Chapter 8-9 Review Questions and Terms

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(fetus with a very) small head

Vesicovaginal fistula

-abnormal opening between the bladder and the vagina

The suffix used for the tube attached to the uterus that provides a passageway for the ovum to move from ovary to uterus is


total hysterectomy picture


graafian follicles

100,000 microscopic sacs that make up a large portion of the ovaries -each follicle contains an immature ovum. Normally one (__________ _________)develops to maturity monthly between puberty and menopause. It ovum, which passes into the uterine tube.

(Right unilateral) salpingaoophorectomy picture


(bilateral) salpingooophor/ectomy picture


hysterosalpingooophorectomy picture


The surgical repair of a weakened vaginal wall to correct a cystocele and a rectocele is abbreviated as

A&P repair

Where IUD and IUS are forms of birth control, the general abbreviation for various forms of contraception is


To abbreviate the narrow lower portion of the uterus, the practitioner will use


The surgical procedure to widen the cervix and remove contents from the uterus for treatment and for diagnostics.


Monthly hormonal changes may cause fibrosis, benign cysts, and mastalgia in one or both breasts.


The branch of medicine dealing with health and diseases of the female reproductive system is abbreviated as


The radiographic image of the uterus and uterine tubes (after an injection of contrast agent) is abbreviated as


One method of contraception is the intrauterine system, abbreviated as


A condition typically characterized by hormonal imbalances, ovulatory dysfunction, and multiple ovarian cysts is abbreviated as


Symptoms include nervous tension, irritability, mastalgia, edema, and headache in the syndrome occurring up to 10 days before menstruation, abbreviated as


The abbreviation for the syndrome involving physical and emotional symptoms occurring up to 10 days before mensuration


The premature newborn was diagnosed with RDS

Respiratory distress syndrome

In an ultrasound procedure, the process of recording the uterus by use of sound, is abbreviated as


You will use this abbreviate a total abdominal hysterectomy with removal of both uterine tubes and ovaries


In total excision of the uterus performed laposcopically, the uterus, including the cervix, is morcelluated and withdrawn through the laparoscope.


A severe illnes that may affect menstruating women after using tampons is abbreviated as


An abbreviation for a severe illness caused by Staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus pyogenes and characterized by high fever, rash vomiting, diarrhea, and myalgia, followed by hypotenison, in severe casues, shock, and death


in vitro fertilization (IVF)

a method of fertilizing human ova outside the body and placing the zygote into the uterus; used when infertility is present

toxic shock syndrome (TSS)

a severe illness characterized by high fever, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, and myalgia, followed by hypotension and, in severe cases, shock and death; usually affects menstruating women using tampons; caused by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes


abnormal condition encountered during pregnancy or shortly after delivery characterized by high blood pressure, edema, and proteinuria, but with no convultions. 3rd Most common maternal death following hemorrhage and infection


abnormal condition of the endometrium (endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus in various areas in the pelvic cavity, including ovaries, uterine tubes, intestines, and uterus)


abnormal condition of the vagina (caused by a bacterial imbalance) ( also called bacterial vaginosis)

vaginal fistula

abnormal opening between the vagina and another organ, such as the urinary bladder, colon, or rectum

Colovaginal Fistula

abnormal opening between the vagina and colon (large intestine)

Rectovaginal Fistula

abnormal opening between the vagina and rectum


abnormal passageway between two organs or between an internal organ and the body surface

tracheoesophageal fistula

abnormal passageway pertaining to the trachea and esophagus (between the trachea and esophagus)

congenital anomaly

abnormality present at birth; often discovered before birth by sonography and/or amniocentesis

placenta previa

abnormally low implantation of the placenta on the uterine wall completely or partially covering the cervix


absence of menstrual flow


absence of ovulation


act of giving birth

This occurs when endometrium that normally lines the uterus, grows into the muscular portion of the uterus


Symptoms of growth of the endometrium into the muscular portion of the uterus include dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, and difficult or painful intercourse.

adenomyosis, dyspareunia


almond-shaped organs located in the pelvic cavity; form and store egg cells (ova) and produce the hormones estrogen and progesteron

