Ch. 8 - Race and Ethnicity

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A cultural pattern of intergroup relations, embracing and encouraging racial and ethnic variation within one society. (American salad bowl)

Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

A secret organization that used terrorist tactics in an attempt to restore white supremacy in Southern states after the Civil War.

Aryan Brotherhood

A white prison gang (white supremacy group)

Robin DiAngelo

According to __________________, racism requires the ongoing use of institutional power and authority to perpetuate prejudiced and discriminatory actions in systemic ways with far-reaching effects.


As the United States becomes a majority-minority nation, we are likely to see more _________________ from the more extreme factions of the far right.

negative stereotypes

Cultural appropriation can serve to perpetuate ________________________________, exacerbate interracial relations, and further entrench social inequalities.

Settler Colonialism

Economic and political subjugation of minority group Economic exploitation of a minority group within the dominant group's own borders.


For sociologists, race does not have an ___________ or scientific meaning.


In 2019, the median household ________________ was $98,174 for Asians, $76,057 for whites, $56,113 for Hispanics, and $45,438 for African Americans.


Infant mortality for black babies is more than ____________ that of white babies


It is predicted that by 2045, no racial or ethnic group will represent the ____________ of the U.S. population. This would make the United States a majority-minority country.


Larger proportions of Black and Hispanic Americans are in prison possibly because of _______ that don't seem race based can still create racially differentiated outcomes For example, until 2010 federal law handed out far tougher sentences to crack cocaine users (who are more likely to be Black) than to users of powder cocaine (who are more likely to be white or Hispanic) even though the two substances are actually quite similar.

racial profiling

Larger proportions of Black and Hispanic Americans are in prison possibly because of __________________, the use of race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of having committed an offense.

unemployment, dropout

Larger proportions of Black and Hispanic Americans are in prison possibly because of higher ____________________ and ________________ rates among minority groups

master status

Membership in a minority group may serve as a kind of "___________________" or a trait that overrides all others

individual discrimination

One person treats others unfairly because of their race or ethnicity.


Parties or groups who accept the racist, anti-Semitic political ideas of Adolf Hitler. White supremacy and a hatred of blacks are other key beliefs. Neo-Nazi skinheads can be found in Europe and the United States.


Persons of color carry the burden of some of society's most _______________ jobs. In 2020, 37 percent of all home health aides and 38 percent of all postal clerks were Black, while Hispanics were more likely to be employed in construction and as maids and housecleaners.


Prejudice is not _____________ to discriminate. They often og hand and hand, but NOT always


Privilege is often and easily ______________ by the privileged.

not, changed, boundaries

Race is ____ based on biology, racial categories have _____________ over time, racial categories never have firm ______________


Race is more _________________ on a social level than on a biological level (humans are 99.9% genetically identical).


Racist beliefs are usually rooted in the assumption that differences among groups are ________________ or innate


Situational ethnicity is generally an option only for those whose ethnicity is not __________ to race. That is, white people of various ethnic backgrounds can engage in this, whereas nonwhite people cannot.

criminal justice

Some examples of racial influence on ________________ are: Of all prisoners in 2018, 33 percent were Black, 30 percent were white, and 23 percent were Hispanic. African Americas are far more likely than whites to be murdered. Over half of reported hate crimes in 2019 were attributed to race, ethnicity, or ancestry bias.


Structural Functionalism Cultural differences and the lack of ___________________ into the larger society on the part of minorities tend to feed fear and hostility.

normal, right

Structural Functionalism Groups tend to believe that their own cultures are superior and that their ways of doing things are the __________ and _________ ways.


Structural Functionalism Positive feelings about one's group are strong ______ that bind people together.


Symbolic Interactionism Interaction online is a way of ___________________ the performance of race and ethnicity from the physical traits.

socially constructed

Symbolic Interactionism Race is understood to be____________________. Racial and ethnic identity are both projected and interpreted by individuals in their everyday lives.


