Chapter 6 - Somatic Symptom and Dissociative Disorders

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Amnesia is frequently seen in murder cases with _____ percent of people arrested for homicide claiming to have amnesia.


Memories formed before the age of _____ tend to be sketchy.


Which of the following alters found in dissociative identity disorder offers advice to the other personalities or performs behaviors the host is unable to handle? A. The helper B. The host C. The persecutor D. The child

A. The helper

Which of the following is a reason an individual may develop dissociative identity disorder? A. Inability to control their behavior B. As a strategy to cope with traumas C. In order to gain attention for themselves D. Constant preoccupation with illness

B. As a strategy to cope with traumas

Which of the following is the most common contributor to dissociative identity disorder? A. Genetic predisposition to the disorder B. Chronic physical or sexual abuse during childhood C. Low socioeconomic family status D. Being diagnosed with several other disorders

B. Chronic physical or sexual abuse during childhood

Which of the following somatic symptom disorders is considered to be the most dramatic due to symptoms like, blindness, seizures, loss or hearing, and mutism? A. Pain disorder B. Conversion disorder C. Somatization disorder D. Hypochondriasis

B. Conversion disorder

_____ for conversion disorder focus on relieving the person's anxiety around the initial trauma that caused the conversion symptoms and on reducing any benefits the person is receiving from the conversion symptoms.

Behavioral treatments

Which of the following individuals is most likely to receive a diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder? A. Shiloh makes repetitive strange utterances and movements as if in a trance. B. Jack often wanders away from his home and can't recall anything he does during those periods. C. Ellen appears to have alternate personalities that are extremely different from each other. D. Ronald often inflicts self-injuries and turns up at hospitals.

C. Ellen appears to have alternate personalities that are extremely different from each other.

A person diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder may have several alters. An alter is a(n):

alternate personality.

Cognitive therapies for somatization disorder focus on:

challenging the client's maladaptive interpretations of physical symptoms and teaching them techniques for appropriate interpretations.

Herman has been diagnosed with somatic symptom disorder. He often misinterprets his bodily symptoms that results in increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and dizziness. He states regularly, "If the pain doesn't stop soon, it will probably cause damage to the other parts of my body." Herman is most likely catastrophizing his symptoms. This maladaptive way of thinking is linked with the _____ theoretical perspective.


Freyd and colleagues (2007) suggest that individuals who dissociate from, and forget, their abusive experiences are most likely to perform differently from other individuals on _____ that require divided attention.

cognitive tasks

Experiences of unreality or detachment with respect to surroundings are typical of individuals diagnosed with:

derealization disorder.

dissociative fugue

disorder in which a person moves away and assmes a new identity, with amnesia for the previous identity

factitious disorder by proxy

disorder in which the individual creates an illness in another individual in order to gain attention

factitious disorder

disorder marked by deliberately faking physical or mental illness to gain medical attention

Repressed memories represent a form of _____.

dissociative amnesia

Janet has been diagnosed with dissociative fugue. She is typically likely to:

experience autobiographical memory loss.

Depersonalization disorder is characterized by:

experiences in which the person feels detached from his/her mental processes or body.

Candice faked her symptoms to gain medical attention. She exaggerated her symptoms to the point that exploratory surgery was conducted. Candice most likely has a _____.

factitious disorder


feigning of a symptom or a disorder for the purpose of avoiding an unwanted situation, such as military service

Korsakoff's syndrome is characterized by:

global retrograde amnesia associated with severe alcohol consumption.

Jaclyn has been complaining for several weeks that she has lost all feeling in her right hand. Her physical exam revealed no nerve damage. However, Jaclyn insists that something is wrong because she feels as though she has on a tight glove. Jaclyn is mostly experiencing _____ associated with _____ disorder.

glove anesthesia; conversion disorder

psychogenic amnesia

loss of memory in the absence any brain injury or disease and thought to have psychological causes

The main difference between the amnesia in dissociative amnesia and dissociative fugue is that:

people with dissociative fugue typically leave home and create a new life for themselves in another area, while people with dissociative amnesia do not take flight and create new identities.

A disorder that has high comorbidity with DID is _____.

post-traumatic stress disorder


process whereby different facets of an individual's sense of self, memories, or consciousness beome slit off from one another

When a woman believes she is pregnant but physical examination and laboratory tests show negative results this syndrome is called _____.


Amnesia is categorized as either _____ or _____.

psychogenic; organic

When people with dissociative identity disorder report hearing voices talking inside their heads, they may be misdiagnosed as having _____.