Down syndrome can be diagnosed by two prenatal tests: chorionic villus sampling done at 10-13 weeks of pregnancy, or a surgical puncture to aspirate amniotic fluid after 15 weeks of pregnancy.



an individual who practices midwifery

Before Birth Mother


The word part meaning first, beginning is


The term meaning inflammation of the mucous-producing gland(s0 on each side of the vagina just above the opening refers to inflammation of the gland the formation of an abscess.

bartholin adenitis

par/o part/o

bear, give birth to, labor

Antepartum hemorrhage is considered an emergency

before childbirth


beginning of pregnancy, when the sperm enters the ovum. __________________ normally occurs in the uterine tube.

uterine fibroid

benign tumor of the uterine muscle (also called myoma of the uterus or leiomyoma)

cesarean section (CS, C-section)

birth of a fetus through an incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus

cephalic presentation

birth position in which any part of the head emerges first

breech presentation

birth position in which the buttocks, feet, or knees emerge first


blood in the uterine tube

CA-125 test

blood test primarily used to monitor treatment for ovarian cancer and to detect recurrence once treatment is complete


born dead (death of fetus after 20 weeks of pregnancy)

mammary papilla

breast nipple


cancerous tumor of the chorion


cell formed by the union of the sperm and the ovum


cessation of menstruation, usually around the ages of 48 to 53 years



Partial surgical closure of the vagina, may be used to treat vaginal prolapses for patients who are not candidates for more complex reconstructive surgeries and who are no longer sexually active.


To repair a defect in the wall of the vagina, this suturing of the vagina may be necessary


If an abnormal Pap Test, this instrument may be used for visual examination of the vagina ( and cervix)


fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

condition caused by excessive alcohol consumption by the mother during pregnancy. Various birth defects may be present, including central nervous system dysfunction and malformations of the skull and face.

erythroblastosis fetalis

condition of the newborn characterized by. hemolysis of the erythrocytes. The condition is usually caused by incompatibility of the infant's and mother's blood, occurring when the mother's blood is Rh negative and the infant's blood Rh positive

polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

condition typically characterized by hormonal imbalances, ovulatory dysfunction, and multiple ovarian cysts; symptoms can include and body hair, and infertility. People with this condition have increased risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and glucose intolerance

esophageal atresia

congenital absence of part of the esophagus. Food cannot pass from the baby's mouth to the stomach

spina bifida

congenital defect in the vertebral column caused by the failure of the vertebral arch to close. -If meninges protrude through the opening the condition is called meningocele. Protrusion of both meningomyelocele


congenital fissure of the abdominal wall that is not at the umbilicus (enterocele, protrusion of the intestine, is usually present)

cleft lip or palate

congenital split of the lip or roof of the mouth, one or both deformities may be present

Cryosurgery, laser ablation, and LEEP are various surgical techniques performed to remove a cone-shaped area of the cervix


Pap test

cytological study of cervical and vaginal secretions to detect abnormal and cancerous cells

HPV test

cytological study of cervical and vaginal secretions to detect high-risk forms of human papillomavirus that can cause abnormal cervical cells and cervical cancer


difficult labor (obstructed prolonged; causes may be from maternal factors, such as ineffective uterine contractions and abnormal pelvic shape, or from fetal causes, such as large size and abnormal birth presentation)


difficult or painful intercourse


displacement of an organ or anatomic structure from its normal position

uterine prolapse

downward displacement of the uterus into the vagina


duration of the pregnancy; normally 38 to 42 weeks, which can be divided into 3 equal periods, called trimesters

Difficult or painful intercourse is known as


Because of the inadequate uterine contractions, the patient was experiencing difficult labor.


At 20 weeks of gestation the patient was diagnosed with preeclmpsia. The disease progressed and she began having convulsions, She was then diagnosed with having:



embedding of the zygote in the uterine lining. The process normally begins about 7 days after fertilization and continues for several days.