Symbolic Interactionism Researchers argue that covert racism is "_____________" online, and that it is now common to find racist rhetoric in posts on platforms such as Twitter, especially in the wake of the rise of the alt-right movement.

double consciousness

Symbolic Interactionism W. E. B. Du Bois's term for the divided identity experienced by Black people in the United States. (being a human being, and being black in a racist society)


Symbolic Interactionism the act of living as if one is a member of a different racial category.

embodied identity

Symbolic Interactionism the way we are perceived in the physical world.


There are widespread disparities in _________ among racial and ethnic groups.


There are widespread disparities in health among racial and ethnic groups. African Americans and Hispanics are less likely to have health ________________ than Asian Americans and white people.


There are widespread disparities in health among racial and ethnic groups. Black mothers ______ from pregnancy complications at a rate of over three times that of other mothers.


There are widespread disparities in health among racial and ethnic groups. Life expectancies for African Americans are significantly _____________ than for whites.


There are widespread disparities in health among racial and ethnic groups. Minorities are __________________ exposed to other factors that affect life span, such as dangers in the workplace, environmental toxins, violence, and stress.


There are widespread disparities in health among racial and ethnic groups. People of color have experienced higher _________ infection and death rates compared to non-Hispanic whites.


Those who feel ________________ about the direction of social change may be attracted to white nationalist ideas. Ex; blue collar whites see themselves as "waiting in line" for the benefits of American life, and hence view immigrants and other nonwhite groups as "line-cutters"—people who don't deserve those benefits and who are snatching them out from under those who do deserve them.


Unequal and unfair treatment, as well as lack of access to power and resources, typically generate a strong sense of _________________ among members of minority groups.


We may __________ our racial and ethnic group membership through dress, language, food, and religious practices, references in music, art, or literature, the projects we find interesting and topics we pursue at school


While assimilation seems like a solution to intergroup conflicts, minority groups __________________ their previous ethnic or racial identity, and sometimes not voluntarily (e.g., if practicing their religion or speaking their language is criminalized).


Whites don't suffer from widespread cumulative ______________________ in almost every sphere of social life because whites have the position and the power to influence the laws, practices, customs, and norms that define American society in ways not widely available to people of color.


________ filed by white students against universities on the grounds of reverse racism (because minority students were admitted when the white students were denied) have reached the Supreme Court, where they have been struck down.


a pattern of relations between ethnic or racial groups in which the minority group is absorbed into the mainstream or dominant group, making society more homogeneous. (American melting pot)


a policy whereby a stronger nation takes control of a weaker nation (the "colony") in order to extend the stronger nation's territory or to exploit the colony's resources for the stronger nation's own enrichment.


a socially defined category applied to a group with shared ancestry or cultural heritage.


a socially defined category based on real or perceived biological differences between groups of people.

critical race theory

a somewhat controversial outgrowth of conflict theory that focuses on intersectionality, and takes into account how race is also modified by class, gender, sexuality, and other social statuses.


a. In France Winddance Twine's study of white women who have families with Black men, race and gender combine to create different understandings of race. i. The women effectively lose some of their whiteness, but this is not the case with white men who marry Black women. ii. The women's loss of whiteness is a form of punishment exacted by their ethnicity- and class-based communities. iii. White mothers of interracial children may not possess the racial literacy (cooking, hair care, preparation for experiencing racism) to raise those children in a world that will almost certainly see and treat them as Black.

public sociology

an attempt to focus on dialogue with wider audiences outside academia and thus help bring about social change.

code switching

an attempt to pass by adjusting one's behavior in accordance with the norms and expectations of the dominant group

symbolic ethnicity

an ethnic identity that is relevant only on special occasions (e.g., celebrating Irish identity on St. Patrick's Day and Mexican identity on Cinco de Mayo).

situational ethnicity

an ethnicity that is deliberately asserted in some situations and downplayed in others.


an ideology or set of beliefs about the superiority of one racial or ethnic group to another. Used to justify inequality and often rooted in the assumption that differences are genetic


an inflexible attitude about a group of people that is founded on generalizations or stereotypes, and unlikely to change regardless of evidence (thought process)

minority group

any social category whose members suffer from unequal treatment as a result of holding that status (doesn't matter fi they are bigger or smaller than majority).

implicit bias

attitudes or stereotypes that are embedded at an unconscious level and may influence our perceptions, decisions, and actions.


