Ch. 8

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How many total HTTP requests does a browser send for a web page that does not use any other web resources? 1 2 3

1 -Only one HTTP request is made for the HTML file.

Is a valid URL? Yes No

no -The scheme and separator "http://" is missing. A web browser will assume the user meant and go to NASA's web page. is a(n) _____. IP address domain name DNS

domain name -A domain name provides an easy-to-remember name for a user to reach a website.

How many websites existed in 2001? Thousands 30 million

30 million -Within just 10 years of the web's creation, tens of millions of websites had been developed. Searching those sites became more important.


A program for viewing web pages. -A browser displays HTML files in a formatted way.


A set of rules describing how to write HTML. -A valid HTML document must follow the HTML language rules.

information mesh

Another name for the web that was considered by the web's creator. -He instead settled on the World Wide Web (hence the leading "www" in many website names).


Collection of related web pages. -A website may be composed of any number of web pages. Correct web server


Datetime the requested resource was last modified on the web server. -For resources that are dynamically created by the web server, the last modified datetime is often not provided.


Document Object Model -The DOM provides a way of organizing, accessing, and changing any part of a web page. Both JavaScript and CSS use the DOM.

x = document.getElementById("ColorableText")

Finds the paragraph with id "Colorable text", and sets x to that paragraph. x can then be used to change that paragraph's attributes, like color. -document.getElementById is a built-in JavaScript function, and the main way that HTML elements are found so they can be updated. Correct <button type="button" onclick="ChangeTextColor('green')">Green</button>


First web browser is created. -Tim Berners-Lee created and demonstrated a browser that works over the Internet. Correct 1994

<p id="ColorableText">...

Gives this paragraph a label, so that a function can find the paragraph to change the paragraph's color. -Various HTML elements can be given an id, such as an h1, h2, h3, p, or other element.

Are human doctors or IBM's Watson more likely to keep up with new medical information in 2020? Human doctors IBM's Watson

IBM's watson -Already in 2013, researchers estimated that a human doctor would need 160 hours per week to read the same amount of new information as Watson processed per week. As a result, by 2013 Watson already showed advantages in certain areas such as lung cancer diagnosis; Watson was correct 90% of the time, compared to 50% for human doctors.


Indicates that when the button is pressed, the JavaScript function ChangeTextColor should be executed, with the value 'red'. -Various functions can be called. Try replacing ChangeTextColor('red') by alert('Hello'), and see what happens. alert is a built-in JavaScript function.

content length

Number of bytes in the response's message body. -The web browser uses the content length to determine how much data to expect from the web server.

Which request method is used by the browser to submit web form data to the web server? GET PUT POST

POST -POST is the request method most often used to submit web form data to the web server.


Second-level domain. -whitehouse refers to the name of the organization.

web server

Software that serves web pages to browsers. -Popular web servers today include Apache, IIS, and nginx. Correct HTTP


Tag that marks the beginning of the HTML document. -The <html> tag follows the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration . Correct <meta charset="UTF-8">


Tag that marks the end of the HTML document. -The </html> closing tag is the last item in the HTML document.

<title>California State Quarter</title>

Tag that names the document. -The <title> element gives the document a name, which is usually displayed in the web browser.


Text that contains connections to other documents. -The connections to other documents are called hyperlinks.

<button type="button" onclick="ChangeTextColor("green")">Green<button

The HTML that should be added to create a third button. -That HTML can be placed just below: <button type="button" onclick="ChangeTextColor('blue')">Blue</button>


The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) created. -The W3C is the official body that develops and publishes HTML and CSS standards.


The term HyperText invented. -Ted Nelson introduced the term HyperText in a paper on how to deal with information that was complex, changing, and uncertain. Correct 1990


Third-level domain -www refers to the organization's web server.


Top-level domain. typically indicates a U.S. federal, state, or local government web page.

web page

Web document that is viewed in a web browser. -A web page may link to other web pages.


Visual clues that guide the user in figuring out how to use an app. -Affordances, a term invented by usability expert Donald Norman, are harder to implement for mobile devices. For instance, few mobile devices support a touch screen equivalent of hovering with a mouse. So, hovering-based interfaces like tooltips are unavailable on touch based devices. Correct Responsive web design

What organization defines web standards?

World Wide Web Consortium -The W3C has been working on web standards since October 1994.

