Chapters 1-5 Biology 1406

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What are the components of the Unified cell Theory?

-All known living things are made up of cells. -Cells are structural and functional units of all living things. -Cells come from pre-existing cells by division. -Cells contain hereditary info. that gets passed from cell to cell during cell division. -Cells are basically the same in chemical composition. -All energy flow (metabolism & biochemistry) of all life occurs within cells.

As scientists began to investigate how cells function, certain patterns began to arise. This led to the formulation of cell theory. Which statement is not part of cell theory?

-Animals are composed of cells, whereas plants are composed of chlorophytes.

Which of the organelles have their own DNA seperate from DNA contained in the nucleus?

-Chloroplasts -Mitochondria

Which statements accurately describes the polarity and electronegativity of water?

-Covalent bonds in a water molecule bind its oxygen atom to its two hydrogen atoms. -The oxygen atom in a water molecule is strongly electronegative. -A water molecule is polar, but it has no net charge.

Outline the movement of molecules through the Endomembrane System.

-DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) -RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) -Ribosomes -Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) -Golgi Apparatus -Plasma Membrane

How does a dehydration reaction differ from a hydrolysis reaction?

-Dehydration creates polymers by joining monomers, and hydrolysis splits polymers into monomers. -Dehydration removes a water molecule, and hydrolysis adds a water molecule.

Protein function is lost or reduced when a protein is denatured. Which of the environment factors listed can cause protein denaturation?

-Extreme pH -Excessive Heat

Which conditions would cause diffusion to happen more slowly?

-The difference in concentration between two areas is small. -Very large molecules are diffusing instead of smaller, more compact molecules. -The solution gets cooler. -The molecules are diffusing through a high density liquid.

The plasma membrane is an outer boundary that separates the interior of a cell from its external environment and is found in all cells. The molecules that make up the plasma membrane have a unique quality that helps to ensure the integrity of the cell. Considering the structure of the plasma membrane, which of the statements best explains why human cells do not dissolve in water?

-The fatty acid tail regions of the phospholipids of the plasma membrane repel water.

How does the high specific heat capacity of water help to regulate body temperature?

-Water can release a large amount of heat before changing temperature. -Water can be used to cool the body through evaporative cooling.

Which of the statements describe hydrogen bonding between water molecules or describe properties of water that lead to hydrogen bonding between water molecules?

-Water is polar due to its bent structure and an unequal sharing of electrons. -The slightly negative oxygen atom one water is attracted to the slightly positive hydrogen atom of another water molecule.

Why does oil not dissolve in water?

-Water molecules form hydrogen bonds with each other and exclude oil molecules. -Water molecules do not form strong attractions to nonpolar molecule, like the ones in oil.

Which descriptions apply to a chloroplast?

-a membrane-bound organelle that contains chlorophyll -the main site of photosynthesis in a plant cell

The Mitochondrion

-contains unique DNA that is different from the cell's nuclear DNA. -has a double membrane, with ATP synthesis occurring at their inner membrane.

Explain 4 Emergent Properties of Water that sustain life on Earth.

1. Expansion Upon Freezing. (Once water is frozen, it can float due to crystallization) 2. Ability to Moderate Temperature. (Heat Capacity) (Takes long to heat up & cool down) 3. Universal Solvent. (Because water is polar, ions & polar molecules can readily dissolve in it) 4. Cohesive and Adhesive Behavior. Cohesion: Water Molecules are attracted to each other. Adhesion: The attraction between water molecules & other molecules.

Name and Describe 4 levels of Protein Structure.

1. Primary: Unique Sequence of Amino Acids. 2. Secondary: Consists of coils and folds in the polypeptide chain. 3. Tertiary: Determined by interactions among various side chains. 4. Quaternary: A protein that consist of multiple polypeptide chains.

Describe 4 Primary characteristics we associate with living things.

1. Sensitivity/Response to Environment. 2. Reproduction. 3. Growth and Development. 4. Energy Processing.

Describe 4 functions of Proteins.

1. Structural Support (maintains structure and support for cells) 2. Cellular Communications (chemical messenger binds to a membrane protein, causing it to change shape and relay the message inside the cell) 3. Transportation. (bind & carry atoms and molecules within the cell and throughout the body) 4. Antibody (Defense Against Foreign Substances i.e Pathogens to protect the body.)

How many electrons are in the first and second electron shells of Oxygen, respectively?


The study of biology can be understood through the organizational hierarchy of life. Each level of life builds upon the next level, and this increasing complexity is what leads from molecules up to an ecosystem. How is cellular level different from the other levels of life?

A cell is a collection of molecules and reactions that form the basic unit of all living things.

How does the specific heat of water influence biological systems?

A high specific heat helps organisms regulate body temperature.

A DNA molecule consists of two polynucleotide strands that form a double helix. The strands are held together by hydrogen bonds between the nitrogen-containing bases. One strand is complementary to the other strand, which means that a base on one strand is paired with a base on the opposite strand. The nucleotide bases in DNA are Adenine (A), Cytosine (C), Guanine (G), and Thymine (T). Choose the DNA sequence complementary to AGTC.