conflict theory Bonacich argued that racism is driven partly by economic ____________________ and the struggle over power, control, scarce resources.

split labor market

conflict theory One group of workers (usually defined by race, ethnicity, or gender) is routinely paid less than those in other groups, compounding the effects of racism with those of poverty.


conflict theory Race and ______ are linked.


critical race theory Committed to challenging racist laws and policies and to engage in a kind of _____________ that not only critiques the status quo but also is intended to push forward an agenda for social justice


critical race theory We must recognize and address that racism permeates our social institutions, especially our __________ system.

white fragility

discomfort and defensiveness on the part of a white person when confronted by information about racial inequality and injustice (DiAngelo)

color-blind racism

dismissing the factor of race from the equation of social inequality.


education Asian Americans and whites enjoy more overall ______________ in the U.S. educational system than African Americans and Latinos, in terms of both high school graduation rates and in having a bachelor's degree or higher after age 25.

stereotype promise

education Positive stereotypes associated with Asian American academic performance produce an inverse phenomenon, "______________________"

Stereotype threat

education a social-psychological mechanism at play among minority college students that hinders their academic performance.


family and race The __________ for white teenage moms was 11 per 1,000 births, while the birth rate for African Americans was 26 per 1,000; for Hispanics it was 25 per 1,000 (Martin et al. 2021).

African Americans

family and race ___________________________ are more likely than whites or Hispanic Americans never to marry.

population transfer

forcible removal of a group from the territory they have occupied.

genocide examples

i. The Turkish government massacred 1.5 million Armenians from 1915 to 1923. ii. Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler killed two-thirds of the Jews of Europe. iii. Genocide in Darfur iv. Slobodan Miloševič's ethnic cleansing in the Balkans v. The Hutu slaughter of the Tutsi in Rwanda vi. Early Americans' systematic killing of American Indians


includes any action or behavior that results in the unequal treatment of individuals because of their membership in a certain social group. Can occur on both an individual and an institutional level (action)

institutional discrimination

institutions (such as government agencies, schools, or banks) practice discriminatory policies that affect whole groups of individuals.

Affirmative action

policies, programs, and practices were established to help create opportunities for underrepresented minorities in housing, education, and employment.


population transfer Early ________________ were driven by religious persecution in the East and Midwest between 1846 and 1869, finally settling in Utah.


population transfer In the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the Israeli government restricts the movement of Palestinians and built miles of barriers designed to wall them in and keep them ________________ from the Israeli population.

Trail of Tears

population transfer The state of Georgia and the federal government forcibly marched 17,000 Cherokees westward over 800 miles between 1838 and 1839.

white privilege

rights or immunities granted to people as a particular benefit or favor simply because they are white


subtle verbal and nonverbal slights, insults, and misperceptions that occur in everyday interactions. These typically occur between a person from the dominant (white) group and a member of a racial or ethnic minority.

race consciousness

the awareness of the importance of race in our everyday lives and in our dealings with institutions (antithesis of colorblind racism).

white nationalism

the belief that the country should be built around a white identity that is reflected in religion, politics, economics, and culture.

reverse racism

the claim by whites that they suffer discrimination based upon their race and, therefore, experience social disadvantages.


the deliberate and systematic extermination of a racial, ethnic, national, or cultural group.

postmodern cultural imperialism

the dominant group taking an oppressed group's cultural symbols and turning them into a commodity for profit


the physical and legal separation of groups by race or ethnicity.

racial assimilation

the process by which racial minority groups are absorbed into the dominant group through intermarriage.

cultural assimilation

the process by which racial or ethnic groups are absorbed into the dominant group by adopting the dominant group's culture.


tolerance of racial and ethnic differences.


unearned advantage accorded to members of dominant social groups (males, white people, heterosexuals, the physically able, etc.).

cultural appropriation

when members of the dominant group co-opt or take cultural elements (e.g., art, music, dance, dress, language, religious rituals) from a marginalized group to use for their own advantage.


which cultural group has the highest life expectancy?

antiracist allies

whites and others working toward the goal of ending racial injustice. (whites educating other whites)

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