Chapter 18 US History

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-- Big stick Diplomacy

= Roosevelt.

--Rough Riders

A volunteer cavalry regiment, commanded by Leonard Wood and Theodore Roosevelt, that served in the Spanish-American War.

-- Alfred Mahan

Admiral leader from the U.S Navy. Mahan urged government officials to build up American naval power in order to compete with other powerful nations.

--Panama Canal

An artificial waterway cut through the Isthmus of Panama to provide a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, opened in 1914.

--Jose Marti

Anti-spanish sentiment in Cuba soon erupted into a second war for independence. Jose Marti, a Cuban poet and journalist in exile in New York, launched a revolution in 1895. Marti organized Cuban resistance against spain, using an active guerrilla campaign and deliberately destroying property, especially American-owned sugar mills and plantations.

Describe U.S. involvement in Cuba.

Cuba US troops still occupied parts of Cuba -Pre-war: Teller amendment : Cuba would control Cuba -After war : Platt Amendment : limited Cuba's freedom, us involved in Cuban affairs. Naval base in Guantanamo. -provided food and clothing -helped farmers -organized schools -helped eliminate yellow fever PLATT amendment: provisions added to the cuban constitution-US wanted these provisions -no treaties allowed -US reserved the right to intervene with Cuba -Cuba not allowed to go into debt -US could buy or lease land Cuba became a US protectorate: (a country whose affairs are partially controlled by a stronger power) because they wanted to protect American businesses in Cuba.

Teller amendment

Cuba would control Cuba

Explain how Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy promoted American power around the world.

He refused to allow europe to control the world's political and economic destiny and prompted that the country act as a strong and honorable nation Great white fleet, showed american strength. Roosevelt corollary says we will fight you if you come into our zone.

Rules of Platt Amendment

I.Cuba could not make treaties that might limit its independence or permit a foreign power to control any part of its territory II.the United States reserved the right to intervene in Cuba III.Cuba was not to go into debt that its government could not repay IV..the United States could buy or lease land on the island for naval stations and refueling stations "

Identify causes and effects of the Philippine-American War.

Identify causes and effects of the Philippine-American War. CAUSES -spain is mad that the US bought the Philippines -Emilio Aguinaldo outraged and fought for freedom-he felt betrayed. He believed that the US promised independence but the Treaty of Paris called for American annexation of the Philippines EFFECTS -US military action in the Philippines resulted in suffering for Filipino civilians-died of malnutrition and homes were burnt with guerilla tactics -US set up government similar to Puerto Rico -US president would elect a governor and Upper House -Filipinos would elect lower house Eventually the Philippines finally became independent July 4, 1946

--Valeriano Weyler

In 1896, spain responded to the Cuban revolt by sending General Valeriano Weyler to Cuba to restore order. He tried to crush the rebellion by herding the entire rural population of central and western Cuba into barbed-wire concentration camps. 300000 cubans filled the camp and thousands died.

Why does Roosevelt choose to intervene in the Russo-Japanese affair?

In order to keep power & economy even

--Emilio Aguinaldo

In the Philippines, Filipinos reacted with outrage to the Treaty of Paris, which called for American annexation of the Philippines. The rebel leader Emilio Aguinaldo believed that the United States had promised independence. When he and his followers learned the terms of the treaty, they vowed to fight for freedom.In February 1899, the Filipinos, led by Aguinaldo, rose in revolt.

--Foraker Act

Legislation passed by Congress in 1900, in which the U.S. ended military rule in Puerto Rico and set up a civil government.

Summarize how the United States took over the Hawaiian Islands

Many Americans moved to Hawaii because it was the optimal place to grow sugar. Technically, Hawaii was foreign, so any sugar grown there was foreign. Therefore, it is subject to a tariff. The American sugar plantation owners do not want to pay the tariff, and realize if Hawaii is part of the US, then, they wouldn't have to pay the tariff. They decided to overthrow the Hawaiian Queen, Queen Liliuokalani. The American plantation owners under Sanford Dole create a new government and ask the US to annex Hawaii. Reluctantly, the US annexed Hawaii, and it eventually became a state.

--George Dewey

On April 30, the American fleet in the Pacific steamed to the Philippines. The next morning, Commodore George Dewey gave the command to open fire on the Spanish fleet at Manila, the Philippine capital. WIthin hours, Dewey's men had destroyed every Spanish ship there. Dewey's victory allowed U.S. troops to land in the Philippines.

What events led to the building of the Panama Canal? Why did TR feel this was important to do?

Panama Revolts. such a canal would greatly reduce travel time for commercial and military ships by providing a shortcut between the atlantic and pacific oceans.

1. Explain the economic, political and cultural factors that fueled the growth of American imperialism.

Political : Desire for military strength. Economic: thirst for new markets( raw materials and new markets for agricultural and manufactured goods. ) Cultural factors: belief in cultural superiority. ( U.S had a responsibility to spread Christianity and civilization to the world's inferior peoples.

Describe U.S. involvement in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico -Jones act of 1917-Puerto Ricans given citizenship, elect both houses. -Puerto Rico was strategically important for the US. -military rule: PR was controlled by the US military -Foraker Act: ended military rule and set up civil government in Puerto Rico( governor& two house legislature pick by U.S) -US had the power to appoint PR's governor and members of the Upper house, PR's elected the lower house 1952- self governing


Queen Liliuokalani realized that her reign in Hawaii had come to an end. More than 160 U.S sailors and marines stood ready to aid the haoles(white foreigners) who planned to overthrow the Hawaiian monarchy. In an eloquent statement of protest, the proud monarch surrendered to the superior force of the United States.

Explain the purpose of the Open Door Policy in China.

