Chapter 14: The brain

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CSF Function

1. Mechanical Protection 2. Chemical Protection 3. Circulation of nutrients and waste products

Superficial 1. Dura Mater 2. Arachnoid 3. Pia Mater Deep

3 Meninges

1. Frontal 2. Parietal 3. Temporal 4. Occipital 5. Insula

5 lobes of the brain

Constantly, All

CSF is [BLANK] being fromed in [BLANK] brain ventricles.

Choroid plexuses

CSF is formed by a network of capillaries in the walls of each ventricle in the brain called [Blank].

Interventricular Foramina (Foramen of Monro)

CSF that is formed in each lateral ventricle flows into the 3rd ventricle through a pair of narrow oval openings called [BLANK].

corpus callosum

Connects the right and left halves of the cerebrum.

Primary Motor Area

Controls voluntary contraction of specific muscles.


Coordination of skeletal muscle contractions. Maintains normal muscle tone, posture, and balance.

Premotor Area

Deals with learned motor activities of a complex sequential nature.

Language Area

Enables speaking of thoughts. Controls contractions of speech and breathing muscles.

Subarachnoid space

From the 4th ventricle, the CSF passes inoto the [BLANK].

Basal Ganglia

Help control muscle movement.

Reticular Formation

Helps regulate muscle tone. Alerts cortex to incoming sensory signals from the RAS which is responsible for maintaining consciousness and awakening from sleep.

Primary Sematosensory Area

Identify the exact locations in the body where somatic sensory sensations originate.

Sematosensory Association Area

Integrates and interprets sensations. Also stores memories of past sensory experiences.

Gnostic area

Integrates sensory interpretations from the various areas so a common thought can be formed from the combined sensory inputs.

Primary Auditory Area

Interpret sounds, pitch, and rhythm.

Auditory Association Area (Wernicke's Area)

Interprets the meaning of speech by translating words into thoughts. Also determines if a sound is speech, music, or noise.

Right cerebral hemisphere control

Left-handed control, musical and artistic awareness, insight, imagination, space and pattern perception, and generating mental images of the senses.


Major regulator of homeostasis including: ANS, body temperature, food intake, thirst, and sleep patterns.

pituitary gland

Master Gland

1. Prosencephalon 2. Mesencephalon 3. Rhombencephalon

Primary brain vesicles

Motor Speech Area (Broca's)

Production of Speech.

Primary Olfactory Area

Receive impulses related to smell

Primary Gustatory Area

Receive impulses related to taste.

Primary Visual Area

Receives impulses conveying visual information.

medulla oblongata

Regulates heart rate and rate of respiration; also involved in vasoconstriction, swallowing, coughing, vomiting, sneezing, and hiccuping.

Visual Association Area

Relates present to past visual experiences. Also allows you to recognize and evaluate what is seen.


Relay station for all sensory impulses except smell to the cerebral cortex. Also registers conscious recognition of pain, temperature, touch and pressure.


Relays nerve impulses from the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum, related to voluntary skeletal movements. Pneumotaxic area: Respiratory center in pons that continually sends inhibitory nerve impulses to the inspiratory center area that limit inspiration and facilitate expiration. Apneustic Area: Portion of the respiratory center in the pons that sends stimulating impulses to the inspiratory center that activate and prolong inspiration and inhibit expiration.

Limbic system

Responsible for emotional aspects of behavior, and memory associated with pleasure and pain.

Left cerebral Hemisphere control

Right-handed control, spoken and written language, and numerical and scientific skills.

Frontal Eye Field

Scanning eye movements such as looking for a specific word in the dictionary.

Telencephalon > Cerebrum Diencephalon > Thalamus & Hypothalamus

Secondary and mature brain vesicles formed from Prosencephalon

Metencephalon > Pons & Cerebellum Myelencephalon > Medulla Oblongata

Secondary and mature brain vesicles formed from Rhombencephalon

Mesencephalon > Midbrain

Secondary and mature brain vesicles formed from mesencephalon

longitudinal fissure

Separates the cerebrum into left and right hemispheres.


Thalamus: Relay station for all sensory impulses except smell to the cerebral cortex. Also registers conscious recognition of pain, temperature, touch and pressure. Hypothalamus: Major regulator of homeostasis including: ANS, body temperature, food intake, thirst, and sleep patterns.

Cerebral Aqueduct

The CSF the flows through the [BLANK] which passes through the midbrain into the 4th ventricle.

Ependymal Cells

The capillaries are covered by [BLANK] that form CSF from blood plasma.

CSF, Arachnoid Villi

[BLANK] is gradually and constantly reabsorbed back into the blood through delicate finger-like structures called [BLANK] located in the superior sagittal sinus of the upper skill.


[BLANK] then Circulates in the central canal of the spinal cord and around the surface of the brain and spinal cord.


conveys motor impulses from the cerebrum to the cerebellum and spinal cord, and sends sensory impulses from the spinal cord to the thalamus. Also regulates auditory and visual reflexes.

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