Chapter 6

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Western Boundary Currents

narrow, deep, warm, and strong stranger than eastern currents

It's July 4th above the Arctic Circle. You are planning a barbecue for your friends during the daylight hours and a grand fireworks display at night. What could go wrong with your plan?

fireworks hardly visible

70) A tropical cyclone with a wind speed of 260 km/hr. would be classified as Category ________ on the Saffir-Simpson Scale of hurricane intensity. 70) _____ A) One B) Two C) Three D) FourE) Five


Which of the following names mean "tropical cyclone"?

hurricane, typhoon, cyclone

Which way does air converge on a cyclone in the Southern Hemisphere?

in a clockwise direction

Which way does air converge on a cyclone in the Northern Hemisphere?

in a counterclockwise direction

Where do glaciers form?

in places where MORE SNOW falls in the WINTER than melts away in the SUMMER

How does air move near the TOP of a cyclone?

in the SAME DIRECTION as air in the upper atmosphere

From December 21/22 to June 20/21, the solar azimuth angle ___ in Fullerton.


Between New Year's and Memorial Day, at middle latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere, the length of the day


The process of formation of a seasonal thermocline which leads to layering of the water column is


low pressure


Antarctic Intermediate Water

(600-1200 m) produced at Antarctic Convergence, primarily from upwelled NADW

1) Earth's axis of rotation is tilted at an angle of ________. 1) _____ A) 45° B) 180° C) 23.5° D) 0° E) 90°

23.5 degrees

Earth's axial tilt—the tilt of the axis relative to the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun—is

23.5 degrees

Antarctic Bottom Water

A water mass that forms in the Weddell Sea, sinks to the ocean floor, and spreads across the bottom of all oceans Densest Water

cool, dry.

A zone of high atmospheric pressure results when there is relatively __________ air aloft.

sea breeze

Air warmed by the land that rises and is replaced by cooler air from the ocean may produce a:


All the following are examples of hydrogenous sediment except :

diatom ooze

All the following are examples of lithogenous sediment except :

they are primarily composed of calcareous deposits of biological origin.

All the following are true concerning neritic sediment deposits except :

warm air is less dense than cool air so it tends to sink toward the Earth's surface.

All the following are true of the movement of Earth's atmosphere except :

ocean sediments are thickest in pelagic waters overlying the oceanic ridges.

All the following statements are true of ocean sediments except :

Most extensive upwelling occurs...

Along the equator.


An iceberg is a variety of sea ice.

The concentration of ozone (O3) relative to other gases is at its maximum in the ______. A. exosphere B. mesosphere C. stratosphere D. thermosphere E. troposphere


Which of the following atmospheric gases is important because of its ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation A. carbon dioxide (CO2) B. nitrogen C. ozone (O3) E. hydrogen D. argon


Which of the following is NOT a method by which atmospheric particulates influence weather and climate? A. Particulates are hygroscopic water vapor condenses around them. B. Particulates can absorb sunlight. C. Particulates absorb all ultraviolet radiation. D. Particulates can reflect sunlight. E. Particulates do all the above.


Why is heavy rain associated with hurricane formation?

Rising, moist air cools. As air cools, water condenses and eventually falls.

The Coriolis effect describes how moving objects on Earth appear to follow curved paths due to Earth's rotation.


The angle at which direct sunlight strikes the ocean's surface is important in determining the amount of solar energy that is absorbed.


The large atmospheric circulation cells that occur between the equator and 30° latitude in each hemisphere are called Hadley cells.


The wind belt(s) with strong, reliable, generally easterly winds is (are) the:

trade winds.

52) The major deserts of the world occur in which of the following regions? 52) _____ A) Equatorial (0 to 5 degrees) B) 5 to 30 degrees C) 30 degrees D) 30 to 60 degrees E) 60 degrees F) 60 to 90 degrees G) Poles (90 degrees)

30 degrees


Marine sediment with more than 30% biogenous material is called __________.

Trade Winds

Masses of air that move across earth's surface from subtropical high pressure belts toward equatorial low pressure belts

The strength of a hurricane is ranked from 1 to 5 on the:

Saffir-Simpson Scale.


The place traced by Earth's orbit is called the vernal equinox.

latent heat of condensation.

The strength of a hurricane stems from water's:

The Saffir-Simpson scale rates the relative intensity of tropical cyclones.


Warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air.


The average albedo of Earth's surface is about:


47) The prevailing westerlies occur in which of the following regions? 47) _____ A) Equatorial (0 to 5 degrees) B) 5 to 30 degrees C) 30 degrees D) 30 to 60 degrees E) 60 degrees F) 60 to 90 degrees G) Poles (90 degrees)

30-60 degrees


Warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air.

The _____, a layer of electrically charged molecules and atoms that aids in long distance communication by reflecting radio waves and causes the northern lights, lies in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere. A. ionosphere B. ozonosphere C. electrosphere D. stratosphere E. No such layer exists.


The basic distribution of heat, and therefore temperature, over the Earth is PRIMARILY a function of _____. A. latitude B. distribution of land and water C. general circulation of both the atmosphere and the oceans D. elevation E. topographic barrier


Which of the following events occur in the water column of temperate oceans from the first day of winter to the first day of spring? Check ALL correct answers. Points are deducted for incorrect answers.

(8/10 correct) an decrease in the angle of penetration of solar radiation (i.e., solar altitude) into the water column a decrease in the mixed layer depth increase in sea surface water temperatures increases in solar radiation at the sea surface formation of a seasonal thermocline

75) Which of the following is the correct order of formation of sea ice as it forms directly from seawater? 75) _____ A) (START) Ice Floes; Slush; Pancake Ice; Sea Ice (FINISH) B) (START) Slush; Pancake Ice; Ice Floes; Sea Ice (FINISH) C) (START) Pancake Ice; Ice Floes; Slush; Sea Ice (FINISH) D) (START) Slush; Ice Floes; Pancake Ice; Sea Ice (FINISH) E) (START) Slush; Ice Floes; Sea Ice; Pancake Ice (FINISH)

(START) slush; pancake ice; ice floes; sea ice (FINISH)

Where is the Sun overhead on the Southern Hemisphere winter solstice?

* the Tropic of Cancer

How do Hurricanes form?

1. Require ocean water warmer than 25 Celsius (77 F), warm moist air, and Coriolis Effect 2. Form over meteorological equator

What causes the Coriolis Effect?

1. Result of Earth's rotation to the East 2. Difference in speed in Earth's rotation at different latitudes

What factors alter wind, pressure, and atmosphere circulation patterns?

1. The tilt of Earths rotation axis,which produces seasons 2. The lower heat capacity of continental rock compared to seawater, which makes the air over continents colder in winter and warmer in summer than the air over adjacent oceans 3. The uneven distribution of land and ocean over Earths surface,which particularly affects patterns in the Northern Hemisphere

What is the Coriolis Effect?

