Ch. 23-24

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Georges Haussmann is remembered for A) developing the antiseptic method. B) rebuilding Paris. C) his realistic novels of lower-class life. D) enunciation of the positivist philosophy. E) pioneering the use of anesthesia.


Bismarck's Kulturkampf refers to A) his drive to make German workers more "cultured." B) his attack on the Catholic church in the German Empire. C) his attempt to stamp out anti-German attitudes in France following the Franco-Prussian War. D) his 1864 war against Denmark. E) his promotion of the German Empire's new National Theater.


Garibaldi was the leader of the A) Black Shirts. B) Red Shirts. C) White Shirts. D) Green Shirts. E) Black Shorts.


Gustave Droz is cited for his A) discoveries in the fields of biology. B) Mr., and Mrs., and Baby, a family manual. C) leadership of the realist movement. D) rebuilding Paris. E) advocacy of women's rights.


According to the ____________ theory of disease, people contract disease when they breathe the bad odors of decay. A) miasmatic B) putrification C) degeneration E) effluvial E) Lister


After the Franco-Prussian War, Prussia A) imposed a harsh peace on France. B) imposed a generous peace on France. C) asked for international participation in the formation of the peace treaty. D) acknowledged its own role in starting the war. E) made the status quo before the war the basis of the peace treaty.


All of the following were part of Prussia before 1866 except A) Schleswig-Holstein. B) Westphalia. C) Pomerania. D) Brandenburg. E) Silesia.


As the nineteenth century progressed, the upper middle class A) tended to merge with the old aristocracy. B) formed tighter bonds with the rest of the middle class. C) expressed a high degree of social conscience. D) retained its frugal attitudes. E) increasingly turned towards socialism.


Comte believed that application of the positivist method would result in A) discovery of the eternal laws of human behavior. B) social revolution. C) economic growth. D) the establishment of socialism. E) travel to other planets.


In 1912, the ____________ party was the largest party in the Reichstag. A) German Social Democratic B) German Christian C) Blood and Iron D) National Socialist E) Liberal


In the decades before 1848, ____________ pushed for a centralized democratic Italian republic. A) Mazzini B) Garibaldi C) Cavour D) Bismarck E) Victor Emmanuel


Serge Witte was A) the Minister of Finance who led Russian industrialization in the 1890s. B) the assassin of Alexander II. C) the founder of Russian Marxism. D) the architect of Russia's Great Reforms in the 1860s and early 1870s. E) Nicholas II's chief minister who passed laws encouraging individual ownership of land.


The Great Reforms in Russia included all of the following except A) a national parliament. B) the abolition of serfdom. C) establishment of a new institution of local government. D) reform of the legal system. E) relaxation of censorship.


The decline in illegitimacy rates after 1850 was probably the result of A) higher incidence of marriage for expectant mothers. B) decreased premarital sexual activity. C) urban renewal. D) increased availability of contraception and abortion. E) the increased influence of religion among the lower classes.


The decline in working-class church attendance has been attributed to all of the following except A) the influence of Auguste Comte's writings. B) a decline in religious belief and faith. C) the growth of secularism and the vibrant, materialist urban environment. D) the identification of organized religion with the ruling elite. E) the fact that construction of churches in cities failed to keep up with growing populations.


The discoveries of Michael Faraday in ___________ led to the development of a host of important inventions. A) electromagnetism B) organic chemistry C) thermodynamics D) inorganic chemistry E) genetics


The event that directly prompted the Great Reforms in Russia, including the emancipation of the serfs, was A) defeat in the Crimean War of 1853-1856. B) the Revolution of 1905. C) the Russo-japanese War of 1904-1905. D) the assassination of Alexander Ii in 1881. E) The Lena Goldfields Massacre of 1912.


The first and most important of the Great Reforms in Russia was the A) abolition of serfdom B) creation of the zemstvos, the local, elected governmental councils. C) granting of a constitution. D) nationalization of church property. E) modernization of the legal system.


