Chapter 11 Inquisitive
according to one study, smoking shortens the average smoker;s life by more than __ years. still, smoking i son the rise in ________ countries. _____ is home to 30 precent of the world's smokers, and another 10 precent live in _____. in the united states, about 1 in _ adults smokes
1. 12 2. low-income 3. china 4. india 5. 5
which of the following might help someone quit smoking?
1. an event during which the smoker hits rock bottom 2. substituting other behaviors in place of smoking 3. use of nicotine replacements, such as patches, gum, or low nicotine e-cigarettes
which statements about anorexia nervosa are correct, and which are incorrect?
1. anorexia has a significant morality rate 2. anorexia may follow failure to lose weight in a more controlled fashion
what have studies found about weight gain and loss as it relates to eating?
1. body weight is regulated by a genetically determined set point 2. inmates who doubled their caloric intake for six months did not double their weight
in which of the following ways does chronic stress affect the heart?
1. constricts blood vessels 2. causes plaque in arteries to build up 3. causes changes in blood chemistry
while e-cigarettes _____ contain the many cancer-causing chemicals found din regular cigarettes, they__ contain _______, which may affect the developing brain, lead to addiction, and increase the chances of becoming a regular smoker. while e-cigarettes may or may not modestly help some quit smoking, there is evidence that e-cigarettes encourage _________ to take up smoking
1. do not 2. do 3. nicotine 4. adolescents
what factors contribute to obesity?
1. for over weight people, food triggers more activity in the brain centers involved with reward 2. people eat more when given larger portions, such as in many restaurants 3. people eat more when there is a wide variety of food, such as at buffets
classify each source of stress as either a "major life stressor" or a "daily hassle"
1. getting married 2. being named in a lawsuit
a college freshman is upset that, at the end of his first semester, he has gained fifteen pounds. what recommendations would you make to help him lose weight?
1. he should stick to one type of food when he eats in the dining hall 2. he should find the gym and start a daily workout routine
how does stress affect our immune systems?
1. healthy people with higher levels of stress developed worse cold symptoms when swabbed with the cold virus 2. people with stressful jobs tend to have more health problems 3. the fight-or-flight response leads to a boost in the immune system
a health psychologist studying why someone is obese would seek to answer a range of questions. based on the biopsychosocial model of health, which of the following questions address psychological factors, and which address social factors?
1. how does the person think about food and eating? 2. what behaviors lead to overeating?
in the united states, th most common STI is __________________, with 14 million new cases annually. potentially fatal STIs include ________, a bacterial infection that can be cured with __________, and HIV and ______, both viral infections that cannot be cured but can be suppressed with antiviral drugs
1. human papillomavirus 2. syphilis 3. antibiotics 4. herpes
for improved health and well-being, eat a varied diet that emphasizes ______ foods over ________ ones, and fruits, vegetables, and whole grains over _____. avoid ________. finally,eat only __________, and limit your portions
1. natural 2. processed 3. meats 4. trans fat 5. when hungry
what did hans selye find about how our bodies respond to stress?
1. our bodies eventually break down in response to long-term stress 2. our immediate reaction to stress is a fight-or-flight response 3. in the short term, stress boosts the immune system
which of the following were part of Martin Seligman's original definition of happiness, and which came later, as part of his description of success and well-being?
1. positive emotion and pleasure 2. meaningful life 3. engagement in life
which of the following are good strategies for dealing with long-term stress?
1. positive reappraisal 2. downward comparison 3. giving positive meaning to ordinary events
obviously, limiting the number of one's sexual partners ______ the risk of contracting an STI. another generally effective measure is the use of ____________, such as a condom or a ________. finally, some kinds of STI, such as ____________________, can be prevented through vaccination
1. reduces 2. a barrier device 3. dental dam 4. human papillomavirus (HPV)
how does someone with a hardy or stress-resistant personality deal with stressful events?
1. see themselves as having control 2. see stressors as challenging 3. show commitment to work through problems
what is the body's response to restrictive dieting?
1. the body has a natural defense to restrictive dieting 2. after weight loss, the body regains weight much faster
compared to the traditional western medical model, what new insights does health psychology add to our understanding of health and disease?
1. the importance of lifestyle factors to physical health 2. the role of mental states in regulating health
smoking is a leading cause of death, and those who start smoking in adolescence have a shorter life expectancy. despite this, what are some of the reasons adolescents start smoking?
1. they want to enhance their self-image or public image 2. their parents or friends smoke 3. smokers in movies and on TV are depicted as glamorous 4. they overestimate the number of smokers in the general population
andrew had to repair his car, but he reminded himself that, unlike some of his friends, at least he had a car to repair
downward comparison
regarding causes of obesity, what is the best summary of the relationship between genetic and environmental influences?
genetics determines whether a person can become obese, but environment determines whether the person will become obese
clarisse's boyfriend broke up with her, but she found enjoyment in cooking and listening to music
giving positive meaning to ordinary events
when paula's car was being repaired, she enjoyed getting to know the coworker who drove her to work
positive reappraisal
people who are able to recover quickly when bad things happen are displaying what trait?