1.Causes moving objects to follow curved paths. (N-Path of right and S-Path to the left of intended direction)

57) A boundary or belt characterized by winds generally from the west and brings storms that influence weather across the United States occurs in which of the following regions? 57) _____ A) Equatorial (0 to 5 degrees) B) 5 to 30 degrees C) 30 degrees D) 30 to 60 degrees E) 60 degrees F) 60 to 90 degrees G) Poles (90 degrees)

30-60 degrees

Which of the following is the correct order of the thermal layers from the Earth s surface outwards? A. troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere B. stratosphere, troposphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere C. thermosphere, troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, exosphere D. exosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, thermosphere, troposphere


a cold front

A cold air mass moving into an area occupied by relatively warm air is called a/an:


A cold front is likely to have heavy, brief showers associated with it.


A hurricane is a very strong high-pressure system.

Generally atmospheric pressure ______ with increasing altitude. A. increases slowly B. decreases rapidly C. increases rapidly D. decreases initially but then increases rapidly E. remains constant


Three important atmospheric variable-amount gases that have a significant influence on weather and climate are ______ A. carbon dioxide (CO2); oxygen; nitrogen B. water vapor; carbon dioxide (CO2); ozone (O3) C. water vapor; nitrogen; hydrogen D. carbon dioxide (CO2); nitrogen; hydrogen E. There are no variable gases in the atmosphere; all gases occur in fixed amounts over time and space


Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. A. nitrogen B. albedo C. oxygen D. troposphere E. water vapor

B, albedo

The apparent deflection of air masses to the right or left (depending on latitude) as they move from one latitude to another is called the:

Coriolis effect.

microscopic spherules and macroscopic meteor debris.

Cosmogenous sediment consists of two main types of sediment:

Southeast trade wind

Curve to the left due to the Coriolis effect and blow from southeast to northwest

Northeast Trade Winds

Curve to the right due to the Coriolis effect and blow from northeast to southwest

A maritime polar air mass is likely to be dry and cold.


An iceberg is a variety of sea ice.


The autumnal equinox occurs when the sun is directly overhead along the equator in March.


The trade winds can be found between 30° and 60°N and S latitudes.


Within the troposphere, the atmosphere gets warmer with increasing altitude.


clay, silt, sand, pebbles

From smallest to largest, which list of sediment particle sizes is in the correct order?

Heat Input to Earth

Heat absorbed between 40 degrees N & S latitudes. Heat is lost at higher latitudes.

Global Weather: Equatorial Region

Heavy, rain-air movement in doldrums is upward thus being cooled yielding rain

large particles such as gravel

High-energy environments are most likely to deposit which one of the following?

The earth is closest to the sun in


warm ocean water the trade winds water's latent heat of condensation warm air with lots of water vapor

Of the following characteristics or features, which is/are generally related to the formation or movement of hurricanes?

-air always moves from high-pressure regions toward low-pressure regions -the air temp. is warmer near earths surface than in the upper part of the troposphere -low pressure at the surface is associated with rising air (movement away from the surface) -warm air holds more water vapor than cool air

Of the following physical properties of the atmosphere, which is/are true?

the biogenous component tends to be overwhelmed by the amount of lithogenous material derived from the nearby continent

Oozes are uncommon on continental margins because __________

less than 30% biogenous material.

Pelagic clays contain lots of material that settles to the seafloor through the water column and are:


Phosphate nodules are found on the continental shelf.


Radiolarian oozes typically form near the equator.

rotary drilling

Sediment samples from deep beneath the ocean floor are recovered by __________.


Sediments derived from pre-existing rocks on land are called:


Sediments found on continental margins are called:

Autumnal Equinox

September 23, The Sun is directly overhead along the equator again.In the Northern Hemisphere, the autumnal equinox is also known as the fall equinox.

Of the following statements about the doldrums, which is/are true?

The doldrums are an area of low atmospheric pressure.

inter-tropical convergence zone.

The doldrums refer to the same region as the:


The intensity of solar radiation received at lower latitudes (near the equator) compared to higher latitudes (near the poles) is:


The large atmospheric circulation cells that occur between the equator and 30° latitude in each hemisphere are called Hadley cells.

storm surge

The largest loss of life from a hurricane is usually due to:


The lowermost portion of the atmosphere where most weather occurs is called the:


The maximum Coriolis effect occurs at the equator due to slower rotational velocity compared to higher latitudes.


The most abundant mineral in lithogenous sediments is __________.

abyssal plain far from a continent

The most likely place to find abundant manganese nodules is on the:


The oceanic climate region(s) where the majority of strong tropical cyclonic storms are produced is:

westerly winds

The temperate regions are characterized by:

the insulating nature of the ice itself

The thickness of sea ice is limited primarily by __________.

What causes seasons?

The tilt of the Earth's Axis

temperature and water vapor content.

The two factors that are most important in determining the density of air are:

nitrogen and oxygen

The two most abundant components of dry air are:

neritic, lithogenous deposits

The type of marine sediment that forms the thickest deposits worldwide is:

trade winds

The wind belt(s) with strong, reliable, generally easterly winds is (are) the:


Tropical cyclones derive their energy from the water's high latent heat of fusion.

false, its because of its high surface tension.

Water can pile up higher than the edge of a container due to its low surface tension.

earth's surface is heated unevenly by the sun

Weather (short-term conditions of air temperature, wind speed/direction, precipitation, and atmospheric pressure) occurs because __________.

Westward Intensification

Western Boundary currents stronger than eastern boundary currents. Caused by Coriolis Effect.

higher salinity

When ice forms from seawater, the remaining seawater will have a:

coccolithophores and diatoms

Which of the following are microscopic, single-celled floating algae that accumulate to form biogenous sediment?


Which of the following contains silica (SiO2)?

be deflected toward the east.

Winds blowing out of the north toward the south in the southern hemisphere will appear to:


Within the troposphere, the atmosphere gets warmer with increasing altitude.

continental rise

You add sand, silt, and clay to a jar of water, shake the jar vigorously, and allow the sediment to settle. The resulting sediment will most closely resemble that of a(n) __________.


You take a sediment sample from the ocean floor at a depth of 5500 m. The area has low biological productivity and the CCD is at 4500 m depth. Your sample will probably consist of __________.

What is an anticylone?


What is a cyclone?


35) Which of the following will cause the lowest air pressure at the surface? 35) _____ A) A column of warm, dense air B) A column of cool, less dense air C) A column of warm, less dense air D) A column of cool, dense air

a column of warm, less dense air

North Atlantic Deep Water

a deep water mass that forms primarily at the surface of the norwegian sea and moves south along the floor of the north atlantic ocean Less Dense than antarctic bottom water


a glacial deposit is well sorted?

