Chapter 1 Reconstruction

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What happened during the Election of 1876 with Tilden and Hayes?

-Samuel Tilden ended up with 51% of the popular vote and carried all the Southern states. -Republicans claim Democrats in the 3 states threw out votes for Rutherford Hayes(Rep) that would of gave Hayes the election(by one electoral vote) -Hayes-won

Explain what the Grandfather Clauses were during Reconstruction.

1 Allowed you to vote if your ancestor (parent or grandparent) was able to vote prior to 1866. 2 Meant that A.A. were unable to vote b/c ALL of their ancestors were not able to.

Explain the Compromise of 1877

1 Hayes wins the election, 2 North pulls troops COMPLETELY out of the South, 3 South got money to build railroads from North. Ended reconstruction-compromise of 1877

What were Literacy Tests during Reconstruction? Who were they unfair against?

Where voters had to prove that they could read and write Unfair to A.A.

Besides the fact that Andrew Johnson did not get along with Congress, what was his issue that he had with his Reconstruction Plans?

1 He had little sympathy for A.A.. 2 He DID NOT want A.A. to have the right to vote and 3 did nothing to stop discrimination in the South.

What were the three (3) challenges of Reconstruction for the Union?

1 How do we reunite the Union? 2 How do we rebuild the South's economy? 3 How to extend citizenship to A.A.?

What were Jim Crow Laws? Give me two (2) examples of a Jim Crow law in the South

1 Jim Crow Laws: laws passed to separate whites from blacks. Seen as completely legal and ok in parts of the country to pass these laws. 2 Marriage 3 Hospitals

What two (2) problems did Andrew Johnson have with Congress? (The last problem got him ______________)

1 Johnson vetoed a bill to allow the Freedman's Bureau to continue operating smoothly in the south. 2 He fired his Secretary of State Edwin Stanton Impeached

Who was the Ku Klux Klan? What were two (2) ways that the Ku Klux Klan terrorized African-Americans in the South?

1 Ku Klux Klan: organization created in Tennessee during Reconstruction that is considered a white supremacist that promotes hatred and violence towards minorities, especially African- Americans. 2 Feared and intimidated A.A. by horseback at night, burning homes, schools, and churches 3 Even beat and killed A.A. adn any whites that tried to promote A.A. equality.

What were Black Codes? What were two ways they tried to interfere with African-Americans?

1 Laws that limited the rights of A.A. as workers A.A. could ONLY work certain jobs as servants or farm laborers. 2 Some states wouldn't let A.A. own land. Also meant that some A.A. got thrown into jail and worked in prison camps if they did not have a job.

What were the three (3) points of the 10% plan (Abraham Lincoln's Plan)

1 Required 10% of the voters to swear loyalty to the Union. 2 Required states to accept emancipation of slaves (13th Amendment) 3 Offered full pardons to all former confederates.

What were three (3) of the four parts of the Radical Republicans plans for Reconstruction?

1 Required 50% of the voters to take an oath of loyalty to the Union 2 Divided South into 5 military districts to be controlled by the US Army. 3 States has to guarantee A.A. right to vote (13th)

What was Poll Tax during Reconstruction? Why was it not fair to many African-Americans in the South?

1 Required voters (mostly A.A.) to pay a tax to vote. 2Most tests were $1-2 (not cheap) which basically made poor blacks not able to vote.

Who ran for President in the Election of 1876? Who ended up winning the election?

1 Samuel Tilden and Rutherford Hayes. 2 Rutherford Hayes won

How did the support for the Reconstruction Era start to end?

1 The return of Southern political power/Republican party splits in half. 2 The Freedman's Bureau was dissolved in 1872 3 President Ulysses S. Grant's presidency was full of corruption

What were the Civil War Amendments? What group of people did they affect most?

13th: Slavery is illegal 14th: Guaranteed equality to ALL citizens 15th: Right to vote for all races Affected: African Americans.

Who were the three (3) presidents during Reconstruction Era?

Abraham Lincoln Andrew Johnson Ulysses S. Grant

What were the Enforcement Acts?

Also known as Ku Klux Klan acts, E.A. made it a federal offense to interfere with citizen's right to vote. Promoted and passed by Congress b/c of the growing violence against minorities in the South and harassment by radical groups like the Ku Klux Klan who terrorized and intimidated A.A. from voting.

What "officially ended" Civil War Reconstruction?

Compromise of 1877

Explain the process of Impeachment? What happened when Andrew Johnson got impeached?

First Step: House of Representatives votes if the President should be put on trial(Must have over 50% YES)-Pres is impeaches Second Step: If it passes the House, it now goes to the Senate where the Senate will vote if the president did any wrongdoing. Senate must have ⅔ yes. -Andrew Johnson First Step: Over 50% of the House voted to impeach Johnson Second Step: Senate was one vote short of removing Johnson from office.

What was the issue with Abraham Lincoln's 10% plan?

He DID NOT require a guarantee of social/political equality of A.A. in the South

How did Andrew Johnson become President?

He was the Vice President for Abraham Lincoln and when Lincoln was assassinated, Johnson became President.

What was the Freedmen's Bureau? What two (2) things did they help accomplish in the South during Reconstruction Era?

Organization mostly in the South that provided food, clothing, healthcare, and education for both A.A. and white refugees in the South. (Bureau of Refugees) 1 Helped reunite families that were missing b/c of slavery and war 2 Negotiated labor contracts for A.A.

Republicans that were called "Lincoln Republicans" split with what other group of Republicans during Reconstruction Era? Hint: This group wanted HARSH penalties for the South during Reconstruction

Radical Republicans

Who was president during Reconstruction Era for 8 years and his presidency was corrupt and considered one of the worst presidents the United States has ever had? Hint: Union General

Ulysses S. Grant

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