A pairs with T C pairs with G Answer: TCAG

Match the three specific examples of carbohydrate use to a general function.

A plant cell synthesizes starch from glucose - energy storage A plant cell synthesizes cellulose from glucose - structural support. A brain cell uses the energy in glucose to synthesize ATP - metabolism for energy.

Transport proteins allow the movement of ions and small molecules across plasma membranes. Identify the type of transport protein from each example as uniporter, symporter, or antiporter.

A protein moves one C1- out of the cell and one HCO3- into the cell. = antiporter. A protein allows Ca2+ to flow into a mitochondrion when bound by a ligand. = uniporter A protein moves two Na+ ions into the cell with one glucose molecule = symporter.

The study of biology can be understood through the organizational hierarchy of life. Each level of life builds upon the next level, and this increasing complexity is what leads from molecules to an entire ecosystem. How is the tissue level different from other levels of life?

A tissue is a group of similar cells that work together to perform a function.

A buffer is a substance that

Accepts hydrogen ions when acid is added to a solution.

The strength of an acid or basic indicated by pH, a measurement of the concentration of hydrogen atoms in the solution. Classify each substances as acidic, neutral, or basic.

Acids: Battery Acid Hydrochloric Acid Gastric Fluid Lemon Juice Vinegar Soda Tomato Juice Grapefruit Juice Table Wine Coffee Milk Saliva Urine Neutral: Pure Water Blood Sea Water Egg White Basic Baking Soda Ammonia Bleach Oven Cleaner Lye Liquid Drain Cleaner

What are the monomers, or building blocks of a protein?

Amino Acids

Diversity of Scientific fields include

Astronomy, Biology, Computer Science, Geology, Logic Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, etc.

What are the domains of life?

Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya

A chemical bond is the attraction between two atoms that results from the sharing or transferring of electrons. A covalent bond is formed when electrons between two atoms are shared. An ionic bond is formed when one atom transfers its electron to another atom. The type of chemical bond is determined by the electronegativity of each atom. Classify each pair of atoms according to whether the pair forms a covalent bond or an ionic bond.

Covalent Bond: -Carbons and Carbons -Phosphorus and Sulfur -Hydrogen and Chlorine Ionic Bond: -Sodium and Iodine -Calcium and Selenium -Lithium and Fluorine

Classify the statements as describing Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or Ribonucleic acid (RNA)

DNA: -is a single molecule that can be over 10,000,000 nucleotides long. -is the genome for eukaryotic organisms. -is usually double stranded. -includes deoxyribose sugar. RNA: -is usually single stranded. -includes the base uracil -can be translated into a protein. -is a single molecule that can form a complex secondary structure.

What is the primary difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell?

Eukaryotic cells have membrane-bound compartments called organelles, whereas prokaryotic cells do not.

Phospholipids are molecules that have two regions, the head and the tail, with distinct chemical properties. Classify descriptions as characteristics of the heads or tails of phospholipids.

Heads: interacts with water polar Tails: hydrophobic hydrocarbon-rich

What intermolecular force is responsible for holding the two strands of DNA double helix together?

Hydrogen Bond

What type of interactions cause the proteins, hemoglobin to fold into different shapes?

Hydrogen Bonds

List the molecules, structures, and organelles in the order that enables protein synthesis. Start with the instructions that encode a protein, and end with the structure through which a protein leaves the cell.

Initial Instructions: DNA RNA Ribosomes Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Apparatus Plasma Membrane Protein leaves the cell.

Biology is the study of


What are the appropriate characteristic of life?

Maintaining Boundaries: The Skin Responsiveness: Moving the hand from a hot surface. Metabolism: Complex molecules broken into simpler molecules. Reproduction: Sperm fertilizes an egg. Excretion: Urination.

Classify each description as being a characteristic of microtubules, intermediate filaments, or actin filaments.

Microtubules -are composed of tubular subunits -make up the core of cilia and flagella. -maintain cell shape by resisting compression. Intermediate Filaments -stabilize the nucleus -are not involved in cell motility. Actin Filaments (Microfilaments) -function in muscle contraction -play a role in amoeboid movement

The genome of an organism is the complete set of DNA that includes all of the organisms genes. Where is the genomic DNA stored in a prokaryotic cell?


DNA and RNA are nucleic acids. Like other polymers, nucleic acids are made up of repeating units called monomers. What are the monomers, or building blocks, of nucleic acids?


Describe the appropriate characteristics of Organization, Metabolism, Movement, Development, and Reproduction.

Organization: The orderly arrangement of an organism's cells, structure, and entire body. Metabolism: All of the Chemical reactions that occur within an organism. Movement: The ability to move the body or things within the body. Development: All of the changes an organism undergoes during its lifetime. Reproduction: The formation of a new organism from parent organisms.

Facilitated diffusion is a protein-facilitated movement of solutes across membrane from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.

Passive Transport

Describe Passive Transport and Active Transport

Passive Transport: -does not require energy -moves substances from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration. Active Transport: -requires energy -moves substances from an area of low concentration to an area of higher concentration.

Classify each statement or molecule as a polar bond or nonpolar bond.

