening of a voltage gated sodium channel -Opening of a chemically gated chloride channel -Opening of a chemically gated sodium channel

Spatial summation

If several EPSP's occur at different synapses, they undergo ____ at the initial segment.

Spinal cord and brain

Identify all of the components of the central nervous system -Spinal cord -Spinal nerves -Cranial nerves -Brain

Temporal summation

If several EPSP's occur at a synapse over a short period of time, they undergo ____ at the initial segment.


A nerve impulse that "jumps" from node to node is called ____ conduction.


A positive charge in the membrane potential is called ____.


A return of the membrane potential towards the resting membrane potential immediately following depolarization is called ____.


A substance synthesized at the cell body must undergo ____ transport to reach the synaptic knobs.


An entire nerve is surrounded by a connective tissue covering called the:

The membrane potential would reverse (become positive) and more voltage gated sodium channels would open

Assuming a threshold voltage is reached, sodium ions enter through a voltage gated sodium channel. Which of the following events would immediately follow? -Voltage gated potassium channels close -The membrane potential would reverse (become positive) -The inside of the cell would become more negative -More voltage gated sodium channels would open

In both the central and peripheral nervous systems

Glial cells are found:


Oligodendrocytes create the ____ sheath in the central nervous system.


Pseudounipolar is another name for a ____ neuron.


The all or none law refers to the fact that action potentials will only occur if the initial segment reaches ____.


The autonomic division of the nervous system is part of the ____ nervous system.


The axon hillock connects the ____ to the soma.

Brain and cord

The central nervous system is made of the ____ and spinal ____.

Ependymal cells

The choroid plexus is made from capillaries and:

Taste, joints and muscles, and hearing

The components of the somatic sensory division are: -Stretch of organ walls -Taste -Joints and muscles -Hearing

Electrical and chemical

The electrochemical gradient is formed from a combination of the ____ gradient and the ____ gradient.

Areolar connective tissue

The endoneurium is made of:

Cerebrospinal fluid

The ependymal cells help produce:

Dense irregular

The epineurium is made of ____ connective tissue.


The intermediate filaments of a neuron are called ____.


The main activity of ____ is nerve impulse conduction.

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