A thermocline represents

all of the above a boundary between different water parcels a boundary between waters with different densities a boundary where temperature decreases rapidly with depth a boundary between warm and colder waters

Inter-tropical Convergence Zone

area where warm, moist air rises close to the equator

Which areas of Earth experience the most precipitation?

areas near the ITCZ


atmospheric disturbances

80) Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: The Coriolis force is a true force BECAUSE it accelerates a moving body or air and influences its speed. 80) _____ A) The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid. B) The assertion and the reason are both correct, but the reason is invalid. C) The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect. D) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is corre

both the assertion and the reason are incorrect

At middle latitudes all over the Earth, on what day(s) is/are daylength 12 hours?

both the spring and fall equinoxes

71) The air in the center of the eye of the hurricane is ________ air moving ________. 71) _____ A) warm moist; upwardB) warm moist; downward C) cool dry; downward D) cool dry; upward

cool dry; downward

A zone of high atmospheric pressure results when there is relatively __________ air aloft.

cool, dry


derived from organisms

44) The Doldrums occur in which of the following regions? 44) _____ A) Equatorial (0 to 5 degrees) B) 5 to 30 degrees C) 30 degrees D) 30 to 60 degrees E) 60 degrees F) 60 to 90 degrees G) Poles (90 degrees)

equatorial (0-5 degrees)

51) Earth's breeding ground for hurricanes occurs in which of the following regions? 51) _____ A) Equatorial (0 to 5 degrees) B) 5 to 30 degrees C) 30 degrees D) 30 to 60 degrees E) 60 degrees F) 60 to 90 degrees G) Poles (90 degrees)

equatorial (0-5 degrees)

43) The polar easterly winds blow in which of the following directions in the Southern Hemisphere? 43) _____ A) From northeast to southwest B) From northwest to southeast C) From southeast to northwest D) From southwest to northeast

from southeast to northwest

40) The prevailing westerly winds blow in which of the following directions in the Northern Hemisphere? 40) _____ A) From northeast to southwest B) From northwest to southeast C) From southeast to northwest D) From southwest to northeast

from southwest to northeast

38) The trade winds blow in which of the following directions in the Northern Hemisphere? 38) _____ A) From northeast to southwest B) From northwest to southeast C) From southeast to northwest D) From southwest to northeast

from the northeast to southwest

3) The intensity of solar radiation received at lower latitudes (near the equator) compared to higher latitudes (near the poles) is ________. 3) _____ A) the same B) greater C) lower


61) In coastal regions, sea breezes happen ________ and land breezes happen ________. 61) _____ A) in the morning; at night B) at night; in the morning C) in the afternoon; at night D) at night; in the afternoon E) in the morning; in the afternoon F) in the afternoon; in the morning

in the afternoon; at night

Where are Hadley cells found?

in the atmosphere near the equator

In temperate waters, the seasonal thermocline generally forms

in the early spring

5) The two most abundant components of dry air are ________. 5) _____ A) oxygen and water vapor B) carbon dioxide and water vapor C) nitrogen and oxygen D) oxygen and carbon dioxide E) nitrogen and carbon dioxide

nitrogen and oxygen

For maximum winter warmth, in the Southern Hemisphere, large windows in a house should face


Tropic of Cancer

northern hemisphere

hadley cells:

region between 0 and 30 degrees (closest to the equator)

ferrel cells:

region between 30 and 60 degrees

polar cells:

region between 60 and 90 degrees

22) The strength of a hurricane is ranked from 1 to 5 on the ________. 22) _____ A) Moh's Scale B) Coriolis Scale C) Fujita Scale D) Saffir-Simpson Scale E) Richter Scale

saffir-simpson scale

The term isothermal means

same temperature

The suffix cline means


25) The oceanic climate region that is characterized by sea ice coverage in the winter and open water (but cold) in the summer is ________. 25) _____ A) subtropical B) polar C) subpolar D) tropical E) temperate


2) The Sun reaches its most northerly point in the sky, directly overhead along the Tropic of Cancer, during the ________. 2) _____ A) summer solstice B) winter solstice C) vernal equinox D) ecliptic E) autumnal equinox

summer solstice

87) Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: The rate of sea ice formation slows as sea ice thickens BECAUSE the ice insulates the underlying water from freezing due to its poor heat conduction. 87) _____ A) The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid. B) The assertion and the reason are both correct, but the reason is invalid. C) The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect. D) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct. E) Both the assertion and the reason are incorrect.

the assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid

What is a front?

the boundary between two AIR MASSES of different TEMPERATURES

What is the Coriolis Effect?

the deflection of moving objects to the right in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere

Geostrophic flow

the gyre center is mounded (water is piled up), but gravity causes water to flow down hill which is turned right by the Coriolis effect resulting in a circular current around the center of the gyre.

37) Which of the following statements about the Coriolis effect is correct? 37) _____ A) The Coriolis effect is strongest between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. B) The maximum Coriolis effect is at the equator, and there is no Coriolis effect at the poles. C) There is no Coriolis effect for objects moving due south from the equator. D) The magnitude of the Coriolis effect depends on how long the object is in motion.

the magnitude of the coriolis effect depends on hoe long the object is in motion

The waters above the thermocline are referred to as

the mixed layer

What is the zone of wastage?

the part of a glacier where snow melting EXCEEDS snow accumulation

64) Which of the following powers tropical cyclones? 64) _____ A) A density-driven circulation that is initiated at the ocean surface by temperature and salinity. B) The vast amounts of latent heat as water evaporates and condenses. C) Heat transfer in a gas or liquid by the circulation of currents from one region to another. D) An apparent force resulting from Earth's rotation that causes particles in motion to be deflected.

the vast amounts of latent heat as water evaporates and condenses

68) A tropical cyclone with a wind speed of 190 km/hr. would be classified as Category ________ on the Saffir-Simpson Scale of hurricane intensity. 68) _____ A) One B) Two C) Three D) FourE) Five


How would a moving object in Earth's atmosphere be deflected as a result of Earth's rotation?

to the right in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere

11) As a result of the Coriolis effect in the northern hemisphere, winds always are deflected ________. 11) _____ A) at a 90° angle from their original direction B) at a 45° angle from their original direction C) to the left of their original direction D) to the right of their original direction E) to the east of their original direction

to the right of their original direction

Which way would an airplane deflect if flying from the South Pole toward the equator?

toward the LEFT

24) The oceanic climate region(s) where the majority of strong tropical cyclonic storms are produced is ________. 24) _____ A) polar B) temperate C) subtropical D) subpolar E) tropical


The latitudes between 23.5° N and 23.5° S define the

tropical climate zone

What fuels a hurricane?

tropical storms are powered by release of vast amounts of water's latent heat of condensation that is carried within water vapor and released as water condenses to form clouds in a hurricane

vernal equinox

vernal = spring; MARCH

32) Which of the following parcels of air would have the lowest density? 32) _____ A) Warm dry air B) Cool moist air C) Cool dry air D) Warm moist air

warm moist air

An imaginary column of water from the ocean surface to depth is referred to as the

water column

Where is the Coriolis Effect most drastic?