In the term meaning abnormal condition of the endometrium, the word root is


With abnormal uterine bleeding, this procedure may be used to destroy or remove the endometrium by use of laser, electrical, or thermal energy

endometrial ablation

A surgical incision made in the perineum during child birth is repaired with this suturing of (a tear in) the vulva



excessive bleeding at menstruation (heavy bleeding in regular, cyclical pattern)


excessive bleeding from the uterus (irregular, out-of-cycle bleeding ranging from heavy to light, including spotting


excessive bleeding from the uterus at the menstruation (and between menstrual cycles; heavy and irregular bleeding)


excision (surgical removal) of the uterus

total hysterectomy

excision of the entire uterus, including the cervix; can be performed abdominally, vaginally, or laparoscopically

Radical Hysterectomy

excision of the entire utrerus, upprt portion of the vagina, and surrounding tissues; performed abdominally


excision of the hymen

subtotal hysterectomy

excision of the upper part of the uterus leaving the cervix in place; can be performed abdominally or laparoscopically (also called supracervical hysterectomy)


external female genitalia; including the mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, urinary meatus, and vaginal orifice(opening)

Ovum (Ova:plural)

female egg cell

fibrocystic breast changes (FCC)

fibrosis, benign cysts, and pain or tenderness in or both breasts, thought to be caused by monthly hormonal changes (fibrocystic breasts, formerly called fibrocystic breast disease)

fimbria (pl. fimbriae)

finger-like projection at the free end of the uterine tube


first birth


first feeling of movement of the fetus in utero by the pregnant woman. It usually occurs between 16 and 20 weeks of gestation


first pregnancy


first stool of the newborn (greenish-black)

amniotic fluid

fluid within the amniotic sac, which surrounds the fetus


fold of membrane found near the opening of the vagina

Down Syndrome

genetic condition caused by a chromosomal abnormality characterized by varying degrees of intelligence, developmental, and physical disorders or defects (trisomy 21)


growth of endometrium into the muscular portion of the uterus

Similar to andropathy in the male, this means pertaining to (reproductive system) disease of women



hernia of the uterine tube


herniation at the umbilicus

Bilateral water in the uterine tube indicates both uterine tubes are blocked by watery liquid and can be a cause of female infertility


In some gynecological cancers, this excision of the uterus, uterine tubes, and ovaries may be necessary


If the need to diagnose abnormal bleeding, this instrument may be used for visual examination of the uterus (uterine cavity)


The instrument used for visual examination of the uterus is a thin, lighted device inserted through the vagina that transmits images of the inside of the uterus to a computer screen.


After a complete infertility evaluation, the physician recommended IVF for the couple

in vitro fertilization


incision into the amnion (rupture of the fetal membrane to induce labor; a special hook is generally used to make the incision)


incision into the hymen


incision into the vulva (perineum) (sometimes performed during delivery to prevent a traumatic tear of the vulva) (also called perineotomy)

premature infant

infant born before completing 37 weeks of gestation

bartholin adenitis

inflammation of a Bartholin gland (also called bartholinitis)

pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

inflammation of some or all of the female pelvic organs; can be caused by many different pathogens. If untreated, the infection may spread upward from the vagina, involving the uterus, uterine tubes, ovaries, and other pelvic organs. An ascending infection may result in infertility and, in acute cases, fatal septicemia


inflammation of the breast


inflammation of the cervix


inflammation of the endometrium


inflammation of the ovary


inflammation of the umbilicus


inflammation of the uterine muscle (myometrium)


inflammation of the uterine tube (fallopian tube)


inflammation of the vagina


inflammation of the vulva and vagina


inflammation surrounding the uterus (perimetrium)


infrequent ovulation

sentinel lymph node biopsy

injection of blue dye and/ or radioactive isotope used to identify the sentinel lymph node(s), the first in the axillary chain and most likely to contain metastasis of breast cancer.


inner lining of the uterus


innermost layer of the fetal membrane


instrument for opening a body cavity to allow visual inspection


instrument used for visual examination of the uterus


instrument used for visual examination of the vagina


intentional prevention of conception (pregnancy)


large central portion of the uterus

The mother was experiencing vaginal discharge throughout her postpartum period.