Which of the following dissociative disorders is characterized by a person developing one or more distinct personalities? A. Dissociative identity disorder B. Dissociative fugue C. Dissociative amnesia D. Depersonalization disorder

A. Dissociative identity disorder

Which of the following statements is true of conversion disorder? A. The conversion symptom develops after a trauma or psychological stressor. B. Conversion disorder is quite common, with a high lifetime prevalence rate. C. Loss of bodily functioning in conversion disorder is due to subconscious processes. D. Conversion disorder typically involves multiple symptoms during a single episode of conversion.

A. The conversion symptom develops after a trauma or psychological stressor.

In which of the following countries is dissociative identity disorder diagnosed most frequently? A. United States B. Great Britain C. Japan D. India

A. United States

Which of the following is a treatment goal for dissociative identity disorder? A. Identifying ways to help clients create a hierarchy of traumatic experiences and learning relaxation techniques to handle the stressors B. Helping the client work through the trauma to integrate all the alternative personalities into one coherent personality C. Identifying the traumatic experience and implementing behavior modification to reward or punish the alters D. Helping the host concentrate on health-enhancing behaviors using exercise and dietary supplements

B. Helping the client work through the trauma to integrate all the alternative personalities into one coherent personality

In the context of the theories of conversion disorder, which of the following best describes secondary gain? A. The reduction in anxiety as a result of the symptoms of conversion B. The attention and sympathy received as a result of the conversion symptoms C. The lack of concern or distress in the wake of a traumatic event D. The hysteria that comes with the repression of agonizing memories

B. The attention and sympathy received as a result of the conversion symptoms

Which of the following explains why dissociative identity disorder was not diagnosed before 1980? A. The symptoms were rarely reported prior to 1980 B. There was no such diagnostic category in the DSM-II C. The disorder lacked empirical evidence until after 1980 D. No DSM existed prior to 1980

B. There was no such diagnostic category in the DSM-II

Which of the following statements is true of conversion disorder? A. Research studies have shown that people with conversion symptoms are not hypnotizable. B. The symptoms of conversion disorder are usually clear-cut and hence there is little room for misdiagnosis. C. Emotional stressors can inhibit the circuits between the sensorimotor areas of the brain and areas involved in emotions, causing a loss of sensation or motor control. D. Physiological tests often give definitive proof that a person's symptoms do not have physical causes.

C. Emotional stressors can inhibit the circuits between the sensorimotor areas of the brain and areas involved in emotions, causing a loss of sensation or motor control.

Which of the following techniques is heavily used to contact alters in the case of dissociative identity disorder? A. Channeling B. Dream analysis C. Hypnosis D. Memory exercises

C. Hypnosis

Which of the following is true of organic amnesia? A. Organic amnesia is often caused by psychosocial factors. B. Organic amnesia typically involves anterograde and retrograde amnesia. C. Organic amnesia is caused by brain injury. D. Organic amnesia results from early childhood unconscious conflicts.

C. Organic amnesia is caused by brain injury.

Which of the following is true of dissociative identity disorder (DID)? A. The host is always in control of the other alters. B. The alters in DID have no awareness of each other. C. People diagnosed with DID claim to have significant periods of amnesia. D. Persecutor alters are often responsible for switching between personalities.

C. People diagnosed with DID claim to have significant periods of amnesia.

Which of the following statements is true of somatic symptom disorder? A. Moderate degrees of somatic symptoms are common and quite a few people meet the diagnostic criteria for somatic symptom disorder. B. Somatic symptom disorder tends to be a short-term problem and symptoms disappear soon after they become apparent. C. Studies have shown that changes in the symptoms of people with somatic symptom disorder mirror their emotional well-being. D. A loss of functioning in a part of the body can be the person's only complaint in somatic symptom disorder.

C. Studies have shown that changes in the symptoms of people with somatic symptom disorder mirror their emotional well-being.

Which of the following is considered to be the most dangerous alter found in dissociative identity disorder? A. The helper B. The host C. The persecutor D. The child

C. The persecutor

Which of the following represents one of the difficulties in diagnosing somatic symptom disorders? A. The person is probably faking the symptoms B. The person has difficulty pinpointing the physical discomfort C. The person may have a real physical problem that is difficult to detect D. The person does not consciously produce or control the symptoms

C. The person may have a real physical problem that is difficult to detect

Which of the following statements is true of psychogenic amnesia? A. It often involves anterograde amnesia. B. It typically involves the inability to remember new information. C. It involves a generalized loss of memory for the past. D. It involves memory loss that is limited to personal information.

