chap 6-11 Social Media Management

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A form of blogging with limited post length typically consisting of short sentences and links.

microblogging marketing objectives

As part of a social media marketing campaign, Twitter makes every other social media tool more effective by providing a distribution outlet that can reach millions of consumers.The best microblog operators combine creativity with experience and writing skills to keep their following engaged.

Define a blog, podcast, webinar, and the concept of video streaming.

Blog -- a collection of the blogger's personal thoughts and ideas around a particular topic.Podcast -- a digital audio or video file that is episodic, downloadable, and program-driven, mainly with a host and/or theme; and convenient, usually via an automated feed with computer software.Webinar -- a seminar that is conducted live over the web and (unlike a podcast) is designed to be interactive.Video Streaming - a live video broadcast shared over the Internet.

Detail how to market with podcasts, blogs, webinars, and video streaming.

Blogging -- Blogging has several unique advantages. One is communicating with (potential) customers. Blogs reward thoughtful posts and fully developed ideas. This makes blogs valuable n a broad variety of industries. Every business has an expertise to share. Another advantage of blogging is word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing. WOM marketing may be more than twice as effective as traditional marketing. Blogging facilitates WOM marketing by: Making messages portable and easy to share; Creating new topics, like mini-press releases, for discussion; Providing a center for conversation re comments and replies. Podcasting -- Podcasts can complement a broad variety of other social media efforts as part of a social media marketing campaign and although direct revenue is not a common component of podcast benefits, speaking persuasively about a field demonstrates confidence and expertise, helping to distinguish a company as a thought leader in the industry. Podcasts can bring in independent revenue in two ways: Recruit paid sponsors to advertise the product, or offer fee-based content (This requires superior content.) But don't begin with monetizing. With so many free podcasts, it may be difficult to get subscribers. For a successful podcast, see Mugglecast and its competitor PotterCast.Webinars -- Clever social media marketers have also used webinars to gather information about potential clients, to build email lists for targeted marketing, or to gather further insight on the audience by asking a number of lead qualification questions can be asked prior to webinar registration. Whether to choose webinars or podcasts may depend on the available technology and resources, as podcasts are less expensive. Webinars are valuable for learning or collaboration (but require planning and coordination beforehand). Podcasts are less interactive, but have continuing accessibility because they downloaded (a natural fit for opinion, information and entertainment).

Detail how to create appealing video content.

The AEIOU rule states that video content should be authentic, entertaining, intimate, offbeat, and unusual. AUTHENTIC - Viewers will not only forgive, but they will also frequently reward a "homemade" feel in online video because the content appears more believable. ENTERTAINING - Put simply, people enjoy fun content. If a video is viewed millions of times because it is funny, the brand will be carried along for the ride even if it is mentioned very briefly. INTIMATE - A video that tells a story, perhaps focusing around one person and showing how others react, is more appealing because it creates a connection with the viewer. OFFBEAT AND UNUSUAL - Offbeat and unusual tend to work together. A video needs to be distinct and memorable to stand out among the millions uploaded regularly. Videos that challenge a taboo or that seem otherwise strange and unlikely can be highly popular.

Explain how to use blogs for personal branding.

a) Find your niche.b) Reserve your niche.c) Create meaningful blog content for your audience.d) Observe good formatting rules.e) Blog regularly.f) Promote your blog.g) Respond to your audience.h) Use metrics to refine the approach.

Detail how to market on photo sharing sites

Once the decision is made to market with photo sharing, there are several steps: a) Determine the target market. b) Select the photos to upload. c) Use photos to demonstrate knowledge, involve users, not to sell. d) Market the content. e) Secure permissions.

benefits of marketing of microblogs

a) Increase brand awareness b) Provide support c) Distribute information d) Create potential valuable relationships

Identify video marketing best practices

a) Match the production techniques to the intent of the video. b) Design and produce videos for mobile - first and always. c) Design and produce videos for the platforms on which they are to appear. d) Post your videos on multiple platforms and on your own website. e) Optimize your videos to be found in search. f) Encourage viewers to share your videos. g) Finally, a don't! Don't make a sales video.

uses for microblogging

Microblogging's purpose can be broken down into two main divisions: one is to convey information, and the second is to start a discussion or to participate in an ongoing conversation.

best practices for an effective twitter channel

Suggestions for long-term Twitter success include:Self-promote cautiously - focus on relationships firstChoose optimal tweet times - post updates at times that followers are also updatingRespond to questions - quickly respond to customers' questionsGather feedback - ask for opinions of product reviews directlyProvide unique value - such as special deals only available to Twitter followers

Define photo sharing.

Photo Sharing is defined as uploading photos and other images for public or private consumption, allowing others to comment, rate, and tag the pictures.

Explain how businesses can integrate photo sharing into their personal brand campaign

Photo sharing can be a great way to tell people about yourself. Some people have two separate photo sharing accounts, one professional and one personal. But anyone can find you on the internet, so consider being judicious in your postings. The following approach is suggested: 1. Tie your photo sharing strategy into your professional goal. 2. Keep the pictures linked to your professional brand, but have fun. 3. Focus on engagement. 4. Be sure not to overshare.

Describe the future of photo sharing.

Photo sharing is the future of impact marketing, by using the short and catchy photos, massive outreach can be made. By using photos to promote awareness of a product instead of just selling, photo sharing has solidified itself in the marketing world. The future of photo sharing is going to continue to grow as smartphones are continuously updated to include improved cameras and online sharing is more accessible.