The flaw in Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's theory of evolution was A) his assertion that characteristics parents acquired in the course of their lives could be passed on to their offspring by heredity. B) his denial that human beings had evolved from other primates. C) his claim that genetic mutations were random. D) his assertion that all forms of life had arisen through a long process of continuous adjustment to the environment. E) his assertion that God intervened to push evolution in the direction of grater complexity.


The revolutionary reduction in the size of European families was in large part caused by A) the family's desire to improve its economic and social position. B) the effectiveness and availability of birth control. C) women wanting to pursue careers outside the home. D) oppressive Victorian morality. E) an epidemic of infertility related to environmental contamination.


The trait shared by Charles Lyell, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, and Auguste Comte was A) the evolutionary aspect of their theories. B) that they were all French social reformers. C) their rejection of positivist science. D) their role in the biological revolution. E) their faith in a divine purpose in history.


In 1846, Marx played a key role in establishing the A) Russian Communist party. B) the First International of socialists. C) German Communist party. D) British Communist party. E) the Second International of socialists.


In 1881, __________ was assassinated by a small group of terrorists. A) Alexander III B) Alexander II C) Nicholas II D) Nicholas I E) Alexander I


In the Balkans, white-collar workers (clerks, store managers, and so on) grew their fingernails very long because A) they were imitating fashion in the Ottoman capital of Istanbul. B) they wished to separate themselves from those who worked with their hands. C) long fingernails were thought to be a mark of good hygiene. D) they could not afford nail clippers. E) they viewed long nails as a sign of asceticism and hence saintliness.


Industrial and urban development made nineteenth-century society A) less diverse and less unified. B) more diverse and less unified. C) more diverse, but more unified. D) less diverse and more unified. E) more rigid and less open.


Napoleon III believed that rebuilding Paris would lead to all of the following except A) increased employment. B) a more equitable division of wealth. C) glorification of his empire. D) improved living conditions. E) greater control over revolutionary crowds.


THe term labor aristocracy in this text refers to A) trade union leadership. B) highly skilled workers and foremen. C) Karl Marx's concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat. D) wealthy industrialists. E) nobles who became involved in the socialist movement.


The breatkthrough development of germ theory was the work of A) Georges Haussmann. B) Louis Pasteur. C) Joseph Lister. D) Robert Koch. E) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck.


The common aspects that united the middle classes included all of the following except A) keeping servants. B) commitment to frugal living. C) belief in education. D) a strict code of behavior. E) commitment to hard work.


The first state to enact social welfare legislation was A) England. B) Germany. C) France. D) the United States. E) Austria-Hungary.


The long-established customs union among the German states was known as the A) Zemstvo. B) Zollverein. C) Reichstag. D) North German Confederation. E) Sadowa.


Which of the following events prompted liberals in the Prussian parliament to reconcile with Bismarck? A) The 1864 war against Denmark. B) The 1866 defeat of Austria and formation of the North German Confederation. C) The 1870 defeat of France and formation of the German Empire. D) The Kulturkampf of 1870-1878. E) The passage of social security laws in 1883-1884.


__________'s sympathy with socialism is evident in the novel Germinal. A) Tolstoy B) Zola C) Dreiser D) Flaubert E) Eliot


According to the text, German Social Democrats recovered their losses of the 1907 election and became the largest party in the Reichstag in 1912 in part because A) they endorsed Marx's call for a violent revolution. B) they accepted trade unions' call for evolutionary rather than revolutionary socialism. C) they took on a more patriotic tone and broadened their base. D) they began courting Catholics in south Germany. E) they merged with the German Liberal Party.


According to the text, one of the social functions of the "labor aristocracy's" strict moral code was A) to convince the middle classes that they "belonged." B) to create a strong barrier against socialist influences. C) to maintain their unstable social and economic position. D) to prevent their children from joining the supposedly morally corrupt middle classes. E) to serves as an example to lower-paid unskilled workers.