D. It involves memory loss that is limited to personal information.

Which of the following statements is true of somatic symptom disorder in the U.S.? A. Children rarely complain of somatic symptoms. B. Adolescents are the most common group to be diagnosed with the disorder. C. Middle-aged adults are more likely to report somatic symptoms than older adults. D. Older adults are more likely to report multiple somatic symptoms than middle-aged adults.

D. Older adults are more likely to report multiple somatic symptoms than middle-aged adults.

Which of the following is the most common alter found in dissociative identity disorder? A. The helper B. The host C. The persecutor D. The child

D. The child

People diagnosed with somatic symptom disorder frequently have periods of all of the following EXCEPT _____. A. substance abuse B. depression C. anxiety D. psychotic disorders

D. psychotic disorders

_____ was formerly known as hypochondriasis.

Illness anxiety disorder

Brian has a history of drinking heavily before going to bed. One morning his family accused him of kicking the dog, breaking several dishes, and being verbally abusive. Brown says he has no memory of the incident. Most likely Brown's memory loss is related to _____.

Korsakoff's syndrome

Some studies suggest that _____ may be more likely than other ethnic groups to experience dissociative symptoms in response to traumas.


Factitious disorders are also referred to as _____.

Munchhausen's syndrome

The idea that dissociation is a process in which systems of ideas are split off from consciousness but are accessible through dreams and hypnosis was conceptualized by _____.

Pierre Janet

Which of the following disorders may appear similar in their presentation? A. Somatic symptom disorder and dissociative identity disorder B. Somatic symptom disorder and conversion disorder C. Somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder D. Somatic symptom disorder and body dysmorphic disorder

Somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder

According to DSM-5, which of the following is a diagnostic criterion for illness anxiety disorder?

The individual must perform excessive health related behaviors.

People who develop dissociative identity disorder tend to be highly suggestible and hypnotizable (T/F)


illness anxiety disorder

a form of anxiety characterized by a preoccupation with fears of having a serious medical illness based on mininterpretations of bodily sensations (formerly called hypochondriasis)

In Hilgard's study on the "hidden observer" phenomenon, he argued that there are two modes of consciousness: the _____ and _____.

active mode; receptive mode

Unlike a person with dissociative identity disorder, a person in a fugue state:

actually leaves the scene of the trauma or stress.

One complication that arises in diagnosing amnesias is the possibility that:

amnesias are being faked by people to escape punishment for crimes committed.

Karen had a hiking accident that resulted in head trauma. She now has difficulty remembering new information. Karen's amnesia would be categorized as _____.


Organic amnesia often involves the inability to remember new information, known as _____.

anterograde amnesia

Robert has an accident when he is out trekking with his friends. He cannot recall anything that happened just before slipping and hitting his head on a boulder. He most likely has _____.

anterograde amnesia

Dissociative symptoms may be part of the syndrome of _____, a culturally accepted reaction to stress among Latinos.

ataque de nervios

In the treatment of somatic symptom and pain disorder, _____ attempt to determine and eliminate the reinforcements individuals receive for their symptoms, while increasing positive rewards for healthy behavior.

behavioral therapies

To test how easy it is to create a false memory, Loftus designed a series of studies around _____.

being lost at the mall

Lorna found her husband dead in their bedroom. He had been shot in the chest. After this incident, Lorna has been unable to see. Most likely Lorna is exhibiting a symptom of _____ disorder.


Loftus's "lost at the mall" studies showed how easy it is to _____.

create a false memory

anterograde amnesia

deficit in the ability to learn new information

retrograde amnesia

deficit in the ability to recal previously learned information or past events

Somatic symptoms and dissociative disorders are considered by some theorists to be the result of a psychological process known as _____, in which different parts of an individual's identity, memories, or consciousness split off from one another.


Steven left his home abruptly without taking any of his belongings. He relocated to a nearby town. Several months later he returned to his old home with no memory of his absence. Steven would most likely be diagnosed with _____.

dissociative fugue

Verna has no idea how she ended up in her current surroundings. She feels comfortable, and is not bothered by the fact that she cannot remember her past. Most likely, Verna is experiencing a(n) _____.

dissociative fugue

Lucas reported to his therapist that he hears several voices in his head. Each voice seems different from his, and they seem to talk to each other. Lucas' symptoms seem representative of _____.

dissociative identity disorder

Mary created an illness in her younger daughter to draw attention to herself. This is known as a _____.

factitious disorder by proxy

Family studies suggest that somatic symptom and pain disorders run primarily among _____ and _____ have higher rates of alcoholism

female relatives; male relatives

Vickianna's doctor is trying to distinguish between illness anxiety disorder and somatic symptom disorder. According to the DSM-5, to make the distinction he should be determine if Vickianna _____.

has physical symptoms

People with conversion disorder:

have an inability to cope with distress or trauma in adaptive ways.