The W3C Markup Validator indicates the HTML below has an error. What attribute is missing from <meta>? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <meta> <title>Learning HTML</title> <body>Some HTML tags have attributes.</body> </html>

charset <meta charset="UTF-8"> uses the charset attribute to indicate the character set.


first level heading

Which scheme should a URL use to provide a secured HTTP connection to a web server? http https

https -The https scheme encrypts web traffic, allowing users to safely submit sensitive information like credit card numbers to a website.

<p>We changed the <strong><em>font</strong></em> in this paragraph.</p> Valid Invalid

invalid -<strong> does not have a closing tag.


line break

Is Internet browsing more likely to be done using desktop computers or mobile devices in 2020? Desktop Mobile

mobile -Mobile browsing is increasing and surpassed desktop browsing in 2016.

<address> John Smith <br /> 123 Main St. <br /> Anytown, USA </address> Yes No

no -<br /> is a self-closing tag, but the preferred method in HTML5 is to just use <br>.

Does the HTML follow the developer guidelines to start block-level elements on new lines? <h1>Olympics</h1><p>The IOC organises the modern summer and winter Olympic Games and Youth Olympic Games held every four years.</p> Yes No

no -<p> is a block tag and should start on a new line.

<div class="footer"> <p>This site is copyright 2016.</p> Yes No

no -The <div> tag requires a closing tag.

Are the following valid HTML links? 1) <a "">CNN</a> Valid Not valid

not valid -missing href=



Which file does the following URL access? summer temperatures.htm -The subfolder is summer, and the file is temperatures.htm.

A DNS server's primary role is to convert _____. an IP address into 32 bits an IP address to a domain name the domain name to an IP address

the domain name to an IP address -Given a domain name, a DNS server returns an IP address to which to send a packet.

To see how a web page is constructed, a user can view the page source in the browser. True False

true -View source will show the document loaded by the browser

<a href="">News</a> Valid Not valid


<a href="">News</a> Valid Not valid


The pool control system periodically transmits summary data over the Internet to a pool service company's web server. True False

true -A number of systems exist for reporting sensor data to Internet-based servers.

Web developers can sometimes ignore really old web browsers. True False

true -Every browser eventually reaches obsolescence and can be ignored when developing typical sites.


Specifies document structure -HTML is used to specify the purpose of each part of a document. Each web browser has a default stylesheet that controls how the page is displayed, but HTML does not specify how the document parts are displayed.

<p>HTML is derived from HyperText Markup Language. <p>The inspiration for HTML was SGML, the Standard Generalized Markup Language</p> HTML is simpler than SGML and adds hyperlinks.</p> Valid Invalid

invalid -HTML5 prohibits placing a paragraph inside another paragraph.

<h1>This is a chapter heading Valid Invalid

invalid -The chapter heading is missing the closing </h1> tag.

You must read <em><cite>A Tale of Two Cities</em></cite>, one of the best selling books of all time. Valid Invalid

invalid -This HTML markup is illegal because the <cite> opening tag is placed after the <em> opening tag, but the </cite> closing tag is placed after the <em> tag.

When was the first website published? 1991 2001

1991 -The first website was developed by Tim Berners-Lee and can be viewed here.

When was Yahoo created? 1994 2001

1994 -Yahoo was created by a pair of Stanford graduate students, who created a list of websites that they liked.

If a web browser sends 20 HTTP requests to a web server, how many HTTP responses will the web server send to the web browser? 0 10 20

20 -Every HTTP request results in a single HTTP response.

IPv6 supports about how many IP addresses? 100 billion 3.4 × 1028

3.4 x 1028 -That number is enormous, and hopefully enough to address increasing numbers of Internet devices, for a long time.

Which status code is sent when the web server wants to redirect the browser to a different URL? 200 301 or 302 403

301 or 302 -301 and 302 status codes are always accompanied by a Location header that indicates the new URL that the browser should access. Ex: "Location:". 302 status codes are for URLs that may not redirect in the future.

What is the size of an IP address in IPv4? 32 bits 128 bits

32 bits -IPv4 provides 4 billion unique IP addresses. In 2010, 10 billion devices were connected to the Internet with an estimate of 50 billion by 2020. IPv4 did not provide a sufficient number of unique addresses

How many websites existed in 2011? 350 million 350 trillion

350 million -And those 350 million websites are used by over 2 billion users, which is nearly one third the planet's population.

