ch.6 people and identify

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German soldiers hired by George III to smash Colonial rebellion, proved good in mechanical sense but they were more concerned about money than duty.

Haym Solomon

A Polish Jew who ran lucrative brokerages in New York City and Philadelphia

"Common Sense"

A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that claimed the colonies had a right to be an independent nation

Battle of Oriskany

A punishing defeat for Americans in a ravine named Oriskany near Fort Stanwix in New York in August 1777. German American militiamen aided by allied Oneida warriors were ambushed by Mohawk and Seneca Indians, and 500 on the revolutionary side were killed.

Baron von Steuben

A stern, Prussian drillmaster that taught American soldiers during the Revolutionary War how to successfully fight the British.

Prohibitory Act

Act of Parliament (1775) which removed British protection from the colonies.

Thomas Paine

American Revolutionary leader and pamphleteer (born in England). Wrote common sense

General Horatio Gates

American general at Battle of Saratoga. Formed a new Southern army after defeat at Charles Town. Lost to Cornwallis in Camden.

John Paul Jones

American naval commander in the American Revolution (1747-1792) said " I have not yet begun to fight."

John Barry

American naval hero known for capturing British warships

Battle of Saratoga

American victory over British troops in 1777 that was a turning point in the American Revolution.

John Locke

English political theorist. Promoted"social contract theory" Gov derives power from governed. Wrote "2 treaties of gov"

Marquis de Lafayette

French soilder who became a close and valuable aid to general washington.

General Thomas Sumter

"Fighting Game Cock" they harrased british troops, interfered with their communication lines, and hid in the swamps when pursued by superior forces.

General Nathaniel Greene

Patriot of Quaker descent to replace Gates as a leader of the southern forces. Known as "Fighting Quaker"

Robert Morris

Pennsylvania superintendent of finance in 1781

William Blackstone

Published Commentaries on the Laws of England. Definition of the law of nature/ will of God


Remained loyal to the king

Sir Henry Clinton

Replaced Howe as commander in chief of the British forces in America. Decided to concentrate all northern british forces in one location

Goerge Rodgers Clark

Siezed british posts at Kaskasika and Cahokia in present-day Illionois.

Declaration of Independence

Signed in 1776 by US revolutionaries; it declared the United States as a free state.

Francis Marion

South Carolina militia leader nicknamed the "Swamp Fox" for his hit-and-run attacks on the British during the American Revolution.

Bonhomme Richard

John Paul Jones' ship that defeated to Serapis, named after Ben Franklin's POOR RICHARD ALMANAC

Battle of Yorktown

Last major battle of the Revolutionary War. Cornwallis and his troops were trapped in the Chesapeake Bay by the French fleet. He was sandwiched between the French navy and the American army. He surrendered October 19, 1781.

Battle of Kings Mountain

Loyalists vs. Patriots. South wants to be separate from the North. Patriot victory.

Richard Henry Lee

Member of the Second Continental Congress who presented a momentous resolution to the continental congress

Joseph Bryant

Mohawk chief who led many Iroquois to fight with Britain against American revolutionaries

Admiral Lord Richard Howe

admiral of the British naval fleet that, along with Sir William Howe's British troops, captured several areas of New York

Treaty of Paris

agreement signed by British and American leaders that stated the United States of America was a free and independent contry

Molly pitcher

heroine of the American Revolution who carried water to soldiers during the Battle of Monmouth Court House and took over her husband's gun when he was overcome by heat (1754-1932)

General Nicholas Herkimer

patriot general whose troops defeated Colonel St. Leger's at the Battle of Oriskany

Goerge Washington

was the first president of the u.s. and had led american troops to victory in the revolution. Appointed commander in chief of continental army. First president.

Nathan Hale

young 22 year old who was killed (hanged) without trial said that he regretted that he only has one life to die for America.


Those who favored independence

Sir William Howe

British General who had been forced to flee Boston with his troops in novia scott and sailed for new york city

General John Burgoyne

British general appointed by King George III to crush the rebel forces; 1777, subordinate of Howe, lead invading force down Hudson from Canada to Alabany; was present at the Battle of Saratoga

General Cornwallis

British general who fought the Patriots in the south; surrounded at Yorktown and surrendered to George Washington; who also wanted to capture genral washington

"Mad Anthony" Wayne

The leader of the army that crushed the Indians of the Northwest Territory in 1794. Was also known for his reckless courage.

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