breast cancer

malignant tumor of the breast

cervical cancer

malignant tumor of the cervix, which progresses from cervical dysplasia to carcinoma. Its cause is linked to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection

Endometrial cancer (uterine cancer)

malignant tumor of the endometrium

ovarian cancer

malignant tumor of the ovary

Different from a screening image, a diagnostic "radiographic image of the breast" is used to check for breast cancer in the case of a lump or other sign or symptom


A surgical repair of the breast to reduce size is called



many births


many pregnancies

inflammation of the breast is an infection characterized by pain in the breast, edema, warmth, and erythema and mostly commonly occurs with breast-feeding.

mastitis, mastalgia


mature germ cell, either sperm (male) or ovum (female)

obstetrics (OB)

medical speciality dealing with pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium

amniotic sac

membranous bag that surrounds the fetus before delivery

The beginning of menstruation is termed


In the term menometrorrhagia, the first word root means


infection of the Zika virus during pregnancy is linked to an increase in premature births, blindness, neurological disorders, and small beads in newborns.



milk-producing glands. Each breast consists of 15 to 20 divisions or lobules (mammary glands)


much amnion water

The patient was pregnant with her third child. She was referred to as:



muscular middle layer of the uterus

Allowing the uterus to remain in place, this excision of the uterine fibroid is known as


cervix (Cx)

narrow lower portion of the uterus

pyloric stenosis

narrowing pertaining to the pyloric sphincter


naval (belly button); marks the site of attachment of the umbilical cord to the fetus


no births


no pregnancies

In the EHR, the medical assistant recorded that the patient has never been pregnant.


During the second trimester the patient had a pelvic sonogram, which revealed less than expected amniotic fluid. Etiology may be related to disorder a of fetal urinary system.


The cytological study and vaginal secretions to detect high risk forms of the human papillomavirus is a lab test conducted to screen for cervical cancer


The word part for the almond-shaped organ that forms and stores ova is


Sometimes seen with salpingitis, this is an inflammation of the ovary



outer protective layer of the uterus that secretes watery serous fluid to reduce friction (also called uterine serose)


outermost layer of the fetal membrane

Making a mature egg available for fertilization, this is the release of an ovum from a mature Graafian follicle



painful menstrual flow

Bartholin glands

pair of mucus-producing glands located on each side of the vagina, just above the vaginal opening

uterine tubes (fallopian tubes)

pair of tubes attached to the uterus that provide a passageway for the ovum to move from the ovary to the uterus


passageway between the uterus and the outside of the body


pear-sized and shaped muscular organ that lies in the pelvic cavity, except during pregnancy when it enlarges and extends up into the abdominal cavity. Its functions are menstruation, pregnancy, and labor

To donate pelvis, pelvic bones, pelvic cavityuse this combining form



pelvic floor in both the male and female. In females it refers to the area between the vaginal opening and the anus.

The prefix meaning surrounding (outer) is



period from delivery until the reproductive organs return to normal (6 week recovery)

pelvic sonography

pertaining to the pelvis, process of recording sound (pelvic ultrasound is used extensively to evaluate the fetus and pregnancy) (also called pelvic ultrasonography, pelvic ultrasound, and obstetric ultrasonography)


pertaining to visual examination of the pelvic cavity


physician who specializes in obstetrics


pigmented area around the breast nipple

uterine artery embolization (UAE)

placement of small gelatin beads into uterine arteries to stop blood flow supplying uterine fibroids or to stop severe hemorrhage after childbirth

After Birth Newborn


After Birth Mother



practice of assisting in childbirth

ectopic pregnancy

pregnancy occurring outside the uterus, commonly in the uterine tubes

abruptio placentae

premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall

Before Birth Newborn


endometrial ablation

procedure to destroy or remove the endometrium by use of laser, electrical, or thermal energy; used to treat abnormal uterine bleeding

sonohysterography (SHG)

process of recording the uterus by use of sound (an ultrasound procedure)

