Chapter 4: The American Revolution (1765 - 1783)

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What were the Patriots' strengths?

- the British reluctance to take the Patriot army seriously - Essays by Paine and others in support of the Patriots - Washington's leadership - The civilian population's support for the Patriots

In what ways were the colonial governments different from the British government?

1. The rights of colonists were spelled out in formal legal documents, instead of being a collection of laws made over centuries. 2. More people were eligible to vote in the colonies than in Great Britain 3. The elected colonial assemblies had a great deal of control over their governors.

What 3 tactics did colonists use to protest British taxes?

1. intellectual protest 2. economic boycotts 3. violent intimidation

How did the Revolutionary War affect slaves?

Although emancipation took place in many northern states, slavery continued in the South and African Americans gained few rights.

Why did the colonists first accept and then later reject indirect taxes such as duties on trade?

As the colonists assumed more political authority and embraced the ideas of the Enlightenment, they believed that they had the right to taxation with representation.

While Great Britain was involved in war (the Seven Years War), the colonists assumed more political power and achieved more prosperity. How might these changes have increased the colonists' dissatisfaction with British rule?

As the colonists gained confidence in their ability to prosper and acquired more political power, their attitude toward Britain changed. They wanted less interference from Britain and more local control.

What was the significance of the Battle of Yorktown?

At the Battle of Yorktown, the British troops were surrounded and Cornwallis surrendered 8,000 troops, causing parliament to ask for peace to end the costly, unpopular war.

This 1777 Revolutionary War battle was fought in New Jersey and was won by the Continental Army

Battle of Princeton

This 1776 Revolutionary War battle was fought in New Jersey and won by the Continental Army

Battle of Trenton

How could the Stamp Act limit the freedom of the press?

Because of the act, colonists may have purchased fewer printed documents, limiting the press's ability to inform and influence readers.

In February 1778, this American diplomat negotiated on an alliance with the French; at the end of the war, he would negotiate favorable terms for the United States in the Treaty of Paris, including securing far more territory than the Patriots had won in the war

Benjamin Franklin

In this incident, British soldiers killed five colonists in Boston on March 5, 1770.

Boston Massacre

On December 16, 1773, this protest against British taxes had Bostonians disguising themselves as Native Americans and dumping tea into the harbor.

Boston Tea Party

In what areas did Loyalists and Patriots agree?

Both opposed British taxes and supported the boycotts of British goods.

What was the British strategy in the South?

British forces attacked seaports and planned to move inland to control the southern countryside; however, Britain failed in the latter effort.

British general who suffered heavy casualties at the Battle of Princeton; later commanded and surrendered British troops at Yorktown

Charles Cornwallis

Who would be considered William Howe's counterpart in the Continental Army?

Colonel Henry Knox

How did colonists in Massachusetts and throughout the colonies respond to the Intolerable Acts?

Colonists responded by sending delegates to the First Continental Congress, which announced a boycott of all British imports.

What were the causes of the Boston Massacre?

Colonists rioted against the Townshend Acts and the seizure of the merchant ship Liberty. Britain sent 4,000 troops to occupy Boston. Colonists threw snowballs and rocks at the soldiers, and the soldiers opened fire on the crowd.

How did the Coercive Acts lead to colonial unity?

Colonists saw the Coercive Acts as a threat to their liberty. Although they did not agree on whether to fight for independence, they united in their protest against the harshness and unfairness of the Intolerable Acts.

What actions did the Second Continental Congress take in response to the outbreak of war with Britain?

Congress took responsibility for the war, sent volunteers from other colonies to fight, and gave George Washington control of the army.

This army represented the colonies during the revolutionary War

Continental Army

Explain how the Revolutionary War ended.

Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown, destroying British public support for the war. the Treaty of Paris officially ended the war.

Why did Corwallis' defeat at Yorktown lead to British government to negotiate for peace?

Cornwallis' surrender led to a reversal of British public support for the war.

This document was drawn up by the Second Continental Congress and announced American independence and the reasons for it

Declaration of Independence

Describe the course of the war in 1777 and 1778.