Which status code is sent when the web server is denied permission to the requested URL? 301 304 403

403 -403 frequently occurs when the URL corresponds to a directory that does not have directory listing permissions or a file that doesn't have read permissions.

Which status code is sent when the requested URL does not point to an existing resource on the web server? 200 301 404

404 -404 can occur when the user mistypes a URL, a URL for a resource has changed , or a resource has been removed.

How many cars, machines, meters, and other IoT devices did Cisco, a major network equipment manufacturer, predict would be connected to the Internet in 2020? 15 billion 30 billion 49 billion

49 billion -Cisco predicts 49 billion IoT devices will be used in 2020. Both accurate measurement and prediction are very hard in such a rapidly growing field, so the trend is more important than the actual predicted numbers.

How many total HTTP requests does a browser send for a web page that contains four web resources: an image, a video, a CSS style sheet, and a JavaScript file? 1 4 5

5 -One HTTP request is made for the HTML file, and one request is made for each resource.

The W3C Markup Validator indicates the HTML below has an error. What deprecated tag is causing the error? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Learning HTML</title> <body> <center>This page uses deprecated HTML.</center> </body> </html>

<center> CSS should be used instead of <center> to center contents in a web page.

Write a heading for a book chapter titled "Introduction".

<h1> Introduction </h1>

What tag is used for subchapter titles?


Write an HTML fragment that creates a title for the fourth level of a document hierarchy. The title should be "Exquisite details".

<h4> Exquisite details </h4>

responsive web design

A web design approach that creates web pages that automatically move and resize parts depending on the display size and orientation. -Responsive web design requires careful design and typically uses software frameworks to simplify development.

mobile first

A web development approach that advocates first creating a reduced-feature version of a website for mobile users. Then, the developer creates a full-featured website for visitors using desktop computers. -Because mobile devices are increasingly used everywhere, even at home, developing the mobile-site first is a common approach. In addition, many people do not own desktop computers and only access websites using mobile devices.

Before a TCP connection is created, the web browser performs a/an ______. HTTP request HTTP response DNS lookup

DNS lookup -The browser performs a DNS lookup so the browser can establish a TCP connection with the web server.


Datetime the response was generated by the web server. -Datetime values in HTTP headers are represented in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), which is equal to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


Enables document interaction -JavaScript is a programming language that can manage any part of the document via the DOM and interact with external servers to send and receive information. JavaScript sometimes also runs on servers.

Which request method is used by the browser to get the same response headers that a GET would generate but without the message body? GET HEAD PUT

HEAD -HEAD only requests the response headers


HTML 2.0 standard published. -HTML 2.0 was the first really official standard. Despite the standard, in the rush to beat the competition, browser developers kept adding new and incompatible features. Many websites only worked completely with one specific browser.

<body>The California quarter features Yosemite valley.</body>

HTML content displayed by the browser. -The <body> tags enclose all HTML elements and content that will be displayed.

What is the current recommended version of the HTML standard?

HTML5 -HTML5 is the most recent and recommended version of the HTML standard. Most new web pages use HTML5.


HTML5 standard published. -Work on HTML5 started in 2008. HTML5 is the best choice for new web development. Correct

Which browser lost the most market share between 2010 and 2015? Safari Chrome IE (Internet Explorer)

IE -Internet Explorer dropped from about 50% in 2010 to less than 10% in 2015.


Identifies the browser making the request. -Browsers often identify themselves using a unique string of characters. The User-Agent field may be used by a web server to respond back with different resources depending on which browser made the request. Ex: A desktop page may be sent back to a desktop Chrome browser, but a mobile web page may be sent back to an iPhone browser.


Identifies the web server software that generated the response. -Popular values for Server: Apache, Microsoft-IIS, nginx Correct Host

<!DOCTYPE html>

Instruction to web browser that specifies the document type. -The HTML document must start with the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration. .


Manages document presentation -CSS consists of a set of style rules about how to display the parts of a document.