1.Dramatic effect on atmospheric circulation and movement of ocean currents 2. At the poles

65) Worldwide, about ________ storms grow to named tropical cyclones status each year. 65) _____ A) 75 B) 50 C) 100 D) 25 E) 125


46) The horse latitudes boundary occurs in which of the following regions? 46) _____ A) Equatorial (0 to 5 degrees) B) 5 to 30 degrees C) 30 degrees D) 30 to 60 degrees E) 60 degrees F) 60 to 90 degrees G) Poles (90 degrees)

30 degrees

56) A boundary or belt characterized by light, variable winds, dry, clear, fair weather with little precipitation occurs in which of the following regions? 56) _____ A) Equatorial (0 to 5 degrees) B) 5 to 30 degrees C) 30 degrees D) 30 to 60 degrees E) 60 degrees F) 60 to 90 degrees G) Poles (90 degrees)

30 degrees

4) The average albedo of Earth's surface is about ________. 4) _____ A) 90% B) 67% C) 50% D) 30% E) 3%


53) Storms are most common in which of the following regions? 53) _____ A) Equatorial (0 to 5 degrees) B) 5 to 30 degrees C) 30 to 60 degrees D) 60 to 90 degrees E) Poles (90 degrees)

30-60 degrees

45) The trade winds occur in which of the following regions? 45) _____ A) Equatorial (0 to 5 degrees) B) 5 to 30 degrees C) 30 degrees D) 30 to 60 degrees E) 60 degrees F) 60 to 90 degrees G) Poles (90 degrees)

5-30 degrees

55) A boundary or belt characterized by strong, steady winds, generally from the east occurs in which of the following regions? 55) _____ A) Equatorial (0 to 5 degrees) B) 5 to 30 degrees C) 30 degrees D) 30 to 60 degrees E) 60 degrees F) 60 to 90 degrees G) Poles (90 degrees)

5-30 degrees

How big can the diameter of a hurricane become?

500 miles

48) The polar front occurs in which of the following regions? 48) _____ A) 30 degrees B) 30 to 60 degrees C) 60 degrees D) 60 to 90 degrees E) Poles (90 degrees)

60 degrees

58) A boundary or belt characterized by variable winds and stormy, cloudy weather year round occurs in which of the following regions? 58) _____ A) Equatorial (0 to 5 degrees) B) 5 to 30 degrees C) 30 degrees D) 30 to 60 degrees E) 60 degrees F) 60 to 90 degrees G) Poles (90 degrees)

60 degrees

49) The polar easterlies occur in which of the following regions? 49) _____ A) Equatorial (0 to 5 degrees) B) 5 to 30 degrees C) 30 degrees D) 30 to 60 degrees E) 60 degrees F) 60 to 90 degrees G) Poles (90 degrees)

60-90 degrees

59) A boundary or belt characterized by cold, dry winds generally from the east, occurs in which of the following regions? 59) _____ A) Equatorial (0 to 5 degrees) B) 5 to 30 degrees C) 30 degrees D) 30 to 60 degrees E) 60 degrees F) 60 to 90 degrees G) Poles (90 degrees)

60-90 degrees

How many wind and pressure systems are contained within Earth's atmosphere?


The Coriolis effect, which results from _____, appears to deflect flowing objects _____ in the northern hemisphere and _____ in the southern hemisphere. A. Earth's rotation on its axis; right; left B. Earth's rotation on its axis; left; right C. Earth's rotation on its axis; up; down D. Earth's rotation on its axis; down; up E. friction; left; right


Which of the following statements about carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is NOT true? A.Carbon dioxide (CO2) makes up 10% of the atmospheric gases. B. The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is increasing as a result of the increased burning of fossil fuels. C. Carbon dioxide (CO2) has a significant influence on weather and climate because of its ability to absorb infrared radiation. D. Most atmospheric scientists conclude that the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is causing the lower atmosphere to warm up enough to produce significant global climate change. E. All the above statements are true.


Which of the following statements about water vapor in the atmosphere is NOT true? A. Atmospheric water vapor amount is generally highest over deserts and polar regions. B. Water vapor determines humidity in the atmosphere. C. Although water vapor is defined as a variable-amount gas, the total amount of water vapor in the atmosphere as a whole remains virtually constant; it varies by location. D .Atmospheric water vapor amount is generally highest in air overlying warm, moist surfaces, such as tropical oceans. E. Water vapor has a significant influence on weather and climate because it is the source of all clouds and precipitation and because of its ability to store, move and release heat energy.



A maritime polar air mass is likely to be dry and cold.

wet and warm

A tropical maritime air mass is likely to be:

C. diatoms

A. chalk B. coccolithophores C. diatoms D. limestone E. stromatolites

C. silicious ooze

A. glaciers B. rivers C. siliceous ooze D. turbidity currents E. volcanic ash

E. tektites

A. halite and other salts B. manganese nodules C. metal sulfides D. phosphates E. tektites

C. sea surface salinity

A. maximum sustained winds B. minimum central pressure C. sea surface salinity D. storm surge E. storm diameter

B. albedo

A. nitrogen B. albedo C. oxygen D. troposphere E. water vapor

A. siliceous ooze

A. siliceous ooze B. quartz sand C. rock fragments D. clay E. volcanic ash

Tropical Cyclones

AKA Hurricanes Highly Destructive, huge rotating masses of low pressure characterized by strong winds and torrential rains

Why is warm, moist air considered the "fuel" for a hurricane?

Air cools as it rises. As air cools, water vapor will condense out as liquid water. Condensation releases heat, providing energy to the hurricane.

Global Weather: Mid Latitudes

Air masses that are either cold (polar) or warm (tropical) and originating over either water (wet) or land (dry).

Polar easterly wind belts

Air moves away from the high pressure at the poles, too, producing the polar easterly wind belts. The Coriolis effect is maximized at high latitudes,so these winds are deflected strongly.The polar easterlies blow from the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere, and from the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere.

prevailing westerly wind belts

Air that descends in the subtropical regions and moves along Earths surface to higher latitudes. Because of the Coriolis effect, the prevailing westerlies blow from southwest to northeast in the Northern Hemisphere and from northwest to southeast in the Southern Hemisphere.

to the right of their original direction.

As a result of the Coriolis effect in the northern hemisphere, winds always are deflected:

______, the average conditions over a long period of time, is what you expect; ____, the short term atmospheric conditions for a given time and specific area, is what you get. A. Weather, climate B. Climate; weather C. Who are you kidding?!? I never expect anything because the weather forecasters are ALWAYS wrong!