Despite defeats later in the year, 1777 began with patriot victories at Princeton and Saratoga, the latter leading to the emergence of France as an official ally in 1778. The winter of 1777 - 1778 at Valley Forge was difficult for Washington's troops, but the training they received was crucial to their recovery of Philadelphia and their victory at Monmouth in the spring of 1778.

Describe the war in the South.

Despite early British victories in many seaports, the British failed to win civilian or Loyalist militia support, leading the South to support the Patriots. Also, Spanish forces attacked British forts, deflecting British attention away from the patriots. New Continental Army commanders won important victories and caused massive British losses, frustrating British commanders.

This group of delegates met in 1774 and represented all the American colonies, except Georgia.

First Continental Congress

How did colonial governments differ from the British government?

Formal documents provided the basis for colonial governments, whereas the British government consisted of a collection of accumulated laws. In addition, two thirds of free colonial men qualified to vote, compared to less than one fourth of British men who qualified.

How important was French assistance to the Patriots' struggle?

French assistance was very important to the patriots' struggle. Early in the war, the French provided secret shipments of weapons that kept the patriot army alive and fighting.

Who would be considered Charles Cornwallis' counterpart in the Continental Army?

George Washington

this Virginian served as a colonial officer in the French and Indian War and was appointed by the Second Continental Congress to command the new Continental Army; he would ultimately lead the Continental Army to victory

George Washington

Why was the Spanish governor of Louisiana important for the patriots?

He gave the patriots money and supplies. He also prevented the British from sailing up the Mississippi River, effectively stopping the British from mounting a two-sided attack on Patriot troops.

What was Washington's plan at Yorktown?

He planned to trap Cornwallis' army between his army and the French forces, who were in the Chesapeake Bay.

How do the Revolutionary War events that took place in the South support the idea held by many colonists that the 13 colonies would fail to unite into one republic?

In the south, many bloody battles took place between Loyalist and Patriot militias, probably reinforcing many colonists' idea that it would be difficult for people in the new government to work together.

The name colonists gave the Coercive Acts, which parliament passed in 1774 to control the colonies.

Intolerable Acts

How was the Declaration of Independence somewhat idealistic?

It called for equality but did not reflect the social and economic period in which it was written.

What basic propositions did the Declaration of Independence make?

It denounced the king of England and advanced the idea of natural rights.

Why was the job of the Second Continental Congress difficult?

It had to assume responsibility for the war, raise and staff an army, and yet continue to work toward peace with the British.

What was the significance of the First Continental Congress?

It organized the colonies as a single entity --- the beginning of the United States.

Time-wise, why was there a long break between major battles in the North and major battles in the South?

It took months for both armies to travel from the North to the South and engage in a significant battle.

How did Thomas Jefferson use the concept of natural rights to justify the Declaration of Independence?

Jefferson said that the king of England had violated the natural rights of the colonists; therefore, the colonists had no choice but to declare independence.

a prominent Massachusetts lawyer who was astonished by the surge in political activity among the colonists in response to the new taxes imposed by Britain; by 1774, he considered himself living in a new country named America and believed it was possible that the colonists could unite and defeat the British

John Adams

This 1777 Revolutionary War battle is considered to be the turning point in the war because the Patriot's win convinced the French to aid the United States


This assembly of delegates representing every colony met in 1775 in Philadelphia

Second Continental Congress

Why did Loyalists oppose the Patriots' cause?

Some Patriot activities were viewed as illegal and brutal. Some cultural minorities feared oppression. Loyalists disliked Patriot taxes, oaths of loyalty, and militia drafts; some were angered by the patriots' closing of Loyalist newspapers.

What organization did colonists form to oppose the Stamp Act and other British laws and taxes?

Sons of Liberty

What law did Parliament pass in 1765 requiring colonists to pay taxes on printed materials?

Stamp Act

How does the fact that Americans brokered their own peace treaty support the ideals of the revolution?

The American Revolution was based on the colonists' desire to decide their own fate, and the fact that they did not let the French control the negotiations shows the Patriots' determination to dictate the terms on which their country would be built.