Edwin Chadwick believed that A) poverty was the result of lower-class immorality. B) individuals were responsible for their economic success. C) death and disease caused poverty. D) Christian morals should be the basis of urban reform. E) regulating the food-processing industry would rapidly reduce urban mortality rates.


Generally, Freud postulated that A) people were motivated by reason. B) sexual desires are a minor component in people's behavior. C) human behavior is motivated by unconscious emotional needs. D) heredity was the key factor in explaining incidences of mental illness. E) human behavior had its origin in natural selection.


Improved economic conditions in the nineteenth century led to A) more job opportunities for women outside the home. B) more women remaining single. C) the expectation that married women would not work outside the home. D) a mass exodus of women from domestic service. E) extension of the vote to women in much of Europe.


Joseph Lister is responsible for the A) development of the germ theory. B) popularization of the miasmatic theory. C) practice of antiseptic sterilization. D) theory of genetics. E) theory of the separation of powers.


Louis Napoleon's election as a president of the Second Republic and then hereditary emperor was a product of all of the following except his A) famous name. B) protection of property. C) antiCatholic beliefs. D) positive program. E) image as a strong leader who would override special interests.


One positive aspect of the rigide separation of men and women was A) that women were no longer exploited in sweated industries. B) a decline in the rape and abuse of young women. C) a larger role for women in managing the household. D) the relative decline of prostitution. E) the appearance of women doctores to care for women patients.


Sardinia Piedmont became the leader of the Italian unification as a result of all of the following factores except A) the failure of Mazzini's style of democratic nationalism in 1848. B) Pope Pius IX's rejection of Italian unification. C) Austrian suport. D) Victor Emmanuel's granting of a liberal constitution. E) the able leadership of Court Camillo Benso di Cavour.


The Dreyfus Affair A) revived the prestige of the French army. B) drove a wedge between Catholics and anti-Semites. C) revived republican distrust of CAtholicism. D) fanned the flames of French imperialism. E) created a witch-hunt for German spies in the French army and intelligence services.


The Russian zemstvo was the A) peasant commune that owned the land distributed by the Great Reforms. B) new Russian parliament established after the Revolution of 1905. C) institution for local government established by the Great Reform. D) ame of the currency issued when Russia adopted the gold standard. E) state-run investment bank set up to promote railroad construction.


The Second International declared ___________ an annual international one-day strike. A) December 10 B) June 1 C) May 1 D) January 1 E) March 15


The cash crop that revitalized the slave economy of the southern United States in the nineteenth century was A) tobacco. B) sugar cane. C) cotton. D) rice. E) potatoes.


The program followed by many middle-class feminists followed in the footsteps of A) Laura Cereta. B) Christine de Pisan. C) Mary Wollstonecraft. D) Franziska Tiburtius. E) Gustava Droz.


According to the text, working-class leisure typically included all of the following except A) drinking in taverns. B) watching spectator sports. C) attending music hall performances. D) hosting dinner parties. E) gambling.


After 1850, husbands and wives, in the cities, were able to work together only in A) factories. B) sweated industries. C) whitecollar jobs. D) small-scale retail trade. E) mines.


All of the following are consequences of the FrancoPrussian War except A) the completion of German unification. B) the collapse of the French Second Empire. C) an upsurge of German nationalistic pride. D) a wave of social reform in Germany. E) French patriots in Paris declared another republic.


Between 1906 and 1914, the Liberal party in Britain was able to accomplish all of the following except A) eliminate the House of Lords as a real power in British politics. B) substantially increase taxes on the rich. C) pass a national health-insurance program. D) resolve the violent problems of Ireland. E) pass a program of old-age pensions.


Bismarck's constitution for the North German Confederation featured all of the following except A) a lower house elected by a universal, male suffrage. B) local control of local affairs. C) Prussian control of the federal government, army, and foreign affairs. D) an elected president. E) an upper house of delegates appointed by different German states.


