Chapter 5: True/False
A project grant was a federal payment to state or local governments for a specific purpose
According to Article III of the United States Constitution, the United States Congress has the exclusive power to levy and collect taxes, borrow money, regulate interstate commerce, coin money and raise an army.
Article V of the United States Constitution is commonly known as the Full Faith and Credit Clause
Article VII of the United States Constitution is commonly known as the Supremacy Clause.
In Federalist #45 Alexander Hamilton attempts to to clarify the confusion surrounding the constitutionally - mandated relationship between the states and the national government
Nearly 90 percent of all modern nation-States use the confederative format.
President Ronald Regan created his own brand of federalism commonly referred to as creative federalism with the goal of returning more authority back to the states.
Section 9 of Article I places restrictions on state governments while Section 10 of Article I places restrictions on both star and national governments.
The federal government regulations intrastate commerce while the states have exclusively authority over interstate commerce.
The necessary and proper clause of the United States Constitution is located in Article III, Section 3
The term layered cake federalism describes cooperative federalism
According to the 1876 Texas Constitution country governments fall under a unitary relationship with the state government since they cannot pass their own ordinances
Although all levels of government enjoy the concurrent authority to impose taxes, each level of government can only tax a different commodity or a different portion of one's income
Article IV of the United States Constitutions mandates that cooperate with each other in returning fugitives from justice to the state where the crime originated.
Cooperative federalism is based on the sharing of responsibilities and joining financing of programs to address citizens needs.
In Garcia v San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority the United States Supreme Court ruled that the national Fair labor Standards Act applied to all employees of State and local governments
In Plintz v United States, the United States Supreme Court ruled the provision of the Brady Bill mandate local officials to conduct a background check prior to allowing a person to purchase a handgun as an unconstitutional intrusion upon the states.
In federalist #41 James Madison expressed the need for a stronger national government that would address the weaknesses in Articles of Confederation
In the 1960s, the federal government gave project grants to State and local communities to build low-income housing units.
John C. Calhoun was the foremost advocate of States' right
The Nation's first constitution was the Articles of Confederation.
The Northwest Land Ordinance Act of 1785 provided federal lands for public education to state governments in the newly acquired Western territories.
The United States Constitution grants to the states the reserved powers of policing powers, taxing authority, propriety powers and the right to eminent domain.
The United States Supreme Court is the court of last resort for all appellate decisions.
Today the majority of the federal grant programs contain crosscutting regulations such as environmental impact statements.