In what ways did the British misunderstand the conflict with the colonies?

The British failed to consider the colonists a real threat, so they lost troops and wasted resources in futile attacks. Also, the British fought a traditional war, thinking that the capture of important seaports would cause the Patriots to surrender; however, the patriots continued fighting despite setbacks.

Why was the Battle of Bunker Hill a technical victory for the British but a real victory for the Patriots?

The British gained Boston in the battle; however, the British suffered more than twice the number of casualties that the Patriots did, winning only because the Patriots ran out of ammunition.

What factors helped the Patriots win the war?

The British underestimated the Patriots. The Patriots won the support of the civilian population. The patriots had Washinton's leadership. France and Spain provided supplies and support to the Patriots, both officially and unofficially.

How did the Enlightenment affect the American Revolution?

The Enlightenment idea that all people are born with natural rights inspired the leaders of the Revolution to place equality at the center of the Declaration Independence.

How did the British gain some native American support?

The Native Americans were promised that the British would keep the colonists in the eastern part of the continent.

What did the Revolution accomplish, and what ideas did it set in motion?

The Revolution gained American independence from Britain and gave large land grants to the United States. In the United States, the revolution set in motion ideas about ending slavery and promoting equal rights for women. Around the world, people were inspired to overthrow monarchs, aristocrats, and colonial governments in other countries.

Why did the British expect support from southern Loyalists?

The South was largely agricultural and depended on British markets for its cotton; at the same time, the South relied on imports, mainly from Britain, of goods they could not produce themselves.

Summarize the terms of the Treaty of Paris.

The Treaty of Paris recognized American independence and set new boundaries for the United States.

Which colonial tactic to abolish the taxes was most effective and why?

The boycott was the most effective because Parliament could not ignore a reduction in trade with the colonies.

Why were many colonists angry at the passage of the new acts, especially the Stamp Act?

The colonists believed that because they were not represented in Parliament, the British government had no right to tax the colonists without their consent. Colonists were particularly angered by the Stamp Act, which was a direct tax and required all colonists to pay a tax on printed materials.

Why might the Native Americans have distrusted and wanted to defeat the colonists?

The colonists broke treaties and continued settling farther west.

What caused the colonists to rebel against the British?

The colonists resented the new taxes that Britain imposed to help pay for the Seven Years' War. They opposed being taxed without representation in Parliament.

Why did the British want to destroy printing presses in the colonies?

The colonists spread word of their activities and complaints against British rule through newspapers and other printed materials. The British probably believed that if they destroyed the printing presses, disgruntled colonists would be unable to share information and their unrest would fade away.

How did tensions between the colonists and Britain escalate?

The colonists were outraged at the passage of the Townshend Acts. They held riots in protest. Britain, wanting to control the situation, sent thousands of troops to the colonies, further angering the colonists. The result was the Boston Massacre. Tensions escalated with the tea tax and the Boston Tea Party.

How did manumission reflect the ideals of the Revolution?

The freeing of enslaved people showed that some Patriots believed that the Revolution's promised equality included liberty for slaves.

How were the goals of the First and Second Continental Congresses related?

The goals of the First and Second Continental Congresses were to pressure Parliament to reverse its previous laws, but not necessarily to break with Great Britain.

Why did the Battle of Lexington take place?

The governor of Massachusetts sent troops to arrest colonist who were stockpiling arms and to seize the weapons.

Why would the Patriots interpret the battles of Lexington and Concord as victories?

The patriots killed or wounded more than 200 British soldiers, and thousands of Patriot militiamen rushed to confine the British troops in Boston.

Why was official French military support so important to the Patriots?

The support of an established nation such as France encouraged the Patriots while it disturbed the British who knew the patriots would be reinforced by French money and troops.

Why did the colonists rename the Coercive Acts?

The word coercive means using force to make others do something against their will. The British wanted to force the colonists to pay the taxes. However, the colonists thought the laws were intolerable, or too excessive to be endured.

Why might Townshend have assumed that the colonists would not object to the duties?