Boundaries b/t air masses (warm and cold)

In the _____ air temperature increases with increasing altitude because it contains the ozone layer, which absorbs ultraviolet radiation thus warming the atmosphere. A. exosphere B. mesosphere C. stratosphere D. thermosphere E. troposphere


The composition of the Earth s atmosphere consists of the following principal gases and percentages A. Oxygen 100% B. Oxygen 78%; Nitrogen 21%; Argon 0.9% C. Nitrogen 78%; Oxygen 21%; Argon 0.9% D. Oxygen 50%; Hydrogen 50% E. The atmospheric concentration of the principal gases varies too much to make any generalizations about the atmosphere s composition.


Which of the following is NOT a true statement about fossil fuels? A. Fossil fuels are the product of millions of years of accumulated solar energy absorbed in plant life and trapped as hydrocarbons matter underneath Earth's surface B. Coal, oil and natural gas are all examples of fossil fuels C. The main barrier to an energy transition away from fossil fuels is the lack of any viable option D. All fossil fuel use emits CO2, a greenhouse gas (GHG) associated with climate change E. The world today derives 80% of its energy from fossil fuels


Water Parcel A has a temperature of 18 degrees C. Water Parcel B has a temperature of 22 degrees C. Water Parcel C has a temperature of 23 degrees C. Which of the following represents a stable water column?

C at surface, B in middle, A at bottom

Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. A. maximum sustained winds B. minimum central pressure C. sea surface salinity D. storm surge E. storm diameter

C, sea surface salinity

Green House Gases

CO2, N2O, CH4 and CFC- atmosphere is almost all Nitrogen and Oxygen; other gases include argon, carbon dioxide, and others in small amounts (most significant trace gas is carbon dioxide- greenhouse gas)


Calcareous ooze is found in cooler waters at depth around the world.


Calcareous shells generally will not accumulate on the ocean floor when the water depth exceeds about 4,500 meters (around 15,000 feet).

low salinity

Calcium carbonate is most likely to dissolve in water with which characteristic?

Jet Stream

Cause unusual weathering by steering air masses

Winter Solstice

December 22, The Sun is directly overhead along the Tropic of Capricorn,at 23.5 degrees south latitude. In the Southern Hemisphere,the seasons are reversed.Thus,the winter solstice is the time when the Southern Hemisphere is most directly facing the Sun, which is the beginning of the Southern Hemisphere summer.

Which of the following events occur in the water column of temperate oceans from first day of fall to the first day of winter? Check ALL correct answers. Points are deducted for incorrect answers.

Decreases in solar radiation at the sea surface Weakening of the seasonal thermocline An increase in the mixed layer depth Decrease in sea surface water temperatures A decrease in the angle of penetration of solar radiation into the water column

Almost all phenomena we call weather occur in which atmospheric layer? A. exosphere B. mesosphere C. stratosphere D. thermosphere E. tropospher


Ozone (O3) produced in the _____ is considered good ozone because it absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation; ozone produced in the _____, where it forms one of the components of photochemical fog, is considered bad ozone because of its harmful effects on humans, vegetation, and building materials. A. troposphere; stratosphere B. ozonosphere; ionosphere C. thermosphere; troposphere D. troposphere; ozonosphere E. stratosphere; troposphere


Which of the following atmospheric layers lies closest to the Earth s surface, from sea level to approximately 11 miles up? A. exosphere B. mesosphere C. stratosphere D. thermosphere E. troposphere


Which of the following does NOT affect weather and climate? A. latitude B. distribution of land and water C. general circulation of both the atmosphere and the oceans D. elevation and topographic barriers E. All the above have a major impact on weather and climate


Which of the following statements about the Coriolis effect in NOT correct? A. All winds are affected by the Coriolis effect. B. Ocean currents are deflected by the Coriolis effect. C. The Coriolis effect influences direction of a moving object only, not speed. D. The apparent deflection is strongest at the poles and decreases toward the equator where there is zero deflection. E. All the above statements about the Coriolis effect are true.


re-radiation of solar energy from Earth's surface back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation

Earth's atmosphere is heated primarily by __________.

23.5 degrees

Earth's axis of rotation is tilted at an angle of _______ to the plane of the ecliptic:

cold, dry sinking air in the polar high regions produces little precipitation

Earth's polar regions (above 60° latitude) are classified as deserts because __________.

Why does air tend to rise in equatorial regions?

Equatorial regions receive more direct sunlight than other areas.

Ocean Currents

Masses of ocean water that flow from one place to another; wind or density driven

Under what conditions will the front of a glacier remain stationary?

Glacial fronts remain stationary when melting and snow accumulation are EQUAL

-The coriolis effect causes air to move counterclockwise around low pressure -the coriolis effect causes air to move clockwise around high pressure

How does the Coriolis effect cause the atmosphere to move around high and low pressures in the Northern Hemisphere?

the ocean water does not get warm enough to supply the needed heat energy for hurricanes

Hurricanes frequently make landfall on the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts, but rarely, if ever, occur on the Pacific coast. The primary reason for the rarity of west coast hurricanes is that __________.

differences in the heat capacities of the ocean and land.

Idealized pressure belts and wind systems are significantly modified by Earth's tilted axis of rotation and:

Ekman Transport

If one integrates the water movement over the entire spiral, it turns out that overall the water movement is 90 degrees to the right of the wind.

27° to 29° Celsius

In the eastern Pacific of the Northern Hemisphere, which ocean temperatures are associated with the most hurricanes?

decrease with increasing altitude above Earth's surface.

In the troposphere, air temperatures generally:

When it is January and winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it is ___ and ___ in the Southern Hemisphere.

January and summer

The earth is farthest from the sun in


On which date would the sun's rays be closest to being perpendicular to the earth's surface in the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere?

June 21

Summer Solstice

June 21, The Sun reaches its most northerly point in the sky, directly overhead along the Tropic of Cancer,at 23.5 degrees north latitude

Air Masses

Large volumes of air with distinct properties


Light and variable winds, warm and humid conditions, and frequent rainfall are characteristic of __________ oceanic climate zones.

What is meant by the term "Land of the Midnight Sun?"

Locations poleward of the Arctic and Antarctic Circles experience 24 hours of daylight during their respective summers


Low-pressure regions in the northern hemisphere rotate:

Intensity of Solar Radiation is greater at...

Lower latitudes

hydrogenous sediments.

Manganese nodules are an example of:

Vernal Equinox

March 21, Sun Directly over equator. All places on Earth experience equal lengths of night and day. aka Spring Equinox


Near the poles, more energy is reflected back into space than is absorbed.


Radiolarian tests are dissolved beneath the carbonate compensation depth.

from the east toward the equator

Surface winds in the tropics generally blow _______________.


Tektites are glassy rock fragments created during impact events.


The Coriolis effect describes how moving objects on Earth appear to follow curved paths due to Earth's rotation.

zero; strongest

The Coriolis effect is _____ at the equator and is _____ at the poles.

Earth's rotation

The Coriolis effect is caused by __________.

summer solstice

The Sun reaches its most northerly point in the sky, directly overhead along the Tropic of Cancer, during the:


The angle at which direct sunlight strikes the ocean's surface is important in determining the amount of solar energy that is absorbed.