The United States began to fear that China would be carved into colonies and American traders would be shut out. To protect American interests, U.S. Secretary of State John Hay issued, in 1899, a series of policy statements called the Open Door notes."

--San Juan Hill

The most famous land battle in Cuba took place near Santiago on July 1. The first part of the battle, on nearby Kettle Hill, featured a dramatic uphill charge by the Rough Riders and two African-American regiments, the Ninth and Tenth Cavalries. Their victory cleared the way for an infantry attack on the strategically important San Juan Hill. Although Roosevelt and his units played only a minor role in the second victory, U.S. newspapers declared him the hero of San Juan Hill. Site of the most famous battle of the Spanish-American war, where Theodore Roosevelt successfully leads the Rough Riders in a charge against the Spanish trenches.


The policy of extending a nation's authority over other countries by economic, political, or military means. (three factors fueled the new american imperialism: desire for military strength, thirst for new markets, belief in cultural superiority.)

--yellow journalism

The use of sensationalized and exaggerated reporting by newspaper or magazines to attract readers.

--John Hay

To protect American interests, U.S. Secretary of State John Hay issued, in 1899, a series of policy statements called the Open Door Notes.

-- Pearl Harbor

U.S military and economic leaders understood the value of Hawaii. In 1877, they pressured Hawaii to allow the United States to build a naval base at Pearl Harbor, the kingdom's best port. The base became a refueling station for American ships.

-- USS Maine

U.S. warship that mysteriously exploded and sank in the harbor of Havana, Cuba, On February 15, 1898

Explain America's growth in interest in Cuba.

United States had long held an interest in Cuba, which lies only 90 miles south of Florida. In 1854, diplomats recommended to President Franklin Pierce that the United States buy Cuba from Spain. The Spanish responded by saying that they would rather see Cuba sunk in the ocean. But American interest in Cuba continued. When the Cubans rebelled against Spain between 1868 and 1878, American sympathies went out to the Cuban people. The Cuban revolt against Spain was not successful, but in 1886 the Cuban people did force Spain to abolish slavery. After the emancipation of Cuba's slaves, American capitalists began investing millions of dollars in large sugar cane plantations on the island.

Contrast American opinions regarding the Cuban revolt against Spain.

When the Cubans rebelled against the Spain, American's felt sympathetic and supported the Cuban's in their revolt. American's supported a war against Spain. Public opinion in the United States was split. Many business people wanted the government to support Spain in order to protect their investments. Other Americans, however, were enthusiastic about the rebel cause. The cry "Cuba Libre!" was, after all, similar in sentiment to Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death!" 90 miles south of florida 1854- attempts to buy 1868-1878 Cuban attempts at rebellion 1886- american capitalists begins to invest

2. Describe how the United States acquired Alaska.

William Seward arranged for the U.S to buy Alaska from the Russians for 7.2 million. He had trouble persuading the house of representatives to approve funding the purchase. Some people thought it as "seward's icebox". In 1959, alaska became a state.

Identify events that escalated the conflict between the United States and Spain.

Yellow Journalism escalated the war, exaggerating the truth and luring the public into reading their newspaper. The U.S.S. Maine exploding in Cuba, killing 260 Americans. The De Lome Letter, a letter from Enrique Dupuy De Lome, criticizing President McKinley.

--Boxer Rebellion

a 1900 rebellion in which members of a Chinese secret society sought to free their country from Western influence.


a country whose affairs are partially controlled by a stronger power.


a member of a military force that harasses the enemy.

--Platt Amendment

a series of provisions that, in 1901, the United States insisted Cuba add to its new constitution, commanding Cuba to stay out of debt and giving the United States the right to intervene in the country and the right to buy or lease Cuban land for naval and fueling stations.

-- Corollary

an additional statement that follows logically from the first one.

--Roosevelt Corollary

an extension of the Monroe Doctrine, announced by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904, under which the United States claimed the right to protect its economic interests by means of military intervention in the affairs of Western Hemisphere nations.

--Martial arts

combat or self-defense arts that originated in East Asia, such as judo or karate.

--William Seward

early supporter of American expansion, secretary of state under presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. In, 1867, Seward arranged for the U.S. to buy Alaska from Russia for 7.2 millions. It eventually became a state in 1959 and United States had acquired a land rich in timber minerals,and oil.

--Sanford B. Dole

in preventing Queen Liliuokalani proposing removing the property owning qualifications for voting, business groups encouraged by Ambassador John L. Stevens -organized a revolution. With the help of marines, they overthrew the queen and set up a government headed by Sanford B. Dole. refused to surrender power to president Cleveland ( directing that the queen be restored to her throne. )

--Open Door notes

messages sent by Secretary of State John Hay in 1899 to Germany, Russia, Great Britain, France, Italy, and Japan, asking the countries not to interfere with U.S. trading rights in China.

--Dollar Diplomacy

the U.S. policy of using the nation's economic power to exert influence over other countries. = Taft , U.S businesses would invest in countries to convince them to be friendly of U.S.

-- Treaty of Paris

the treaty ending the Spanish-American War, in which Spain freed Cuba, turned over the islands of Guam and Puerto Rico to the United States, and sold the Philippines to the United States for $20 million.

-- Annex

to incorporate territory into an existing country or state.


to make valid by approving.

Summarize the differing views regarding U.S. imperialism.

views for Imperialism: -American believed that the growth of the US economy depended on exports. -they felt the US had a right to intervene abroad to keep foreign markets open -they feared that the closing of an area to American products, citizens or ideas threatened US survival views against imperialism -those opposed this agreed that it was wrong for the US to rule other people without their consent (Mark Twain the novelist questioned the motives for imperialism)

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