They were duties, or taxes on imports, not direct taxes.

Drafted the declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson

Wrote an inspiring series of essays, The American Crisis, which George Washington read to encourage his troops

Thomas Paine

a recent immigrant from England, this author used forceful and direct language in his short but powerful book, Common Sense, to propose a radical course of action for the colonies: independence from Britain, republican state governments, and a union of the new states

Thomas Paine

This agreement, signed in 1783, ended the Revolutionary War and affirmed American independence

Treaty of Paris

This Pennsylvania location is where Washington's army spent a difficult winter in 1777-1778

Valley Forge

Commander of British troops in the Revolutionary War

William Howe

How has the Revolution inspired other groups?

With its emphasis on natural rights and republican government, the Revolution inspired national liberation movements in Europe, Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

What effect did Parliament hope the Coercive Acts would have on the colonies?

With the Coercive Acts, Britain hoped to do irreparable damage to colonial trade.

How did the Revolutionary War affect women?

Women gained few political or legal rights, but they did gain some respect.

How were women important to the Patriot cause?

Women took over farms and shops; made clothing, shoes, and blankets for the soldiers; and maintained camps. Some women even went into battle.

Is the Boston Massacre engraving that Paul Revere circulated an accurate representation of what took place?

Yes, because the soldiers fired on the crowd, which was unarmed.

Were the Loyalists justified in their dislike of the Patriots?

Yes, the Patriots were trampling on the Loyalists' rights by shutting down their newspapers.

The site in Virginia where Cornwallis's army surrendered to Washington


Why did the colonists explain their reasons for declaring independence from Britain?

according to the Preamble, "a decent respect to the opinions of mankind" requires such a declaration

How were the Patriots able to continue fighting, despite losing most of the battles?

because of Washington's leadership --- he retreated to save lives and the small army; also, the help of the civilian population, the French, and the Spanish allowed the colonial forces to continue

Why would the French have expected to control the negotiations?

because the treaty was signed in Paris and because the French were instrumental in the Patriot victory

Why did the Second Continental Congress send the Olive Branch Petition to the king?

because they wanted to convey the impression that they were trying to remain a part of great Britain

How did Enlightenment ideas influence the colonists' view of the issue of no taxation without representation?

by emphasizing representative government

This network of local groups informed colonists of British measures and the opposition to them in the years before the Revolutionary War.

committees of correspondence

What powers did the Declaration of Independence give the new nation upon declaring its independence?

declare war make peace establish alliances with other countries trade with other nations

What were some of the harsh conditions Washington's troops endured the winter they stayed at Valley Forge?

extreme cold inadequate provisions fatigue daily training in snow and cold

Briefly explain the proposals Thomas Paine put forth in Common Sense.

independence from Great Britain republican state governments a union of the new states

This term describes the act of freeing someone from slavery


A professional soldier who is paid to fight in a foreign army


These trained citizens serve as soldiers during an emergency


This term describes universal rights, such as life and liberty that, according to philosophers, derive from nature rather than a government

natural rights

In response to taxes passed by Parliament, a Stamp Act Congress held in New York City in October of 1765 encouraged a consumer boycott of goods imported from Britain. These _________ threatened British merchants and manufacturers with economic ruin.

nonimportation agreements

Why does the declaration list the colonists' many grievances?

so that King George III and the British government will know why the colonists find it necessary to declare their independence; it also justifies the patriots' cause and could be used to gain more support from undecided colonists

What events led the colonists to declare their independence from Britain?

the Battles of Lexington and Concord the king's rejection of the Olive Branch Petition the sending of more troops to Boston the printing of Thomas Paine's Common Sense

How did the French covertly support the Patriots?

they gave the patriots weapons, ammunition and military expertise

Why did the British impose new taxes on the colonies?

to pay war debts

Why did Paul Revere create and circulate the engraving of the Boston Massacre?

to raise support for the Patriot cause

How do you think King George III reacted to the Declaration upon first reading it?

with displeasure

Do you think that the colonists presented enough facts to support their case against the British king?

yes, the List of Grievances is quite lengthy

Did the Revolution owe any of its success to the printing press?

yes, the printing press allowed the Patriots to distribute their views across the colonies gaining support and strength for the cause

In 1778, the Patriots defeated a Loyalist militia at this Revolutionary War battle in South Carolina

Kings Mountain

Jonathan Sewell warns John Adams, "Great Britain is determined on her system. Her power is irresistible, and it will certainly be destructive to you, and all those who...persevere in opposition to her designs." How does this statement show the values of the Loyalists?