In 1900, __________ Europe was the most urbanized area. A) southern B) southeastern C) southwestern D) northeastern E) northwestern


In order to force Austria to give up its territory in Italy, Cavour secured an alliance with A) the pope. b) Prussia. C) the Hungarians. D) France. E) Russia.


In which episode in the unification of Italy did Guiseppe Garibaldi play a key role? A) Austria's defeat of Mazzini's republicanism in 1848. B) The defeat of Austria at Solferino in 1859. C) The peace negotiations at Villafranca in 1859. D) The conquest and annexation of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies. E) The annexation of Rome in 1870.


Theodore Herzel was A) the anti-Semitic mayor of Vienna. B) speaker of the Reichstag during much of Bismarck's tenure. C) the creator of modern psychoanalysis. D) the founder of the Zionist Jewish national movement. E) a German socialist and author of Evolutionary Socialism.


Which of the following events occurred first? A) "Bloody sunday" rocked Russia. B) Bismarck launched his Kulturkampf. C) The U.S. Civil War began. D) napoleon III claimed the throne in France. E) The first social security laws were passed in Germany.


Which of these events occurred last A) Italy is unified. B) France and Prussia fright the Franco-Prussian War. C) Austria and Prussia fight the Austro-Prussian War. D) Dostoevski publishes The Brothers Karamazov. E) Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species.


Working-class children probably were under less parental control than middle-class children in the later nineteenth century because A) socialist thinkers believed in allowing children more freedom. B) rates of illegitimacy continued to rise among the working class. C) members of the working class attended church less often than members of the middle class. D) working-class children went to work and became independent earners earlier. E) working-class women had to work outside the home.


According to the text, realist writers fit within the late-nineteenth-century glorification of science because they A) generally made the heroes of their novels scientists. B) turned toward science fiction. C) denied the importance of emotion in determining human action. D) were generally optimistic. E) attempted to observe and record life in an "objective" manner.


According to the text, which of the following major powers was unable to harness the strength of modern nationalism? A) Great Britain. B) France. C) Germany. D) Italy. E) Austria-Hungary.


Bismarck's social reforms were motivated primarily by A) the Long Depression. B) his goal of stimulating the economy. C) humanitarian concern for the suffering of the urban poor. D) the failure of his Kulturkampf against German Catholics. E) his fear and distrust of socialism.


Ignorance and ______________ were most responsible for the poor conditions in early industrial cities. A) governmental indifference B) poor hygiene C) an unhealthy water supply D) air pollution E) the legacy of rural housing conditions


In his Evolutionary Socialism, ____________ suggested that socialists should reform their doctrines and tactics. A) Wilfred Smith B) Robert Owen C) Karl Marx D) Jean Jaurès E) Edward Bernstein


Karl Lueger, the popular mayor of Vienna, espoused A) Hungarian nationalism. B) evolutionary socialism. C) revolutionary Marxism. D) parliamentary democracy. E) anti-Semitism.


The Russian Revolution of 1905 resulted from all of the following causes except A) business and professional classes' desire for political modernization. B) the Russian defeat in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 C) a radicalized and unhappy working class. D) growing nationalism among subject peoples of the empire. E) the assassination of Alexander III.


The success of Napoleon III's system was based on all of the following except A) his recruitment of local notables to stand as government candidates in elections. B) economic intervention. C) close attention to electoral politics. D) sensitivity to public opinion. E) a successful foreign policy.


The white-collar employees identified with the A) clergy. B) union movement. C) working class. D) aristocracy. E) middle class.


Which statement below best characterizes Napoleon III's economic policies? A) They were mercantilist. B) They were laissez-faire. C) They aimed at nationalization of major industries. D) They favored the interests of landed aristocrats. E) They used government action to stimulate railroad building and investment.


Witte's approach to industrialization was inspired by A) the German socialist Karl Marx. B) the classical economist David Ricardo. C) the French emperor Napoleon III. D) the English industrialist Robert Owen. E) the German economist Friedrich List.


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