Media type of the response's message body. -Common media types: text/css, image/jpeg, application/pdf, video/quicktime Correct Date


Part of a document that explains how to interpret or structure other parts of the document. -Markup are instructions to a browser about the rest of the document.

screen size

Physical dimension in pixels of a device's screen. -Mobile device screens are much smaller than desktops. Good design requires significant effort to make websites that work well for different screen sizes. Correct Affordances

<meta charset="UTF-8">

Tag that specifies the character encoding used in the document. -The <meta charset="UTF-8"> tag appears at the beginning of the <html> tag and specifies how characters are represented in the the rest of the document .


The domain name for the requested path. -Some websites are hosted at the same IP address, so the Host field helps the web server determine which website's resource is being requested. Correct User-Agent


The idea for generating links from within one document to other documents. -Vannevar Bush described the memory extension device, Memex, a system for building and following links between documents. Correct 1965


The language used for a text file that describes a web page. -The HyperText Markup Language has text with links (hypertext) to other files on the web.

early 1990s

The period when the web was first developed. -People/companies began obtaining personal computers throughout the 1980s, and networks were growing. Connecting those computers intelligently was becoming important.


The protocol for transferring files among computers via the web. -Short for HyperText Transfer Protocol. A protocol is a set of rules

Because Chrome is by far the leading browser worldwide, testing a web page only really needs to be done using Chrome. True False


A 404 message indicates that a domain name is not recognized. True False

false -A 404 means that the website was reached (the domain name is valid and the web server is working), but the web server could not find the requested page, often due to a misspelling, or out-of-date page link.

If <h1> text appears too big, <h2> or <h3> tags can be used to decrease the text size. True False

false -A heading tag is used to indicate the title and level of a section and not the formatting of section headings. The visual appearance of the heading tags can be changed.

Websites have either an IP address or a domain name, but not both. True False`

false -All websites have an IP address. A domain name provides an easy-to-remember name for an IP address.

To copy the functionality of another web page found on the Internet, just copy the HTML from the view source page. True False

false -Although copying and pasting may create an identical page structure, the web page may not function identically because the copied page may be missing the images, CSS, and JavaScript necessary for the page to function properly. Also, copying a web page's contents likely violates copyright law.

Unlike the blind, people who are deaf do not need special accommodation for websites. True False

false -Although someone who is deaf can read a web page just as well as the non-deaf, captions and transcripts are needed to help the deaf understand the increasing amount of video and multimedia content on web pages.

Color blindness is so rare that web developers do not have to consider the issue when selecting colors for a web page. True False

false -Approximately 8% of men worldwide have some form of color blindness. The most common form of color blindness is the inability to distinguish between red and green.

The pool company would have to send a technician to the pool to change the control system settings. True False

false -False. IoT-based control systems can be built so that a technician can access and modify system settings via a web page from anywhere on the Internet.

With the introduction of IPv6, devices on the Internet no longer use IPv4. true false

false -IPv4 and IPv6 are not interoperable, but mechanisms exist to allow communication between the two protocols.

If a web server is down (such as powered off), the server may return a page saying to please try again later. True False

false -If a server is down, the server cannot return a page. Instead, a message may be displayed saying "Cannot reach the website" or similar.

Web developers typically create web pages using new features available exclusively on a particular browser. True False

false -New features can add additional functionality or visual appeal to a web page. However, the extra effort required to incorporate the browser-specific features, while simultaneously ensuring that the page works well on other browsers, is hard to justify.

The <p> tag can have another <p> tag inside. True False

false -Paragraphs cannot be placed inside other paragraphs, so a <p> tag cannot be used inside another <p> opening and closing tags.

The <br> tag has a closing tag. True False

false -The <br> tag is one of the few HTML tags that does not have a closing tag.

The pool company will not know that the water level is too low unless the customer calls or someone happens to check the system status web page. True False

false -When the company server receives data indicating that the water level is dangerously low, the server can create an entry in the problem-reporting system. Email and text messages can be automatically sent if the problem is not responded to quickly enough

Does the HTML follow the developer guidelines to use boolean attributes concisely? <a href="#" nofollow>Don't spam me!</a>

no -The <a> tag does not have a nofollow boolean attribute. Many search companies support a rel="nofollow" attribute to help indicate the link refers to paid content.

<ol> <li>Avatar <li>Titanic <li>Jurassic World </ol> Yes No

no -The opening <li> tags should have corresponding closing </li> tags.