Coriolis effect

The apparent deflection of air masses to the right or left (depending on latitude) as they move from one latitude to another is called the:


The oceanic climate region that is characterized by sea ice coverage in the winter and open water with low sea surface temperature in the summer is:


The percentage of solar radiation reflected from the surface of Earth back into space is known as the __________.

Saffir-Simpson Scale.

The strength of a hurricane is ranked from 1 to 5 on the:

the polar high the polar front the doldrums the horse latitudes

Which of the following are valid names of boundaries between global wind belts or at the poles?

an east-to-west movement of hurricanes and easterly winds in the western Atlantic between 10° and 20° degrees north latitude

Which of the following associations between hurricanes—also known as typhoons and cyclones—and wind direction is most accurate?

The ooze accumulates above the CCD and then is covered before being transported to deeper depths by sea floor spreading.

Which of the following conditions allows for calcareous ooze to be found beneath the CCD? Select only one answer.


Which of the following contains calcium carbonate (CaCO3)?

diatoms and radiolarians

Which of the following organisms are responsible for the creation of siliceous ooze?

Warm ocean currents and hurricane paths both broadly move from east to west between 10° and 20° degrees north latitude in the eastern Pacific.

Which of the following statements best describes the general relationship between ocean currents and hurricanes?

cold and dry

Which of the following temperature and humidity conditions are most likely to be experienced in eastern Iowa after the cold front passes?


Wind is initiated by uneven heating of Earth's surface by the Sun, which creates areas of high and low atmospheric pressure.

Which of the following events occur in the water column of temperate oceans from first day of SPRING TO FIRST DAY OF SUMMER? Check ALL correct answers.

a decrease in the mixed layer depth increases in solar radiation at the sea surface increase in sea surface water temperatures an increase in the angle of penetration of solar radiation (i.e., solar altitude) into the water column strengthening of the seasonal thermocline

What is a tropical cyclone?

a low-pressure disturbance that develops over WARM, TROPICAL WATERS

Thermohaline Circulation

a worldwide system of ocean currents in which warmer, fresher water moves along the surface and colder, saltier water (which is more dense) moves deep beneath the surface

high; low

air always moves from _____ atmospheric pressure regions to _____ atmospheric pressure regions.

28) Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 28) _____ A) Nitrogen B) Oxygen C) Albedo D) Troposphere E) Water vapor


The percentage of solar radiation reflected from the surface of Earth back into space is known as the __________.


At the time of the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere

astronomical winter begins in the Northern Hemisphere.

autumnal equinox

autumn = fall; SEPTEMBER

In the troposphere air temperature generally ______ with increasing altitude. A. increases B. decreases C. remains constant D. decreases initially but then increases E. Air temperature does not change predictably with changes in altitude.


12) Winds blowing out of the north toward the south in the southern hemisphere will appear to ________.12) _____ A) be deflected toward the west B) circulate counterclockwise C) circulate clockwise D) travel in a straight line E) be deflected toward the east

be deflected toward the east

Winds blowing out of the north toward the south in the southern hemisphere will appear to:

be deflected toward the east.

The cooling of surface waters and the breakdown of a seasonal thermocline causes a blending of the upper ocean waters in a process known as

buoyancy-driven mixing


circular flow of water around periphery of ocean basins; consist of currents that blend into one another -Flow is continuous without obvious places where one current ceases and another one begins -The balance of wind energy, friction, the Coriolis Effect and pressure gradient propels gyres and holds them along the outside of ocean basins

Although the polar regions radiate away more heat energy than they receive by incident sunlight in the course of a year, they are prevented from becoming progressively colder each year by the

circulation of heat by the atmosphere and oceans.

19) A cold air mass moving into an area occupied by relatively warm air is called a/an ________. 19) _____ A) low pressure system B) cold front C) warm front D) occluded front E) high pressure system

cold front

Eastern Boundary Currents

cold, broad, shallow, weak, and slow

34) Which of the following will cause the highest air pressure at the surface? 34) _____ A) A column of cool, less dense air B) A column of cool, dense air C) A column of warm, dense air D) A column of warm, less dense air

column of cool, dense air

31) Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 31) _____ A) Sea ice B) Iceberg C) Ice shelf D) Continent E) Ice floes


high pressure


10) The apparent deflection of air masses to the right or left (depending on latitude) as they move from one latitude to another is called the ________. 10) _____ A) Cyclonic effect B) Ekman spiral C) Saffir-Simpson scale D) Hadley cell E) Coriolis effect

coriolis effect

18) Low-pressure regions in the northern hemisphere rotate ________. 18) _____ A) at a 45° angle from the prevailing wind direction B) to the right C) clockwise D) counterclockwise E) to the left


Low-pressure regions in the northern hemisphere rotate:


7) In the troposphere, air temperatures ________.7) _____ A) are constant with decreasing altitude B) increase with increasing altitude C) decrease with increasing altitude D) decrease with decreasing altitude

decrease with increasing altitude

On the day following the first day of summer, the length of daylight ___ in Fullerton.


Between 4th of July, and Thanksgiving, at middle latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere, the length of the day


76) Which of the following countries is the world leader (by percentage of its energy use) in wind power? 76) _____ A) England B) Japan C) United States D) Denmark E) Australia



derived from rock


derived from space


derived from water

The cooling of surface waters and the breakdown of a seasonal thermocline is called


17) Idealized pressure belts and wind systems are significantly modified by Earth's tilted axis of rotation and ________. 17) _____ A) differences in the heat capacities of the ocean and land B) differences in the latitudinal albedo C) variations in incoming solar radiation over many years D) latitudinal variations in the Coriolis effect E) Ekman transport

differences in the heat capacities of the ocean and land

29) Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 29) _____ A) Polar easterlies B) Northeast trade winds C) Southeast trade winds D) Doldrums E) Westerlies


what are the 3 latitudes?

doldrums (ITCZ) -> horse latitudes -> polar front

54) A boundary or belt characterized by light, variable winds, abundant cloudiness and much precipitation occurs of the following regions? 54) _____ A) Equatorial (0 to 5 degrees) B) 5 to 30 degrees C) 30 degrees D) 30 to 60 degrees E) 60 degrees F) 60 to 90 degrees G) Poles (90 degrees)

equatorial (0-5 degrees)

69) A tropical cyclone with a wind speed of 220 km/hr. would be classified as Category ________ on the Saffir-Simpson Scale of hurricane intensity. 69) _____ A) One B) Two C) Three D) FourE) Five


42) The polar easterly winds blow in which of the following directions in the Northern Hemisphere? 42) _____ A) From northeast to southwest B) From northwest to southeast C) From southeast to northwest D) From southwest to northeast

from northeast to southwest

41) The prevailing westerly winds blow in which of the following directions in the Southern Hemisphere?41) _____ A) From northeast to southwest B) From northwest to southeast C) From southeast to northwest D) From southwest to northeast

from northwest to southeast

39) The trade winds blow in which of the following directions in the Southern Hemisphere? 39) _____ A) From northeast to southwest B) From northwest to southeast C) From southeast to northwest D) From southwest to northeast

from southeast to northwest

What drives Hadley cell circulation?