Also called ptosis, this is the displacement of an organ or anatomic structure from its normal position



pus in the uterine tube


radiographic image of the breast

hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

radiographic image of the uterus and uterine tubes (after an injection of a contrast agent)


radiographic imaging of the breast


release of an ovum from a mature graafian follicle

segmental mastectomy

removal of a quadrant, or wedge of breast tissue

simple mastectomy

removal of breast tissue and nipple

subcutaneous mastectomy

removal of breast tissue only, preserving the overlying skin, nipple and areola

modified radical mastectomy

removal of breast tissue, nipple, and lymph nodes

radical mastectomy

removal of breast tissue, nipple, lymph nodes, and underlying chest wall muscle


removal of the cancerous lesion along a margin of surrounding healthy breast

hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

replacement of hormones, estrogen and progesterone, to treat symptoms associated with menopause

respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)

respiratory complication in the newborn, especially in premature infants


rounded upper portion of the uterus


rupture of the uterus

An inflammation of the uterine tube is



scanty amnion water


scanty menstrual flow (infrequent menstrual flow)


secretion of milk


severe complication and progression of preeclampsia characterized by convulsion

The instrument used to open the vagina to conduct a pelvic exam is called:



structure that grows on the wall of the uterus during pregnancy and allows for nourishment of the fetus

In the term colp/o/cleisis, the suffix means

surgical closure

tubal ligation

surgical closure of the uterine tubes for sterilization; tubes may be cut and tied, cut and cauterized, or closed off with a clamp


surgical closure of the vagina


surgical fixation of the breast


surgical fixation of the uterus

dialation and curettage (D&C)

surgical procedure to widen the cervix and remove contents from the uterus using a curette, an instrument for scraping or suctioning; the procedure can be diagnostic or therapeutic


surgical puncture to aspirate amniotic fluid (the needle is inserted through the abdominal and uterine walls, using ultrasound to guide the needle. The fluid is used for the assessment of fetal health and maturity to aid in diagnosing fetal abnormalities.)


surgical removal of a breast


surgical removal of a cone-shaped area of the cervix

anterior and posterior colporrhaphy (A&P repair)

surgical repair of a weakened vaginal wall to correct a cystocele (protrusion of the bladder against the anterior wall of the vagina) and a rectocele (protrusion of the rectum against the posterior wall of the vagina)


surgical repair of the vagina


surgical repair of the vulva and perineum


suturing of (a tear in) the vulva


suturing of the vagina (wall of the vagina)


suturing of the vagina and perineum

premenstrual syndrome

syndrome involving physical and emotional symptoms occurring in the 10 days before menstruation

apgar score

system for rapid neonatal assessment at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth

stereotactic breast biopsy

technique that combines mammography and computer-assisted biopsy to obtain tissue from a breast lesion

The drug thalidomide taken by the mother was a producing malformation risk for the fetus


abortion (AB)

termination of pregnancy by the expulsion from the uterus of an embryo or fetus before viability, usually before 20 weeks of gestation


the surgical removal/excision of uterine fibroid (myoma)


thin, milky fluid secreted by the breast during pregnancy and during the first days after birth before lactation begins

transvaginal sonography (TVS)

ultrasound procedure that uses a transducer placed in the vagina to obtain images of the ovaries, uterus, cervix, uterine tubes, and surrounding structures; used to diagnose masses such as ovarian cysts or tumors, to monitor pregnancy, and to evaluate ovulation for the treatment of infertility


unborn offspring from the beginning of the ninth week of pregnancy until birth


unborn offspring in the process of development from implantation of the zygote to the end of the eighth week of pregnancy

A vesicovaginal fistula is an abnormal passage way between the vagina and the:

urinary bladder

Also called myoma of the uterus and leiomyoma, this is a benign tumor of the uterine muscle

uterine fibroid

The combining form metr/o means:



vaginal discharge after childbirth

Ab abnormal opening between the vagina and another organ, such as the urinary bladder, colon, or rectum is

vaginal fistula


visual examination of the abdominal cavity


visual examination of the pelvic cavity


visual examination of the uterus


visual examination of the vagina (and cervix)


water in the uterine tubes

The word root in gynecology means


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