Chapter 9 Launching the New Ship of State 1789-1800

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Critical Thinking Activity: A new political system emerges: A number of significant events, pieces of legislation, and initiatives occurred during the new republic's early years. In the following table, match each event or initiative in the dropdown menus at right with its desired effect or the intent behind it. 1. Limit federal powers 2. Bolster U.S. Treasury 3. Instill public confidence in the federal government

1. Tenth Amendment 2. Excise laws 3. Assumption and funding at par

Critical Thinking Activity: A new political system emerges: While Hamilton successfully bolstered the new U.S. economy, his schemes________. In response to his loose constructionism, an organized opposition headed by Thomas Jefferson emerged. Known initially as_______, the Jeffersonians believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution and a central government that was______ when compared to state governments. Hamilton's________ believed the opposite and also advocated leadership "by the best people," rather than "for the people," as Jeffersonians did.

1. encroached on states' rights 2. Democratic-Republicans 3. limited 4. Federalists

Critical Thinking Activity: A new political system emerges: During this era, cities flourished, and the population of the new republic continued to grow rapidly. In 1789, roughly what percentage of Americans lived in rural areas?

90 percent

In the late eighteenth century, despite the flourishing cities, how much of America's population was rural?


Which of the following describes American involvement in the XYZ Affair?

American sailors and privateers waged an undeclared war against French merchants in the Caribbean.

What did the Sedition Act of 1798 declare?

Anyone criticizing the President or other federal officials could be fined or imprisoned.

Primary Source Activity: John Adams's address to the U.S. Congress, May 16, 1797: True or False: Adams felt that his mockery of America by France should be punished swiftly, severely, and with military force.


Which of the following was not a consequence of Jay's Treaty?

Federalists and Jeffersonians found common ground.

Which of the following statements describes how Americans reacted to the Reign of Terror in France?

Federalists withdrew their support of the French Revolution.

All of the following were true of the Federalists except:

Hamiltonians supported full-blown democracy as the fountain of all civic good, rooted in the common folk.

Map Activity: America establishes itself against a global backdrop of turmoil: Why was this act by President Washington so controversial?

He had neither sought nor gained congressional approval for it.

What was George Washington's response to the escalating conflict between England and France?

He issued the Neutrality Proclamation in 1793.

Map Activity: America establishes itself against a global backdrop of turmoil: Despite the 1778 Franco-American alliance still being in effect, what action did President Washington take in 1793?

He issued the Neutrality Proclamation, removing the United States from involvement in the war between England and France.

Thomas Jefferson's Kentucky resolutions essentially declared which of the following?

Individual states had the right to nullify or refuse to obey unconstitutional federal laws.

Which is true of the rebellion of Pennsylvania farmers against Hamilton's whiskey excise tax?

It was crushed by an army summoned by President Washington himself.

Alexander Hamilton believed that the Bank of the United States was constitutional because of which of the following?

The "elastic clause" clause of the Constitution

Map Activity: America establishes itself against a global backdrop of turmoil: The map shows several Indian battles in the Northwest Territory. Whom did the Indians battle and why?

The Americans, over land disputes

Primary Source Activity: John Adams's address to the U.S. Congress, May 16, 1797: Under which 1798 legislation, passed during Adams's tenure as president, could an American be criminally prosecuted for speaking out against the government?

The Sedition Act

Why were the French eager to sign the Convention of 1800?

They had new ambitions to focus on in Europe and North America.

How did France react to Jay's Treaty?

They seized about three hundred American merchant vessels.

Which of the following is true about the first ten amendments to the new Constitution?

They were passed to satisfy antifederalist concerns that the Constitution should guarantee individual liberties

The new Constitution did not provide for the creation of what?

a cabinet

Image Analysis Primary Source Activity: What, according to the painting, was a tradition John Adams was influenced by and maintained?

ancient democracy

Critical Thinking Activity: A new political system emerges: True or False: The world was confident that America would fulfill its goals of building a strong, independent new nation.


Map Activity: America establishes itself against a global backdrop of turmoil: True or False: According to the map, Britain limited its presence to the territories it had ceded to the United States in 1783.


Image Analysis Primary Source Activity: Based on the image, what can be inferred about Adams's character?

he was highly educated

Image Analysis Primary Source Activity: Looking at the painting, what can you infer was one of the major political interests of John Adams?

international conflict

Who did Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton believe that federal fiscal policies should be designed to favor?

the wealthy

Primary Source Activity: John Adams's address to the U.S. Congress, May 16, 1797: True or False: Adams indicated that his administration was willing to acknowledge any mistakes or offenses, as applicable, in the negotiations with France.


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