heating from the Sun

26) When ice forms from seawater, the remaining seawater will have a ________. 26) _____ A) higher salinity B) higher temperature C) lower temperature D) decreased density E) darker color

higher salinity

15) The doldrums refer to the same region as the ________. 15) _____ A) inter-tropical convergence zone B) trade winds C) subtropical jet stream D) jet stream E) subtropics

inter-tropical convergence zone

In the middle latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, the day with the shortest number of daylight hours occurs around

june 22

21) The strength of a hurricane stems from water's ________. 21) _____ A) latent heat of melting B) latent heat of fusion C) latent heat of sublimation D) latent heat of condensation E) latent heat of deposition

latent heat of condensation

Tropic of Cancer

located at 23.5° N latitude

Where are tropical cyclones found?

lower and middle latitudes

Cooling of ocean surface waters in fall causes the surface waters to become

negatively buoyant

The sun will pass directly overhead at noon in Key West, Florida (latitude 24.5° N)


Earth rotates on its axis

once per day

66) A tropical cyclone with a wind speed of 150 km/hr. would be classified as Category ________ on the Saffir-Simpson Scale of hurricane intensity. A) One B) Two C) Three D) FourE) Five


The most important reason why summers in the Southern Hemisphere are not warmer than summers in the Northern Hemisphere is that

over 80% of the Southern Hemisphere is covered with water.

On the Northern Hemisphere spring equinox, the Sun...

passes across the equator and into the Northern Hemisphere.

On the Northern Hemisphere fall equinox, the Sun...

passes across the equator and into the Southern Hemisphere.

intermediate to shallow depth water.

phosphate-rich nodules form in:

3 types of cells:

polar ferrel hadley

The latitudes between 66.5° N and 90° N are part of the Northern Hemisphere

polar climate zone

The latitudes between 66.5° S and 90° S are part of the Southern Hemisphere

polar climate zone

what is the order of winds?

polar easterlies prevailing westerlies NE tradewinds SE tradewinds prevailing westerlies polar easterlies

what is the order of latitudes from N to S?

polar fronts horse latitudes doldrums (ITCZ) horse latitudes polar fronts

62) Typically, the United States is influenced more by ________ air masses during the winter and more by ________ air masses during the summer. 62) _____ A) tropical; arctic B) arctic; polar C) polar; arctic D) arctic; tropical E) polar; tropical

polar; tropical

50) Polar high pressure occurs in which of the following regions?50) _____ A) Equatorial (0 to 5 degrees) B) 5- to 30 degrees C) 30 degrees D) 30 to 60 degrees E) 60 degrees F) 60 to 90 degrees G) Poles (90 degrees)

poles (90 degrees)

60) A boundary or belt characterized by cold deserts occurs in which of the following regions? 60) _____ A) Equatorial (0 to 5 degrees) B) 5 to 30 degrees C) 30 degrees D) 30 to 60 degrees E) 60 degrees F) 60 to 90 degrees G) Poles (90 degrees)

poles (90 degrees)

Heating of ocean surface waters in spring causes the surface waters to become

positively buoyant

33) A person experiences a popping feeling in their ears during the takeoff or landing of an airplane or while driving on steep mountain roads due to changes in the ________ of the atmosphere. 33) _____ A) water vapor content B) temperature C) pressure D) movement E) density


Polar easterlies

prevailing wind pattern at polar latitudes

20) Air warmed by the land that rises and is replaced by cooler air from the ocean may produce a ________. 20) _____ A) cold front B) land breeze C) typhoon D) sea breeze E) tropical cyclone

sea breeze

Air warmed by the land that rises and is replaced by cooler air from the ocean may produce a:

sea breeze.

30) Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 30) _____ A) Minimum central pressure B) Storm diameter C) Maximum sustained winds D) Storm surge E) Sea surface salinity

sea surface salinity

Tropic of Capricorn

southern hemisphere

23) The largest loss of life from a hurricane is usually due to ________. 23) _____ A) intense precipitation B) high winds C) storm surge D) low atmospheric pressure

storm surge

73) Which of the following is responsible for 90% of the deaths associated with hurricanes? 73) _____ A) Fflooding B) Landslides C) Storm surge D) Strong winds E) Fallen trees

storm surge

When does the solar azimuth angle reach its maximum value in Fullerton?

summer solstice

The Sun reaches its most northerly point in the sky, directly overhead along the Tropic of Cancer, during the:

summer solstice.

Ekman Spiral

surface water moves at about 45 degrees to the right of the wind, and this wind energy is imparted to successively deeper layers of water, each rotating further and further to the right but diminishing in their relative speed. Depth 100m

The latitudes between 23.5° N and 66.5° N are part of the Northern Hemisphere

temperate climate zone

The latitudes between 23.5° S and 66.5° S are part of the Southern Hemisphere

temperate climate zone

The two factors that are most important in determining the density of air are:

temperature and water vapor content.

8) The two factors that are most important in determining the density of air are ________. 8) _____ A) temperature and salinity B) temperature and water vapor content C) carbon dioxide and water vapor content D) temperature and ozone E) nitrogen and water vapor content

temperature and water vapour content

What term is used to describe the effect on air movement produced by Earth's rotation?

the Coriolis effect

Where is the Sun overhead on the Northern Hemisphere summer solstice?

the Tropic of Cancer

Where is the Sun overhead on the Northern Hemisphere winter solstice?

the Tropic of Capricorn

Where is the Sun overhead on the Southern Hemisphere summer solstice?

the Tropic of Capricorn

79) Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude BECAUSE it depends on the weight of the column of air above. 79) _____ A) The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid. B) The assertion and the reason are both correct, but the reason is invalid. C) The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect. D) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct. E) Both the assertion and the reason are incorrect.

the assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid

81) Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: The air over the continents colder in winter and warmer in summer than the air over adjacent oceans BECAUSE continental rock has a lower heat capacity than seawater. 81) _____ A) The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid. B) The assertion and the reason are both correct, but the reason is invalid. C) The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect. D) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct. E) Both the assertion and the reason are incorrect.

the assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid

77) Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Different hemispheres on Earth are tilted more directly toward or away from the Sun during Earth's yearly orbit BECAUSE Earth revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit that varies from a perfect circle. 77) _____ A) The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid. B) The assertion and the reason are both correct, but the reason is invalid. C) The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect. D) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct. E) Both the assertion and the reason are incorrect.

the assertion and the reason are both correct, but the reason is invalid

86) Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Sea ice is different from icebergs BECAUSE sea ice is found throughout the year around the margin of Antarctica. 86) _____ A) The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid. B) The assertion and the reason are both correct, but the reason is invalid. C) The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect. D) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct. E) Both the assertion and the reason are incorrect.