Loyalist Sewell argues that the Patriot forces are too weak to resist Britain's power and that revolt will bring destruction.

Colonists who remained loyal to Britain during the Revolution


How did the Revolutionary War affect Loyalists?

Loyalists came home to angry mobs, and some were forced to flee the country.

Why did Loyalists oppose independence from Britain?

Loyalists saw the Patriots as brutal and as more restrictive than British authorities because of taxes, oaths of allegiance, militia drafts, and the silencing of Loyalist newspapers. They believed that the Patriots could not defeat Britain's larger, more experienced army.

French aristocrat who volunteered to provide military expertise to the Continental Army

Marquis de Lafayette

Explain why Parliament did not understand the colonists' argument "no taxation without representation."

Members of Parliament believed that they represented all British subjects, and that the colonists were part of that group.

In this 1778 Revolutionary War battle that was fought in New Jersey, neither side won a clear victory


Describe the role of Native Americans in the war.

Most Native Americans supported the British because the British promised to stop westward expansion. Native Americans attacked colonial settlements and fought with the British against the Patriots.

How did the Intolerable Acts aid patriot leaders?

Most colonists found the Intolerable Acts outrageous and unacceptable, uniting them with the Patriots.

How did the Revolutionary War affect Native Americans?

Native Americans were pushed farther west and were forced to sign unfair treaties.

Did the American Revolution succeed at living up to the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence?

Not entirely. During the Revolution, Loyalists' and Native Americans' rights were unprotected and slavery was not outlawed, all of which fell short of the equality of all people as stated in the Declaration of Independence.

Why did Thomas Paine argue so forcefully for independence?

Paine was a recent immigrant, and he probably knew that in a rigid class system, he would have difficulty rising to prominence. By arguing for independence, he was arguing the merits of people like himself.

What ideas were expressed in the Declaration of Independence?

Paine's idea that the king forced the colonies to revolt, a long list of grievances, and a declaration that all men are equal with certain natural rights that cannot be taken away.

What sources influenced Thomas Jefferson while he wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Paine's ideas and Enlightenment ideas

Not only did the British repeal the Stamp Act, they also implemented a law declaring their right to levy taxes on the colonists. How did the British then show their right to levy taxes on the colonists?

Parliament passed the Townshend Acts

Declared "The distinctions between Virginians, Pennsylvanians, New Yorkers, and New Englanders are no more. I am not a Virginian, but an American."

Patrick Henry

Fiery Virginia delegate to the First Continental Congress who became famous for declaring "Give me liberty, or give me death."

Patrick Henry

a young Virginia representative who used Enlightenment ideas to draft a radical document known as the Virginia Resolves; in it, he argued that only the colonial assemblies had the right to tax the colonists; as a radical Patriot, he encouraged the Continental Congress to embrace independence as their goal

Patrick Henry

John Adams responds to Jonathan Sewell, "I know that Great Britain is determined in her system, and that...(has) determined me on mine...Swim or sink, live or die, survive or perish with my country---that is my unalterable determination." How does his statement show the values of the Patriots?

Patriot Adams states that his actions are a response to British determination, and that he will not waver.

What were the effects of the Boston Massacre?

Patriots expressed their outrage at the killings, and Parliament withdrew troops from Boston and repealed most of the Townshend taxes.

Why did the British lose the war?

- The British underestimated the patriots and made tactical mistakes. - The British failed to perceive the political nature of the war. - French aid leveled the naval battles. - British public support eventually waned, leading the Parliament to seek peace.

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