Polar Bonds: -The bond between oxygen and hydrogen in water (H2O) -Electrons are not equally shared by the atoms in a covalent bond. -One atom of a covalent bond has higher electronegativity than the other atom in the bond. Nonpolar Bonds: -The bond between hydrogen atoms in diatomic hydrogen. (H2) -Electrons are equally shared between atoms in a covalent bond.

Describe a Prokaryotic cell and Eukaryotic cell.

Prokaryotic Cell: -Has a simple structure -Is a generally small cell -DNA is not enclosed by a membrane. -Does not have membrane-bound organelles. Eukaryotic Cell: -Has a complex structure -Is a generally large cell. -DNA is enclosed by a membrane -Has membrane-bound organelles.

Cells are categorized as either prokaryotic or eukaryotic. Classify the characteristics as being unique to prokaryotic cells, common to both cell types, or unique to eukaryotic cells. Classify each description into the correct category. Prokaryotic cells, Both cell types, Eukaryotic cells.

Prokaryotic Cells: -relatively small, typically less than 10 μm in size. -lack membrane-bound organelles. Both cell types: -contain DNA. -use ribosomes to synthesize proteins. -have cytoplasm. Eukaryotic Cells: -complete copy of DNA stored in multiple chromosomes.

Classify each carbohydrate as simple or complex.

Simple: Glucose Lactose Sucrose Complex: Cellulose Glycogen Starch

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) consists of two distinct regions known as smooth ER and rough ER. Classify each statement about structure and function as characteristics of smooth ER, rough ER, or both.

Smooth ER: -Its surface that faces the cytoplasm lacks ribosomes. -It stores calcium ions. -A major function is lipid synthesis. Rough ER: -Its surface that faces the cytoplasm is studded with ribosomes. -A major function is the manufacture of proteins. Both: -It is part of the endomembrane system.

Which example describes an antiport mechanism used during active transport in the cell?

Sodium ions going into the cell and potassium ions being forced out.

Carbohydrates, saccharides, are classified into three main types according to their structure: monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides. Identify the pair of polysaccharides.

Starch and Glycogen

Identify the protein's function in the body.

Structural - Actin proteins are part of a cell's cytoskeleton and help maintains a cell's shape. Metabolism - Hexokinase is a glycolysis enzyme that plays a role in breaking down glucose. Transport - Cytochromes are electron carriers in the electron transport chain. Immunity - Antibodies recognize specific pathogens in the body. Signaling - Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases direct a cell's response to stimuli, such as heat shock.

Describe Structural, Transport, Communication, and Recognition Protein.

Structural Protein: An integral membrane protein attaches to the cytoskeleton of the cell. Transport Protein: An aquaporin protein regulates the flow of water molecules across the plasma membrane. Communication Protein: A membrane receptor protein binds to a signaling molecule sent from a neighboring cell. Recognition Protein: A white blood cell uses membrane glycoprotein to identify a virus capsule.

Carbohydrates, or saccharides, are classified into three main types according to their structure: monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides. Identify the pair of disaccharides.

Sucrose and lactose.

List and provide an example for each step of the Scientific Method.

The Scientific Method consists of a series of well-defined steps. 1. Make an Observation 2. Ask a question. 3. Form a Hypothesis that answers the question. 4. Make a prediction based on the Hypothesis. 5. Do an Experiment to test the prediction. 6. Analyze Results. If the Hypothesis is correct, Report Results. If Hypothesis is incorrect, Try again at Step 3; Forming the Hypothesis.

Which statement describes atomic mass?

The atomic mass of an atom is the sum of the mass of its protons, neutrons, and electrons.

What effect do valence electrons have on the reactivity of elements?

The reaction of an element with another element is dictated by the number of electrons in each of their outermost shells.

Which example describes the use of symport transport across a membrane?

The transport of sodium ions along with amino acids into cells during digestion.

Why do atoms form molecules?

To achieve a stable number of electrons.

Water accounts for 60% to 90% of the mass of every cell, and it dissolves many substances that are used or produced in cellular reactions. Although it does not dissolve all substances, water is sometimes called the universal solvent. Which property of water contributes to its ability to dissolve most molecules in the cell?

Water has polar bonds and is a polar molecule

How does evaporation help regulate body temperature?

When sweat evaporates, heat is removed from the skin, which cools the body.

What is an aquaporin?

a membrane protein that contains a channel for water movement.

What is the nucleolus?

a structure in the nucleus that transcribes and processes ribosomal RNA.

Levels of Biological Organization

atom, molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere

Cell membrane are composed of phospholipids that have head and tail regions. The phospholipid tail is hydrophobic and spontaneously orients to the inside of the membrane. Which of the phrases best describes the hydrophobic portion of a phospholipid?

has few interactions with water.

Cell membranes are composed of phospholipids that have head and tail regions. The phospholipid head is hydrophilic and spontaneously orients toward the environment. Which of the phrases best describes the hydrophilic region of a phospholipid?

interacts with water

Which of these is a function of cholesterol in a cell's plasma membrane?

regulating membrane fluidity

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