the assertion and the reason are both correct, but the reason is invalid

83) Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: In 1900, at least 6000 people in and around Galveston, Texas, were killed in the most deadly natural disaster in the US history BECAUSE the hurricane's storm surge completely submerged the island. 83) _____ A) The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid. B) The assertion and the reason are both correct, but the reason is invalid. C) The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect. D) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct. E) Both the assertion and the reason are incorrect.

the assertion and the reason are both correct, but the reason is valid

82) Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: New Orleans is particularly vulnerable to hurricanes like Katrina BECAUSE nearly all of the city's metropolitan area is only five feet above sea level along Lake Pontchartrain. 82) _____ A) The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid. B) The assertion and the reason are both correct, but the reason is invalid. C) The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect. D) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct. E) Both the assertion and the reason are incorrect.

the assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect

78) Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: The higher one goes in the atmosphere, the warmer it gets BECAUSE the higher one goes in the atmosphere the closer you are to the Sun. 78) _____ A) The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid. B) The assertion and the reason are both correct, but the reason is invalid. C) The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect. D) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct. E) Both the assertion and the reason are incorrect.

the assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct

84) Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: The Hawaiian Islands are safe from tropical cyclones BECAUSE they are islands near the center of a large ocean. 84) _____ A) The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid. B) The assertion and the reason are both correct, but the reason is invalid. C) The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect. D) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct. E) Both the assertion and the reason are incorrect.

the assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct

85) Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Hurricanes are no longer a threat to life and property around the globe BECAUSE improvements in technology have provided increasingly accurate forecasts and prompt evacuation. 85) _____ A) The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid. B) The assertion and the reason are both correct, but the reason is invalid. C) The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect. D) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct. E) Both the assertion and the reason are incorrect.

the assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct

Earth rotates on its axis towards

the east

What is the snow line?

the elevation above which snow persists throughout the year

9) Which of the following statements about the movement of Earth's atmosphere is correct? 9) _____ A) A column of cool, dense air produces low pressure at the Earth's surface. B) Cold air is less dense than cool air so it tends to sink toward the Earth's surface. C) A column of warm, less dense air produces high pressure at the Earth's surface. D) Warm air is denser than cool air so it tends to sink toward the Earth's surface. E) The movement of air within the atmospheric convection cells generates the wind belts.

the movement of air within the atmospheric convection cells generates the wind belts

Which will cast a longer shadow at solar noon in Fullerton, an exactly vertical pencil in the ground at the summer solstice or an exactly vertical pencil in the ground at the winter solstice?

the pencil at the winter solstice will cast a longer shadow

Of the following characteristics or features, which is/are associated with middle latitude storms, such as those that originate in the North Pacific Ocean between 40 and 60 degrees latitude?

the polar front

Which of the following are valid names of boundaries between global wind belts or at the poles?

the polar front

Which of the following are the causes of seasonal changes in Earth's weather and climate?

the seasonal increase/decrease in solar azimuth angle the 23.5-degree tilt of Earth relative to its plane of orbit around the Sun the seasonal change in the length of the daylight hours

The shortest and longest days of the year occur on

the solstices

14) Low latitude wind belt(s) with strong, reliable, generally easterly winds is (are) the ________. 14) _____ A) horse latitudes B) polar easterlies C) westerlies D) trade winds E) doldrums

trade winds

It's fall semester and you are driving east down a main street on your way to Fullerton College in the early morning and the Sun is rising directly in your line of sight, nearly blinding you. Where will the Sun rise the following week at nearly the exact same time on your way to school on the same route?

to the south of Chapman Avenue (on your right)

Which direction would an airplane deflect if flying from the East Coast of the United States toward the West Coast of the United States?

toward the NORTH

Which way would an airplane deflect if flying from the North Pole toward the equator?

toward the RIGHT

Which direction would an airplane deflect if flying from the West Coast of the United States toward the East Coast of the United States?

toward the SOUTH

Which direction would an airplane deflect if flying from the North Pole toward the equator?

toward the WEST

the boundary between the troposphere and stratosphere


6) The lowermost portion of the atmosphere where most weather occurs is called the ________. 6) _____ A) troposphere B) upper atmosphere C) stratosphere D) tropopause E) ozone layer


The lowermost portion of the atmosphere where most weather occurs is called the:


67) A tropical cyclone with a wind speed of 170 km/hr. would be classified as Category ________ on the Saffir-Simpson Scale of hurricane intensity. 67) _____ A) One B) Two C) Three D) FourE) Five


36) The Coriolis effect is due to changes in the ________ of Earth with latitude. 36) _____ A) temperature B) chemical composition C) pressure D) density E) velocity



vertical movement of cold, nutrient rich water to surface; high biological productivity (lots of fishing) Occurs because water is getting pulled away from the coast, Upward movement of ocean water that occurs when winds push surface water aside and it is replaced with cold, deep water that originates on the ocean bottom

Down Welling

vertical movement of surface water downward in water column

63) Which of the following is not one of the names associated with huge rotating masses of low pressure characterized by strong winds and torrential rain? 63) _____ A) Hurricane B) Cyclone C) Typhoon D) Vortex


72) The air surrounding of the eye of the hurricane is ________ air moving ________. 72) _____ A) warm moist; upwardB) cool dry; upward C) cool dry; downward D) warm moist; downward

warm moist; upward

most abundant greenhouse gas that also influences air density

water vapor

27) Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 27) _____ A) Autumnal equinox B) Summer solstice C) Westerlies D) Vernal equinox E) Ecliptic


16) The temperate regions are characterized by ________.16) _____ A) westerly winds B) trade winds C) easterly winds D) high pressure E) tropical cyclones

westerly winds

The temperate regions are characterized by:

westerly winds.

74) The majority of the world's tropical cyclones are formed in the waters north of the equator in the ________ Ocean. 74) _____ A) eastern Atlantic B) western Pacific C) eastern Pacific D) western Atlantic E) western Indian

western pacific

13) A tropical maritime air mass is likely to be ________. 13) _____ A) dry and cold B) wet and warm C) wet and cold D) wet and the same temperature E) dry and warm

wet and warm

Horizontal Circulation in surface waters

wind driven by the Trade Winds and the Westerly's, and are predominately east-west

Surface Currents

wind driven currents move water horizontally above pycnocline and occur in ocean's surface water

When does the solar azimuth angle reach its minimum value in Fullerton?

winter solstice

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

Managing conflict through forgiveness

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Chapter 43 Airway Clearance Therapy (ACT)

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Fluid, Electrolyte, Acid-Base Balance

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Strategic Management Test 1 Ch. 1-4

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Ch. 24 Digestive System Fill-in-the-blank

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GRADE 4: SCIENCE: C1-L3: How are plants classified?

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