To receive a diagnosis of derealization disorder, the person must:

have frequent and distressing depersonalization episodes that disrupt functioning.

Many courts deny the use of hypnosis in the case of dissociative amnesia because of the possibility that:

hypnosis will "create" memories through the power of suggestion.

Bertram has spent years being concerned about his health even though he has no symptoms or pain. Several years ago, he read an article on tumors and became preoccupied with thoughts about getting a tumor. He rarely seeks medical help and in fact avoids doctors and hospitals. Bertram is most likely experiencing a(n) _____.

illness anxiety disorder

organic amnesia

loss of memory causedby the brain injuy resulting from diease, drugs, accidents (blows to the head), or surgery

dissociative amnesia

loss of memory for important facts about a persn's own life and personal identiy, usually including the awareness of this memory loss

In the case of dissociative identity disorder, patients who are able to integrate their personalities are:

more likely to remain relatively free from the dissociative identity disorder symptoms and reduce their use of medications.

Dissociative identity disorder was formerly known as _____.

multiple personality disorder

DSM-5 has added the words _____ to the DID criterion A. This makes the criteria more applicable to diverse cultural groups and is related to why some studies suggest that Latinos may be more likely than other ethnic groups to experience dissociative symptoms in response to traumas.


Studies of refugees who fled to the United States found that these groups often had:

post-traumatic stress disorder and somatic symptom disorder

Which treatment focuses on helping clients recall events and memories that may have triggered their somatization symptoms?


Marsha has dementia. It is becoming increasingly difficulty for her to remember her past. Sometimes she forgets her children's names. Marsha's amnesia would be categorized as _____.


The inability to remember information from the past is known as _____.

retrograde amnesia

Conversion disorder is usually characterized by:

sensory and motor deficits.

Bethany is experiencing dizziness, head pain and numbness in her lower limbs all with no apparent medical reason. Bethany is most likely experiencing a(n) _____.

somatic symptom disorder

Marcus spends a lot of time at doctors dealing with his pain in his side. He has had several gastrointestinal tests as well as other diagnostic tests and the doctors can find nothing to explain his pain. He spends much time worrying about his mystery pain and is anxious that it is something serious. Marcus is most likely experiencing a(n) _____.

somatic symptom disorder

Sherry believes that she has a serious illness. She has had a headache for several days with no relief from traditional over-the-counter medicines. Her visit to the doctor revealed no organic reason for the headaches. Unsatisfied with the results, she goes to several other medical professionals for treatment. Sherry is most likely suffering from a(n) _____.

somatic symptom disorder

The _____ are a group of disorders in which people experience significant physical symptoms for which there is no apparent organic cause.

somatic symptom disorders

dissociative identity disorder (DID)

syndrome in which a person develops more than one distinct identity or personality, each of which can have distinct facial and verbal expressions, gestures, inter-personal styles, attitudes, and even physiological responses

conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder)

syndrome marked by a sudden loss of functioning in a part of the body, usually following an extreme psychological stressor

depersonalization/derealization disorder

syndrome marked by frequent episodes of feeling detached from one's own body and mental processes, as if one were an outside observer of oneself; symptoms must cause significant distress or interference with one's ability to function

somatic symptom disorders

syndrome marked by health concerns that are excessive given actual physical health, that persist despite contrary evidence, and that interfere with daily functioning

The active mode in Hilgard's study referred to:

the conscious state of mind that includes a person's conscious plans and desires and voluntary actions.

In dissociative identity disorder, an alter that inflicts pain or punishment on the other personalities by engaging in self-mutilative behaviors (such as self-cutting or self-burning) and suicide attempts is called _____.

the persecutor

Freud and his contemporaries viewed conversion symptoms as results of:

the transfer of psychic energy attached to repressed emotions or memories into physical symptoms.

When retrograde amnesia is due to organic causes, people will typically remember:

their personal identities.

People with conversion disorder can be difficult to treat because

they have difficulty believing that something is wrong with them psychologically.

For most people, the active mode and receptive mode:

weave our experiences together so seamlessly that we do not notice any division between them.

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