Chapter 4-Carbs

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At rest, the typical body stores of glycogen can provide energy for a maximum of about?

1 day

What is the composition of sucrose?

1 glucose, 1 fructose

What is the composition of lactose?

1 glucose, 1 galactose

What fraction of the body's total glycogen content is found in the liver?


What is the composition of maltose?

2 glucose

What percentage of the world's adult population shows good tolerance to lactose ingestion?


Which of the following is most consistent with hypoglycemia?


What is the minimum daily amount of dietary carb necessary to spare body protein from excessive breakdown?


How many carbon atoms are found in most common dietary monosaccharides?


What is a normal range for blood glucose?


Which of the following values falls within the normal range of blood glucose?


Which of the following is a typical response of the body to changes in blood glucose?

BG levels that fall too low signal the release of glucagon

Which of the following series of events proceeds upon digestion/absorption of the meal until it is near time for lunch?

BG rises, pancreas release insulin, BG levels decline, releases glucagon, stimulates liver to break down glycogen and release glucose, BG rises

For most of the world's population, what is the effect of aging on the activity of lactase?

declines by 90-95%

What is the name of the short chains of glucose units that result from starch breakdown?


Which of the following ingredients listed on food labels would be acceptable to the person who is highly intolerant to lactose in the diet?


A person with a fasting blood glucose concentration of 129 would be classified as?


Which contains the lowest amount of lactose per serving?


When you are under physical stress, what hormone is released quickly to stimulate an increase in BG concentration?


What type of fiber is readily digested by colonic bacteria?


What are cellulose, pectin, hemicellulose and lignin?


All of the following are sources of dietary carbs except?


What is the sweetest-tasting simple carb in the diet?


Which of the following is known as fruit sugar or levulose?


Which of the following is NOT a rich source of dietary starch?


When blood glucose concentration falls, what pancreatic hormone is secreted to stimulate release of stored glucose?


The process by which an amino acid is used to make glucose is termed?


Which of the following is a component of all three dietary disaccharides?


Which of the following is known as blood sugar or dextrose?


Gluconeogenesis is a term that describes the synthesis of?

glucose from a noncarb substance

What term describes how quickly glucose is absorbed from a food after ingestion, how high blood glucose rises as a result, and how quickly it returns to normal?

glycemic response

Typical dietary sources of carbs include all of the following except?


What is the name of the animal polysaccharide composed of glucose units?


What is the primary storage form of carbs in the body?


Person eating lots of white bread, white rice and ready-to-eat cereals would have a diet with a glycemic index of?


The chemical reaction by which starch is split into monosaccharides is termed?


Which of the following is a feature of glycogen?

virtually absent from animal meats

Which of the following is a byproduct of the condensation of 2 molecules of glucose?


Which of the following statements describes the glycemic index of foods?

way of ranking foods according to potential to increase BG

What is the staple grain of Canada, US and Europe?


Milk that has been treated with a commercially available lactase preparation undergoes which of the following changes?

increase in sweetness

What is the name of the sweetener consisting of a mixture of glucose and fructose formed by chemical hydrolysis of sucrose?

invert sugar

A "functional fiber" is one that?

is extracted from plants and has a beneficial health effect

All of the following are properties of fiber except?

it elevates blood glucose levels

Characteristics of dietary physic acid include all of the following except?

it is classified as a fiber

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of glucose?

it is sweeter tasting than sucrose

Which of the following is a feature of lactose?

it is used as a filler in 1/5 prescription drugs

What is the principle carb of milk?


Which of the following sugars is NOT found in plants?


Water-soluble fibers include all of the following except?


In the time between meals, what organ releases glucose to help maintain normal BG levels?


What is the first organ to receive carbs absorbed from the intestine?


What is the primary organ that converts fructose to glucose following absorption?


What glycemic index category would include yogurt and cheese?


What is the primary function of insulin?

lowers blood glucose levels

Which of the following is a feature of diabetes?

many people with type 2 are obese

Which of the following would least likely be connected with the development of lactose intolerance?

milk allergy

What is another name for lactose?

milk sugar

Why are hard cheeses lower in lactose than soft cheeses?

more lactose is removed during manufacturing

Enzymatic digestion of starches takes place in the small intestine and also in the?


Glycogen is stored mainly in which of the following tissues?

muscle and liver

In what organ is most of the body's glycogen found?


With few exceptions, all of the following characteristics are shared by water-soluble and water-insoluble fibers except?

neither has an appreciable effect on glucose absorption

The types of atoms found in a glucose molecule include all of the following except?


Which of the following is a feature of the condition hypoglycemia?

occurs rarely in otherwise healthy people

What is the first organ to respond to an increase in BG concentration?


Which of the following are ample amounts of carbs almost always found?

plant foods

Person with a fasting blood glucose level of 101 would be classified as?


A person diagnosed with milk allergy would be sensitive to the milk's?


Which of the following is a feature of resistant starch?

resists hydrolysis by digestive enzymes

Which of the following is a feature of diabetes?

should focus on total carb intake rather than type consumed

What component accounts for the usually sweet taste of fruits?

simple sugars

The enzymes that digest dietary sugars are produced by the?

small intestine

What is the primary absorption site for digestible carbs?

small intestine

Which of the following contains the least amount of fiber?

white rice

Which of the following is NOT a simple carb?


The chief carb in beet sugar is?


Jimmy gives himself shots in the thigh but craves candy. His parents said that he can only eat SF snacks. Which conditions does Jimmy most likely suffer from?

Type 1 Diabetes

What is the chief reason that many people with lactose intolerance can consume foods containing some lactose without suffering any symptoms?

a change occurs in the GI bacteria

If you were to exercise continuously, about how long would glycogen stores last?

a few hours

Which shows the highest prevalence of lactose intolerance?

african americans

Which of the following does NOT act on simple sugars?


Which of the following statements is NOT characteristic of fibers?

an example of a non polysaccharide fiber is hemicellulose

Which of the following plays a major role in the breakdown of certain types of dietary fiber in the large intestine?


Which of the following is a characteristic of yogurt?

bacteria in yogurt produce lactase

In a person with type 2, which of the following would ordinarily promote the least favorable glycemic index?

baked potato

Which of the following are characteristic of the conditions diabetes and hypoglycemia?

both benefit from fiber-rich foods and consumption of smaller, more frequent meals

Which of the following fibers is insoluble?


Which of the following is describes as a non starch polysaccharide?


Which of the following is an example of the difference between the chemical bonds in starch and those in cellulose?

cellulose bonds are not hydrolyzed by human enzymes

Which of the following provides the least amount of lactose per serving?

cheddar cheese

Which of the following is a characteristic of dietary fibers?

classified according to solubility in water

What type of nutrient is starch?

complex carb

What is the reaction that links two monosaccharides together?


All of the following are symptoms of lactose intolerance except?


Which of the following is a common source of resistant starch?

unripe bananas

Which of the following is a feature of the pectins?

used to thicken jelly

Which of the following is a feature of kefir?

contains live bacterial organisms

What is the predominant grain product in much of South and Central America?


Which of the following describes the compound phytic acid?

nonnutrient component of plant seeds

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