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Which Confederate state experienced the greatest opposition to secession?


Draft resistance in the Confederacy

Went beyond anything the Union had experienced.

African American soldiers constituted what percentage of the Union Army?

10 percent.

By 1870, the North was _____ percent wealthier than the south.


How many men are estimated to have died in the Civil War?


At Gettysburg Battlefield, President Lincoln said that the Civil War had become

A test of democracy and the principle of human equality.

What was the most striking aspect of internal politics in the Confederacy?

Absence of a two-party system.

What was the title of the Union's plan to squeeze the Confederacy into submission?

Anaconda Plan.

Once the Lower South had seceded, Republicans concluded that

Any compromise amounted to northern surrender to southern blackmail.

What was the consequence of President Lincoln's call for volunteers?

Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina seceded.

Where did the Union army build the contraband camp known as "Freedman's Village"?

At Arlington, Robert E. Lee's plantation in Virginia.

General Sherman's troops liberated


In what battle did General George McClellan's army stop General Robert E. Lee's first invasion of Maryland in 1862?

Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg).

The first real test of Union and Confederate arms came in July 1861 at the

Battle of Bull Run, or Manassas.

How did President Lincoln want his generals to conduct the war?

By coordinating attacks so southern armies would be engaged and unable to assist each other.

What would have been the consequence of the Crittenden Compromise, if passed?

Congress could not have barred slavery from territories.

To win the Civil War, the North had to

Defeat the armies of the Confederacy.

What motivated most Confederate soldiers to serve in the army?

Defending property rights in slaves.

Following the Civil War, the power of the slaveholder class was


The result of General Grant's victory at Vicksburg, Mississippi, was that

Each statement is accurate. ( Vicksburg was cut off from Confederate supply lines. Vicksburg surrendered. Grant's military abilities were recognized by President Lincoln.)

The New York City Draft Riots in the summer of 1863

Each statement is accurate. (Targeted African Americans. Targeted well-dressed men and the property of Republicans. Burned the Colored Orphan Asylum.)

What motivated most northern men to serve in the Union army?

Ending slavery once and for all.

How did England respond to the South's expectation of assistance?

England refused to break the Union blockade or grant diplomatic recognition to the Confederacy.

One result of the Emancipation Proclamation was

European nations no longer supported the Confederate States of America.

Who commanded all Union forces when the Civil War began?

General George B. McClellan.

Who did Confederate president Jefferson Davis send to Charleston to seize Fort Sumter and defend the harbor?

General P. G. T. Beauregard.

What crucial difference did General Grant introduce to the Union strategy in 1864?

He kept constant pressure on Lee's and Johnston's armies.

What policy regarding slavery did President Abraham Lincoln state in his inaugural address?

Leaving slavery alone in the South.

Why was the ironclad CSS Virginia not likely to make a difference in the Confederate's campaign?

It could not maneuver in waters where the blockade ships waited.

Which statement about the Emancipation Proclamation is not correct?

It eliminated slavery in the United States.

The Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg) had what important political consequence in addition to its military significance?

It enabled President Lincoln to issue the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.

Which of the following is not true about the Union blockade?

It failed to make an impact on blockade runners.

What was the immediate result of the Emancipation Proclamation?

It made emancipation an official goal of the war.

How did the constitution of the Confederacy differ from that of the United States?

It stated specifically that whites were superior to blacks.

What was the South's greatest military advantage?

Its defense of its own territory.

Who was selected to serve as president of the Confederate States of America?

Jefferson F. Davis of Mississippi, a moderate.

By the spring of 1861, most Southerners had concluded that

No additional compromise with the North would succeed.

Why did Confederates open fire on Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861?

President Jefferson Davis had to prove his authority.

Medical practices during the Civil War were


Who were the "cooperationists" during the secession crisis?

Residents of the Upper South who agreed to remain in the Union if the Lincoln administration cooperated with remaining slave states.

To what does the term "contraband" refer?

Runaway slaves in Union custody.

Who were Joseph E. Brown and Zebulon Vance?

Southern governors more interested in states' rights than Confederate victory.

What was the most consistent source of tension in Confederate government?

States' rights.

Which of the following was not a Confederate advantage?

The Confederate navy.

What enabled Congress to pass significant legislation such as creating land-grant colleges in 1862?

The absence of southern Democrats from Congress.

What liberty did Southerners try to protect with their secession?

The liberty to own, buy, sell, and transport slaves.

What did New England teacher Laura M. Towne observe about freed African Americans in her South Carolina classroom?

They were eager to learn.

Prior to Lee's surrender at Appomattox Courthouse,

Union troops captured the Confederate capitol of Richmond.

During the Civil War,

Women were permitted to serve only in noncombat roles.

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