Explain the benefits of marketing with online photos and other images

Photos can be used to showcase a product, reinforce the brand message, drive web traffic, create awareness and encourage sharing, and leverage opportunities to market with low costs. Most directly, images of the product can generate interest and online buzz, leading to sales. Pictures demonstrate an institution's values and beliefs far more vividly than written description. Photo sharing websites are treated kindly by search engines such as Google. Photo results often show up on the first page of results, bringing many to view that content. The time commitment for maintaining a photo sharing presence is less demanding than a social networking site, such as Facebook or LinkedIn.

Identify tips for successfully using this type of content.

Rule #1: Use catchy titles. Rule #2: Update frequently. Rule #3: Keep content focused. Rule #4: Invite comments. Rule #5: Promote the blog, streaming video, podcast, or webinar. Rule #6: Engage with others. Rule #7: Avoid negativity. Rule #8: Stand by the content. Rule #9: Cross-promote. Rule #10. Archive the content. Rule #11. Use Metrics.

ways to build brands w twitter

Search to Gather InformationOne of the most powerful Twitter features is the ability to search users, posts, and subjects. When beginning a social media marketing campaign, start using Twitter by looking up the brand's name, the competition, and what is being said about each.The ease of topic searching is aided by hashtags. Included in the form of "#topic" in tweets, clicking on the word with "#" in front (the hashtag topic) will draw up a list of other tweets that have been tagged with the same topic. Know the AudienceUsing the search function to navigate through Twitter is helpful for building a portrait of the target audience. Aggregating together different characteristics of Twitter users who all might be interested in a brand or product allows a picture of the target market to emerge. Customize the Profile PageA good profile page will help to develop a solid following and also provide external benefits such as views to the main site and more interest in the marketed product. Tweet ContentDistributing links to interesting articles, images, or websites can be valuable to readers and draw a positive response. However, sharing a link is no guarantee anyone will visit it, especially if the content is poorly described, is uninteresting, or seems untrustworthy.

Explain the implications of long-form and short-form video.

Short form videos are useful in gaining attention. People do not always want to watch a five minute video whenever you can get the message across in under a minute. Long form videos have their place too. Movies are an example of long form videos.

Explain the marketing benefits of this type of content.

The biggest advantages for blogging are the potentially large audience and a strong emphasis on content.The benefits of podcasts for the viewer include the enormous variety and minimal cost of subscribing.The biggest advantage of using webinars is the ability to gather an enormous audience.Video streaming has the ability to generate a large audience in real-time. It is easily measurable as far as who is watching and when.

Discuss some of the major video platforms.

The largest video sharing platform is YouTube which allows user-generated content uploaded by both consumers and businesses. Marketers post their branded videos on multiple platforms including their own websites. Table 8.1 shows the largest platforms, making it clear that marketing videos compete for attention. In addition, Facebook allows videos on both posts and Facebook Pay per Click (PPC) ads. Advertisers like Facebook ads because they generate more viewer interaction than videos on other platforms.

content marketing

The process for developing, executing and delivering the digital content and related assets that are needed to create, nurture, and grow a company's customer base.

Explain how to encourage sharing of online videos.

Three different levels of sharing exist for distributing an online video: primary, secondary, and tertiary. PRIMARY SHARING - A video must be posted online, often on several different video sharing sites, so that more people will have the opportunity to find and watch it. SECONDARY SHARING - occurs when fans, friends, customers, or early viewers begin spreading the video within their own social circles. The groundwork for secondary sharing can be laid much earlier by participating in the online video community. TERTIARY SHARING - is when content is spread on the Internet by people who likely do not know or have connections with the original video's creator.

Explain benefits of marketing with online videos.

Three of the main advantages of marketing with online videos include the ability to engage viewers, reach large audiences, and showcase products. ENGAGING VIEWERS - Video is a very popular medium because it can create a stronger connection with consumers by deepening the communication experience, and making the message (hopefully) more persuasive. Videos are particularly good for storytelling, and enjoyable to most viewers. Viewers become more vested in content when a human face is attached to it. LARGE AUDIENCES - More people choose to consume their information visually, and online video marketing taps into this growing trend. Both young consumers (18-34) and groups 50 and older are shifting to video. The video audience is large and demographically diverse. BUILDING BRAND AWARENESS - Some brands have an obvious link with stories and other content that can make compelling video. Red Bull has created such a link between its energy drink and extreme sports. Skiers may watch its double pipe or snowboarding series. For fans of racing, Red Bull offers everything from motocross to Indycars. The events and videos get a great deal of press attention, extending brand reach. And there are some product videos thrown into the mix. SHOWCASING THE PRODUCT - Viewers with no experience with the product may watch the video, be impressed with its quality or other appealing features, and consider making a purchase. By providing value to the existing customer base, it may cause them to write positive reviews or otherwise participate in the social media campaign.

Explain the role video marketing can play in the digital marketing mix.

Video marketing plays a major role in the digital marketing mix by allowing quality content, along with drawing user attention with catchy ads and quality visuals. Video marketing promotes awareness not only for small businesses, but large ones as well.

Describe why everyone is a publisher on the social web.

With the tools available on the web, anyone can become a publisher at minimal cost. Today, a website can be created in less than an hour with no expert coding knowledge, using Weebly, ix, WordPress, or other web-development tools; editing websites is easier. Online space has changed from a read web where people go primarily to read, to a read-write web, where it is possible not only to read, but to create content. Users can interact with the content. There are millions of blogs, websites and podcasts. There is such a proliferation of content online that even the highest-quality material has difficulty standing out and building an audience. Some blogs have many readers, while many blogs have almost no readers. (See Figure 7.3.) Most companies consider their blogs as part of their business strategy. Consumers increasingly look to blogs to make business decisions.

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