Does the HTML follow the developer guidelines to start block-level elements on new lines? <h1>Olympics</h1> <p>The <em>IOC</em> organises the modern Olympic Games and Youth Olympic Games, held in summer and winter, every four years. The first Summer Olympics organised by the IOC was held in Athens, Greece, in 1896</p>

no -While the <h1> and <p> block tags start on new lines, <em> is an inline tag and and may continue on the same line.

Does the HTML follow the developer guidelines to use boolean attributes concisely? <div hidden="hidden"> Yes No

no -hidden is a boolean attribute, and should not be assigned as value. <div hidden> should be used.

<input type="checkbox" checked> Use quotes around attribute values Use double quotes No guideline violations

no guideline violations

<p class="assertion">He says he is 'innocent'.</p> Use quotes around attribute values Use double quotes No guideline violations

no guideline violations

<p id="preamble">We the people ...</p> Use quotes around attribute values Use double quotes No guideline violations

no guideline violations



If the customer notices the low water level and calls, the company receptionist's browser can have the customer's pool status web page loaded by the time the receptionist answers the phone. True False

true -The caller's phone number can be sent to the server and used to load the caller's pool status web page automatically.

After the customer reports the water level, the receptionist could inform the caller that a service technician was already dispatched and was six minutes from arriving at the house. True False

true -The web page could show which technician had been automatically dispatched by the problem reporting system. IoT devices in the technician's vehicle, such as GPS, can be used to show the vehicle location and predict arrival time.

A technician installs devices that measure and report water chemical concentrations, water level, pump status, and water flow through the filter system. True False

true -These sensors are standard in automated pool maintenance systems.

A random website is more likely to have a visitor with low vision than a visitor who is totally blind. True False

true -World-wide, between three and ten times more people suffer from very low vision than suffer from total blindness.

<a href="" rel='nofollow'> Use quotes around attribute values Use double quotes No guideline violations

use double quotes

<input type='text' name='zip'> Use quotes around attribute values Use double quotes No guideline violations

use double quotes

<input type=checkbox checked> Use quotes around attribute values Use double quotes No guideline violations

use quotes around attribute values -type=checkbox should be type="checkbox".

This is the first verse.<br />The second verse begins on the next line. Valid Invalid

valid -<br /> is part of XHTML, a version of HTML that is legal for use with XML. Although <br /> is permitted in HTML5, good practice is to use <br>.

<em>You must read <cite>A Tale of Two Cities</cite>, one of the best selling books of all time.</em> Valid Invalid

valid -The <cite> opening and closing tags are placed between the <em> opening and closing tags and are legal.

You <em>must</em> read <cite>A Tale of Two Cities</cite>, one of the best selling books of all time. Valid Invalid

valid -The <em> opening and closing tags are both placed before the <cite> tags.

<h2>Highway traffic code overview</h2> Valid Invalid

valid -The <h2> opening and closing tags are used properly.

<p>This is a very short paragraph.</p> Valid Invalid

valid -The paragraph has an opening <p> tag, the paragraph body, and the closing </p> tag.

<P>A short paragraph.</P> Valid Invalid

valid -While uppercase tags are valid, good practice uses lowercase: <p> </p>.

An HTML _____ is a program that indicates whether a document follows the HTML standard.

validator -An HTML validator checks that all the language rules are followed by an HTML document.

What is the hostname of the following URL? -The hostname is the complete domain name, which is the characters after the scheme and before the path.

Does the HTML follow the developer guidelines to use boolean attributes concisely? <select> <option selected>Pick an option below</option> <option>Lions</option> <option>Tigers</option> <option>Bears</option> <option>Oh, my!</option> </select>


Is the following a valid URL? Yes No

yes -A URL is not required to include a filename. If a filename is not provided, the web server will access a default file.

Does the HTML follow the developer guidelines to start block-level elements on new lines? <label for="city">City:</label> <input type="text" name="city" id="name"> Yes No

yes -Neither <label> nor <input> are block-level elements, so these elements may appear on the same line. However, each element is nearly a full-line and putting both elements on the same line impairs readability.

<p>We have updated our company logo to <img src=""> from the older logo of <img src=""></p> Yes No

yes -The <p> tag holds content and is closed, but the <img> tag does not require a closing tag.

Is the following a valid URL? Yes No

yes -The URL refers to the cubequest and details subfolders on Special characters such as '?' or '#' give the web server more information.

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