Ch.11 Progressive Era

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Theodore Roosevelt

26th president, changed role of presidency and created many progressive movements

19th amendment

Granted Women full suffrage

17th amendment

Provided for the direct election of senators

Women's activities in WWI helped to persuade many Americans to support suffrage.

Women took control and saved lives as nurses and other professions.

The Presidential Election of 1912

William H. Taft ran as a republican, Eugene V. Debs ran for socialist party, Theodore Roosevelt created bull moose party, Woodrow Wilson won as part of democratic party

Louis Brandeis

most important American involved in getting states to pass laws trying to regulate utility rates and insurance manipulations and establish minimum-wage and maximum-hour laws

John Spargo

this book The Bitter Cry of the Children, addressed the controversial subject of child labor; child labor must go


writers of the time, too busy raking filth on earth to look to heavens

Lincoln Steffens

wrote articles on misgovernment in the cities- Shame of the Cities; uncovered political corruption

Anti-suffrage arguments

- Most viewed Women's suffrage as necessary - Looked on as a threat to american society and government - Thought Women would become too masculine - Women might become easily manipulated by politicians - Thought politicians would extract women from their duties at home - Men didn't want women to be able to buy/sell property - Thought women's children would get sick without their constant care - Thought women would stop having kids - Women were too emotional and incapable of making a sound political decision - Men thought that the government would not be benefited by women

Progressive Era

1890 to 1920, reform movements spread throughout the country, creating Progressives

Carrie Chapman Catt

A talented speaker & organizer, she led NAWSA 1900-1904, after 1915, Believed in precinct-by-precinct political work with close coordination among districts to get states to pass women's suffrage

Beliefs held by most Progressives

Aimed to make gov more democratic, business more competitive, and society more fair and just.

What action did TR take in the coal strike of 1902?


How did Taft upset the progressives in the Republican party?

Ballinger-Pinchot affair.

New Freedom by Woodrow Wilson

Criticized both big business & big gov't. Promised to enforce antitrust laws w/o threatening economic competition.

Why Alice Paul's Congressional Union split from NAWSA

CU: aggressive, militant tactics for the purpose of winning a constitutional amendment, wanted new state suffrage organizations NAWSA: opposed CU, fearing CU would alienate moderate supporters: NAWSA worked with old state organizations toward a federal suffrage amendment

Roosevelt and the Sherman Antitrust Act

Enforced Sherman Anti-trust Act and made it more specific Outlawed monopolies and practices that restrained trade, such as price fixing.

16th amendment

Gave Congress the power to levy an income tax

The Department of Labor

Government established the Children's and Women's Bureaus both part of the Department of Labor, Cabinet department created to promote the welfare and employment of working people

The Labor Department

Government established the Children's and Women's Bureaus both part of the Department of Labor, Cabinet department created to promote the welfare and employment of working people

Coal Strike of 1902

He intervened and created the "square deal". Arbitration used to come to agreement. Arbitrators (3rd party) granted miners a 10% raise and reduced workday from 10 hours to 9.

Ray Stannard Baker

He was the first prominent Muckraker journalist to focus on America's racial divide in his book Following the Color Line: An Account of Negro Citizenship in the American democracy (1908). In his book, Baker dealt with issues such as political leadership, Jim Crow laws, lynching and poverty.

Lewis Hine

Hine's photographs alerted the public to the fact child labor deprived children of childhood, health, education and a chance of a future. His work on this project was the driving force behind changing the publics attitude and was instrumental in the fight for stricter child labor laws. By the early 1900's, 28 states had laws regulating child labor.

Florence Kelley

Labor and Social Reformer, Through efforts, Illinois passed a law for prohibiting child labor, limiting working hours for women and regulating sweatshop conditions. Earned a law degree to take legal action. Was the general secretary of the National Consumer's League.

The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire force many states to pass what?

Many states passed laws for fire inspectors, compulsory fire drills, and fire proof exists.

How did reformers hope to end corruption in government?

Municipal reformers argued only a civil service system based on merit would help avoid corruption


National American Women Suffrage Association. Worked with old state organizations toward a federal suffrage amendment.

Why Republican insurgents (Progressives) were angry at Pres. Taft

Protective Tariff, Passed Payne-Aldrich Tariff, Reserved public lands, Lost support of Progres. Ballinger- Pinchot affair

Goals and beliefs of progressives

Progressive sought government regulation to protect workers' rights and business competition. Government ought to increase its responsibility for the well-being of the people. unemployment benefits,accidental and health insurance, a social security system for the disabled and the elderly, They opposed government control, except in the cases of companies that supplied services like water and electricity.

18th amendment

Prohibited the manufacture and sale of liquor (repealed in 1933)

Susan B. Anthony

Ran a tireless campaign for Women's voting rights Co-founded NWSA (National Women's Suffrage Association) & NAWSA (National American Women Suffrage Association) -served as president, The Revolution

The Underwood Tariff

Reduced average tariff rates from 40 percent to 25 percent

The goal of Municipal reformers

Reformers needed to attack political machines to make government honest and more accountable to voters

What was TR impact on the presidency?

Roosevelt later reshaped the American concept of the role of the President to one who could influence the events of the time.

The Clayton Antitrust Act

Spelled out specific activities that big businesses could not do. Legalized unions

Which Political Party of the 1912 election supported women's suffrage?

TR's Bull Moose Progressive Party

Why did some Americans resist Progressive reforms?

The goals of Progressives were social, economic and political and most goals would overlap with Americans beliefs. For example, Progressives tried to create child labor laws, however for poor families, they required the extra income.

Who did municipal reformers want to control utilities?

The government

The changing role of government

The government became more ¨hands-on¨ by creating financial reforms, protecting children/ women and workers, protecting public health, regulating business, creating more amendments, giving more power to voters and cleaned up municipal/ federal and state governments.

Alice Paul

They were leaders in the women's suffrage movement who learned their tactics from the aggressive English suffragists, Congressional Union/ National Women's Party/ Caused a split within the suffrage movement b/c they called for an aggressive, militant campaign for the constitutional amendment

The first state to give women the right to vote


Early suffragists achieved success with states allowing women to vote.

Wyoming first state to offer suffrage, the West offered suffrage.


a procedure that permits voters to remove public officials from office before the next election


a process in which citizens can put a proposed new law directly on the ballot in the next election by collecting voters' signatures on a petition


a process that allows citizens to approve or reject a law passed by the legislature

direct primary

an election in which citizens vote to select nominees for upcoming elections

new freedom

criticized both big business & big gov't. Promised to enforce antitrust laws w/o threatening economic competition.

Federal Reserve System

divided the country into 12 districts, each with a Federal Reserve bank owned by its member banks. System supervised by a Federal Reserve Board appointed by the President; passed by Wilson

Edward Bellamy

influenced populist party platform in 1892, nationalist (gov. control industry)

Upton Sinclair

investigated the turn-of-the-century meatpacking industry in The Jungle; throwup, Meat inspection Act passed by TR

William Howard Taft

president, angered many from taxes to policies, did not like presidency

Woodrow Wilson

president, pushed for many progressive reforms

Jacob Riis

published pictures of starving children in garbage- ridden slums- How The Other Half Lives

Ida Tarbell

revealed abuses committed by the Standard Oil Trust

Henry George

single tax, claimed speculation

Square Deal

term used to describe Roosevelt's progressive reform ideas

Muller v. Oregon

the Court upheld an Oregon law that limited hours for female laundry workers to 10 hours a day

Lochner v. New York

the Supreme Court struck down a law setting maximum hours for bakers

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